Mrs. Lovejoy and the Servants in Bloomsbury Square

It was nearly one a.m. when the boys got home to the Mortimer mansion in Bloomsbury Square.

"How late you are," said Mrs. Lovejoy, the housekeeper, opening the door to them, "and you have brought Master Charlie with you. I'm so glad to see him; your father has gone to bed hours ago, and I thought you would like a second course after your oyster supper at Scott's, so there's a little spread in my own room upstairs, only we mustn't keep it up too late."

"You're a brick," said Harry, "we'll go upstairs so quietly past dad's door, and kiss you when we see what you have got for us/'

Mr. Mortimer pere being a rather stout gentleman, who objected to many stairs, had his bedroom on the first floor;

Harry and Frank's room was on the next flight, where their sisters also had their rooms when at home from school; the two servants and Mrs. Lovejoy located above them.

"There's my kiss," said Frank, as on entering Mrs. Lovejoy's cosy room he saw a game pie and bottle of Burgundy set out for their refreshment.

Harry and Charlie also in turn embraced the amorous housekeeper, who fairly shivered with emotion as she met the luscious kiss of the latter.

"He's only going to stay this one night, so it's no good taking a fancy to my cousin; besides, can't you be content with Frank and myself?" whispered Harry to her.

"But you are such unfaithful boys, and prefer Mary Anne or Maria to me at any time," she replied, pettishly.

"Yes, and Charlie is no better; he hasn't been in London one whole day yet without making up to the pretty Fanny at his lodgings; oh, she's a regular little fizzer, Mrs. Lovejoy."

The second supper was soon discussed, and Mrs. Lovejoy had placed hot water and spirits on the table just for them to take a night-cap as she called it, when there was a gentle tap at the room door, and a suppressed titter outside.

Harry, guessing who it was, called out "come in," when the two servant girls with broad grins on their faces walked into the room, only half dressed- in petticoats, stockings, and slippers, with necks and bosoms bare.

On perceiving Charlie they blushed scarlet, but Mary Anne, a regular bouncing brunette, immediately recovered her presence of mind, and said, "We beg your pardon, Mrs.

Lovejoy, but we thought only Master Harry and his brother were here, and felt so thirsty we couldn't sleep, so ventured to beg a little something to cool our throats."

"Well make a party of it now," said Frank; "this is only our cousin Charlie, so don't be bashful but come in and shut the door."

"Gentlemen don't generally admit ladies, especially when only half dressed, as we are," said Maria, a very pretty and finely developed young woman, with light brown hair, rosy cheeks, and such a pair of deep blue eyes, full of mischief, as they looked one through.

"No, but ladies admit gentlemen," put in Charlie; "don't mind me," getting up from his chair and drawing the last speaker onto his lap. "I guess we're in for some fun now."

The housekeeper looked awfully annoyed at this intrusion, but Harry laughingly kissed her, and whispered something which seemed to have a soothing effect, as she at once offered the two girls some lemonade and brandy. Hers was a very comfortable apartment, being furnished the same as a bachelor's bed and sitting room combined; the bed was in a recess, and there were two easy chairs besides a sofa, table, amp;c, in the room.

Harry secured the sofa, where he sat with Mrs. Lovejoy on his lap, and one of his hands inside the bosom of her dressing gown, whilst her hands, at least one of them, were

God knows where, and very evidently gave him considerable pleasure3 to judge by the sparkle of his eyes, and the way he caressed her, as well as the frequent kisses they interchanged.

Charlie was admiring and playing with the bosom of Maria, who kissed him warmly every now and then, giving the most unequivocal signs of her rising desires for closer acquaintance.

"We shall never be fit to get up in the morning if you keep us out of bed; let the girls go now," said Mrs. Lovejoy.

Each said "good night," and Harry, having something to say to the housekeeper, stayed behind. Frank and Mary Anne quickly vanished in the gloom of the outside corridor, and Charlie, at a loss where he was to sleep, asked Maria to show him to his room.

"You'll sleep with me, dear, if you can, and I won't keep you awake," she whispered, giving him a most luscious kiss; then taking his hand she led him into a very clean but plainly furnished bedroom.

"Mary Anne won't be back tonight, so you shall be my bedfellow. I guess by this time Master Frank is being let into all her secrets," saying which she extinguished the candle, which had been left burning, and jumped into bed, Charlie following as quickly as he could get his things off.

"I've got a syringe, so I'm not afraid, although Harry and Frank will always put on those French letters. Do you think they're nice?" asked Maria, as she threw her arms around him, and drew him close to her palpitating bosom.

"Never used such a thing in my life," replied Charlie, "for my part anything of that sort spoils all the fun."

"Do you know," continued Maria, "Mary Anne and I lay thinking, talking, and cuddling one another, in fact we were so excited she proposed a game of what girls call flat c -, when we heard Mrs. Lovejoy take you to her room, and we made up our minds she should not have both Harry and Frank to herself, never thinking there was anyone else; and to think I have got such a darling as you!"

The girl fairly quivered with emotion as she lay on her side kissing and cuddling close to his body, but his previous encounters during the preceding twenty-four hours rendered him rather less impulsive, in fact he liked to enjoy the situation, which was such as none but those who have lain by the side of a loving expectant young wanton can thoroughly appreciate. Her hands roved everywhere, and she conducted one of his to that most sacred spot of all, which he found glowing like a furnace, and so sensitive to his touch, that she sighed, "Oh! Oh!" and almost jumped when she felt his tickling fingers, as they revelled in the luxuriant growth of silky hair, which almost barred the approach to the entrance of her bower of love. Charlie never had such a sleepless night in his life, for impatient of his long-delay in making a commencement, she threw a leg over his hip as a challenge, and, having his wand in her hand as fit as busy fingers could make it, she directed Mr. Warner so straight that he found not the least difficulty in exploring the very inmost recesses of her humid furbelow, which to judge from its overflowing state was a veritable fountain of butterine. How he rode the lively steed, till, exhausted by the rapidity of the pace, he fell off, only to find Maria had reversed positions, and there was no rest for him till seven o'clock in the morning, and at breakfast his looks only too plainly told the tale of the night's orgie, as Mr. Mortimer railled at all three young fellows of having had a rakish time of it, remarking that he hoped they would be more moderate in future, but it might be excusable for a first night in town.
