As he passed Tottenham Court Road tube, Mann ducked into a sex-shop doorway to answer a call from Ng.
‘Yes, Ng?’
‘We traced some of the women. The applications to travel were made out in Angeles. But at least two of the women came from Davao originally. I have been looking into the colonels and his colleagues in Angeles. I have come up with a few names for you: Reese Pearce, an Aussie, Terry Saunders, an American, and Brandon Smith-British. They all work for him in one way or another.’
‘I need to go to the Philippines, Ng. Get Shrimp to make a new identity for me. Tell him I want to use the name John Black. I need to have a couple of small language schools, maybe one here in London and another up country. I need to be part-owner of some seedy bars, massage parlours. Tell Shrimp I need to have a legitimate but dodgy record.’
‘Okay, no problem, but it would be easier for someone from London to do it?’
‘He will be. I am coming back to Hong Kong. This is not where the problem originates. Leads are ending here, but nothing is beginning. Amy Tang may or may not be alive or still in the UK, but I can’t help her from here. I’m going to leave the Met to continue their search for her. I need Shrimp to take over here when I’m gone. He can work directly with the team and liaise with me. Do we know who the Dragon Head of the new society is yet?’
‘Not yet. Shrimp’s on the case.’
Mann finished talking to Ng, opened his wallet and pulled out the piece of paper Micky had given him. He punched in the numbers and left a message on the answer phone. Five minutes later, Micky phoned back.
‘You want me?’
‘There was a woman, smart, young, Chinese, seen at the Lea Valley house regularly along with a couple of other Chinese guys-any ideas? Have we got a female snakehead running things?’
‘There was talk a while back of a woman snakehead. Young, beautiful-I will find out what I can. It’s said that someone did the fire for CK, as a show of respect.’
‘Yes, I agree. He’s calling in some favours and making some serious threats-if he doesn’t get his daughter back soon, everyone will pay.’
‘CK knew where to strike. Maybe he knows his enemy.’
‘Or perhaps he intends to torch every brothel in the UK until he gets to the right people. Maybe he just wants blood, and figures if he spills enough of it everyone will work with him and get his daughter back.’
‘Whichever way this goes, Micky, it will take a lot of calming down. If he does know who the new group is he must have someone working for him on the inside. Did you know Stevie’s back?’
‘Yes. He’s an arrogant fuck walkin’ around Chinatown like he owns it.’
‘Did he talk of the new society?’
‘Yes, and I have a name for you-The White Circle.’
‘White? The colour of death. Yeah…the Circle of Death.’
‘It’s a strange choice.’
‘Maybe.’ Mann pondered.
‘Stevie also says you’re as good as dead.’