Cery sighed. “Let’s run through this again.”
“We arrange for Skellin to learn we’re living under the Guild,” Gol said. “Not being protected by magicians.”
“Even if he knows the Guild isn’t aware that we’re down here, he’ll suspect Lilia does,” Anyi continued. “We have to make Skellin think Lilia isn’t always with us, and let him find out her routine so he’ll know when she’s not protecting us.”
“He’ll send others first, to check whether it’s true, or to capture me,” Cery repeated. “So we’ve got to set things up so that only a magician can get through to us. Like a magical barrier created by Lilia.”
“But won’t that make him suspect Lilia is down here?” Anyi asked.
“He’s a magician,” Cery answered. “He knows a magician can set up a barrier, then go somewhere else.”
“Still, it might put him off going any further,” Anyi pointed out.
“We put the barrier close enough to us so he can hear us, or see light ahead, making him think he only has to go a little further to find us.”
“Him or Lorandra,” Gol said. “If he sends Lorandra we spring the trap anyway. At least the Guild will catch one of them, and they could use her as bait in another trap.”
“Yes, if they don’t let her escape again.” Cery smiled wryly.
“Once he breaks through the barrier he’ll want to act fast,” Anyi continued, “because Lilia will know her barrier has been broken. If he’s close enough to see or hear us, we won’t have much warning.”
“We could put a lamp around the next corner, so it looks like we’re close, but we’re actually further away,” Gol suggested. “And a few more lamps, so it looks like we put them there for our own use.”
“Which means getting more lamps and more oil. More stuff for Lilia to bring.” Anyi sighed.
“What if Skellin brings others with him?” Gol asked.
Cery considered. “So long as they stick together, they don’t matter.”
Gol frowned. “But will they? If I were Skellin, I’d send them ahead to look for traps once I got past the barrier.”
“Let them find us.” Cery shrugged. “They’ll either go back to tell Skellin, or wait for him to catch up and give them orders.”
“Then, when he does, we spring our trap,” Gol said.
Cery nodded. He and Gol hadn’t told Anyi their plans to reveal Skellin to the Guild using non-magical means. Cery wasn’t entirely sure he understood what the bodyguard had described. It was a method used in mines, that could cause a collapse big enough to open up a hole in the Guild gardens. Gol was confident it would work. Skellin and his men would be either buried or exposed to any magicians who happened to be about.
There was, however, a considerable danger that Cery, Gol and Anyi would be buried, too. Cery had told Anyi that if Skellin found them before the Guild agreed to the trap, she should run and fetch Lilia. She’d been reluctant to agree, until he’d pointed out that there would be nothing to be gained by her staying. At least if she left, there would be a chance Lilia might arrive in time to stop Skellin.
“I doubt Skellin will be captured by the Guild without a fight,” Cery said. “I’d rather not be buried alive. We should get Lilia to strengthen the rooms, too.”
Anyi nodded. “She’s got plenty of magic right now. Kallen’s been teaching her how to use black magic to take and store power.”
Cery looked at her and frowned. “He has? That’s... worrying.”
“Why?” Anyi shrugged. “The Guild is supposed to have two black magicians so that one can stop the other... Oh, I see.” Her eyes widened and she looked at Cery. “You don’t think... but Kallen’s the one teaching her. He wouldn’t, if he was planning to do something.”
“Who else can teach her?” Cery asked. “Sonea is in Sachaka.”
“If Kallen is planning to abuse his power then he may neglect to teach her right,” Gol said.
“Hmm.” Anyi scowled. “Well, we all know why he might become unreliable. I never thought I’d say it, but I’ll be happier when I know the Guild is growing roet.”
Cery nodded in agreement, then lifted the lamp and got to his feet. “Now that we’ve got our plan straight, we need to make sure it’ll work down here.”
“We should make sure we have an escape route or two in case it goes wrong,” Gol added. “Perhaps put a few traps in place in case we’re followed.”
“We need to practise fighting,” Anyi added. She looked at Cery. “All of us.”
Cery sighed. She was right, but his body ached just thinking about it. “When we’ve sorted this out,” he said. “There’s no point trying to fight magic with knives.”
She made a huffing noise. “But it’ll be pretty humiliating if we can’t deal with Skellin’s thugs.”
Gol looked at Cery, then turned to Anyi. “Reckon I’m ready for a bit of practice,” he said. “If we start slow.”
Anyi gave him a considering look, then nodded. “All right then. Later on.”
“For now, let’s have another look at the passages around here. Anyi, check the escape routes and make sure Skellin can’t circle around and approach us from behind. Gol and I will decide where Lilia’s barrier should go.”
Dannyl frowned as a shadow moved into his office doorway and hovered. He looked up, expecting a slave had come to ask if he wanted food or drink, or to announce the arrival of a visitor. Instead, it was Merria.
“Lady Merria,” he said, “what’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Nothing. Silly, isn’t it?” Her mouth pulled into a lopsided smile. “Lorkin is safe and everything’s back to normal. I should be grateful for that, but all I am is bored.”
“This isn’t normal,” Dannyl told her. “We should be dealing with visitors or invitations. Even Tayend is being ignored now.”
Merria looked down. “Actually, I did get an invitation to visit my friends yesterday,” she confessed.
Dannyl made himself smile. “That’s a good sign.” All I need is for Tayend to come in here and tell us he’s off to a dinner or party, and Achati to be the only Ashaki not treating me like an outcast, and everything will be back to normal. But he suspected nothing would ever be the same again between himself and Achati.
Merria looked down at his desk. “Did you finish your notes?”
He followed her gaze to the sheets of paper, and nodded. “Yes. The slaves were finally able to buy more ink yesterday.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” She paused. “What’s wrong?”
He looked up, then realised he’d been scowling. “Ah... well, I made two copies so I could send one to the Guild, but I haven’t found a safe way to get it there.”
She hummed in sympathy. “I wouldn’t be trusting them to any ordinary courier. How do you usually get messages to the Guild?”
“With Osen’s blood ring.”
“You never send anything else?”
Dannyl shook his head. “There are a few traders who travel between Sachaka and Elyne or Kyralia a couple of times each year, and they carry goods for us. Nothing important, though. Just luxury goods. Spices. Raka.”
She frowned as she considered the problem. “So... you need to rewrite the whole thing in a code, and then send lots of copies via different couriers to Osen to ensure he gets at least one. Then give Osen the key to the code via his blood ring.”
He gazed at her in admiration. Such a simple solution. Why didn’t I think of that? Well, he’d already used a kind of code to hide the more sensitive information.
“Of course, that won’t help if you need to get it to Osen quickly,” she added.
“Slowly is better than not at all.” He drummed his fingers on the table. “So who will I arrange to carry it?” he pondered, more to voice the thought than to ask Merria.
“I reckon my friends might know a few traders going east.”
“Could you ask them for me?”
She nodded. “I will. But... do you think there’s any chance the Ashaki might be about to attack the Traitors? Or the Traitors attack the Ashaki?”
Dannyl blinked at the sudden change of subject. “Why? Have you heard rumours?”
“Not anything specific. But my friends often discuss the possibility, and King Amakira was so determined to get information out of Lorkin.”
A chill entered Dannyl’s veins. And Lorkin may have given him that information. “I don’t know.”
“It’ll be ironic if the Traitors do attack and defeat the Ashaki. All the king’s efforts and Lorkin refusing to speak will have been for nothing, because then it won’t matter if Sanctuary’s location has been revealed.”
Dannyl shook his head. “They won’t attack. It would be too big a risk. What if they failed? They’d lose everything.”
Merria nodded. “You’re right, of course. Anyway, I guess you’re going to be making more copies of your notes now. Let me know if you’d like some help. I’ll take one to my friends tomorrow, if you have it ready.”
“Thank you.”
As she left, her words repeated in Dannyl’s mind: “... then it won’t matter if Sanctuary’s location has been revealed”. Was this the reason Lorkin had given in and told the king what he wanted to know? But that would mean...
Shivering, Dannyl drew out the two notebooks that contained his research, and a blank one, and began to make yet another copy.
Regin noticed the approaching Traitors first. From their vantage point, he and Sonea watched as the small group walked across the dunes and up into the rocky hills, their shadows growing longer as the afternoon sun descended. The cool shadow of the mountains rose to meet them, and after they entered it and dusk settled over the land, the figures slowly grew harder to make out. Soon small points of light were glimpsed, low to the ground and moving ever closer. When sounds finally heralded the approach of the strangers, Sonea let Osen know they were about to arrive, then rose, ready to greet them.
The first was a woman who moved with the dignity and tension of a leader, which made her seem taller despite being close to Sonea in height. Her facial features were so Sachakan that, for a brief moment, Sonea’s blood turned cold. She had the same broad forehead, high cheekbones, and upward tilting eyes of the Ichani who had invaded Kyralia. But those men, and the sole woman among them, had been heavier in build. The Traitors were smaller and more graceful.
If she had guessed right, the first woman was Savara, the queen. The woman was dressed no differently to the rest of the group. All twelve carried a pack and wore simple clothing. Eight women and four men. Sonea’s eyes snapped to the tallest of the men and her heart leapt. Lorkin!
He smiled as she saw him. She resisted the urge to run forward and hug him, worried that any moves in the Traitors’ direction might make them react defensively. And Lorkin might not appreciate her being overly affectionate in front of these people.
So she restrained herself and settled for looking him over closely. He looks healthy, though tired. The way he looked at the woman walking beside him, then back to Sonea, made it clear that this was Tyvara, the Traitor who had saved his life. The woman he had agreed to be locked away in Sanctuary for.
She is very attractive, Sonea thought. The young woman returned Sonea’s gaze with curiosity and a hint of calculation. No doubt she’s measuring me up as much as I’m appraising her. That wasn’t all that Sonea detected in her manner, however. It wasn’t exactly confidence. More a grim determination. That girl has seen far more than any Kyralian woman her age. I would wager she has experienced more as well. But then, she was posing as a slave when she saved Lorkin, and that would mean enduring a lot of pain and humiliation.
Sonea looked away from Tyvara back to the leader, who slowed as she took the last steps to meet Sonea and Regin. As she stopped, the others came to a halt behind her.
“Black Magician Sonea?” she asked, smiling at Sonea.
Sonea nodded. “Yes.”
“I am Savara, queen of the Traitors.” She turned to introduce the rest of the group. None had titles. Well, Lorkin did say they treat everyone equally – on the surface at least. “You do not need to be introduced to your son, of course,” Savara finished. “It is my pleasure to reunite you, and to finally meet you.”
“And you, your majesty,” Sonea replied. She gestured to Regin. “This is Lord Regin, my assistant.”
Regin inclined his head. “An honour to meet you, Queen Savara, and your people.” He placed a hand over his heart. Savara’s eyebrows twitched upward, then she inclined her head gracefully.
“Let’s sit.” She gestured to the flat ground beside the spring. “We have walked far and need to rest, eat and drink.”
She turned and nodded to the others, some of whom moved past her toward the spring. Sonea silently thanked Regin, who had thought to replace the gemstone in the pool. Osen had suggested she keep her knowledge of the gems to herself unless there was an advantage to be gained.
The group began to shrug off packs. They formed a circle, leaving a gap for Sonea and Regin. Lorkin sat down beside Sonea, and Tyvara settled on his other side. Someone created a small globe light and set it glowing in the middle, just above the ground. Food was brought out and placed in the centre. It consisted of simple fare for travelling: hard, flat bread, dried meats and fruit, nuts and pastes for the bread.
Sonea took out the remains of her and Regin’s own supplies – pachi fruit, grains and dried beans to be boiled in water, spices, sumi and hard sweets – and offered them. They were taken without any thanks spoken, but with appreciative nods and smiles. She was intrigued to see one of the men place a metal disk with a gemstone embedded in the centre on a flat rock, touch the stone, then place a wide pan full of water on top. Soon the water was boiling and he was adding the grain and beans. Clearly men aren’t forbidden to use magic. That makes their law against men learning magic not as restrictive as it first seems, though they still rely on the women making the stones. I wonder if they have to get permission to use them.
One of the Traitors was examining the pouch of sumi leaves with puzzlement.
“They’re for a hot drink,” Sonea explained. “I’ll prepare some later.”
“Like raka?” one of them asked.
Sonea shook her head. “Same idea, different plant.” The supplies provided at the Fort hadn’t included raka.
“We have raka.”
She straightened. “You do?”
Savara chuckled. “It is a good drink to have while talking. Or negotiating.”
The food was passed around, each person taking a portion. Sonea added spices to the beans and grains when they were ready. The Traitors were particularly fond of the sweets. Savara prepared a pot of raka and surprisingly small cups were passed to her for filling. Sonea’s own mug returned barely half full, but as she sipped she realised why. The raka was so strong it was syrupy, and after a few sips she felt as if her ears were buzzing.
As each Traitor received their cup they rose and moved away, until only Savara remained. It was full night now, and more globe lights appeared as those who had left gathered in smaller groups several paces away. Savara moved closer, so that they formed a smaller circle.
“We arrived later than we hoped, and you must be anxious to return to Kyralia, so let us begin without delay.” She looked at Lorkin. “It was the wish of our late queen, Zarala, that Lorkin act as negotiator today. Are you in agreement on this?”
Sonea looked at her son, who appeared to be holding back a grin. “Yes, your majesty. I carry the blood ring of Lord Osen, Administrator of the Guild. Do you object to me wearing it?”
“No.” Savara looked at Lorkin. “Begin, Lord Lorkin.”
Sonea slipped Osen’s ring on.
—We’re about to begin negotiations.
Lorkin drew in a deep breath. “Queen Zarala asked me to arrange a meeting between the Traitors and the Allied Lands in the hope of negotiating an alliance.”
Sonea nodded. “What kind of alliance are we discussing? Are the Traitors seeking to join the Allied Lands? That requires compliance with an agreed core of rules that apply to all and with a few specific to each land.”
“What are these core rules?” Savara asked.
“Non-aggression toward other lands in the alliance. Adherence to a set of laws regarding trade, crime and magic. Military support in defence of the Allied Lands. Outlawing slavery.”
“The first and last we agree with wholeheartedly.” Savara’s lips thinned. “What are the laws you speak of?”
Sonea listed them, with Osen’s assistance. Savara listened, nodding from time to time. When Sonea finished, the queen laced her fingers together.
“Some of these laws are similar to our own, some are not. It is your control of magicians my people may object to. Especially your restrictions on the knowledge and use of higher magic.”
“You have restrictions that we would not agree with as well. I believe magic is only taught to women Traitors, unless the man is a natural.”
“Yes, but restrictions based on gender are already catered for in the alliance. The Lonmar people only teach magic to men. If the alliance can accommodate their traditions, could it not accommodate ours?”
“It is likely it could. Black magic, on the other hand, is a more difficult issue.”
Savara smiled and gestured toward Sonea. “Yet the Guild has black magicians.”
“Only as many as we feel are necessary for our defence.”
The queen’s expression became serious. “Do you really think three is enough?”
Sonea met and held the woman’s eyes. This was no time to be admitting to doubts.
Savara’s eyebrows rose. “I hope that a situation never arises to test that. My people are not so willing to put their safety in the hands of a few. We will not agree to an alliance that requires us to stop teaching our daughters higher magic.”
“We expected that.” Sonea smiled as the queen’s gaze sharpened. “We are willing to negotiate an exception in the case of Traitors, with conditions.”
“What are these conditions?”
“You have not objected to our law that all magicians be trained at the Guild,” Sonea observed.
“No.” Savara looked amused. “It would be an opportunity we’d be foolish to turn down.”
“The condition is this: your magicians must not be taught black magic until they have graduated, and the teaching of it must be done by Traitors, in Sachaka.”
A small line appeared between Savara’s brows. She nodded slowly.
“That might be acceptable.”
“Of course, if King Amakira learns of an agreement between us he will cause us both trouble. He will try to stop your novices reaching us.”
Savara waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, that won’t be a problem.”
“Once they’re in Kyralia it will be harder to conceal what is happening. We could disguise them as Elynes.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
—She seems a little too confident about that, Osen noted.
“Perhaps you believe that King Amakira, not knowing where Sanctuary is, is no threat to you, but if you want the young women you send to us for training to be safe you had best remember that he does know where Imardin is,” Sonea warned.
Savara smiled. “There will be no need for secrecy. By the time we are ready to send magicians to the Guild, if we decide to do so, King Amakira and the Ashaki will be a problem long resolved.”
Sonea heard Regin draw in a quick breath. She found herself staring at the queen. A thrill ran through her, followed by a stab of fear.
—They mean to attack the Ashaki! Osen exclaimed.
Savara leaned forward. “You said an alliance included military support in defence of the Allied Lands. I am guessing that offensive military support is a different matter. Even so, you are old enemies of the Sachakan Empire. Therefore I invite the Allied Lands to join us in ridding Sachaka of the Ashaki and slavery. You may not be able to offer many fighters, since so few of you learn higher magic, but your strength and Healing assistance would be invaluable.” She leaned back again. “Will you help us?”
Lorkin watched his mother closely. Though her gaze was still on Savara, it did not quite focus on the queen, but somewhere beyond. He looked down at the ring on her finger. She was communicating with Osen. He noticed another ring that he’d not seen before. It, too, held a gemstone but the setting was decorative, suggesting it was mere jewellery.
“We need time to discuss it,” she said. “There are a lot of monarchs to contact.”
Savara nodded. “You have until tomorrow night. I’d give you longer, but my people are vulnerable when outside Sanctuary. I know I am behaving as if we cannot lose, but there is no point discussing a future relationship based on the current situation.”
“Is there no chance of a future relationship if you lose?”
The queen’s expression became grim. “Perhaps a slim one. If we lose it would be likely the Ashaki will find out where Sanctuary is. Without Sanctuary we have no food, shelter and, temporarily, no gemstone-growing caves. We will be more concerned with our survival and recovery than an alliance with the Allied Lands.”
Sonea was frowning. “That would put the caves in the Ashaki’s hands. Could they begin to grow their own stones?”
“They might discover on their own, in time. It is more likely they would force a captive Traitor to teach them, though they couldn’t gain all our knowledge from one or even a handful of Traitors. We have avoided teaching individual stone-makers how to make every kind of stone, instead of spreading the knowledge among many. How dangerous the Ashaki would become would depend on which Traitor or Traitors they captured.”
As the two women fell into a thoughtful silence, Lorkin cleared his throat.
“Whether the Traitors win or lose, an exchange of knowledge between them and the Guild would still be beneficial.”
Savara turned to look at him, her expression apologetic. “But that exchange has already been made.”
“It has and it hasn’t.” Lorkin shrugged. “As with stone-making, Healing knowledge is too broad to be communicated in a short mind-read. Though you will work out more in time, you will make mistakes along the way. Like stone-making, mistakes can be dangerous. Better to be trained by those already skilled in the art.”
His mother was frowning. “They already know Healing?” she asked him.
Savara sighed. “Yes. One of our people disobeyed our law and stole it from Lorkin’s mind. She has been punished, and to compensate Lorkin, Queen Zarala decreed that he be taught stone-making.”
Lorkin watched his mother closely. A range of expressions crossed her face: shock, anger and gratitude. She gave him a thoughtful look. He concentrated on her presence, wondering if he could pick up surface thoughts again. A faint, distant feeling of pride touched his senses, but he could have been imagining it. At least it wasn’t disapproval or disappointment. Yet. She doesn’t know what stone-making involves.
“So...” Sonea said. “One of your people already knows the basics of how Healing works, and one of mine has about the same level of stone-making knowledge. But as Lorkin says, that does not measure up to full training from a teacher with many years of skill and experience. We do still have something worth trading.”
“Except...” Lorkin interrupted. She turned to regard him, her face calm. “They are not of equal value.”
Savara’s eyebrows rose slightly. “Which is of greater value?”
“Healing,” Lorkin replied.
“Why is that?”
“You need nothing more than knowledge and magic to be a Healer,” Lorkin told her. “Stone-making magicians require stone-producing caves.”
“What are they, exactly?” his mother asked.
“Caves where the crystalline stones form naturally. Magical gemstones are trained as they grow. I’ve never heard of any caves like these in the Allied Lands.” He spread his hands. “Not that I’ve been looking for them. It may be that we’ll find them if we search. But until we do have our own caves, we cannot apply stone-making knowledge.”
“Alchemists may find another way to make them,” Regin pointed out. “They already make some kinds of crystals. Perhaps stone-making magic can be applied to those.”
