The Tomb of Eternity is the final part of the arc concerning the hunt for immortality which started with The Vault of Poseidon and followed on with Thunder God. These books were a lot of fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading them just as much. I have left a few points unresolved, so who knows what Hawke might have to face in the future…

I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone who has read the series so far, and also to say to those who have enjoyed the stories that more Rob Jones books are planned for 2016, including, among others, a brand new rip-roaringly fast and furious standalone adventure for the increasingly beleaguered Joe Hawke. I will post new information relating to Hawke and the ECHO series on my website and also on my Twitter and Facebook pages.

So, Mystery Reader, my sincere thanks to you once again, and as I’m writing this note in early January, here’s wishing you a Happy New Year for 2016!

