I am deeply grateful to the following people for their kind help with the research for The Third Twin:
In the Baltimore City Police Department: Lieutenant Frederic Tabor, Lieutenant Larry Leeson, Sergeant Sue Young, Detective Alexis Russell, Detective Aaron Stewart, Detective Andrea Nolan, Detective Leonard Douglas;
In the Baltimore County Police Department: Sergeant David Moxely and Detective Karen Gentry;
Court Commissioner Cheryl Alston, Judge Barbara Baer Waxman, Assistant State’s Attorney Mark Cohen;
Carole Kimmell, RN, at Mercy Hospital; Professor Trish VanZandt and her colleagues at Johns Hopkins University; Ms. Bonnie Ariano, executive director of the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Center in Baltimore;
At the University of Minnesota: Professor Thomas Bouchard, Professor Matthew McGue, Professor David Lykken;
At the Pentagon: Lieutenant-Colonel Letwich, Captain Regenor;
At Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md.: Ms. Eileen Mitchell, Mr. Chuck Dasey, Colonel David Franz;
Peter D. Martin of the Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory;
Computer experts Wade Chambers, Rob Cook, and Alan Gold;
and especially professional researcher Dan Starer, of Research for Writers, New York City, who put me in touch with most of the above people.
I am also grateful to my editors, Suzanne Baboneau, Marjorie Chapman, and Ann Patty; to friends and family who read drafts of the book and made comments, including Barbara Follett, Emanuele Follett, Katya Follett, Jann Turner, Kim Turner, John Evans, George Brennan, and Ken Burrows; to agents, Amy Berkower, Bob Bookman, and—most of all—my oldest collaborator and sharpest critic, Al Zuckerman.