Savara’s eyes brightened with interest. “Do they really?” Then her lips quirked into a crooked smile. “Ah, but there is another catch. You will have to relax your rules regarding higher magic, since it is needed in stone-making. Your current black magicians may not be suited to the task, either. It demands a level of concentration and patience that not everyone can manage, which will also consume more of your defenders’ attention than is wise – and you will only be able to make a handful of stones a year.”
Lorkin caught his breath as his mother turned to stare at him. Guilt and fear rose, but he forced himself to meet her gaze levelly. Her eyes flickered back to Savara, then her face went still, her feelings hidden behind a false calm.
“I see,” she said. “That does make the exchange a little... more costly to us than for you.”
Lord Regin had turned to regard Lorkin as well, but his gaze lingered. His eyes were narrowed, but his expression was more thoughtful than disapproving. Lorkin felt a perverse annoyance at the lack of surprise in the man’s demeanour.
“Perhaps, then, we could exchange Healing for stones,” Savara suggested. “Your Healers could work for us and the Guild would receive stones in payment.”
Extending his senses, Lorkin tried again to hear his mother’s surface thoughts. What he picked up seemed too out of character, however. He must be imagining it. Though... it was also odd that he would imagine his mother thinking such a string of curse words.
“They will be safe,” Savara said in reply to whatever had been asked while he was distracted. “The individual who attacked Lorkin did so out of a desire to bring Healing to my people that many sympathise with. But few would use illegal means to achieve it. Hiring Healers to work for us is another way to do so. Did Lorkin tell you of the promise Lord Akkarin made?”
“Yes. Akkarin never told me of it.”
“There was much that was concealed in that agreement. Queen Zarala also made a promise that she did not fulfil, though she worked towards doing so all her life.”
Lorkin looked at Savara, remembering the former queen referring to such a promise. “I was never able to uphold one thing I agreed to. Like him, the situation at home was more difficult to overcome than I’d hoped.”
“What was that?” his mother asked.
Savara’s expression was serious as she answered. “To do what the Guild failed to do seven centuries ago: destroy the Ashaki and end slavery in Sachaka.”
As Tayend entered the Master’s Room, Dannyl frowned. “Achati may wish to speak to me alone.”
“Too bad. Like it or not, the king’s actions have a bearing on Sachakan relations with all Allied Lands,” the Elyne said. “Ambassador” he added, to made it clear he considered this something he had the right to do.
Dannyl sighed. “Of course.” But his resistance was mostly habit. In truth, he was grateful for Tayend’s company. Having a common cause, working together, and Tayend’s approval of Achati had changed something. They were no longer at odds. The resentment at their parting was gone, or at least a thing of the past. He felt as if he could call Tayend a friend now and it wouldn’t be an insult.
Having Tayend there would keep the meeting formal, too, which might make it easier to ignore his more personal feelings toward Achati. Like betrayal.
Yet we know Achati got Lorkin out of Arvice, he reminded himself.
“Lorkin is with Sonea,” Dannyl murmured. “I was communicating with Osen when Kai reported Achati’s arrival.”
Tayend’s eyebrows rose. “Good news.”
At a sound from the corridor, they turned to face the visitor. Tav, the door slave, arrived first and threw himself on the floor. Achati walked in after him, smiling.
“Welcome Ashaki Achati,” Dannyl said. “As always, you seem immune to the disfavour that association with the Guild House seems to engender.”
Achati spread his hands. “An advantage of my position, Ambassador Dannyl.” He nodded to Tayend. “Ambassador Tayend. It is good to visit the Guild House in more pleasant circumstances than the last time.”
“If you mean in the company of the king’s spies, then I’d say the circumstances are likely to be much the same.”
Achati nodded sympathetically. “The king has far fewer scruples about such things than you expected.”
“It is generally good manners to at least pretend you aren’t spying on others. Even when it’s obvious you do so.”
Achati shook his head. “Really? Kyralians do have odd ideas about manners. But this is not what I came to talk to you about.”
Dannyl crossed his arms. “And that is?”
“I came to explain why I told the king of my part in Lorkin’s escape.”
“I think we have guessed,” Tayend told him. “You saw an opportunity to gain information from Lorkin.”
Achati nodded. “One that did not involve abduction, imprisonment, or worse. I took a risk that he would not keep to his word, however. The king thought it reckless, but was eventually persuaded that it was the best course of action.” He took a few steps closer. “You do understand that anything I do against the king’s wishes would eventually be discovered.”
Dannyl nodded. “Next time you wore his blood ring.”
“Yes. Initiative is a tricky issue for a king. When does it end and disobedience begin? There’s always the danger that knowing what the king needs is interpreted as presuming what the king wants.”
“Did the king get what he wanted?”
Achati’s shoulder’s lifted. “No. He got what he needed. Not everything Lorkin knew, but enough.”
“Lorkin betrayed the Traitors?” Tayend shook his head in disbelief.
“He didn’t think he had, I suspect.” Achati’s smile was thin. “He thought he had tricked us, but he told us a lot more than he realised.”
“What did he say?” Dannyl did not expect the Ashaki to answer. If the information was so important that the king had let Lorkin go...
“He told us where the Traitor home is, just as he said he would.”
Tayend narrowed his eyes. “He said something vague, like ‘in the mountains’?”
“No. He said ‘Sachaka’.”
Achati watched expectantly as Tayend turned to frown at Dannyl. Returning the Elyne’s gaze, Dannyl nodded in understanding.
“He revealed that the Traitors consider the whole country their rightful home,” he explained. “Which means their hope isn’t to remain hidden or become a separate people.” He turned to regard Achati. “Their hope is to, one day, rule Sachaka.”
“Ah,” Tayend said. “But that might not happen for years. And they may not win.”
“They won’t win,” Achati said firmly. “There can’t be as many of them living in the mountains as there are Sachakans in the lowlands. We are, by far, the greater force. Which is why their usual means of meddling in our affairs is through spying and assassination.” His expression became serious. “And that is why we have our own spies everywhere, including the Guild House – though we did not have many here before Lorkin’s abduction because we didn’t think the Traitors would be interested in Kyralians.”
Dannyl frowned at the open admission of spies in the Guild House.
“They are here for your safety,” Achati assured him. “Lorkin was a different matter, of course, but that’s over now. The king does not wish you harm. He does want good relations between the Allied Lands and Sachaka. As do I, since I enjoy your company.” He looked from Dannyl to Tayend, to indicate he included both of them. “I consider you both my friends.”
Tayend looked at Dannyl. His eyebrows rose slightly, then lowered as he smiled. There was a hint of mischief in his gaze. He turned back to Achati.
“Well then,” he said. “Would you like to stay for an evening drink? I don’t know about Dannyl, but I’d like to know more about your plans to thwart a Traitor uprising.”
Surprised, Dannyl could only nod to show he approved of the idea. What was Tayend up to? Was he gathering information, or planning to look for holes in Achati’s story, or test his declaration of friendship?
Though Dannyl knew he ought to do the same, he had to admit his heart was not in it. It was easier when I didn’t need to trust Achati. Though he had to admit it only made Dannyl admire Achati more, knowing that he had deftly steered everyone – Lorkin, Dannyl and Tayend, and the Sachakan king – to a solution that satisfied, if not pleased, them all.
Architecture was a subject that all novices learned, though most only received a basic training. Lilia had always thought it was a grand term for what was mostly a menial task for magicians. Few magicians designed buildings, and since the Ichani Invasion the popularity of buildings that relied on magic to stay up had diminished. Most magicians only used what they learned in architecture classes to safely fix structures or speed the construction of new ones.
Both kinds of work required an understanding of non-magical construction techniques. There was no point lifting wall and roof materials into place only to have them crashing down for lack of basic structural knowledge. A magician might also have to deal with a collapsing building, and need to know how best to support it.
Lilia was willing to bet that it had been a long time since any magician had worked on secret underground rooms. The walls Cery wanted her to strengthen were brick, not stone. Even without a layer of mortar between them, they wouldn’t bind together like stone did. They didn’t have the same property that allowed stone to be suffused with magic, either. Magic slowly leaked out of stone; whereas it dissipated quickly in bricks. Her only choice was to create a barrier at the surface of the bricks to support them.
Drawing magic, she created a dome of force, expanded it until it met the walls, then shaped it to fit the corners. She opened holes for the original door and for the newer hole she’d smashed through to the next room.
“Like the shield blocking the passage, I’ll have to hold this in place constantly,” she said. “It won’t be too hard if I stay close by. It’s strong enough to stop a collapse, but it won’t hold against a magical attack. If there’s pressure on it from above or an attack from below I should sense it.” She sighed and shook her head. “Just as well Kallen’s been teaching me how to draw power, and I haven’t been using it up in fighting practice. This is going to sap some of my strength.”
Cery nodded. “Thanks. Again.”
His gratitude only made her stomach twist with anxiety.
“You’re obviously worried that Skellin might find his way in here before the Guild are ready to help.”
“Yes. If Skellin finds us before we’re ready to spring the trap, and doesn’t want to risk that you or other magicians are close by, he might collapse the roof on us and slip away.”
She imagined Anyi suffocating under bricks and dirt, and shuddered. It would not be easy to sleep, knowing that her friends might die if she didn’t sense an attack on the barrier.
“If I feel anything happen to the barriers I’ll come as quickly as I can,” she said.
Cery nodded. “If there are any other signs someone has entered the passages Anyi will go to your room to fetch you. Or get Jonna to. How often is Jonna there?”
“A few times a day. Should I ask her to visit more often?”
“That might be a good idea.”
Lilia nodded. “Is there anything else?”
“That’s everything.” Cery looked at Gol and Anyi, who nodded.
“Then I had better go back,” Lilia told them. “I have some studying to do.”
“I’ll come with you as far as the room,” Anyi said.
“Don’t distract her too long,” Cery told his daughter. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.
Anyi rolled her eyes as she turned away. Beckoning to Lilia, she led the way toward the Magicians’ Quarters.
“Sometimes I wish he didn’t know about us,” she muttered.
“It’s nice that he doesn’t mind, though,” Lilia reminded her.
“Yeah.” Anyi shrugged and smiled reluctantly.
“So why’d you want me to leave earlier tonight?”
Anyi glanced behind. “I’ll tell you when we get there.”
As always, the climb up the wall to the panel behind Sonea’s guest room was uncomfortable in the confined space. Lilia went up first, then lifted up the now-empty lacquer box she always brought food in with magic. Anyi came up after it. They dusted off their clothes.
“My poor old coat,” Anyi said, examining the scratches in the leather.
Lilia looked down at herself. “I had better get changed.” She took a step toward her room.
A knock came from the door. They exchanged looks of dismay.
“Not Jonna,” Lilia said. “She doesn’t knock like that.”
“Get into your robes,” Anyi said. “I’ll delay them.”
Lilia hurried into her room and stumbled into her robes. It seemed the faster she tried to put them on, the more tangled she got. She could hear voices from the guest room, but Anyi didn’t sound alarmed.
At last she was dressed. Opening the door, she looked out and sighed with relief.
“Lord Rothen,” she said, bowing to the elderly magician.
A strange, uncomfortable look crossed Anyi’s face as she realised she’d forgotten the gesture of respect, and she quickly bent in an awkward bow. Rothen looked amused.
“I came by to see how you are, Lilia,” he said. “I’ve come past on other nights but you’ve been out.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Lilia spread her hands.
“I have a hunch I know where you’ve been, but you can trust me to keep your secret. Sonea told me of Cery’s visits.” He smiled at Anyi, then turned back and his expression became serious. “So how are you?”
“Um...” Lilia gestured at a chair. “Why don’t you sit? Can I get you some sumi?”
“Yes, thank you.” As he sat down Anyi settled into one of the other seats.
“I’m... fine,” Lilia told him as she lifted the sumi-making set with magic and moved it to the table, then, as an afterthought, brought over the raka powder. She sat down and set to making the brew. “You know that Cery is in hiding?”
Rothen nodded. “Kallen told us as much.”
“Us”, Lilia thought. I suppose that means the rest of the Higher Magicians.
“Well... I worry about him.” She handed Rothen a steaming cup. “And Anyi.” And Gol, but he may not even know about Gol.
“That’s understandable.” Rothen was frowning now. He looked at Anyi. “Is he safe?”
Anyi shrugged. “For now, but how long we can remain undetected...” She shook her head. “They could find us tonight, or never find us at all.”
Lilia handed her a cup of raka, grimacing at the strong smell of it, and poured some sumi for Rothen.
“Well, if there’s anything we can do to help keep you hidden, let me know,” Rothen said.
Anyi hesitated, then nodded. “Thanks.”
The old magician sipped his sumi and turned back to Lilia. “How are your studies?”
It was her turn to hesitate. Should she be honest, or try to delay the inevitable?
Rothen chuckled. “Looks like you are aware of how badly you’re failing to keep up. I’m also here to tell you that we’ve decided that you can drop a few classes for now. You will have more time to finish them – possibly graduate half a year later. Kallen’s lessons have added to your workload, and you had much to catch up on from your months of absence. It is better that you learn well, than learn within the allotted time.”
At first Lilia only felt relieved. But it’ll be another half-year until graduation. That made her feel disappointed and tired. Still, less study meant more time with Anyi. She nodded slowly. “Thank you.”
Rothen smiled again. “Remember, you can talk to me any time. Even when Sonea is here. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Lord Rothen.”
They fell silent, each sipping at their respective hot drinks. Lilia asked if he’d heard from Sonea. He told her that Sonea and Lorkin had been reunited. Well, that’s good. She’ll be home soon.
When they’d finished the drinks, Rothen rose and excused himself. Lilia rose to see him out. After he’d left, Lilia turned to see Anyi sitting with her head in her hands.
“What’s wrong?”
Anyi sighed. Dark shadows lay under her eyes as she looked up. “Could you ask Kallen if the Guild will hide Cery here? We’ve always assumed they would, but avoided it because... well, just out of pride. It’s crazy. I should try to talk Cery into coming up here.”
“I can ask him tomorrow – unless you want me to tonight.”
Anyi shook her head. “Tomorrow if fine. Talking Cery into it will take time.”
“What do you fear? That Skellin will come before the Guild are ready to help?”
Anyi frowned. “That Cery will do something stupid. This trap he’s setting up... I’m not sure if he’s planning to wait for Kallen or not.”
“He doesn’t think, now that Kallen’s teaching me to strengthen myself, that I’m strong enough to fight Skellin on my own, does he?”
“No, he didn’t know about that until tonight. He started the preparations before then.”
Lilia felt a pang of sympathy. If Anyi, who was frustrated by being stuck underground, was concerned that her father was being impatient, then things had to be getting bad down there.
She reached out and drew Anyi into her arms. “I’ll talk to him. I’ll talk the Guild into it. You talk Cery into it. And if either or both of them won’t be sensible, then we’ll just have to find a way to trick them into it.”
The night sky was clear and the moon bright overhead. Cery breathed a sigh of relief. Though the moonlight made it more likely someone would see them, it also made it easier for them to move about in the forest. Neither he, Gol nor Anyi were used to getting around among trees and vegetation.
Though Lilia was able to supply them with most of what they needed, thanks to Jonna, a few items were beyond her. They’d been back to the farm twice already for more chairs, sacking and straw for making mattresses. Tonight they were after some other practical items.
“A bucket or tub, and more sacks. Nothing else?” Anyi asked.
“No,” Cery told her. “Don’t go looking for more things to take just ’cause you’re there.”
“Of course not.”
As she slipped away into the forest, he turned to Gol. “Be careful. Don’t try to do anything else.”
Gol nodded. Cery watched as his friend stumbled off into the trees in the other direction, then cringed as the snap of a branch echoed through the forest. If Anyi hears him... well, he can give her the story I’m going to tell her when she gets back and finds him missing: that he’s looking for the best way to lose pursuit if we ever have to escape this way.
Retreating into the hole, Cery picked up his lamp and headed back down the tunnel. Anyi had insisted that only one of them needed to risk sneaking into the farm. He’d agreed, but only because he wanted to check on the Guild’s experiments with roet.
Unless they’ve moved them after Lilia told them she knew about it.
He found the overhanging roots and pushed them aside. Entering the tunnel, he quietened his steps as he neared the secret cellar door. Everything looked exactly as they’d left it. He bent to the spy hole and saw only darkness. For a moment he could not shake off the idea that there was a dark cloth now covering the spy hole, making it look as if the room was unlit, and there were magicians waiting beyond. Pressing his ear to the door, he listened for some time. All was quiet.
He closed the shutter of the lamp until only a little edge of light spilled out. Slowly he eased the door open. Musty air greeted him, and the sound he made echoed in the room beyond. He opened the shutter of the lamp. Light spilled into an unoccupied room. The same tables stood in the same places as before. He stepped inside and moved over to them. They were covered in small containers. Less than half as many as before, he noted. A pile of broken pots and soil had been swept into a pile to one side. Some of the pots looked burnt. Looking closer, he saw that the ones on the table were seared on one side – and so was the table. He frowned and moved closer. The pots contained only dirt.
Or do they...? He leaned closer. Tiny shoots were emerging from the soil.
Cery smiled. Grow fast, little plants, he thought. Then he shook his head. Never thought I’d think that about roet.
Moving back to the secret entrance, he re-entered the passage and closed the door behind him. He headed back toward the main network of passages, but instead of returning to the room they were now living in, he checked that the passage to the Thieves’ Road was still blocked by Lilia’s shield. It was.
By the time he got back to their new room, enough time had passed for Anyi to have returned before him. But she wasn’t there. He sat down to wait for her. Soon he felt anxiety rising. It was difficult to judge the passing of time here. Too easy to imagine that hours had passed. Too easy to imagine that something had happened to his daughter.
At least, if she’s discovered, it’ll probably be by farm servants or magicians. Neither will harm her.
An old memory rose of a much younger Sonea, standing in a city square, staring down at the burned body of a young man. Magicians could make mistakes.
They did so only because they thought they were under attack. Anyi is a lone young woman and, unlike Sonea, doesn’t have magic.
Yet his heart was beating too fast, causing an ache that kept growing.
Anyi is smart, he told himself. She won’t be caught.
But if she was, she wouldn’t want to reveal that he was here. They’d throw her out of the Guild. Into the city. Where Skellin was waiting...
Stop it, he told himself, rubbing his chest. There’s no point worrying about something until...
A sound came from somewhere outside the room. His blood froze. He held his breath and listened. No sound came again. Then, just as he had decided that he’d imagined the noise, the faintest whisper of sound reached him. He stood up, certain that someone was approaching the room taking great care not to be detected. Had Gol been caught as soon as he entered the city. Had Skellin already tortured Cery’s location out of him?
He cast about. We haven’t even had a chance to set the trap yet. What should I do? He turned toward the hole into the next room. Their escape route.
Then five taps echoed in the passage. The signal! He breathed a sigh of relief and dropped back onto the chair, almost forgetting to rap on a crate in reply. Footsteps drew closer and light illuminated the corridor wall, moving in a way that suggested Anyi’s gait. She peered around the doorway at him and grinned, then came inside carrying two buckets.
“Where’s Gol?” she asked as she set them down.
“Scouting in the forest, in case we have to escape that way. What’s this?” He peered into the buckets, which were full of more than just sacking.
“Fruit. Seemed a waste not to take some, after they’d done all the picking.”
“I told you not to take anything else.”
“Yeah, well, you know how obedient I am. And hungry.”
He looked up at her and narrowed his eyes. “You said you didn’t like fruit.”
She looked away. “I said I didn’t like most fruit.” She sat down and yawned.
“Should I take it back?”
He made a rude noise. “Get some sleep.”
“But Gol hasn’t returned yet.”
“He won’t for a while. It’s late, and the sooner you sleep the sooner I can as well.”
“Oh, all right then.”
Moving to the mattress, she lay down. Soon she was asleep, leaving Cery to wait, and start worrying all over again.
Be careful, Gol, my old friend. Not just for our sakes. I’ve known you too long to lose you tonight.
As Tyvara left to find out what Savara wanted, Lorkin saw his mother nod.
“She’s smart, that one. I’d wager she wasn’t counting on you coming into her life.”
Lorkin grinned. “She did put up quite a lot of resistance. For a while there I thought I’d only imagined she returned my interest.”
“You’re sure now?”
“Yes.” He felt an echo of doubt. “Mostly.”
She chuckled, then her expression grew serious. “So. Black magic.”
Lorkin looked away, then forced himself to turn back and meet his mother’s gaze. As before, her expression was unreadable. Though her eyes betrayed something. Not disapproval, though.
Sadness, he realised. For some reason that made him feel even more guilty.
