
Hi Mum and Dad! Look, I wrote a book, and it’s in bookshops and everything. How very fancy. I guess all those after-school trips to the library for armfuls of books really paid off. Thank you for everything! Billy, thanks for letting me read all your sci-fi and fantasy books as a kid. I would not be a writer at all without my family’s support – thanks for introducing me to fantastical worlds beyond number.

To Natasha, waves you always said I would make it. You were right, but then you usually are. Thanks to you, Paula and Michael for your constant encouragement and belief in me.

Thanks to the Glasgow Science Fiction Writers’ Circle for all the sage advice and honest critique over the years, and especially Hal Duncan and Neil Williamson, without whom this book would not be a patch on what it is now.

Too many friends have given me encouragement and support to name them all here, but you know who you are, and you are awesome.

Thanks to my wonderful agent Amanda Rutter and all at Red Sofa Literary, the amazing team at Angry Robot who have made the publishing process a real joy, and Jan Weßbecher for providing the superb cover art.

Extra-special thanks go to my cat, Misty. Any typos were definitely her doing.
