Early versions of a few of these stories, in a completely different English translation and often also under another title, appeared in the following magazines: ‘After Elena’, in Granta, translated by Richard Gwyn; ‘A Line in the Sand’, in Words Without Borders, translated by Alison Entrekin; ‘Bathtub’ and ‘Happiness’, in Granta (online), translated by Trevor Stack and Julia Biggane, with the generous collaboration of Ted Hodgkinson; ‘My False Name’, in New Welsh Review, translated by Richard Gwyn; ‘Sor Juana’s Private Hell’ and ‘A Mother Ago’, in The Coffin Factory, translated by Richard Gwyn; ‘The Innocence Test’, in The Lifted Brow, translated by Dario Bard. The author expresses his sincere gratitude to their translators and editors: people who do the things we almost never do. If any of the texts in this volume touches somebody’s heart, that will be thanks to the patient skills of my translators, Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia. The mistakes, I’m afraid, were my idea.