“Only so I could learn stone-making, Mother,” he said. Her eyebrows rose. “So the Guild could learn stone-making,” he corrected.
“I thought you volunteered to be Dannyl’s assistant because you wanted to find an alternative to black magic.”
Lorkin sighed. “Yes. I did. I had hoped the Traitors’ stones would be that alternative.”
“Is it really impossible to make them without black magic?”
“Not impossible, but... it is like trying to build a house blindfolded. The way higher magic alters your perceptions and control of magic makes training the stones easier and more accurate.”
“Higher magic?” She smiled and looked away. “I find that is the term used by people who embrace black magic.”
“And black magic is the term used by people who don’t approve of higher magic.” Lorkin shrugged. “Whether that disapproval is justified or not.”
“Is it justified?”
He thought of Evar, drained of all energy out of revenge. Of himself, kept weak as Kalia’s prisoner. But Kalia’s supporters would have found another way to punish Evar if they hadn’t had black magic, and they’d have found other ways to keep Lorkin prisoner.
“Yes and no. All magic can be abused. All power can be abused. The Traitors are proof that a culture that does embrace higher magic doesn’t necessarily turn into Sachaka – the Ashaki kind of Sachaka, that is.”
Mother nodded. “Just as Kallen and I are proof that not every magician goes mad and tries to take over the Guild once he or she learns black magic.”
“I’d have thought Father was proof of that.”
She shrugged. “He’s not the best example, since he did use it to win the position of High Lord.”
“Yes. He turned out to be a man of many secrets.”
She let out a bitter laugh. “Plenty. After what you discovered, I... I wonder what else he kept hidden.”
“So...” He took a deep breath. “Will the Guild accept me now that I know black magic?”
Pursing her lips, she did not answer immediately. “Probably. Stone-making is a new kind of magic with great potential, and they want it.”
“Even if it does require black magic?”
“Yes, though that will probably mean only a few will be allowed to learn it. Myself. Kallen. Lilia. You.”
“Lilia? Oh – the novice who learned it from a book. Now that was unexpected.”
“Yes. I have a hunch that she has a particular talent for it, and others might not so easily learn from a description. Though that might be too much to hope for.”
“Was it another of Father’s deceptions? Did he hope to reduce the danger to the Guild by making us believe it couldn’t be learned from a book, so that nobody would try?”
“I don’t think so.” She frowned. “There is another possibility. Zarala may have told him it could only be taught mind to mind, to reduce the danger of the Guild adopting black magic. He...”
She straightened, her eyes widening. Guessing that Osen was communicating with her, Lorkin waited. The cry of a distant bird drew his attention to the surroundings and he realised that the sun was dipping toward the horizon. The mountains loomed to one side. He was suddenly aware that they were just a small gathering of people – isolated, exposed and insignificant.
But we’re not. We’re magicians. Two of us are powerful figures among our peoples. Important decisions are about to be made. Historic decisions.
His mother sighed. She looked at him, then over at Regin. As if sensing her gaze, Regin looked up. She beckoned, and he rose and moved away from the pair of Traitor women he had been talking to.
“I have an answer,” she told him as he reached them. As she moved to stand, Regin extended a hand and, to Lorkin’s surprise, she took it and let him help her up. “Could you go tell the queen, Lorkin?”
He did as she asked, finding Savara talking quietly with Tyvara. The two looked a little annoyed at the interruption, until Lorkin told them that Black Magician Sonea had received an answer from the Guild.
Savara rose and dusted off her clothes as his mother walked over to join her. They sat down in a small circle where they had settled the night before.
“Your invitation has been discussed among the leaders of the Allied Lands, your majesty,” his mother began. “First, I must convey our thanks. We are honoured that you invited us to join your fight. However, the difference we might make to the outcome is small weighed against the possible consequences of our participation should you lose. As you have already pointed out, we have little to offer an army such as yours at this time. Some in the Allied Lands believe we would be more of a hindrance than a help.” Her mouth twitched into a wry smile, to which Savara responded with similar amusement. “Others are not so pessimistic, pointing out that we have more than once in the past proven stronger and more resourceful than we appeared to be. Unfortunately those of the former opinion outnumber those of the latter, and the decision made is that we cannot join you in a conflict against King Amakira.”
Lorkin’s heart sank. Looking around, he saw looks of disgust on the faces of the Traitors. But not surprise.
“All have expressed support for your aim to end slavery in Sachaka,” she continued. “If you delay your plans we may have time to become a more useful ally in such an endeavour. If you do not, we wish you every success and hope to form bonds of trade if not alliance in the future. In the meantime – if the offer still stands – we are willing to trade our Healers’ services in exchange for magical gemstones, and I have been instructed to negotiate the details of such a deal now if it is convenient.”
Savara nodded. “Please send my thanks for their consideration of our invitation,” she said. “Since we do not need to wait for Allied forces to join us, we will not delay our plans. We leave in the morning. However, we still desire to trade Healing for stones.” She paused to frown. “How long will it take your Healers to reach Arvice? Wait – before you answer that...” She turned to look at Lorkin. “Would you ask Tyvara to bring some raka?”
Lorkin nodded, stood up and hurried over to where Tyvara was sitting alone, watching the meeting.
“Savara said to bring raka,” he told her. “Would you like some help?”
She stared up at him searchingly and didn’t move.
“What is it?” he asked, lowering his voice.
“What will you do? Where will you go?”
He glanced at his mother, then back at her. “I... don’t know.” Mother would expect him to return to Kyralia, despite the matter of him knowing black magic. He wanted to return – to be able to return – but to leave Sachaka would mean leaving Tyvara. And the Traitors. I want to see them win. To leave now would be like leaving in the middle of someone telling a story.
Except that listening to stories wasn’t as dangerous as joining in a war. If he stayed with the Traitors he’d be in the middle of the fighting. The Ashaki would consider him another target. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill him because he was a Guild magician.
The Guild would not want him to get involved, either. The Allied Lands had shied away from direct conflict with King Amakira for fear that the Traitors would lose, and the king would seek revenge. A Guild magician among the Traitors would make it look as though the Guild supported the Traitors.
But they’re going to send Healers. How is that different?
They were simply being hired for their services, and would not join in the fighting. They would probably time their arrival after the battle. They would be of no use before and during it, and it allowed them to retreat to Kyralia, hastily if necessary, if the Traitors lost.
Perhaps he could volunteer to join them. He wasn’t a Healer, but he could Heal, and he could be a mediator between Healers and Traitors. That still means not being there, at the battle. Where Tyvara will be. He knew that there was no way she would abandon her people and go with him to Kyralia. And that he would do anything to ensure she survived. Even fight with the Traitors.
But if he was going to fight with the Traitors, he could not do so as a Guild magician.
He looked at her. “What do you want?”
She stared at him intently. “I want you,” she said. “But not if you won’t be happy. And not if you won’t be safe.”
He smiled. Which is exactly what I want for her. But we can’t both be happy and safe.
Which made the decision easy.
“I won’t be happy if I don’t at least try to make you happy and safe,” he told her. “So I guess I’m going to have to come with you and make sure you don’t get yourself killed.”
Her eyes widened. “But... the Guild... What’s the point of you learning stone-making if—”
“Lord Lorkin,” Savara called. “We are getting thirsty.”
He leaned down and kissed Tyvara. “Don’t worry about the Guild. They’ll work something out.”
She nodded. “I’ll get the raka. You go back.”
Turning away, he made his way over to join the queen and his mother. His heart was racing, but he was not sure if it was panic and terror, or joy and excitement. Probably all of those. Am I really prepared to leave the Guild and join the Traitors? Am I crazy enough to risk my life in battle?
As he sat down, he looked back at Tyvara. She gazed back at him, her face shifting from happy to worried and back again. He smiled, and her lips widened in reply.
Yes. Yes I am.
As the Guild House carriage rolled through the gates of Achati’s mansion, slaves hurried out of sight. All of them – except for the door slave, who threw himself at Dannyl’s feet as he climbed out – disappeared. Looking around, Dannyl recalled no female slaves among those he’d seen. Was this because Achati simply preferred male slaves, as with lovers, or did he hope that it would lessen the chance that he had any Traitor spies in his household?
“Take me to Ashaki Achati,” Dannyl ordered.
The slave leapt to his feet with all the nimbleness of youth, and led Dannyl through the unadorned, polished wood door into the coolness of the corridor beyond. Achati’s invitation had arrived that morning. Dannyl had agonised over whether to accept or decline until midday, when he gave in and consulted Tayend.
“Of course you should go,” Tayend had said, barely looking up from his desk. “An Ambassador must maintain good relations, and Achati’s the only one here still willing to have any relations with us.”
So here Dannyl was, walking down the corridor to the Master’s Room, his heart beating a little too fast and his stomach stirring in an annoying and disconcerting way. As he reached the end of the corridor he drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, schooling his face into a polite smile as he saw the man waiting for him.
“Ambassador Dannyl.” Achati stepped forward and grasped Dannyl’s arm in the Kyralian manner of greeting.
“Ashaki Achati,” Dannyl replied.
“I am so pleased that you accepted my invitation,” Achati said, smiling broadly. “Come and sit. I’ve ordered the kitchen slaves to do their best tonight. Here – I even have Kyralian wine.”
He beckoned Dannyl over to the stools and leaned down to pick up a bottle. He held it out to show the label.
“Anuren dark!” Dannyl exclaimed, impressed. “How did you get hold of this?”
“I have my sources.” Achati gestured to the stools. “Please sit.”
It appeared Achati was determined to behave as if nothing had happened since the last time Dannyl had visited. Perversely, this made Dannyl feel less comfortable. Surely the Ashaki ought to acknowledge in some way the trials his king had put them through. Pretending they hadn’t happened would not mend their friendship.
Then, just as Dannyl began to grow annoyed, Achati surprised him.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me,” he said as he poured a second glass of the wine.
Dannyl paused. “I’m not sure what to say to that,” he said honestly.
“Don’t say anything. You don’t have to lie in order to be diplomatic.”
“If you don’t expect me to forgive you, I gather you won’t be apologising.”
Achati smiled. “No. And you won’t be thanking me for getting Lorkin out of Arvice, although I did arrange it.”
“I should thank you for not handing him over to the king, at least,” Dannyl pointed out.
“I’d have never agreed to anything that required me to.”
“Agreed...?” Dannyl felt his stomach sink. “The king sent you to warn us about the abductor, didn’t he? You didn’t come out of concern for us.”
“Yes, he knew – and no, I was motivated out of concern for you all.” Achati shrugged. “I persuaded the king to let me warn you in the hope Lorkin would trust me. I didn’t think I would get much information out of him, not after what he had done while in prison, but I saw a chance we’d get some information, and that was better than nothing.”
Dannyl frowned. What had Lorkin done in prison?
Achati chuckled. “Lorkin is a lot tougher than he looks. He proved unexpectedly ruthless. All the more so because he couldn’t have known what he did would force the king to free him.” His smile faded. “Everyone I questioned had a different view as to the source of the poison. The king isn’t admitting to it. The Traitors obviously aren’t going to. If it was someone other than the king, they are hardly likely to reveal they acted against his orders – or that he asked them to do it. Whatever the source was, it made it clear that someone had tried to kill a Guild magician, and that upset too many Ashaki.”
Someone tried to kill Lorkin? With poison? Dannyl hoped he was hiding his shock well. “So the king let Lorkin go. Only to try to get hold of him again. But in order to put him somewhere safe from the poisoner?”
“Then... it couldn’t be the king who tried to poison Lorkin.”
“I don’t believe so, because he let me help Lorkin escape.”
“Why did he do that?”
“He agreed that, if I could get Lorkin to tell me anything about the Traitors, he would let me do whatever I judged right.” Achati was almost smirking.
“It sounds like a wager. I don’t imagine he’s the sort of king’s who likes losing bets.”
“He honours his agreements.”
“What did you stand to lose?”
Achati looked smug as he waved a hand. “My house.”
“Really?” Dannyl looked around. “Do you own any other land?”
High stakes, then. But there always were, in politics and war. Dannyl felt familiar feelings of gratitude, affection and admiration, and resisted them. He thought of Tayend’s warnings, and was surprised to find the same feelings rising. He resisted those, too. Tayend is... a friend. Perhaps, if it weren’t for Achati, we would be more than that again. But there was Achati...
The Ashaki was regarding the wine appreciatively. Dannyl couldn’t help thinking that he couldn’t be more different from Tayend. Though not as heavily built as the average Sachakan man, Achati was dark and broad, while Tayend was light and slim. How can I be attracted to such opposites? Ah, but they are both sharp and perceptive. I guess I like smart men. I wonder, though, what he sees in me.
Noticing Dannyl’s gaze, Achati turned to meet his eyes. His expression grew speculative. “Do you remember that moment during out journey to Duna? When Tayend interrupted?”
Memories and mixed emotions tumbled into Dannyl’s mind. Desire, embarrassment, anxiety and anger.
“How could I forget? Meddling little...” he muttered.
Achati laughed. “I’m sure his intentions were good. But I do feel that such moments, such chances, are going to grow rarer for us. Would we still remain friends if we were to go through another difficult time as we’ve had recently, or would there be too much distrust and suspicion? I wish...” He sighed. “It is selfish, I know. I would like us to be more than friends, for a time at least, before circumstances make us feel we must behave like enemies.”
Dannyl drew in a deep breath. His heart was beating too quickly again, and there was a strange but familiar fluttering sensation in his stomach. Which is exactly how I felt when I first arrived, he realised. Only this time there was something exhilarating about it. What would happen if he welcomed it? Embraced it?
Only one way to find out.
“Well, Tayend isn’t here now.”
Achati caught his breath. An expression flickered across his face before a look of careful interest replaced it.
Dannyl understood then that, for all his power and wealth, Achati was alone. He doubted he could ever take advantage of that loneliness, even if he wanted to. It was not a weakness, it was part of the life Achati had embraced.
“Though I wouldn’t put it past him to be heading here right now,” Dannyl added.
Achati laughed. “Surely we couldn’t have such bad timing twice?”
“That sounds like a theory worth testing. Question is, how closely do we need to replicate the circumstances?”
“Oh, I think we have all the essential ingredients.” As Achati stood up, Dannyl followed suit. “And if I’m wrong, at least we can rely on the slaves not letting him in.” He paused to stare up at Dannyl. “Ah. Look at you.”
Dannyl blinked. “What?”
He reached up to touch Dannyl’s jaw. “So very tall and... all angles and elegance. It’s just as well you Kyralians don’t learn higher magic out of habit. You’d be much too intimidating.”
Dannyl let out a quick laugh. “You Sachakans are the intimidating ones,” he protested. “What with the black magic and—”
Achati silenced him with a shake of his head and a finger to his lips, and the hand on Dannyl’s jaw slid behind his neck and pulled him down into a kiss.
Then his mouth was beside Dannyl’s ear. “Don’t, or you’ll remind yourself that we are a brutal people. Let me show you that we can aren’t all cruel and heartless.” And he stepped back, then beckoned and led Dannyl out of the Master’s Room.
Before the sun had even crested the horizon, the Traitors were getting ready to leave. They weren’t preparing to eat first, Sonea noted. When the Traitors are gone we’ll eat the last of our supplies, then head home, she decided. Though whether that “we” was to comprise two people or three was not a certainty.
She looked over to Lorkin, who had slept next to Tyvara for the last two nights. She’d listened to him closely during the negotiations. He had referred to the Traitors as “we” many times, and to the Allied Lands and Guild as “them”. She shivered as a feeling of dread crept over her.
He had changed. Not completely, though. He was still Lorkin. But he had matured. And... something else. Something like the brittleness that he’d suffered after having his heart broken, but compensated by a new resilience. She wasn’t surprised by the latter. He had been through a lot in the half-year since leaving the Guild. And taken on the burden of black magic.
I ought to be appalled, but all I feel is sadness. He has no idea what he’s shouldered. How it will always mark him as untrustworthy, even if they do accept his decision and that it is a cost of stone-making.
“They” being the Guild and other Kyralians. She did not think they would reject him. How could they, now that they’d accepted Lilia? But with every magician who learns black magic we seem to be losing something. Perhaps our innocence. Perhaps caution.
Lorkin had returned from replenishing his supply of water. She thought of the gemstones in her pocket, so far unmentioned to the Traitors. Tyvara smiled up at Lorkin as he handed her the flask. It was hers, not his. Sonea felt a pang of regret that she had no time to get to know the young woman better. The way Tyvara looked at Lorkin sent another shiver of warning through Sonea and she frowned.
For a couple so obviously in love, they are not behaving like they are about to be parted.
As if sensing her gaze, Lorkin turned and met Sonea’s eyes. His smile faded, then he looked back at Tyvara and nodded. Her expression became serious. Sympathetic. She nodded and watched as Lorkin made his way over to Sonea.
“Mother,” he said. “Can we talk privately?”
“Of course.” Standing up, Sonea looked around, then chose a direction at random and began walking. He followed silently. About twenty paces away she stopped and created a sound-containing barrier around them both, then waited for him to speak.
Lorkin suddenly could not meet her gaze. “I... ah... we...”
She sighed and relented. “Are you coming back with me?”
He straightened his shoulders and raised his head. “No.”
She stared at him, fighting a rising panic. I could order him to. I could contact Osen and get him to give the order. But she suspected that would push Lorkin into doing something even more foolish.
“It’s not Tyvara,” he said. “Well, not just Tyvara.” His gaze became intense. She read excitement and hope. “I think the Traitors will win. When they say they will end slavery... I think they’ll do that, too. They’ve been planning it for years. For centuries.”
“So... if they win, will they be any better than the Ashaki?”
“Yes,” he said firmly. “And if they lose?”
His expression was grim. She suddenly saw in his face what he would look like in ten years or more. If he makes it through the next few weeks. No, don’t think about that.
“Some things are worth risking lives for,” he said. “If you had seen what the Ashaki do – experienced it – you’d want to rid the world of them, too.”
At the anger and horror in his voice she felt a pain inside. What did they do to him? She wanted to know, and to find whoever had done it, and hurt them. Both for that, and for making my son want to risk his life in this way.
“The Guild won’t like this, but I’m sure you know that,” she told him.
He nodded. “Tell them to officially declare me an exile. That way they won’t be blamed for my actions, if we lose.”
She felt her heart sink. I ought to be pleased that he’s thought this through, but I can’t be. If only I could take his place... but I don’t think that would stop him going to war anyway.
And suddenly she knew what she would do next. If he would not come home, she would not either. She would follow him. She would do all she could to protect him.
“So you consider yourself a Traitor now.” She nodded. “Then there is something you need to know.” She reached into her pocket, drew out one of the gemstones and held it out.
He took it, and examined it closely. After a moment his eyes widened.
“I suspected it was possible,” he breathed.
As he stared at the stone in avid fascination, Sonea felt a bittersweet joy and pride. Here he was, her son, understanding a magic that no Guild magician had ever explored before. And he loves it.
“Where did you get this?” he asked.
She gestured around them. “In the soil and sand. There’s one in the spring, too, keeping it clean. I suspect they’re all over the wastes. You can detect them, if you know what you’re looking for and you’re a black magician.”
Lorkin’s mouth opened and he turned to look at the dry, lifeless land. “Are you saying...?”
“Yes. The wasteland ought to have recovered centuries ago, but it didn’t because of the Traitors.” She touched his arm. “Are you sure you want to leave the Guild to join these people? A people this ruthless? You can still help them to bring about the end of the Ashaki without changing your loyalties.”
He looked down at the gem and frowned. Then he closed his fingers around it and nodded. “I am sure. They aren’t perfect,” his mouth twisted with wry humour, “but they are better than the Ashaki.”
Turning to her, he placed his hands on her shoulders. “I love you, Mother. I have no intention of dying in this war. I will return to the Guild. Queen Zarala gave me stone-making knowledge so that I could pass it on, and I will do that if the Guild wants it. You’ll see me again.”
Then he hugged her tightly. She held him close, and it took all her will not to resist as he pulled away. He smiled once, then turned and strode back toward the Traitors.
Sonea blinked away tears, sighed and followed.
Stepping out of the Magicians’ Quarters into the bright sunlight, Lilia squinted and set off toward the University. More novices were about than usual for this time of morning, she noted. Most were hanging around the University entrance. As she neared them and stepped into the building’s shadow, she realised that all of their faces had turned toward her.
A chill ran down her spine and she slowed.
She recognised a few of them as friends of Bokkin. Two stepped aside. At first she assumed it was to let her through, but a familiar thug filled the gap. He grinned at her as she neared the steps.
