Best American Fantasy 1
(with Matthew Cheney)
Best American Fantasy 2
(with Matthew Cheney)
The New Weird
Fast Ships, Black Sails
Last Drink Bird Head:
Flash Fiction for Literacy
The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals
Steampunk Reloaded
The Weird
Books by Jeff VanderMeer
Dradin, in Love
The Book of Lost Places
Veniss Underground
City of Saints & Madmen
Secret Life
Shriek: An Afterword
The Situation
Secret Lives
Predator: South China Sea
The Third Bear
The Three Quests of the
Wizard Sarnod
Leviathan 1 (with Luke O’Grady)
Leviathan 2 (with Rose Secrest)
Leviathan 3 (with Forrest Aguirre)
Album Zutique
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide
to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases
(with Mark Roberts)
Why Should I Cut Your Throat?
Booklife: Strategies & Survival Tips
for the 21st Century Writer
Monstrous Creatures: Explorations
of Fantasy
The Steampunk Bible
(with S. J. Chambers)