Hedrack’s footfalls were soft against the flagstones, echoing in the near silence of the great temple chamber as the high priest of Iuz hurried toward the private chapel behind the writhing violet curtain. Once beyond the dais and in the room with three altars, Hedrack dropped to his knees and, taking a deep breath, began to pray, frowning slightly as he struggled to find the right words. It was not long before the priest felt his deity’s presence in his mind.

“My lord Iuz,” Hedrack said, the words tumbling forth. “I am your Mouth. I pronounce your wishes to the world you will tread beneath your feet.”

I sense your unease, servant. The gravelly voice inside the priest’s head grated down his spine.

Hedrack knew better than to hide this information from his master. “Yes, my lord. I bear unpleasant news. We have lost the moathouse. Lareth did manage to flee and is safe with me, but certain things were left behind that could prove troublesome.”

There was no answer, but Hedrack nonetheless felt the waves of malevolent displeasure washing through him as Iuz seethed. Despite himself, the priest shuddered, a small part of him fearing that the god’s annoyance would spill over to him.

How? Iuz finally asked, his voice more grating than ever. How did this happen?

“Lareth reported that a band of interlopers wielding substantial magic invaded the place. I’m still trying to find out the particulars.” Hedrack’s thoughts strayed to the handsome priest, bound in chains in one of his recreation rooms, awaiting his return for more questions. “I will know more soon.”

It is his doing, the god said. I warned you that he had sent meddlers to interfere. You must not take them lightly. For them to defeat one of our best commanders…”

“I understand, my lord,” Hedrack responded. He knew the group of adventurers that had managed to bring Lareth’s forces down would follow the trail to Nulb, looking for more information on the temple. Hedrack’s instructions had been clear: Destroy them when they arrived and bring their bodies to him.

What other news? Iuz asked, interrupting Hedrack’s thoughts.

“Ah, good news, my lord. We have begun to bring forth creatures from the planes. I have witnessed three, and Falrinth and my other staff have moved several more from the planes to the nodes. Our army is growing, my lord.”

Excellent, Iuz beamed. What of my beloved? Have you located her yet?

“Efforts proceed apace, my master. She remains only marginally aware, and communicating with her is arduous. She does not seem to know where she is, and thus far Falrinth’s scrying efforts have revealed little. However, we have found the key she mentioned—a golden skull, although it does not appear to be intact. There are four sockets that seem to have been designed to hold something… gems perhaps. Once Falrinth determines its workings, we will use it to free her.”

Of course! Iuz effused, waves of pleasure radiating over Hedrack from the god. She was always clever. The sockets are, indeed, designed for gems, one representing each element. This is an item of power that she and I constructed before to aid in ruling the temple. She must have attuned it to herself, somehow. Find the gems, place them in their sockets, and you find her.

“Excellent, my lord. I will notify Falrinth at once.”

You must find her! Iuz said, the insistence washing over Hedrack like a wave of cold black water. That is your main charge in my service. Discover her prison and bring her forth.

Hedrack bowed lower, touching his head to the floor before him. “I hear and obey, my master.”

With that, Iuz was gone, leaving the priest alone in the chapel, reflecting on his thoughts.

How much longer can I delay in unearthing her? he wondered.

Hedrack shook his head, dismissing the thought. He knew he would obey his god’s commands in due time. Indeed, it was the timing that was important here. Too soon, and he would lose control of the feuding factions on the levels above. Too late, and he would risk his master’s ire.

In the meantime, he had other matters to attend to, including dealing with this band of would-be heroes who had stuck their noses into something they shouldn’t have. Thinking of these cretins as he returned to his chambers, as well as having been forced to report unpleasant news to his master, had put the priest in a foul mood. When he arrived, Deus and Ahma snapped to attention and saluted him. He dismissed the ettin and unlocked his chamber door.

Stepping inside, Hedrack surveyed the room. Mika was busy straightening the place, while Astelle was stretched out upon the bed, chin in hands, a petulant pout upon her face. She had been acting this way ever since Hedrack had brought the new girl in.

Sitting in the corner, the young woman stared at Hedrack with fearful eyes, her hands and ankles bound tightly. Her dress was torn and dirty, a result of her capture by Lareth’s men the night of the field commander’s last, fateful raid on Hommlet. Her dark hair was matted about her sweaty face. Hedrack smiled at her, which caused the terrified girl to shrink back further into the corner.

There was a knock upon his door. Hedrack turned back and unlocked it, swinging it open to admit Barkinar, the commander of the temple troops and Hedrack’s second-in-command.

“We have a new batch of sacrifices,” Barkinar began, peering at Mika as she hurried to fetch a cold drink for the visitor. “I thought you would want to witness their delivery to the nodes.”

Hedrack sighed, thinking how much there was to do and how he wished at this moment to be left alone to brood. To brood and to spend time with his new plaything. He turned to look back at the young woman tied in the corner, then at Astelle, who was still flopped on the bed, not lifting a hand to aid Mika in making Barkinar comfortable. Perhaps, he thought, I could use a bit of spectacle.

“Yes,” he said to Barkinar, “I would like that very much. I will be along shortly.”

Barkinar nodded and took his leave.

Hedrack shut the door behind the man and turned to look at the girl in the corner. He strode across the room and squatted down in front of her, reveling in her terrified squirms to pull away from him. Smiling, he pulled a knife from his boot and sliced the bonds from the girl’s wrists and ankles. As she cowered, he waved his hands in front of her and spoke a few words of prayer. As the girl’s visage changed from fear to eagerness, the priest said, “Now, young thing, what is your name?”

“P-Paida,” the girl replied, beaming that he had deigned to speak to her.

“Be a good girl, then, Paida, and go to Mika. She will help you learn what is expected of you.”

Paida smiled and leaped to her feet, running to the other girl.

Hedrack turned to Astelle, who was still pouting.

“You,” he said, grabbing her by the wrist and lifting her to her feet. “You and I are going to take a walk.”

Astelle’s face brightened as she fell into step beside her master. Hedrack led her out the door, locking it behind him. As the pair of them headed toward the staging area of the nodes, Hedrack smiled, thinking that Astelle would make a fine sacrifice to one of his precious elemental creatures.