“What’s you doing coming in here, Lilia?” he asked. “The Lookout is that way.” He pointed up the hill.
A few of the novices snickered. They drew closer together. She would have to push her way through them or go around to the front of the University.
“We’re not going to let you in,” Bokkin said.
Lilia smothered a smile. Idiot. It’s so obvious what they’re doing, he didn’t need to say it aloud. And now they can’t pretend they weren’t doing anything wrong.
She climbed the first few steps and stopped.
“Are you sure?” she asked, meeting and holding the gaze of each novice. “Black Magician Kallen is inside, waiting to teach me all sorts of black magicky secrets. He might not be too happy with you if you stop me getting to his lesson on time.”
Some of the novices frowned and exchanged doubtful glances.
“Kallen can only get you to pretend to fight with black magic,” Bokkin said. “You can’t learn anything else. You haven’t even graduated yet.”
“I heard you weren’t going to be graduating,” one of the girls near Bokkin added. “People say they won’t let you. You’ll be a novice forever.”
Lilia shrugged. “I’ll be graduating next year. I have more to learn than the average novice.” To make sure the hint sank in, she reached into her robe and pulled out the small, slim knife she had purchased at Kallen’s recommendation. She had wondered why he had insisted she needed one when she wasn’t supposed to use black magic, and suspected it was to be sure he got to approve her choice. He’d told her to buy something plain but good quality. Something more refined than a kitchen knife, but nothing as distastefully flashy as the knives the Sachakans wore. She’d met some knife-makers and chosen an elegant, slim knife with a blade that folded neatly into and out of an ebony and silver handle – an action she had practised doing one-handed.
An action she used now. She resisted a laugh as several of the novices drew in sharp breaths. But she couldn’t just stand there waving a knife around. If a magician saw her she’d be in as much trouble as the other novices. Maybe more. Inside her bag, among the books and study notes, was a pachi fruit. Jonna had put it in there when it had been clear Lilia would not have time to eat all of her morning meal.
Taking it out, Lilia began to cut slices from the fruit and eat them.
“Kallen’s going to come and find out what’s holding me up,” she told them between chews. “I wouldn’t want to b—”
“What’s going on here?” a new voice demanded. Looking up, Lilia saw the head of a magician appear behind the novices. “Find somewhere else to gather and stop blocking the doors.”
At once the novices scattered, the closest ones to the magician sketching a hasty bow. Bokkin was the only one looking disappointed, Lilia noted. The rest looked relieved. He sneered at her as she walked up the stairs, past him. The magician was one she remembered from second year, a middle-aged Alchemist.
“Good morning, Lord Jotin,” she said, bowing.
“Lady Lilia.” He nodded, then glanced about to make sure the novices weren’t going to return before heading back down the corridor. Lilia continued eating the pachi fruit as she made her way to the room Kallen held his lessons in, putting all thought of Bokkin behind her. At some point she would pose Anyi’s question to Kallen, and she had to consider how best to do it. She paused to wipe the knife and gather her thoughts, before pushing through the door into the room.
“Good morning Lady Lilia,” Kallen said, his lips widening into a half-smile as she entered.
“Black Magician Kallen.” She bowed and sat down, then opened her mouth to speak but stopped as she noticed the items on the table. A ceramic bowl stood next to some of the hollow tubes of glass Alchemists used when they needed to shape vessels and pipes to a particular use.
“Today I will teach you how to make blood gems,” Kallen told her.
She felt a thrill go through her. This was a part of black magic that most people regarded as acceptable and safe. Kallen picked up a tube and indicated that she should do the same.
“The process is easiest communicated mind to mind. The former High Lord discovered it by examining an ancient blood ring. I’ve seen and examined this ring, and I have to say I’m glad I didn’t have to work that riddle out for myself. First, melt some glass, keeping it spinning in the air to maintain the shape.”
She put aside Anyi’s question until later and followed his instructions. When they both held revolving spheres of molten glass in the air, he told her to take his hand and focus on his thoughts. She watched him shape his magic and impose his will on the glass, somehow altering its structure, then letting it cool. Then he watched her attempt the same on her piece.
They repeated this a few times, re-melting and shaping the glass, before he felt she was adept enough to try adding blood to the glass. To her surprise, this did nothing more than imprint an identity on it.
“The blood gem only works when someone is touching it,” he told her. “Do you understand the difference between how it works for the one who provided the blood, and the one who touches the gem?”
“The creator can see what the wearer sees, even if he doesn’t want to. The wearer can’t see what the creator sees but can receive mental communications without anyone else hearing them.”
“Yes, but the gem conveys not only what the wearer sees, but their thoughts. Unless the wearer is carrying a blocking stone.”
She blinked in surprise. This was new. “What’s that?”
“Something the Traitors make. Something we may soon have. Instead of glass, these stones are crystals trained as they grow to do a magical task. A blocking stone prevents a mind-read and allows the wearer to project the thoughts they want a searcher to see.”
Cold shivered down Lilia’s spine. “Naki’s ring.”
He looked surprised, then apologetic. “I am sorry. I forgot that you had already encountered a blocking stone.”
She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. What else can these stones do?”
“Anything a magician can do.”
“Even a black magician.”
“In that they can draw in and store power? Yes – but you must keep that to yourself for now.”
Lilia whistled quietly. “Tell me we’re making friends with these Traitors. They don’t sound like enemies we’d ever want.”
Kallen frowned. “We’re working towards that, hoping to trade for the knowledge of stone-making.” He waved a hand dismissively. “I’ll tell you more about that another time. The important thing is that stone-making requires black magic.”
She felt a thrill of excitement. “I’ll be learning to make these stones?” That would mean she’d be one of the first Guild magicians to be able to use this new magic.
“Will I have to travel to Sachaka?”
“No.” But by the way he paused and looked thoughtful, she guessed that the answer was not that straightforward. He shook his head. “Well, that is all for this morning. Do you have any questions?”
Her heart skipped as she remembered Anyi’s question. “Yes. Would the Guild let Cery and his two bodyguards stay here?”
Kallen’s eyebrows lowered. “Has his situation grown worse?” he asked.
“Possibly. Would they?”
“I will have to get the agreement of the Higher Magicians, but it is likely they would grant it. When would he come here?”
“Soon.” Then, realising that could mean anything, she elaborated. “In a few days.”
He nodded. “I will let you know as soon as I can.” He smiled thinly. “We managed to get some seed from a perfume-maker, thanks to you. The plants aren’t big enough yet to confirm if they’re roet, but it will not be long. If Cery is still willing to help us catch Skellin, we may be able to do so soon.”
She nodded. There was that “soon” word again.
“He’ll be very willing,” she told him. “Of that I’m sure.”
As Anyi and Lilia disappeared into the darkness, heading back to the Magicians’ Quarters and Sonea’s rooms, Gol looked at Cery and raised his eyebrows.
“Yes,” Cery answered, keeping his voice low. “Tell me what you found out.”
Gol leaned forward. “Everything has changed. The rest of the Thieves... well, they don’t go calling themselves that any more. They call themselves ‘princes’. Skellin they call ‘king’.”
“Of course,” Cery rolled his eyes. “King of the Underworld. What do people on the street think?”
“That they’ve all got big-headed. But nobody says it aloud. They’re scared. They know Skellin is a rogue magician and his mother is the Thief Hunter. Both have done nasty things to people who wouldn’t do what they wanted.” Gol grimaced. “Good thing is, everyone hates him now.”
“What do they think of me?”
Gol shrugged. “They think you’re dead.”
“And if they knew I was hiding?”
“I suggested it, and a few said they hoped so. They said they hoped you were working out a way to get rid of Skellin.”
“No one thought I’d abandoned my workers?”
“No one said as much to me. Interesting thing is, in one bolhouse the people I got chatting to had an argument about whether you were hiding in the Guild or not. The one who doubted it said you couldn’t be, because the Guild is working with Skellin.”
Cery frowned. “That could just be a rumour.”
“One that would help keep people scared of Skellin.”
“If they knew it wasn’t true, they wouldn’t be as scared.”
Gol shook his head. “They’d still be too scared to do anything.”
Hooking his fingers around the edge of his seat, Cery drummed his fingers on the underside. “What about the supplier?”
“Saski’s still there. Still got the minefire. He’s been trying to sell a new tool that uses it. Some sort of blowpipe that people warned me was as likely to blow up as work. His most popular product is little packets that people throw into the fire to make a bang and a flash of light. People liked the bangers, but they couldn’t see much other use for minefire when magicians can do the same things it can do.”
“They don’t see that it could let ordinary people do things magicians can do?”
“Not the sort of things they want to do, like Heal or levitate or move things at a distance. Who needs to explode things here in the city? And Saski puts customers off with all his warnings about how dangerous and unpredictable it is. Magic sounds a lot safer.”
Cery nodded. “It does. It’s not just that minefire might explode when we don’t want it to, but that it might not when we need it to. Are you sure this trap will work?”
“Mostly. Before, when I got friendly with Saski, he often described how minefire was used in the mines of the far north. We’ll be using the same method.”
“How are we going to buy it? Could we get a street kid to buy some of these bangers for us?”
Gol nodded. “That’d be wise. Saski doesn’t seem the type to run off and sell us to Skellin, but who knows? It’d be tempting. He can’t be making much money.”
“But we do need Skellin to find out where we are.”
“Not through Saski. Then Skellin would know that we’d bought minefire, and wonder what we were up to down here. Wouldn’t take much thinking to work out we were setting a trap.”
“True.” Cery looked around the room. “Well, you’re going to have to set things up here without Anyi suspecting something odd is going on.”
“Once I get the tubes into the walls, they won’t be all that noticeable, especially if we put them in the holes and hollows in the mortar.”
“But you’ll have to do it while she’s not here.”
“You don’t want to wait until they’re sure the plants are roet? Once we have the trap set up, there’s always going to be a danger it’ll go off before we’re ready.”
Cery shook his head. “Not after what Lilia said about the Higher Magicians being prepared to let us live in the Guild in the meantime. Anyi was too keen to do it. Too ready to argue with me about it.” He shook his head. “Something tells me her patience is running out. Or that she knows something that we don’t.”
“Like that the plants aren’t roet?”
Gol shrugged. “She’s right though. There’s no need for us to be uncomfortable or risk getting Lilia into trouble for hiding us here.”
“But if the rumours you heard were right and someone in the Guild is working with Skellin we could put ourselves right in their hands. They’ll make sure the Guild doesn’t work with us to catch Skellin, or make sure something goes wrong and we’re all killed. Otherwise we may expose their dirty little secret.”
Gol looked up at the roof. “Well, if Anyi is right and we’re under the gardens between the University and Magicians’ Quarters, our trap will definitely expose Skellin to the Guild.”
Cery smiled. “Yes. But let’s make sure it doesn’t kill us all in the process.”
From high above, the sun poured heat and brightness down onto the wasteland, which threw it back up again in protest. Assailed from the sky and ground, Lorkin trudged along with the Traitors and tried not to imagine facing an Ashaki in battle.
Instead, he thought about the gemstone in his pocket. He had tried last night, after everyone was asleep or on watch, to see if he could sense other stones buried in the area, but his mental search had detected nothing. Yet that was no proof his mother was wrong. She had said he would only find them because he knew black magic, and there had been nothing of black magic in his method of searching.
I should have asked her to explain. But he’d only had one last moment with her, the morning of the previous day, and he’d used the opportunity to question her about another magical puzzle. Her gaze had grown keener as he’d asked if she’d heard of magicians able to read surface thoughts.
“Your father was supposed to have been able to,” she’d told him. “I always assumed he encouraged the rumour in order to maintain the fear or awe people regarded him with – and if questions were raised about other abilities he shouldn’t have, he could point to that rumour as an example of the silly things people thought about him.”
“It might not have been a lie,” Lorkin had told her.
Her surprise had, as always, turned to thoughtful calculation. What she’d said next he hadn’t expected. “Best keep that to yourself,” she’d advised. “It will make even those closest to you uncomfortable. Be careful you don’t learn more about others than you really want to.”
She has a point. He could imagine many situations where hearing someone’s stray thoughts might be embarrassing. Fortunately, it was only the clearest surface thoughts that he could hear, and only when he was concentrating hard.
Tyvara had returned to his side. She had been called over by Savara and the pair had been chatting for some time.
She smiled. “Tell me more about Lord Regin. Is he particularly important to the Guild? Why do you think he was with your mother?”
Lorkin frowned. “He’s not important. Well, he’s from an important House, but he doesn’t hold a position within the Guild.”
“So is he just a source of magic for your mother?”
He tried to imagine that scenario, and failed. But then, he’d pictured Regin behaving like a Sachakan source slave, when the man didn’t have to. All he has to do is send power out and Mother will take and store it. It would involve touching, of course, but nothing more than clasping hands.
“Maybe,” Lorkin replied. “Well... probably.”
“So how are they related? Friends? Lovers?”
“No. In fact, he and Mother hated each other as novices. He bullied her until she challenged him to a duel. She thrashed him, and after that he left her alone.”
“A duel?” Tyvara’s eyebrows rose and her smile widened. “Interesting custom.”
Lorkin narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you mocking my people’s ways?”
“Not at all.” She tried to look serious.
“You are,” he accused her. Then he grinned. “It is a silly custom. As far as I know, nobody had challenged anyone to a duel for years before, and nobody has since.”
“It must have been her last resort, then.” Tyvara looked thoughtful. “So, did they become good friends after their big confrontation, as so often is the case?”
“No. Mother hasn’t forgiven him.” Though Lorkin could not remember her saying so. If anything, she always pointed out how brave Regin had been during the invasion. Grudgingly.
Tyvara said nothing to that, and he turned to see she was frowning.
“Why do you ask?”
She looked up. “Well... Savara and I both thought that it was odd that the Guild would send two people with such obvious regard for each other on such a mission. If they were captured it would be harder on them, if one was threatened to blackmail the other.”
“My mother and Regin?” Lorkin shook his head. “Impossible. You’ve got the wrong idea.”
She shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. Or maybe the seeming impossibility of it led to the Guild not realising what a bad choice Regin is. Or maybe Sonea and Regin don’t realise it either.”
Lorkin shook his head and sighed.
“The most powerful women in Sachaka, and all you do is waste time gossiping and matchmaking. Ow!” He rubbed her arm where she’d hit him.
“Men gossip more,” she said. “And it’s not a waste of time, when it has political and martial consequences.”
“It does?”
“It will.” Her head lifted and her eyes narrowed. “Ah.”
He turned to stare ahead. Past Savara and the Traitors walking ahead, he saw that they were cresting the top of a dune. Ahead lay a flat plain covered in sparse vegetation and, a few hours walk away, a sprawl of buildings.
“You can still change your mind,” she told him. “Nobody will stop you going back to Kyralia. There are no Ichani around the Pass to fear.”
Am I really brave enough – foolish enough – to join a people I have no ties of blood with and dare to wage war on the legendary black magicians my people have feared for centuries?
He looked at Tyvara and smiled. “Where you go, I go.”
She gazed at him and shook her head. “Whenever I find myself thinking I don’t deserve someone as good as you, Lorkin, I remind myself that, if you’re willing to come with me, you may be a little bit mad.”
“You think my mother and Lord Regin are in love. It’s not my sanity in question here.”
She smirked and looked away. “We’ll see.”
As they walked on in silence, her words repeated in his mind – “... someone as good as you, Lorkin” – and he felt his smile fade. Would she still think of him as good if she knew what he’d done to the slave girl? He hadn’t told her yet. So far there had been no reason to. No, that’s not entirely true. There have been opportunities. Every time, I decided it would spoil the moment, or sour the conversation. But I shouldn’t put it off. The Traitors might need to know what happened to the girl. If she was a Traitor.
But what if she wasn’t? That was what he was most afraid of: to discover that the girl hadn’t known the water was poisoned. It was much easier to live with his decision, believing that she had deliberately taken her own life.
If this is what it feels like to have killed someone when they wanted it, what is it going to be like when the war starts and I kill people who don’t want it? Maybe it wouldn’t be so difficult, given that they had enslaved, tortured and killed others. Maybe it will be easier.
He looked around at the Traitors. Their expressions were grim and determined. Talk had ceased but for the occasional low murmur. Slowly they made their way down the last dune and onto the plain, then toward the sprawling buildings. The first people they encountered were two slaves, watching over a small herd of reber. Both young boys, the pair rushed over to throw themselves on the ground before Savara. She told them to stand, and never to lower themselves before another man or woman again.
“It’s time?” one of them asked, gazing up at her eagerly.
“Yes,” she said, then nodded toward the buildings. “You know what to do?”
“Stay out of reach,” he replied. “Move away from the city. But we can’t get much further away than here.”
“No. Just stay away from the house until we are done.”
He frowned. “If I go back I can tell the others to get out.”
“That would be very brave. You must not let the Ashaki suspect we’re coming, though.”
“We won’t. We’ve all been planning for this for years.”
“Go, then.”
As the boy ran toward the buildings, Savara straightened and beckoned to the Traitors. They continued on, quickening their pace. A thrill of excitement and fear ran down Lorkin’s spine. Some of these outer estates were run by trusted slave masters, so they might not encounter an Ashaki. Or the Ashaki could be out visiting or tending to business. But the boy would have told Savara if that was so.
There’s little chance we’re not heading toward our first fight.
All too soon they were within a few hundred paces of the buildings. Then they were stepping through a gate in the low wall that surrounded them. As the Traitors spread out, in twos and threes, to approach the building from different sides, slaves emerged. They hurried, some running, past the invaders and the low wall, and out onto the plain in all directions.
Spreading out, so that even if the Ashaki used magic to drag them back, he’d have to use more magic and time collecting all of them. Some might still escape.
The Traitors split into smaller groups so that they could enter the buildings from different directions. Tyvara grabbed Lorkin’s hand and drew him toward what looked like a stable.
“Stay with me.” She plucked at her vest. “I’m carrying plenty of stones, but we’re supposed to avoid using them until the battle. Our own power can be replaced, but most stones are single-use.” She glanced at him. “I’ll make sure you have your own set, for the final battle.”
Once in the stable he saw the stalls were furnished with benches covered in blankets. He realised with a shock that this was where the slaves lived. Several were hiding there now, looking confused. Tyvara ordered them out, telling them to run away and come back in a few hours. One very pregnant woman shrank back into her stall, shaking her head.
“Come on,” Tyvara said, extending her hand and smiling. “We’ll protect you. It won’t be for long.”
“What’s going on?” a voice demanded.
They turned to see a slave with a red cloth wrapped around his brow emerge from another building. Judging from the smoke wafting up from a chimney pipe, it contained the kitchen and perhaps other domestic rooms. Lorkin’s stomach turned as he saw the man was carrying a short whip.
From somewhere beyond the building the man had emerged from came a boom. They all jumped and looked up to see fragments of what might be roof tiles flying into the air.
The man turned back and stared at Lorkin and Tyvara, his eyes widening. “It’s time?” he asked.
“It is,” Tyvara replied.
He grinned and tossed the whip onto a pile of firewood. “At last.” Turning from them, he strode away from the buildings.
Lorkin looked at Tyvara, expecting her to stop him, but she only smiled.
“Wherever we could, we let the slave masters know that if they weren’t unnecessarily cruel, we’d consider giving them some of their Ashaki’s estate when we took over.”
More slaves darted from the buildings, some looking terrified. Tyvara glanced back to the pregnant woman, then turned to Lorkin. “We’ll stay here and keep watch in case the Ashaki comes after them.”
Lorkin did as she asked, but the next person to emerge was a Traitor, Adiya. The woman looked around and, seeing Lorkin and Tyvara, walked over to meet them.
“It’s done,” she said.
Tyvara nodded and looked over her shoulder at the pregnant slave. “You’re free now. Our work here is finished. Soon the others will come back and join you. They’ll keep you safe.”
The woman stared at her and said nothing, but she seemed a little less afraid now. Tyvara started toward the building Adiya had emerged from. Lorkin followed her inside. They wound through the familiar layout of passages and emerged at what must have once been the Master’s Room. The roof had been blasted away, and the walls bulged outwards or had toppled into rubble.
A middle-aged Sachakan man lay slumped on the floor, blood seeping from a shallow cut on his arm.
Dead? Yes. Lorkin stared at the corpse and remembered the Ashaki who he and Dannyl had stayed with, when they’d first entered Sachaka. The man had been friendly and generous. Perhaps this dead man had been kind too. Perhaps he had kept slaves only because it was what powerful Sachakans like him had always done. Perhaps he would have surrendered if given the chance. Surely he didn’t deserve to die like this?
It was impossible to know. The Traitors couldn’t imprison all Ashaki and put them on trial to decide if death was an appropriate punishment. To imprison them would take too much of the Traitors’ time and energy.
The Traitors are at war with a way of life, not the individual people, but individuals will pay the price. He suspected, though, that many of the Ashaki would refuse to change their ways, even if they were given a choice.
He looked around and saw that Tyvara had picked her way across the room to one of the collapsed walls. Making his way to her, they helped each other over a pile of rubble into a courtyard. There, a richly dressed woman stood glaring at Savara, her face streaked with tears.
“The Ashaki’s wife,” Tyvara murmured. “We’re hoping it won’t be necessary to kill the women and children.”
“They won’t obey you,” the queen was saying to the woman. “You had better get used to that. My people will do what they can to protect you, but they won’t guard you day and night. The rest is up to you.”
Two Traitors stood behind the queen. As Savara turned away they moved to stand beside her. Tyvara and Lorkin walked over to join her.
“We’re done here,” the queen said. “Time to gather everyone together and move on.” She looked over her shoulder at the broken building, her expression grim. “It’s too much to hope all estates will be this trouble-free.”
More Traitors arrived. As the last pair appeared, one hurried forward to the queen.
“I just heard that Chiva’s group had to fight four Ashaki – a father and his three sons. Vinyi was killed.”
Savara stopped to regard the woman with dismay. “A loss already.” She sighed and started toward the main gates of the courtyard. As she reached it, she stopped abruptly. Lorkin looked beyond and saw what had surprised her.
A crowd of about twenty slaves – ex-slaves, Lorkin corrected – waited outside. As they saw Savara they hurried forward, stopping a few paces away. From the adoring way they looked at the Traitor queen, Lorkin expected them to throw themselves at her feet. None did, though a few looked as if they had to work hard to resist the habit, bending forward then jerking upright again.
Nobody spoke. The foremost ex-slaves glanced at each other, then one held out his wrists to the queen.
“We want to give you... we have nothing to give you... do you need to take power from us?”
Savara drew in a quick breath. “We don’t need to yet but...”
“Take it,” Tyvara murmured. “They will feel they had a part in the fight for their freedom.”
The queen smiled. “I would be honoured.” She looked down at the knife at her belt. “But not with this. This is for our enemies.”
One of the ex-slaves stepped forward. “Then use this.”
In his hand was a small knife obviously meant for a domestic task like tailoring or wood carving. Savara took it and felt the edge for sharpness. She nodded and handed it back. The man looked confused.
“You must make the cut,” she said. “I will not deliberately harm my own people.”
He ran the blade across the back of his thumb, then held out his hand to her. Touching the cut lightly, Savara closed her eyes and bowed her head. The man closed his eyes.
A short time passed. As Savara withdrew her hand she looked up at the rest of the ex-slaves. “We cannot stay long. I cannot take power from all of you.”
“Then we’ll give it to your fighters,” the first speaker declared. The rest nodded and turned their attention to the other Traitors. Lorkin noted that, as domestic knives were found to be lacking, the Traitors were handing over their own knives. When a woman offered her wrists to Lorkin he blinked in surprise.
“Um... Tyvara?”
She chuckled. “You’re one of us now,” she said. “Better get used to it.”
“Oh, that’s not the problem.” He put a hand to his sheath-less belt. “I don’t have a knife.”
She looked at him and smiled. “Then I guess we’d better see to that at the first opportunity. For now,” she looked at the man facing her with hand extended, “we’ll have to share.”
The sun was hovering above the mountains when Sonea and Regin neared the first Ashaki estate. Gold-tinged light bathed the walls the colour of old parchment. In contrast the hole in the roof was an ominous black.
The estate was swarming with people.
“Slaves,” Regin said. “Looting?”
Sonea shook her head. She could see a line of men hauling rubble out of the building. “Cleaning up.”
Regin frowned. “Surely they’d have run away when the Traitors attacked – and stayed away now they have their freedom.”
“They’ve got to live somewhere, and there’s food and shelter here. I wonder: if the Traitors win will they take over the estates or give them to the slaves?”
“Hmm.” Was Regin’s only answer. “They’ve seen us.”
Sure enough, a group of about a dozen slaves had stepped out of the gates and were walking toward them. Sonea pictured what she and Regin must look like. Their robes clearly marked them as Kyralian magicians. As Kyralians they might not be welcome here, but she doubted even newly freed slaves flushed with victory would dare to attack them.
“What do you want to do?” Regin asked.
Sonea stopped. “Meet them. Better to know what reception we’re going to get now, than later, when we’ll be further from the border.”
About twenty strides away, the group slowed to a halt.
“Who are you? Why are you here?” one of them called out.
“I am Black Magician Sonea and this is Lord Regin, of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia. We are here as representatives of the Allied Lands.”
“Who invited you here?” the man demanded again.
“We met Queen Savara two days and three nights ago.”
“Why are you following a few days behind, then?”
“To avoid being caught up in the fighting.”
The slaves began discussing this. Osen had agreed that Sonea and Regin could follow the Traitors to Arvice, keeping a safe distance from the fighting, so that the Guild would keep track of the Traitors’ progress. He’d suggested that Sonea use the excuse that she was checking the way was safe for the Healers the Guild was sending – but only if she had to. The fewer who knew of the deal, the less chance the Sachakan king would learn of it. If the Traitors lost but enough of them survived and were still willing to trade their stones, it would be easier to get Healers to them if the king didn’t know about it.
The slave who had spoken strode forward, the others hurrying after him. Regin straightened and crossed his arms, but the man ignored him. The lead slave stopped a few steps from Sonea, staring at her intently, his eyes narrowing.
“We’ll have to check that is the truth.”
She nodded. “Of course.” Inwardly she cursed. If they did manage to contact Savara, the queen would learn that Sonea and Regin were following her. She might try to stop them.
The main straightened. “In the meantime, you must stay here. It will be night soon and we Sachakans pride ourselves on our hospitality.”
She inclined her head. “We would be honoured. With whom are we staying?”
The man paused and looked down, his confidence disappearing as if he had suddenly realised his behaviour had been unnecessarily confrontational. “I am Farchi,” he said. He turned to introduce the others. Too many names to remember, Sonea decided. She took note of the names of the boldest, and the sole woman in the group.
With a gracious movement, Farchi invited her and Regin to accompany him to the estate. As they walked, Sonea figured she might as well find out what had happened here.
“If it is not rude of me to ask, is the damage here from a Traitor attack?”
Farchi nodded. “The queen and her fighters killed the Ashaki and freed his slaves.”
“What will you do now?”
“Try to run things on our own, and with the Traitors’ help.”
“So the Traitors aren’t going to take ownership of this place?”
“Some estates they will take. Most will go to ex-slaves. Some will be divided up.”
“And the rest of the ex-slaves?”
“Will be paid for their work. And be free to live where they want, marry who they want, and keep their children.”
She smiled. “I hope with all my heart that you achieve this.”
Farchi’s chin rose and his back straightened. “We will. The Traitors are Sachakans. They will not abandon the task, as the Guild did.”
She looked at him closely. “How do you know they did? Our records indicate no decision by the Guild or Kyralia to stop trying to end slavery in Sachaka.”
He frowned. “It’s... what everyone says.”
“They also say that the Guild created the wasteland to weaken Sachaka, but historical records found here in Sachaka point toward it being the action of one madman, and many Guild magicians died trying to stop him.”
And we now know that the Traitors are to blame for the wasteland never recovering. She resisted telling him that. The Traitors were the ex-slaves’ rescuers. Even if they did believe her, it would undermine the Traitors’ efforts to prevent Sachakan society falling into chaos once the Ashaki no longer controlled it. But one day the truth will come out. I wonder what the ex-slaves will think of the Traitors then.
“Was this madman Kyralian or Sachakan?”
“So it is still your fault.”
Sonea sighed. “Yes, whether it was deliberate or a mistake, it was still the fault of a Kyralian. Just as it was the fault of all Sachakans that Ichani attacked Kyralia and murdered many of my people.” She met his gaze and held it, and he quickly looked away. “If I don’t blame you for the crimes of the Ichani twenty years ago, can you try to forgive me the act of a madman six hundred years ago?”
Farchi gave her a long, appraising look, then nodded. “That’s fair.”
She smiled, and followed him through the gates into a scene of destruction and hope, grief and newfound freedom.
As Cery joined Gol he drew in a deep breath of clean, forest air.
“Smells like spring.”
“Yes,” Gol agreed. “It’s warm at night now, too.”
“Warmer,” Cery corrected. “As in warmer than cold enough to freeze your eyeballs.”
Gol chuckled. “We’ll have to skirt around the farm to get to the part of wall nearest the meeting place.”
“Lead on, then.”
With most of the undergrowth hidden in the night shadows cast by the forest, it was impossible to walk quietly and without stumbling. The passages below were a lot easier to get around, even in complete darkness. By the time they got to the wall that separated the Guild grounds from the city, Cery was sure that they must have attracted someone’s attention with all the snapped twigs, rustling leaves and stifled curses. They waited for a while to make sure nobody and was coming to investigate, but no magician, servant or guard emerged from the darkness. Satisfied, they scaled the wall with the help of a nearby tree branch. From the top Cery could look over the eastern end of the North Quarter. Houses were built up against the wall, their yards divided by lower brick walls topped with an upside-down “v” embedded with broken glass to discourage climbing. The one below them contained a neat little garden.
Gol looped the end of a rope ladder around the tree branch they’d climbed to get on top of the wall, and knotted it. The rope had been another item stolen from the farm, and Gol had used short branches found in the forest as the rungs. He climbed down into the yard first, the rope creaking. Cery followed. They skirted the garden beds, paused to oil the hinges of the side gate to the yard, then slipped out into the shadows of the street beyond.
To walk the streets of the city felt like freedom. As they made their way through the neighbourhood, Cery wavered between excitement and worry at the risk they were taking. At least Anyi was safely back in the Guild with Lilia. He hadn’t told her his plans for the evening, knowing that she would either try to stop him, or insist on coming. Even if he had talked her into staying behind, she’d have wanted to know why he was going into the city, and he could not think of a good enough reason.
Other than the truth. But I doubt she’d have found that a good enough reason anyway, he thought. She wants me to live in the Guild and leave catching Skellin to the magicians. She trusted the Guild too much. And I don’t? He shook his head. Not with Sonea gone and Kallen in charge of finding Skellin.
He hadn’t completely given up on the Guild, though. They weren’t going to stop trying to find and deal with rogue magicians. But they’d take longer at it than he was prepared to wait.
To force their hand I need minefire, to buy that I need money, and the only caches I had that Skellin hasn’t found are in the hands of minders.
Minders who didn’t believe Cery was alive, and had refused to give the cache to Gol.
The risk of a trap was high, of course. He and Gol had selected the minder least likely to betray them to meet tonight. His name was Perin. Gol had hired three different street urchins as guides, each to take Perin on a winding journey through three Quarters of the city. The last instructions were written down, so that not even the urchins would see where Perin went. The meeting place was within a hundred paces of the wall, so if Cery and Gol had to run they had a fighting chance of reaching the grounds.
Reaching a crossroads, they stopped and looked around. Here the doorways were shallow and the street lamps bright. Nowhere to hide for several strides, so it would be difficult for someone to ambush them. A man stood on the opposite corner, watching them. Though Cery could not see all of the man’s face, what was visible was familiar.
“Perin,” Gol murmured.
Cery nodded. He crossed the road and approached the man. Perin stared at him intently, his eyes widening as he recognised Cery.
“Well, well. You’re alive and breathing.”
“I am,” Cery said, stopping a few paces away.
“Here.” Perin held out a wrapped parcel. “Send a messenger if you want the rest.”
“Thanks. I owe you.”
The minder grimaced. “No you don’t. I have my fee, and the satisfaction of knowing the bastard who calls himself king didn’t get to everyone.” He held out a hand. Cery hesitated, then moved closer so the man could briefly clasp his arm, and did the same in return. “Best of luck and health,” Perin said, his brows lowering as his gaze moved over Cery’s face. “Looks like you could do with some.”
Then the man stepped back, smiled tiredly and turned to walk away. Cery heard Gol quietly move closer behind him.
Did he mean luck or health? Or both? Am I looking as old and tired as I feel lately?
He felt a touch on his elbow. Shaking his head, he turned and followed Gol back to the house by the wall, through the gate and up the rope ladder. It was harder climbing up than down, but as they made their way through the forest he felt his mood lift. Their journey had been worth the risk. Gol had money to buy minefire. They were closer to being ready to lure Skellin into their trap.
And it was nice to know that someone, even if just a minder, was pleased to know Cery was still alive.
Sitting down at his desk, Dannyl took Osen’s blood ring out of his pocket. Oh, how I wish I could put this off a little longer. But he couldn’t. Osen expected Dannyl to report back to him every two or three days. He would be annoyed or alarmed if Dannyl didn’t.
Even so, Dannyl hesitated. I’ve never been able to tell how much of my mind Osen can read during our communications. I always assumed he, knowing my preferences, doesn’t look too deeply – and that he would have objected already if they thought I was getting too friendly with Achati. And that Osen could only read the thoughts Dannyl was actively thinking while wearing the ring, not all his memories.
It should be enough, then, to avoid thinking about his night with Achati while communicating with Osen. Of course, the subject a person was most worried about was the one their mind would most likely turn to. Overcoming that took concentration and control, skills Dannyl had painstakingly cultivated as a novice.
He closed his eyes and practised some mind-calming exercises. When he felt he had control over his thoughts, he slipped on the ring. Osen’s mental voice immediately spoke.
—Dannyl. Good. I have urgent news for you. Sonea met with the Traitors a few nights ago. Their queen, Savara, revealed their intention to overthrow Amakira and the Ashaki, and free all slaves.
He needn’t have worried how much Osen would see in his mind. The Administrator would be well distracted by this news. Dannyl felt his heart skip as Osen told him of the declined invitation to the Allied Lands to join them, and the deal they’d struck instead.
—Lorkin has joined the Traitors. Sonea and Regin are heading to Arvice, following them.
—The Traitors are on their way?!
—Yes. They attacked the first estates yesterday. I don’t know how long it will take them to get to Arvice, if they get that far at all.
—Do you think they’ll win? If Lorkin was with them, surely he believed they could. But if Lorkin’s loyalty was with the Traitors now, he might choose to help them because their chances weren’t good.
—Impossible to say. Sonea believes they’ve been organising this for a very long time. They weren’t forced into confronting the Ashaki. She doesn’t think they’d risk everything they have if they didn’t think they’d win.
And yet Achati didn’t think they had a chance. The man’s face rose in Dannyl’s mind and he felt a stab of apprehension before he pushed it aside.
—I’m sorry, Dannyl. I know you regard Achati as a friend, but you cannot warn him. It would alert Amakira to the fact that we knew about this before he did. Do not do anything to raise suspicions of our foreknowledge of this.
—I understand. What should we do?
—Stay where you are. Stay together – and that includes Tayend. Stay out of sight. The Traitors won’t harm you. The Ashaki shouldn’t, if they don’t suspect we’re siding with the Traitors. Make sure Merria and Tayend understand all I have told you.
—I will. Any messages for them?
—No. Sonea and Regin will join you when they get there, but I doubt they’ll reach you until after the conflict is over.
—We’ll stay put. At least they’ll know where to find us.
—Yes. From now on report to me once a day, or as soon as you learn anything new. Take care, Dannyl. Contact me if anything happens.
Slipping off the ring, Dannyl stared at it again. Sachaka is at war, he thought. An army is heading this way. An army of black magicians. Who will no doubt encounter an army of King Amakira’s black magicians – a conflict of a kind not seen in over six centuries.
He pocketed the ring, rose and strode out of the room, slaves scattering before him. He’d only taken twenty or so steps down the corridor when a female voice called out.
He turned to see Merria hurrying toward him.
“I heard something last night you will find interesting,” she said.
“Should Tayend know this, too?”
She nodded.
He beckoned and heard her fall into step behind him. They passed through the Master’s Room, entered the corridor beyond and soon reached the door to Tayend’s rooms. The female slave waiting attentively inside the main door threw herself onto the floor.
“Is Tay – Ambassador Tayend there?” Dannyl asked.
She nodded.
“Tell him we are here to see him.”
She scrambled up and disappeared into one of the rooms. A moment later there was a low groan and a curse.
The slave darted out again and hurried over to Dannyl and Merria.
“Don’t,” Dannyl said as she went to prostrate herself again.
“The Ambassador is dressing,” she said, then moved over to a wall and stood with her back to it, eyes lowered.
Osen said the Traitors are going to free the slaves, Dannyl thought. If they succeed, where will the slaves here go? Perhaps they would stay on as paid servants. He hoped so. It would be a relief when they stopped behaving so submissively. Though I may, perhaps, think differently should they start pushing us around like some Kyralian servants do. He blinked as something else occurred to him. If the Traitors win, end slavery and join the Allied Lands, could some of these ex-slaves one day become magicians?
He thought of the lengths to which Fergun had gone in order to prevent Sonea entering the Guild. If he’d felt Sonea didn’t deserve to become a magician, what would he have thought of Sachakan slaves?
The idea made Dannyl feeling oddly cheerful, but the mood dissipated as Tayend appeared, looking dishevelled in his hastily donned elaborate clothing.
“Ambassador. Lady Merria,” Tayend said, beckoning. He ushered them to the stools arranged in the middle of the central room, then sat down on a particularly large pillow and rubbed at his eyes.
“Late night?” Dannyl asked.
Tayend made a face. “Late and well irrigated. My Sachakan friends were particularly determined to drown their worries.” He turned to the slave girl. “Bring some water and bread.”
Once she had left, Dannyl drew magic and surrounded them in a sound-blocking barrier. He leaned toward Tayend. “They have reason to.”
The Elyne’s eyes widened and he straightened. “Oh?”
As Dannyl told them of Osen’s news, both Tayend and Merria began to nod.
“That explains it,” Merria said. “Last night my friends told me that female slaves suspected of being Traitors are being tortured and killed.” She paused and frowned. “Well, that explains something else, too. My friends were making arrangements to travel to a country estate for the summer, and invited me along. I said I couldn’t go. I had to stay with you.” She nodded to Dannyl. “And they said you and Tayend could come as well, if you needed to.”
“Needed to’?” Tayend echoed. “Hmm.”
“They’ve probably left already. I suppose I could find out where they are.” Merria looked worried.
Dannyl shook his head. “We can’t go with them.”
“But should we stay here?” Tayend asked, looking at Dannyl. “Mistakes happen in wars. People can be killed by being in the wrong place, or by a stray bit of magic that misses its intended target.” His pursed his lips. “I don’t suppose we and Achati could go on another research trip.”
The suggestion brought a pang of gratitude and anxiety. Though he likes Achati, I doubt he’d have included him if it weren’t for me. “If we suggest it he’ll suspect we knew the Traitors planned to invade,” Dannyl replied.
“Unless he doesn’t know. We could get him out of the way. He’d never forgive us for preventing him from doing his duty though,” Tayend added, looking away.
Tayend was right. Achati’s loyalty was with his king and people. He’ll never leave Sachaka. Not for me. He’d always known that.
“What will the Traitors do to the free women, and their children?” Merria asked.
They exchanged grim looks.
“I don’t think they’d kill anyone who wasn’t a magician,” Tayend said slowly.
“It may depend on how well they treated their slaves,” Dannyl added.
Merria shrugged. “Well, for all that they say they don’t like the Traitors, my friends do seem to have some connection with them. Surely that means they’ll be all right.” She looked at Dannyl. “It’s your friend I’d be worried about.”
He was saved from having to respond by the return of the slave girl. As Dannyl rose to leave, Merria did the same.
“Stay a while, Dannyl?” Tayend asked. The Elyne waited until Merria and the slave girl had gone before he spoke. “You’re worried. I can tell. But remember, the Traitors might lose.”
“Lorkin is with them.”
Tayend grimaced. “Ah. Yes. There is no good end to this, is there?”
Dannyl shook his head. “All we can hope for is that, whatever the outcome, the people we care about survive and escape.” He turned and walked toward the door.
“You do care about him, don’t you?”
Dannyl stopped and looked back to see Tayend had got to his feet. He thought about Achati’s words: “I would like us to be more than friends, for a time at least, before circumstances make us feel we must behave like enemies.” He sighed.
“I’m not in love, Tayend.”
“No?” Tayend walked over and placed a hand on Dannyl’s shoulder. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ve never thought it would last. I just... I expected that if it ended it would be for more mundane political reasons.”
“You fear for him.”
“As I’d fear for any friend.”
Tayend eyebrows rose in disbelief. “You two are more than just friends, Dannyl.”
“You and I are more than just friends, Tayend. We were together too long to say otherwise. I’d fear for you in this situation, as well.”
Tayend smiled, and his hand on Dannyl’s shoulder squeezed. “And I for you. The only difference is I’d take you back without a second thought. You wouldn’t.” He turned away and walked back to the stools.
Breath catching in his throat, Dannyl gazed at Tayend. As the Elyne glanced back, Dannyl tore his eyes away and stepped out of the room. It wasn’t until he reached his own suite that his mind snapped out of its surprise and began to churn with all that he’d learned and feared.
Pushing through the door into the inner passages of the University, Lilia took a few steps before she saw the novices ahead. They didn’t move out of the way as she neared them. Instead, they turned to face her, the three of them blocking the way.
Lilia slowed. From behind her came the sound of the door opening again, then a “ha” of triumph. She turned to see Bokkin and two more novices approaching, all grinning.
“Lilia,” Bokkin called. “Just who we were looking for, weren’t we?” He glanced back at his followers and they nodded.
She shook her head. I can’t believe how stupid they are. Don’t they think about the future? Do they think I won’t remember any of this when I’ve graduated? But that was in the far future, to them. They knew she would never be allowed to use black magic except in exceptional circumstances, and they couldn’t imagine any other way she might gain revenge.
“You know what I heard, Lilia?” Bokkin asked. “I heard someone saying that novices haven’t united against someone like you for years. Someone who doesn’t know her place. Last time it was real effective, I heard.”
They mean Sonea, she realised. “Effective?” she replied. “She beat her rival in a challenge and became a Higher Magician. If that’s effective, I ought to encourage novices to unite against me.”
She held back a laugh at the surprise on the other novice’s faces.
Bokkin scowled. “Before then. Before—”
The door behind him opened and a black-robed magician strode through. Lilia felt a rush of relief, then quickly schooled her face. If anything had shown, she hoped they were too busy staring at Kallen to see it.
Kallen looked at them, his frown deepening as he took in the scene. The novices bowed. His eyes narrowed.
“Lady Lilia,” he said. “We only need one volunteer.” He scanned the faces. “Which of you would like the honour?”
Bokkin’s followers turned to frown at him. Kallen followed their gaze and nodded. “You’ll do, Lord Bokkin. Follow me.”
The novices flattened themselves against the wall as he moved past. Not wanting to trail behind Kallen with Bokkin, Lilia turned and led the way to the small room Kallen used for her training. When she reached the door she turned back, expecting to see that Bokkin had fled.
But the boy had obediently followed. He was pale and frowning. Worried, she thought, smothering a smile. I would be too. What on earth does Kallen want with him?
Kallen opened the door and ushered Bokkin inside. Lilia followed. Kallen pointed to a seat. Bokkin sat down, his eyes downcast.
“Thank you for volunteering,” Kallen said, taking the other chair. “Lilia has explained that it will not hurt?”
“Nnn—” Bokkin began, his eyes widening.
“Not yet,” Lilia injected. “I haven’t had time to explain much.”
Kallen looked at her. Though he was frowning in disapproval, she caught a glint of something else in his gaze. What is he up to?
He turned back to the young man. “In fact, done correctly the subject cannot sense their mind being read at all.” Bokkin’s eyes went very wide, but Kallen didn’t appear to notice. “Now, I did arrive a little late, and don’t want to delay your arrival at your first class, so we’d best begin.” He beckoned to Lilia. “Stand behind him.”
She was glad he’d given her a reason to move out of Bokkin’s sight, as she doubted she could have resisted smiling much longer. As she obeyed, Bokkin tried to turn to look at her.
“This wasn’t... I didn’t...”
Kallen leaned forward and fixed Bokkin with a challenging stare. “Changed your mind, have you? I guess we can always put the word out that we need someone else.”
Bokkin stilled. Lilia could imagine him weighing up the options. Be labelled a coward or have his mind read by one of the feared Black Magicians and Lilia. To her amusement, Bokkin stayed put.
“You won’t go looking through my memories?” he asked.
Kallen shook his head. “Of course not.”
Bokkin nodded. “All right then.”
Standing up, Kallen nodded to Lilia. “I will connect with your mind; you connect with his.”
Taking a deep breath, Lilia placed her hands on either side of Bokkin’s head and, as she felt Kallen’s hands press against her temples, started a simple exercise to clear and focus her mind.
—Lilia, Kallen spoke.
All she sensed was his presence and mind-voice. In other lessons involving mind-to-mind instruction, he had discouraged her from imagining her mind as a room. Sometimes it made the lessons harder, but it meant her grasp of concepts was less conscious and more instinctive. It made using magic feel like moving a limb – as much reflex as deliberate.
—Bokkin will report us if you search through his memories, but I doubt he has much control of his mind. He’ll probably show us what he doesn’t want us to see anyway. If you remain alert, you may see something you can use to stop him harassing you.
Lilia could not hide her shock from him.
—But... we ought to ignore those memories!
—Yes. However, the Guild does allow some bending of the rules, in exceptional cases. We have learned that it is better to do so and stop the harassment of novices, than ignore it and risk those novices breaking rules and laws later.
—Because of Sonea?
—And conflicts brought about by opening the Guild to lower-class entrants.
—I’m not sure I could bring myself to use anything very private...
—You may not need to. The threat of it may be enough to deter him.
—I hope so.
—Now, focus on Bokkin’s mind. Sense his instinctive resistance to a mind-read.
She did as he instructed and sensed a surge of triumph from Bokkin as she failed.
—Now watch...
Kallen’s presence expanded and weakened, like a beam of light softened by passing through a window screen. Bokkin’s mind did not sense a focused effort at intrusion, and did not fight it. A moment later Kallen’s presence sharpened again.
—Now you. Clear your mind of everything but the one intention: to drift into his mind like smoke.
Smoke or light, it seemed easy enough, but it took Lilia a few attempts before she was no longer detectable by Bokkin’s mind. He must have sensed something in her approach changing, because by the time she did manage to enter his mind he was worried about her succeeding.
It’s not right, he thought. She broke a law. She shouldn’t be allowed to learn these things.
A memory rose. A face. Lilia instantly knew it was Bokkin’s father. “Someone will always grow stronger than you – if you let them. You have to sort them out while they’re weak. Stop them getting strong.” Bokkin caught himself, forcing himself to stop remembering, but not before Lilia caught three quick flashes of emotion-laden images. Love and hurt. Beatings. Anger. Grief.
She understood, then, that Bokkin believed this fiercely and completely, and thought it the best piece of wisdom his father had taught him. After all, his father had proven it by beating his own son into obeying and fearing him. Then his father had been killed by a man he had admitted he should have been harder on.
That’s what he’s trying to do to me, she realised. He is thinking about the future. I’m going to be stronger than him, so he’s trying to weaken me now. She shuddered at the thought of the kind of magician he would become. By then he’ll be stronger than most people. It’s only other magicians he’ll be threatened by. Like me.
—Lilia? Kallen spoke.
She moved out of Bokkin’s mind.
—You have done well. That is enough for now.
She felt his hands leave her head, so she opened her eyes and released Bokkin. Kallen moved around to the chair and sat down. The door behind him opened.
“You can go now, Lord Bokkin. Thank you for your assistance. Tell one of the others to be here tomorrow morning, at the same time.”
“Yes, Black Magician Kallen.” Bokkin bowed and hurried out of the room.
The door closed behind him. Lilia leaned against the back of the chair, delaying sitting down. She didn’t even want to feel the residual warmth of Bokkin from it.
“What did you learn?” Kallen asked.
Lilia grimaced. “That he believes anyone who might grow stronger than him is a threat, so he has to find a way to dominate them before they dominate him.” Then it occurred to her he was probably asking about mind-reading. “Which is the opposite to how mind-reading works. You don’t succeed by trying to dominate.”
Kallen nodded. “Yes.” He shook his head. “Magicians like Bokkin are the reason we do not teach this level of mind-reading to all magicians.”
“Wait... you mean anyone can learn to do this?”
“Unfortunately, yes. High Lord Akkarin was the first Guild magician to learn how to read the mind of an uncooperative person, so it has always been assumed that it was a skill that required black magic. He revealed to Black Magician Sonea that this was not true by teaching her how to read minds before he taught her how to take and store magic. Sonea agreed to keep that fact to herself. You must do so as well.”
“Oh. Definitely.” The thought of what Bokkin might do with such knowledge sent a shiver down Lilia’s spine.
“You have a fresh and interesting way of approaching things, Lilia,” Kallen said. “Like this idea of using a quick, strong stab of forcestrike as a substitute for a knife when performing black magic. It is ingenious. I have described it to Lady Vinara, and we have discussed ways we could experiment safely.”
She felt her face warm at the praise and looked down. “Well... I hope it works.”
“Even if it doesn’t, it’s worth trying. Well, that’s all for today. You had best get to your first class.”
As the door opened again, Lilia bowed and murmured his name. She made her way to her first class of the day feeling alternately cheered and worried. I’m learning so much from Kallen, and he seems to approve of me more now that our lessons aren’t all about Warrior practice.
Yet while she now knew why Bokkin was harassing her, she had no idea how to stop him. He’s always going to be working against me. I’m always going to be stronger than him, though, and he’s too stupid to ever be a threat in other ways, so it could be worse, I suppose.
But she was going to have to keep a constant eye on him, and that was going to get very, very annoying.
Once Anyi’s footsteps had faded from hearing, Gol stood up and retrieved his tools from under his mattress. As he got back to work, Cery inspected the holes his friend had drilled into a section of wall earlier, each one piercing mortar and the earth beyond. Anyi hadn’t noticed them. The bricks were rough and cracked in places, and Gol had chosen positions where the lamplight cast heavy shadows.
He had to bend close to see the end of the tubes Gol had inserted in each hole, each with a little tongue of oily paper protruding.
“How many more do you want to do?” Cery asked.
Gol had moved to the opposite wall. “Depends how quick you think we can light them. You don’t want the first lot to go off while we’re lighting the rest. If I do five in each wall and we do a wall’s worth each, we might get them all lit. Bring me a tube, will you?”
Moving to the box of fruit Lilia had brought them the night before, Cery emptied it and lifted the sacking at the bottom. He’d stored the minefire underneath, relying on Anyi’s dislike of fruit to keep her from discovering it.
As he carried the first tube to Gol, he noticed a fine stream of dust leaking from a fold in the paper at one end.
“It’s broken. Is that bad?”
Gol turned and his eyes widened. “Hold it so the hole’s at the top,” he said urgently.
Cery did so and the leak stopped. “Is it that dangerous?”
“Yes.” Gol’s expression was serious. “Get too much of this floating in the air, a candle or lamp could set it off.” He looked down at the tube, then tipped a little powder into his palm before stuffing it into the wall. “I’ll show you. Take a candle out into the passage and put it down about twenty paces away.”
No more than a pinch of the dust lay in Gol’s hand. Cery picked up a burning candle and took it out of the room, setting it down in the passage. Gol beckoned, then shooed Cery behind him. “You’d better cover your ears.”
Cery did as Gol advised.
“Watch this.”
He gathered the powder between two fingers, dashed forward and threw it at the candle. A flash of light dazzled Cery’s eyes, and at the same time a sound like a very large hand slapping a table echoed in the passage. Dust and dirt trickled and puffed out of the walls near the candle, which was suddenly much shorter and surrounded by a molten pool of wax.
Cery removed his hands. That, from just a pinch. And we have a lot more of it in those tubes.
“Are you sure you want to put that many tubes in the wall?”
Gol shrugged. “Gotta put it somewhere. Safer if it’s in the wall, than in the room with us.”
Of course. Even if we leave it in the fruit bowl, it could still go off when the rest does. Better it fries the inside of a wall than us. “How long do the delay strips take to burn?”
“A count to twenty.” Gol retrieved the candle, gave it to Cery and moved back into the room. “If we don’t have enough time, we might get away with only lighting one on each side. When it goes it should set the others off.”
“So we each light one, then run.”
Gol frowned. “Is that Anyi coming back already?”
Cery listened. As he heard the faint sound of footsteps he hurried over to the fruit box and placed the sacking and fruit over the tubes again, while Gol hid his drilling tools. Just in case it wasn’t Anyi, they kept hold of their candles. A moment later a low whistle echoed quietly in the passage and they relaxed.
Cery whistled back and a moment later Anyi hurried inside clutching her lamp. He realised that he’d assumed she was further away because her steps had been so faint. As she saw them, she let out a quick breath.
“One of the walls has collapsed near Lilia’s barrier. Or it was broken. Whatever the reason, there’s now another way to get through to here without breaking her barrier.”
Cery’s heart skipped a beat. “Any tracks?”
Her shoulders lifted. “I couldn’t see. I shuttered the lamp so they wouldn’t notice the light and came straight here. I didn’t hear anything, though.”
Cery looked at Gol. His bodyguard stared back, his face full of concern.
“I think you should get Lilia,” Gol said.
“She’ll be in class. I can’t just—”
“Go to Sonea’s room,” Cery said firmly. “Tell Jonna to fetch Lilia.”
“You should come with me. Hide in Sonea’s room.”
“If we hear anything, we’ll follow you,” Cery told her. “Now go.”
She paused, biting her lip, then hurried away. Gol didn’t even wait until her footsteps had faded. He dove for the drill and all but attacked the wall with it. Cery tipped the fruit out of the box and carried it over to his friend. Four more tubes of minefire lay in the base. Gol’s words repeated in his mind even as he listened, straining his ears, for any sound in the passages.
“Safer if it’s in the wall, than in the room with us.”
He wasn’t sure if his heart was racing more from anticipation or fear. Was Skellin approaching? Would they get to spring their trap at last? Would it create a big hole in the Gardens and expose the Rogue to the Guild, as they’d planned? Or would Skellin, not expecting the blast, die?
Whatever happens, at least Anyi is out of the way. I have no intention of dying along with Skellin, but the fewer of us around the less chance that one of us will be hurt.
Squinting at the dark smudge on the road ahead, Lorkin wasn’t able to make out much more than the impression of movement. Looks like a group of people on horseback. He glanced at Savara. The queen’s attention was on the road so she could not have missed them, yet she did not look concerned.
He turned to Tyvara, riding beside him, catching her shifting her weight in the saddle and grimacing. Seeing him notice, she smiled. “Only been a few hours and I’m chafing already.”
Ex-slaves had given them horses at one of the estates they’d freed that morning. “Freed” simply meant walking in and executing the Ashaki owners and his magician brethren. Often the men had no more warning of an imminent attack than their slaves suddenly disappearing. Though they all put up a fight, most of them obviously weren’t in the habit of keeping their store of magic well boosted. Why would they? They’re not Ichani, constantly under threat from other black magicians. They probably only stock up on power when they need it for a particular task. It made their death seem less like casualties of war. More like murders.
It feels like we’re breaking into these people’s homes and killing husbands, sons and fathers, not waging a war. If we faced them in a unified front we’d still be killing husbands, sons and fathers, but it would seem justified. Yet the Traitors weren’t triumphant victors, casually or vengefully killing off the families, looting and torturing. If they had been, Lorkin might have regretted his decision to join them. Instead they were merciful and efficient.
But ruthless.
He thought of the gemstone his mother had given him.
He reminded himself that his father had extracted a promise from Zarala that the Traitors would end slavery. His father had wanted this to happen. Every time Lorkin doubted, or lost courage, he looked to the newly freed slaves, and told himself this was all for a good cause.
He had expected the Traitors would encounter better-prepared Ashaki once the invasion began, but it was clear each was surprised by the attack. Perhaps those killed earlier were too occupied in their own defence to send a warning to others. Perhaps they relied on slaves to send messages, but the slaves who supported the Traitors ensured that those loyal to their masters did not leave to warn others.
Eventually a warning would get through, Lorkin knew. Maybe an Ashaki would mentally send a warning, either broadcasting it or communicating through a blood ring. Even if Savara’s team managed to kill them before they got the chance, other teams might not. Once the news got ahead of the advancing Traitors, nothing would stop it spreading to the city. When it did, the Traitors would not be attacking one or two magicians at each estate, but an army of them. Which was why the shadow on the road ahead had set his heart racing.
He focused on Tyvara’s mind and sensed eager expectation, with only a small pang of worry. No more Traitors have died, he caught. But it won’t be long... She noticed him frowning at her, and smiled.
“Don’t worry. It’s just another team. As we all get closer to the city, teams will meet and join up.”
Relieved, he turned to watch as the other Traitors approached. Shadows resolved into figures on horseback. Riders became women and men. Faces became recognisable. He heard Tyvara curse at the same time as he realised one face was familiar.
“What is she doing here?” he muttered.
Tyvara sighed. “Kalia’s punishment was suspended for the duration of the invasion,” she told him. “As was mine. It would be unfortunate if we lost, but for the power of two magicians.”
He watched as Kalia’s eyes moved over Savara’s group, then her expression turned sour as she saw him and Tyvara.
“We are all on the same side,” Tyvara said. “But I do wish Kalia had been put in a team attacking the opposite side of the city,” she added in a lower tone.
Savara turned to look at them both. “I will be keeping an eye on her. And an ear.” She looked back at the approaching team and urged her horse forward to meet them. To Lorkin’s relief, the woman who came to meet her was not Kalia. It was Speaker Halana, leader of the stone-makers.
“At least she’s not leading the team,” he said.
Tyvara chuckled. “We aren’t that stupid.”
Halana placed a hand over her heart briefly, then took hold of the reins again to guide her horse to a stop next to Savara’s mount.
“Any news?” Savara asked.
“We’ve lost Vilanya and Sarva,” Halana replied. “They were ambushed.”
“So the Ashaki are warned.”
“Most likely. Any trouble?”
“A few slaves getting a little too eager,” Savara replied. She sighed. “Those in one estate killed an entire family and the head slave, who was one of our allies. I told them this isn’t our intention, but I don’t think they were listening.”
Halana nodded. “There will be more trouble of that kind. I have been hinting that we want to deal with the families ourselves, later.”
“That might work, so long as they don’t take on the role of jailor too enthusiastically.” Savara looked around. “Let’s continue.”
The two groups mingled to become one. Lorkin noted that Kalia positioned herself so that Savara and Halana were between her and Tyvara. The two leaders discussed what they would do if freed slaves were unable to provide the Traitors with food. Not long had passed when Savara suddenly spoke loud enough for all to hear.
“What is this problem you are discussing, Kalia?”
Lorkin looked over to see the woman glance at him, then back at the queen. Her back straightened.
“We have a non-Traitor among us. I was merely advising Cyria that she be careful.”
“Cyria need not be wary of anybody here. We are all Traitors.”
“Lorkin is Kyralian.”
“Kyralian born. Now a Traitor. There are ex-slaves and women who were formerly wives and sisters of the Ashaki among us. All chose to join us. All are needed.”
“But he is a Guild magician, and a man.”
Savara smiled. “If my meeting with his mother had achieved its purpose, we would be marching toward Arvice along with many hundred Guild magicians, among them quite a few men. Would so much masculine company alarm you, Kalia?”
“Of course not! Though I would not so easily trust them, as you might.” Kalia gave Savara a sidelong look. “So... the Guild won’t go to war with the Ashaki. And he is still here? Are you sure he isn’t a spy?”
“I am sure.”
“Do you really expect...?” Kalia fell silent as one of the Traitors at the rear called Savara’s name. All turned to see the man pointing back along the road. Several hundred strides back, a cloud of dust billowed up behind a rider galloping toward them.
“Stop,” Savara ordered. “And shield.”
It was not long before the rider reached them, the horse slowing to a walk, sides heaving and dark with sweat. The rider was a young man wearing fine clothing, but his build and colouring suggested he was an ex-slave.
“Queen Savara,” he said, placing a hand over his heart briefly. “I have been sent to warn you that two Kyralians are following you.” He paused to think. “Black Magician Sonea and Asha – Lord Regin. We tried to keep them at the estate, but they disobeyed our order to stay and forced their way out with magic.”
Lorkin suppressed a sigh. He should have expected it. But if I couldn’t let Tyvara go to war without me, why would I expect my mother to do the same?
“Was anyone hurt?”
The man shook his head.
Kalia muttered something. Savara stared at the woman through narrowed eyes. Then she turned to Lorkin, her eyebrows rising in question.
He shrugged. “I don’t know. She didn’t say she was planning to follow me – us.”
“Spy,” Kalia said.
The queen scowled. “Enough, Kalia.” She looked around the group, her gaze settling on two of the Traitors, one male and one female. “Saral, Temi. Go meet Black Magician Sonea and ask her to explain herself.” She reached into a pouch at her waist and drew out a ring. As she tossed it to the woman, a glint of yellow reflected the sunlight. “Use this to tell me what they say.”
The pair nodded and, frowing with obvious annoyance at the task, rode away with the messenger. Savara nudged her horse into a walk and set her gaze on the road ahead. In grim silence, the two teams continued, heading for the next estate, and the next battle.
Lilia drew in a deep breath and sighed it out again as she set pen to paper and tried to make sense of her notes from the morning’s Healing demonstration. Though the number of subjects she was studying had been reduced and her graduation delayed, she still found it hard to concentrate at times like these.
It was easier to be motivated when I thought I might choose the Healing discipline. Now that I won’t get to choose a discipline at all, what’s the point? She’d be a black magician, and it was more important that she was ready to fight than Heal. Not that I’ve suddenly become enthusiastic about Warrior lessons. But these new lessons with Kallen have been interesting. Perhaps because there is a lot we can discover about black magic. It’s not as though the Guild has been studying it for centuries and knows everything about it.
This morning’s Healing demonstration had been on a man who had been stabbed accidentally during a sword-fighting lesson. The wooden practice sword had pierced the toughened leather armour, but hadn’t penetrated deeply. It was a rare occurrence. A slash with a sword usually slid across the armour, and stabs weren’t supposed to be made with full force. But he’d been leaping toward his fighting partner, who had been angry and used more force than he’d realised.
A quick, forceful stab, she thought. Which is what I want to do with magic, instead of using a knife, to break the skin’s natural barrier before using black magic to take power. Something caught her attention, and she looked up to find the teacher watching her. She realised she had been staring at nothing, her notes forgotten. And thinking about how to kill someone with black magic.
Other faces turned toward her, but she ignored them. When she’d entered the University that morning, and then the Foodhall later, the stares and whispering of other novices had been almost as bad as when she’d first returned to the University. Most likely Bokkin had said something about her lesson with Kallen. Not the truth, of course. Bokkin wouldn’t want to admit he’d got himself into a situation where his mind had been read, so he had probably made something up. She wished Kallen had said what he wanted from Bokkin in front of the other novices. Then they would know she’d read Bokkin’s mind, and if she revealed anything about him he couldn’t deny it was true.
Not that I’m going to be telling people what I saw in his mind, she thought. It just seems wrong. Though Bokkin hadn’t been tricked or coerced, and he could have left at any time. He could claim otherwise. He can’t accuse Kallen or me of anything, because he’d have to let a magician read his mind to confirm it. Still, he could insinuate that something else happened.
She considered his plan – his need – to weaken others before they became stronger than him. If he didn’t like anyone being stronger than him, then he was never going to be happy. He was surrounded by stronger magicians and, since his magical strength was average, he always would be.
Maybe he’ll go somewhere else, once he graduates. Somewhere everyone else is weaker. She shuddered. What would he do in order to assure himself that he was the strongest, and make sure others knew it, too? Someone needs to keep an eye on him. Perhaps Kallen would, or the other Higher Magicians. Or her. One day she would be a Higher Magician. She could end up being the one who had to watch Bokkin.
“Lady Lilia.”
Her heart skipped as she realised she had been staring at nothing again. The teacher didn’t stare disapprovingly, however. She pointed toward the door. Following the woman’s gaze, Lilia saw a familiar face and felt her heart jump again.
Jonna. The servant beckoned.
Rising from her seat, Lilia bowed to the teacher, then slipped between the desks and out of the room.
“What is it?” she asked as Jonna glanced up and down the corridor.
“Anyi was in Sonea’s rooms,” she said. “She said there might be an intruder down... you know where.”
Lilia caught her breath. “How long ago?”
“She’d been waiting for a time, but I’m not sure how long. Took me a while to find which classroom you were in.”
“I should hurry...” Lilia took a step down the corridor, then stopped. “I should go the other way. It’ll be faster. Could you go back and tell her?”
Jonna shook her head. “She went straight back.” The servant frowned. “If you mean the way I think you mean... I’ll come and make sure nobody sees you using it.”
“Thanks, Jonna.” Lilia headed toward a side passage and led Jonna deeper into the University. When they reached the hidden door Anyi had unblocked, Jonna moved to the next side corridor and peered down it.
She nodded. “All clear. Be careful,” she whispered.
“I will,” Lilia told her. Then she pulled the lever that opened the door, and stepped into the darkness beyond.
“It’s incredible to think that all these people were slaves,” Regin said.
“Yes,” Sonea agreed.
They had just crested a long, low hill. Before them, the road stretched in a nearly straight line and was busy with people and carts – even the occasional fancy carriage. At first she had wondered what reason the former slaves had for roaming about, other than to exercise their newfound freedom to go where they wanted. Surely it made sense to take over the estates they had worked on, so that they would have food and shelter.
Then they’d witnessed the reunion between two women, one older and one younger, and realised they were mother and daughter. A young woman cried out with joy as she was handed a baby by a man. Two young men hurried to meet each other, calling out “brother!” Couples of all ages embraced, walked and talked with each other.
Their masters may have forbidden them to marry, she thought. They may have bred them like domestic animals, but they could not stop them from feeling the bonds of love and family, despite slavery existing here for more than a thousand years.
“I always believed slavery was wrong and was proud Kyralia ended it as soon as we were free to,” Regin said. “But that happened centuries ago. We Kyralians never really comprehended it, because we never saw it for ourselves.”
Sonea nodded. Looking at Regin, she felt an unexpected affection. If the Traitors lose, then at least I got the chance to see the compassion and humility in him.
“Perhaps that’s why we failed to end it,” he continued, “when we conquered Sachaka. It had been too long since we’d endured it ourselves.”
Sonea shook her head. “But it had only been a few hundred years since Kyralia and Elyne regained their independence and ended slavery.”
“Enough time for those who knew what it was like to die of old age, and the concept to become an abstract idea to their descendants.”
“And yet we still have an aversion to it, passed down for a further seven hundred years.”
“Only because it is something we associated with Sachakans.”
Sonea chuckled darkly. “Ah, yes. Because that made them hateful, which made us morally superior. Never underestimate the pleasure of seeing faults in others.”
Regin turned to frown at her. “You don’t think slavery is—”
“Of course not. I just wish we’d done this when we had the chance.” She gestured to the people before them. “And that the Allied Lands had accepted the Traitors’ invitation.”
“You’d have us go to war, when most of us are too weak to make a difference?”
“Yes. But in our own way.”
Regin looked at her, then his eyes widened. “By the Guild giving you and Kallen all our power.”
“Which I have taken already. All we had to do was prepare and send for Kallen.”
“Or Lilia?” Regin frowned. “No... she is too young.”
“Not much younger than I was when I fought in my first war, but yes, I wouldn’t wish that on her and we shouldn’t risk losing all magicians with knowledge of black magic.”
Regin smiled. “Though it appears it can be learned from a book, after all.”
“Yes.” Sonea sighed. “I suspect the Guild will lose its battle against black magic soon. If the Traitors win it’ll be even harder to...” She paused as she saw a couple on horseback riding toward them. They wore Traitor garb, and looked familiar. The pair were looking at her and Regin. “Those two look like they’re coming to meet us.”
Regin squinted against the bright sunlight. “And they don’t look surprised to see us either. I expect someone has told them we didn’t go home.”
They watched as the pair drew closer. A man and a woman, Sonea noted. Is she the magician and he a source of power? she wondered. Or did the Traitors train their men to use magic so they could fight? A few strides away, the couple turned their horses to block Sonea’s path.
“Black Magician Sonea,” the woman said. “Lord Regin. I am Saral, this is Temi. Queen Savara asks why you have not returned home.”
Sonea paused as if to consider her answer. She had expected the question, but didn’t want her answer to seem too well rehearsed.
“The Guild is obliged to ensure its members will be safe, when in other lands,” she told them. “I am here to ensure our Healers will not be in danger.”
The woman’s eyes went blank, then focused on Sonea again. “We will make sure all Guild magicians entering Sachaka are unharmed.”
“So you have the time to patrol the roads, and have Traitors free to act as guards and escorts, at the same time as fighting the Ashaki? I would rather you put your resources into achieving your aims.” Sonea stepped forward until she was looking up at Saral, addressing the woman she knew was watching her through the ring Saral was wearing. “Not the least because you have my son with you,” she added, lowering and hardening her tone. “Do you really expect me to go home? I am one magician, and no threat to you or your people, Queen Savara.” She smiled. “Whether you have Lorkin with you or not.”
Saral’s chin lifted, then her gaze flickered away again and she scowled. Her face fell and she looked down at Sonea.
“You may continue to Arvice,” she said. “On the condition that you do not enter the city before we do, and you do not side with the Ashaki. I can’t guarantee your safety if you get in the way, and if you or your lover influence the battle against us you will both be killed.”
Sonea inclined her head. “I give you my word that we will keep to these conditions.”
Saral’s lips thinned and her shoulders slumped. “Temi and I will escort you,” she said. Beside her, Temi made a small noise of protest.
Sonea nodded again. “Thank you. For the sake of avoiding embarrassment, I should point out that you are wrong in one matter.”
“What?” Saral’s eyes narrowed.
“Lord Regin is not my lover.”
The woman’s eyebrows rose into a disbelieving expression. She said nothing in reply, instead turning her horse so that it faced the way she had come. Temi did the same, smirking as he moved to take a position on the other side of Sonea. Regin stepped forward to stand beside Sonea. He met her eyes briefly.
“Traitors like gossip as much as everyone else,” he murmured, smiling.
Sonea shrugged and started walking. Such gossip could be dangerous. An enemy, thinking they were a couple, might try to harm Regin in order to blackmail her. But, as she’d hinted to Savara through Saral, if the Traitors wanted to blackmail her, they already had Lorkin. Still... Regin would be a better target, if Tyvara cares for Lorkin and Savara cares about Tyvara’s feelings.
She looked at Regin, and he turned to meet her gaze. If he was worried, he was keeping it well hidden. His eyebrows rose in question, then his mouth twitched into a small, secretive smile. She looked away. Anyone watching him would think we were a couple. She looked back at the days they’d spent together since leaving Imardin. It had been a relief to find they got along with each other. That she didn’t mind his company, and he didn’t seem to mind hers. But what was it that others saw to make them think more was going on? I’m not doing anything, she thought. Is it Regin, then? Surely...
She shook her head. No. He’s not in love with me. Don’t be ridiculous.
But what if he was? She thought back. Tried to remember everything he’d said. Tried to recall how he’d spoken to her, behaved around her, looked at her. She remembered how she had started to ask herself the same question before, in the carriage after leaving the Fort. What had he said to make her wonder? That he had admired her for years.
Was he trying to tell me more? She shook her head again. Does it only seem that way now that I’m wondering about it?
She couldn’t ask him, because the Traitors would hear. But if an opportunity came to talk with Regin privately... The thought of it made her throat close up. I can’t do that. What if I’m wrong? It would be embarrassing for the both of us. Or would it be worse if I’m right? At least I’m sure I’m not in love with him.
A tangle of contradictory feelings and thoughts followed. It took all her self-control to keep her steps regular and her face calm. Then, as quickly as it had risen, the conflict ended, leaving her surprised and dismayed.
So. I do. No, I could. That’s different. The potential is there, but it isn’t so. Yet, she thought. But she wouldn’t say anything of it to Regin. And if he hinted of feelings for her she would have to discourage him. It’s not that I haven’t forgiven him. He’s become a person so much better than the novice I hated. It’s not that I haven’t got over Akkarin – well, got over him enough to love another. It’s not even that it makes Regin vulnerable, should someone seek to blackmail me. It’s because...
She felt a stab of annoyance. Why was it that the only men who showed any romantic interest in her had no right to? Not that she had any real proof of Regin’s interest. Which was just as well because, though Regin had parted from his wife, he was still legally married.
Dannyl paced his rooms.
There must be some way I can warn Achati without revealing how we know the Traitors are coming. It would be a few days before the Traitors arrived and they needed to behave as if nothing extraordinary was happening, so Tayend had left to visit an Ashaki merchant, and Merria was making an afternoon visit to the market with a friend who hadn’t left the city yet, leaving Dannyl alone to ponder his dilemma. I could pretend one of the slaves told me the Traitors are coming. Or passed on a message to me. But what if that leads to the Ashaki torturing more slaves?
A movement in the doorway caught his attention. He turned to see Kai drop to the floor.
“Ashaki Achati is here to see you.”
He’s here! Dannyl felt his heart lift, then plunge downward again. And I don’t have a solution yet. Then he shook his head. Well, it has only been half a day. Even if I’d thought of something, I ought to run it past Tayend first, so I’ll have to behave as if I know nothing for this meeting anyway.
“Have some food and wine brought.”
The slave rose and hurried away. Entering the corridor, Dannyl strode down it to the Master’s Room. He felt a wave of affection as Achati turned and smiled at him.
“Ambassador Dannyl.”
“Ashaki Achati.” Dannyl inclined his head. “A pleasure to see you again.”
The Sachakan’s smile vanished. “Ah, I hope it always will be.” He sighed. “I have news.”
“Good or bad?” Dannyl ushered the man to a stool and sat down in his usual place.
Achati considered. “Not good. Not overly bad. Possibly advantageous.”
“You’re being mysterious now.”
“Just answering the question.” The corner of Achati’s eyes crinkled, then smoothed as he sobered. Two slaves appeared with the wine and food. Achati waited until they had gone before speaking again.
“The Traitors have ventured out of the mountains and have begun attacking estates all around the country,” he said in a low voice. “They’ve killed every magician they encountered and are heading toward Arvice. It appears they are intent on taking over Sachaka.”
A wave of relief swept over Dannyl, which he hoped he hid well. He knows! I don’t have to warn him. But I can’t admit that we knew already. He drank a mouthful of wine, considering how to respond. Not with surprise. He’s mentioned the possibility of a Traitor rebellion before.
“You thought this might happen,” he said, “but doubted they were strong enough to be a threat.”
“I still do.” Achati shrugged. “Which is why this is not good news, yet is possibly advantageous. The Traitors are unlikely to survive, so we will finally be rid of them. Unfortunately we will lose many good men in the process. The king doesn’t want to send forces out to meet them. They are attacking from all directions, so it would thin our ranks if we tried to tackle them all. He has sent messages ordering Ashaki and their families to retreat to the city.”
“Will they obey him?”
Achati nodded. “Most will, but whether they do so quickly enough is another matter. And there is one setback we didn’t anticipate.” He paused to look around the room. “Slaves have taken the opportunity to rebel. Mostly by fleeing from estates just before the Traitors arrive, but a few have attacked their owners.”
“And succeeded?”
“Only in a few cases – with poison. Which is one of the reasons I am telling you this. Be careful of your slaves, Ambassador Dannyl.”
Dannyl looked at the wineglass in Achati’s hand. The man hadn’t even sipped it yet. Did he fear the slaves here? The Guild House slaves belonged to the king, but that hadn’t prevented the Traitors putting their spies among them. Dannyl had drunk only a little of the wine, and hadn’t touched the food. He sent his mind within but found no sign of distress.
“I should be able to counteract the effect of poison with Healing magic,” he told Achati.
Achati chuckled and raised the glass to his lips. “Handy skill, that one.”
Dannyl nodded. “Do Ambassador Tayend, Lady Merria and I have anything to fear from the Traitors?”
Achati shook his head. “I see no reason why they would attack you, so long as you keep out of the way. If by some ill chance this goes badly, and the Traitors reach the city...” He paused and sighed, his shoulders dropping. “I confess I fear you would be in more danger from my people than theirs. The king has treated you as if you had colluded with the Traitors. If the rebels do a lot of damage, some Ashaki may come here to seek retribution. Or, if the battle goes badly, they may seek to replenish their store of power.”
Dannyl stared at Achati. For the man to admit his people might do this... there must be a real danger.
“What should we do?”
Achati held Dannyl’s gaze. “There is a ship in the harbour called The Kala. The captain has been told to take you, Ambassador Tayend and Lady Merria on board if you request it. He will sail you back to Kyralia.”
But Osen told us to stay... ah, I can’t tell him that without revealing we already knew about the attack. Still, Osen might change his mind once I tell him what Achati fears.
“Thank you. I’ll have to ask the Guild what they want us to do. Would you...?” Dannyl paused, wondering what Osen would think of the proposal. If it meant we were safe, he’d agree to it. “Would you come with us?”
The Sachakan’s eyes widened a little. He smiled and reached out to touch Dannyl’s arm in a gesture of reassurance and fondness. “My place is here, with my king and people.” He waved his other hand, holding the wineglass. “And it is very unlikely the Traitors will reach the city anyway. The ship is just a precaution.” He squeezed Dannyl’s arm gently, then let go. “And an excellent excuse to visit you.”
“I appreciate the warning. And the visit.” Dannyl put his wineglass aside. “You’ve missed Tayend, though. And Merria.”
“A pity. I may not have much time spare to visit again until after this little crisis is over.”
Dannyl’s heart skipped. If he is wrong about the Traitors, it might be the last time we are together.
“But I do have the House all to myself for the evening. Can you stay long?”
Achati’s eyebrows rose, then he smiled. “Perhaps for an hour or two.”
The room shivered with candlelight. Though the effect looked as if it was the result of the flickering flames, Cery knew some of the movement was from the shaking of his hand. He felt hot wax drip over his knuckles and looked down. Though it felt like they had been standing like this for an hour, the candle wasn’t visibly shorter.
He looked across the room at Gol, who was also holding a candle at the ready. Cery frowned as Gol shifted his weight and the flame came perilously close to lighting a timer strip. He could hear Gol’s quick breathing. His own seemed too loud. He tried to breathe deeper and quietly, to will his racing heart to slow down, worried that either would drown out the sound of someone approaching.
Skellin – if it is Skellin – is going to hear us and know we’re waiting for him. The only reason we’d stay put is if we knew he was coming was if we had set a trap. I’d realise that. Surely he would, too.
Several ways that his plan could go wrong went through his mind. He knew the trap wasn’t perfect. The minefire might go off before he and Gol had a chance to get safely away. It might go off too late to harm Skellin. While they hoped that it would kill him, their aim was to blow a hole in the Gardens above and reveal the Rogue Thief to the Guild. But what if it didn’t? What if there was no hole, and Skellin survived?
What if Skellin didn’t come personally to deal with Cery? What if Cery and Gol blew a hole in the Gardens, and possibly themselves, only to reveal Skellin’s minions to the Guild?
Gol was looking at Cery now, and shaking his head. In his eyes was a question. How long would they stand like this before they decided Anyi had been wrong, and no intruder was in the passages? Cery looked at his candle. Should they take turns instead? Should they...?
From somewhere down the corridor came a sharp intake of breath. Cery looked at Gol, then followed his bodyguard’s surprised gaze to the doorway.
Someone was standing there. No, Cery realised. Someone is floating there. Someone all too familiar.
“So this is where you’ve been all this time,” Skellin said. Then he whistled. From further back in the tunnels came a piercing reply.
Cery moved his hand in the direction he’d feared to go moments earlier, and heard a sizzle as the timer strip caught alight. He saw a spark flare in Gol’s direction, then turned and dashed for the door to the next room.
And slammed into the wall.
No, not the wall. A barrier of magic. Cery cursed as he realised Gol had encountered the same invisible obstruction. Light filled the room – the distinctive glare of a magic globe light. His friend looked at him, his expression grim and frightened. Cery met Gol’s eyes and grimaced. So that’s it, then. We might have had time to escape if we’d heard Skellin coming... But Skellin had levitated to avoid his footsteps being heard. As Cery turned to face his enemy he saw the flame of the timer strip Gol had lit retreat in its hole. He closed his eyes and held his breath. At least Anyi got away.
“Now, now. No need to brace yourself. It would be rude of me to kill you without having a bit of a chat first. Hmm. Not much of a hideout.”
Cery opened his eyes to see the Thief magician, his shoes now touching the floor, walking toward him. Two men stepped into the doorway behind him. They were young and well muscled. Skellin looked around the room, then over Cery’s shoulder at the next one. “Not as nice as your old one, from what my mother tells me, though perhaps that was your wife’s taste in decoration and you’ve reverted to the habits of your namesake since she died.”
My wife... the hideout... Cold shock and then hate rushed through Cery. Lorandra did murder my family. Though why would she do so when Skellin and I weren’t enemies then?
“Though perhaps you were glad to be rid of her. You were supposed to be so angry that you’d form an alliance with me so I’d find the Thief Hunter for you,” Skellin said.
Cery stared at Skellin. He killed my family to make me want to join forces with him. After he “found” the Thief Hunter – or some poor scapegoat – I’d be indebted to him. He looked at the other wall, seeking the flame of the timer he’d set alight. He saw no spark of light. It, too, had burned back into the wall, toward the tubes of minefire. Soon it would blast Skellin into...
Gol cursed and bowed his head. “Sorry, Cery,” he muttered. “It should have gone by now.”
Cery cursed as he realised the trap had failed. Gol had shown him that the minefire worked. Why not now?
“What are you chatting about?” Skellin came closer, his strange eyes narrowing. He leaned toward Cery and his mouth stretched into a humourless smile. “There’s someone missing, isn’t there? Where is your daughter, Ceryni?”
Cery’s heart began to shrink inside his chest, but he forced himself to laugh. “Do you really expect me to tell you that?”
Skellin shrugged, then straightened and looked around. “No. But my sources in the Guild tell me she is down here with you. I wonder where she could be.”
“Safe from you,” Cery told him. Sources in the Guild? So the rumours are true. But how do they know Anyi is here?
“Is she?” Skellin must have removed the barrier, as he moved past Cery into the next room, his globe light floating before him. “Who sleeps on the third bed, then?”
“Someone you don’t want to meet.”
Skellin didn’t reply. He was looking at the doorway to the passage leading to the Magicians’ Quarters. Though his face was turned away from Cery, the set of his shoulders suggested he was listening to something.
Anyi and Lilia? Cery felt a rush of hope followed by fear. I hope Lilia is ready for this, and Anyi has the sense to stay out of the way.
Skellin took a step toward the doorway, then another. Cery sensed that Gol had crouched down. He looked away and saw that his bodyguard had picked up a still-burning candle. Skellin’s two henchmen had moved into the room, however. They would be able to stop Gol getting to any of the minefire tubes set into the walls.
A laugh drew Cery’s attention back to Skellin. The Rogue had stepped into the passage. He extended a hand toward something out of Cery’s view. An all-too-familiar voice cursed. Anyi appeared, struggling as an invisible force pushed her into Skellin’s reach.
At the sight of her Cery felt his heart jump and twist like an animal struggling to escape – and it hurt. He clenched his fists against the pain and started forward, but something caught and held his legs. Gol, too, lurched to a halt.
Where is Lilia? As Skellin reached out to grab Anyi, she stopped resisting and darted forward. Surely Anyi didn’t come back without Lilia. But the hand that stabbed toward Skellin twisted as it encountered his torso and she cursed in pain. Skellin grabbed her wrist and prised the knife out of her grip. But if she couldn’t find Lilia then...
The Thief looked up at him, grinning. “Safe from me, eh? Looks like you’ve failed to protect your family again, Ceryni.”
Cery gritted his teeth. Had Anyi at least sent a message to Lilia? Was Lilia on her way? Cery wanted to ask Anyi, but the pain in his chest made it hard to breathe and he didn’t want to warn Skellin that Lilia was coming. We have to delay him. Give Lilia time to get her.
Anyi was still fighting, but she could do nothing to harm or unbalance Skellin. Cery swayed as a wave of dizziness hit him, and the room darkened. When his sight cleared he saw that Skellin had pushed Anyi against a wall. She stayed there, held in place with magic. Skellin whistled, and the men pushed past Cery.
“Search and bind her.”
Anyi’s jaw tightened as the men stripped off her coat and felt for weapons. Cery wrapped aching arms around his chest and dragged in a breath to speak.
“You want me, not her,” he managed.
Skellin laughed. “I want all three of you. But you have to die in the right order. And...” Skellin looked up and around as if he could see the magicians above them. “Not here.” He turned to face them, his eyes moving from Cery to Gol. His nose wrinkled and he shook his head. “You’re not worth the trouble.” His eyes narrowed and Cery heard a sickening crack. Gol cried out in agony and surprise, and fell to the floor.
No! I have to stop him killing Gol. Slow him down! Cery tried to think past the fire in his chest. Find some way to delay Skellin a little longer. He opened his mouth to speak but only ended up gasping out a breath. Another wave of blackness consumed him and he felt his knees go weak. He suspected that only Skellin’s magic was holding him up. What has he done to me?
“Wait a moment,” he heard Skellin say. “There’s something wrong with him.”
Cery felt a growing fear as he realised Skellin was right. It’s not him. It’s me. My body... my heart... Though his eyes were open, darkness still obscured his vision. A bitter triumph rose. At least Skellin didn’t get the satisfaction of killing me. But... Anyi...
The force holding Cery melted away and he felt himself land on the hard floor. Whatever Skellin said next, he said at such a distance that Cery could not hear it. Then, after a stretch of silence, he felt cool hands on his face and he heard Gol talking from far, far away.
“Don’t worry. He won’t kill Anyi. He wants to make a trade. Lilia will get her back. If Anyi doesn’t kill him first. Those two will always look after each other. You know it. Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine. Anyi will be fine. We’ll make sure of it.”
Lilia hurried down the passage, keeping a tiny globe light floating before her.
Should I extinguish it? The intruder might see the light and know I’m coming. But if I do that, I’ll have to feel my way in the dark. It’ll slow me down. What’s more important? Speed or remaining undetected?
Her footsteps sounded loud in the narrow space. They would betray her approach anyway. She decided to keep the light burning.
Aside from her own footsteps, she heard no other sounds. The secret entrance to the passages that Anyi had cleared was on the far side of the University, so Lilia had to make her way around the foundations of the building. Fortunately, the passages were no labyrinth here. They were straight and turned at right angles until they led away from the University, under the gardens. Lilia’s heart was pounding by the time she reached the first curved wall.
I don’t think I’ve been so scared in all my life, she thought. I think I’d even consider having a little roet right now, if someone offered it to me.
The intruder might be someone harmless – a novice or servant venturing where they shouldn’t. Anyi might be wrong, and there was no intruder at all. Or it could be Skellin’s people, come snooping or looking for Cery. In that case, she had to hope that, if they’d found Cery, then he, Gol and Anyi had been able to hide until she got there.
But if it was Skellin or Lorandra. Or Skellin and Lorandra...
I have to hope, if both of them are here, that I’ve gained enough extra power from Kallen to fight them. And enough skill.
She’d considered this many times before. It was unlikely Skellin or Lorandra had much training in fighting. Lorandra might have learned something before she left her homeland, but she and Skellin would have had no training here. The most they could have done was practise on each other.
She was not far from the rooms now. As she started down the last stretch of passage she slowed, staring into the darkness ahead.
Should I whistle to warn them it’s me? It’ll warn Skellin if he’s already there. But if he is, wouldn’t I be able to see light and hear voices?
She added more magic to her shield and crept forward. A faint noise reached her. A low, murmuring voice. The doorway was dark, but as she drew closer she saw a faint, flickering light. Reaching it, she peered around the opening and saw a single candle burning, braced between two rocks, and a hunched figure sitting on the floor. At the same time she heard a choking sound.
Something about that sound made her stomach sink.
The man’s head lifted and the shadows concealing his face retreated from her globe light. Gol’s cheeks glistened.
“Lilia,” he said.
She brightened the light and saw what he was sitting beside.
“Oh no.” She hurried forward and knelt on the floor. Cery’s face was pale, his eyes closed. She could see no sign of injury. Placing her hand on his forehead, she sent her senses out – and immediately recoiled. “Oh no.”
“It’s too late, isn’t it?” Gol said, his voice tight.
She felt her heart twist, then looked around the room. Where is Anyi?
“Yes. What happened?”
“I don’t know. Skellin did nothing to him. Was going to take him away. But... he just collapsed.”
Reluctantly she reached out and touched Cery’s body, forcing herself to examine him again. She had never used her Healing skills on a dead person before. The lack of presence, the mental silence within, the lack of a natural barrier to repel the will of another, all were shocking to her. But if Skellin had done this...
No. The damage was clear, once she found it. Cery’s heart had failed. Not that Skellin didn’t cause it indirectly, by forcing Cery to live here, constantly fearing for his safety. And Anyi’s.
Anyi. She withdrew her senses, opened her eyes and looked at Gol. He had slumped forward, and was breathing quickly. His face was contorted with pain, but she suddenly understood it was not just the pain of grief.
“What’s... are you hurt?” She reached out and grabbed his arm, then jumped as her senses opened to a flood of agony. It was coming from somewhere lower. His legs. Letting go of his arm, she crawled over to him and grabbed his shoulders. “Lie down.”
He did as she told him, sucking in sharp breaths as he moved. Once he was lying flat, she moved her light over to his legs.
“Don’t,” he said. “Go. Find... her. Find... Anyi.”
She froze. From somewhere deep inside her rose a terrible dread. “Where is she?”
“Skellin... took her.”
“When?” Her mind raced ahead. She climbed to her feet. Cery had not been dead long. Skellin could still be in the passages. If she left now, she might catch him. Save Anyi. “But why take her? Why not kill her?”
“You.” Gol gasped, sucked in a breath, held it. “Wants you. Will send... a message. Where... to meet.”
She pictured herself catching up with Skellin. Fighting Skellin. She shook her head. He won’t fight me. He’ll put a knife to Anyi’s throat. Or do something with magic. He’ll use her to get away. And take me with him. And make me teach him black magic.
Would it work out any differently if she waited for his message? Perhaps he’d torture Anyi in the meantime.
No. He won’t harm her. Not if he wants me to teach him.
He might accidentally hurt her if she rushed upon him now.
If she waited for the message, waited for the meeting, she would have time to work out how to rescue Anyi without teaching Skellin black magic. Time to strengthen herself. Time to decide how I’m going to tell Anyi her father is dead.
She may know already. Oh, Anyi. I’m sorry I didn’t get here faster.
It took more strength of will than anything she had done before to not run after her. Forcing herself to kneel down next to Gol, ignoring his protests, she set to work mending his shattered bones. And hoped, desperately, that she had made the right decision.
The sky was streaked with orange and black when Saral and Temi moved off the main road towards another estate. Sonea and Regin followed. Every night since the Traitor escort had met them, they had stayed at freed estates. Horses had been given to them at Saral’s request on the second morning, though they had not ridden at any great speed since then.
I’m surprised we haven’t caught up with Savara’s group. It must take time to confront and subdue the Ashaki. But maybe that’s why we’re travelling so slowly. She doesn’t want us catching up – or getting to Arvice before her.
They’d travelled mostly in silence. Saral and Temi clearly weren’t happy about their role as escort to two inconvenient foreigners, but neither complained. They did not strike up a conversation either. At the estates it was a different story. The newly freed slaves were euphoric and endlessly talkative, asking questions of Saral and Temi and assuming Sonea and Regin were welcome visitors in Traitor eyes. Now, as the four horses neared the estate’s walls, ex-slaves poured out to greet them.
“Welcome, Traitors!” they called. “Will you stay here?” They came forward in a surge, then the foremost slowed as they saw Sonea and Regin.
“I am Saral and this is Temi,” Saral told them. “This is Black Magician Sonea and Lord Regin, of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia. We are escorting them.”
One of the slaves stepped forward. “I am Veli, chosen leader of this estate.” He looked up at Sonea. “Welcome to Sachaka.”
“Thank you, Veli,” Sonea replied, inclining her head respectfully.
Veli’s attention returned to Saral. “Will you be staying? Queen Savara and her team were our guests last night.”
“Yes, we will stay, and we would all like news of your previous guests.”
Saral looked at Sonea and almost seemed to smile. Sonea inclined her head again in gratitude. At every estate where the queen had stopped, Sonea had asked after Lorkin.
The ex-slaves led them into the estate, where they dismounted and the horses were taken away. A middle-aged woman and her two daughters approached and welcomed them.
“Tiatia is the former owner’s wife,” Veli explained. “She welcomed Queen Savara into her home when she arrived.”
“And her husband?”
“Is in the east. He is a good man and we did not want him to die. We knew there was a chance that he would be forced to fight along with the other Ashaki, or that we would not have a chance to speak in his defence, so we arranged for him to be out of the country.”
“What did the queen think of this?”
“She said she was impressed with our loyalty. But it was not simple loyalty.”
Saral frowned. “No? What was it?”
“Friendship.” As Saral regarded him closely, his gaze faltered. But then he lifted his head and stared back at her. “He is a good man,” he said defensively. “If you want proof, take a look at our slave quarters. They are clean and warm. He allowed men and women to choose each other and live together, and to keep their children. He only required us to make obeisance when visitors were here.”
Saral’s eyebrows rose. “Remarkable. What will happen to him now?”
“His ship slaves will tell him everything in a few days, and warn him that he may have to seek permission to return. Do you think it will be granted?”
The two Traitors exchanged looks. Temi shrugged. “Perhaps. He will have no land. He will have to live on equal terms with you.”
“He will be honoured to,” Tiatia said.
Saral looked at the woman, then Veli, and nodded. “Queen Savara did say there would be circumstances like these and that we must know when to balance caution with compassion.”
“Come inside,” Veli said, smiling. “Rooms and a meal are already being prepared for you.”
As with all previous estates, a surprisingly humble main door led down a corridor to a bigger room, which in each home has been put to different uses: sometimes storage, sometimes sleeping quarters, sometimes a gathering place.
“Sit,” Veli invited. “It will be a while before the food is ready.”
Sonea chose a pair of stools for her and Regin. Sitting on pillows is for younger people than me, she mused. Veli, Saral and Temi did the same.
“While we wait, can I prepare some raka for you?” Tiatia asked.
Saral looked at Veli, her eyebrows raised in question. He nodded. “Yes, that would be appreciated,” Saral replied.
Tiatia smiled, and settled with her daughters onto pillows at the centre of the room. Beneath a stool was a raka pot and a canister of the powder. As more ex-slaves arrived carrying water and cups, she set to work. While Saral and Veli talked about the estate’s produce and future, Sonea watched, amused to see such a familiar ritual of preparation in a place so unfamiliar. To her surprise, steam began to waft from the pot’s spout.
“You are a magician?” Sonea asked Tiatia.
All conversation abruptly ceased. Sonea looked around. Veli was biting his lip and frowning at Saral. The two Traitors were both gazing at Tiatia in surprise. Sonea’s stomach sank as she realised that Veli had wanted to keep this a secret, and she might have condemned the woman in their eyes by revealing it.
“Yes,” Tiatia said in a quiet voice. “My husband taught me.”
Saral let go an in-held breath. “Now I’m willing to think your husband may be all you claim he is,” she said.
“Why do you believe this, and not us?” Veli asked, scowling.
“Because treating slaves well is – was – never going to threaten an Ashaki’s power over others. But teaching his wife magic might.”
Unless he did not teach her higher magic, Sonea thought. She knew Sachakans looked down on magicians who did not know higher magic. If Tiatia’s husband hadn’t taught it to her, she would still be lower than him in status as well as power.
As would Regin be, to Sachakans, if he and I were...
She pushed the thought away, suddenly conscious of Regin sitting silently beside her. It was strange and disturbing how a stray thought could change her awareness of his presence from simply knowing his location to sensing a much more physical nearness. She would suddenly notice his breathing, and imagine she could feel warmth radiating from him.
“On behalf of all the people here,” Veli said, his formal tone drawing her attention away. “I offer our strength to you. We gave strength to Queen Savara and her team this morning. We will have recovered enough to do the same for you tomorrow.”
He was looking directly at Saral.
The Traitor smiled and looked down. “You are very generous.”
Veli shrugged. “We want you to win.”
Saral nodded. “As do I. Temi is strong, but it may be that I will join the battle at a time when extra strength will turn it in our favour. I accept your offer with gratitude.”
In the corner of her eye, Sonea saw Regin turn to look at her. Each morning, as they had begun their ride for the day, he had reached across to touch her arm and send power to her. With Saral and Temi within hearing, she had been unable to object.
Not that I should. It is what I brought him for. If he wasn’t so determined that we do it, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to ask for it. Especially not now.
But she couldn’t fault his timing. Mornings were better times for transferring power than evenings since they’d joined their Traitor guides. After giving her his power, he was vulnerable. When riding with the Traitors, Sonea was unlikely to be separated from him, and Saral was probably obliged to protect them. If someone tried to attack him, it would most likely be during their stay in estates. Perhaps a slave who, like the first they’d met, resented the Guild for not freeing them after the Sachakan War. Perhaps an Ashaki’s wife, mother or daughter, thinking that the Guild had colluded with the Traitors. By evening most of Regin’s powers were restored and he was better able to protect himself.
“So tell us of Queen Savara’s team.” Saral glanced at Sonea. “First tell us, how fares the pale young man, Lorkin?”
Veli shrugged. “He was well.” He looked at Sonea and frowned. “Is he Kyralian?”
“Yes,” Saral nodded. “He is Black Magician Sonea’s son.”
The ex-slave glanced at Sonea in surprise. “A Kyralian fighting with Traitors?”
“He is a Traitor now. He has joined us.” Saral smiled. “What of the rest? How many were there in the queen’s team?”
“Thirty-two,” he told her.
“Good. Another team has joined them. It is good to know everything is going to plan, more or less. Any news of losses?”
Veli nodded. As he listed names, Sonea tried to ignore the sudden, panicked surge of her heartbeat. It’s hard enough hearing the words “Lorkin” and “fighting” spoken in relation to each other, but it is worse to then contemplate that even Traitors who have trained and prepared for this battle are dying. Be careful, Lorkin. Please, don’t let me outlive you as well.
Staring up at the ceiling, Lorkin cursed silently. Once again, he couldn’t get to sleep.
The building they were in was the average size for a country estate, but two more teams had joined Savara’s and there simply weren’t enough beds for everyone. Most Traitors now slept on the floor each night. Neither discomfort nor the sound of breathing should have prevented him from getting any sleep. He was tired after a long day of travelling.
It’s being so close to so many minds, he told himself. But that wasn’t entirely true, either. He could only hear the occasional surface thought, and only if he concentrated hard. No, it was the place to which his mind kept wandering whenever he let it drift that kept him awake.
Or places. When I’m not remembering the slave girl I gave the poisoned water to, and wondering if she was a Traitor, I’m worrying about Tyvara getting killed in battle. Or me. Or Mother getting caught up in it – why couldn’t she have just gone home!
And then there was Kalia.
At least the woman had stopped muttering “spy” all the time. Or she’d stopped doing so when he could hear her. She still gave him and Tyvara looks filled with hatred, but that didn’t bother him. It was the way she looked at Savara that had him worried.
Never with open dislike, he thought. It’s the way she’s all humble and obedient whenever Savara looks her way, then she narrows her eyes and smiles whenever Savara’s attention is elsewhere. It’s the feeling of expectation I sense whenever I concentrate on her presence.
So far he hadn’t picked up any distinct surface thoughts from her. Kalia appeared to be as sly in thought as she was in nature. She kept her mind quiet, her main surface thoughts being short and mostly criticisms of others. He’d lost count of the times he’d heard the word “idiot!” burst from her mind.
What is she expecting? Is she hoping Savara will fail or be killed, or is she actually scheming to ensure either happens?
Kalia was sleeping on the other side of the room. Though he knew he’d probably have no better success reading her mind than before, he steadied his breathing and began to concentrate. Anything to turn his mind from less pleasant memories. Slowly he shifted his senses outward. From most of the Traitors he sensed little more than their presence. Though a few were still awake, their thoughts were too quiet to hear.
Then he heard a familiar mental voice and he felt cold rush through his body. It was the same mental voice that had spoken into his own mind months before in Sanctuary, the same presence that had gone seeking information he did not want to give.
—... they’ll blame her. All the deaths. I’ll make sure they do... can’t let Savara rule... better if she dies in battle... arrange that... but how? When she’s weak... Speakers will falter. Tyvara is too young... foolish to pick her... nobody will follow her... better if she dies too... but how?
Lorkin realised he had been holding his breath, and made himself exhale slowly and quietly. I was wrong. Now that she’s not subconsciously hiding her thoughts they are loud and clear. They’ve been amplified by malice and glee. She’s going to make sure Savara dies in the coming battle. Tyvara too, if she can.
Did Savara know? Surely she saw that Kalia would take advantage of any situation that would weaken her position or get rid of her. But Savara didn’t know how far Kalia was prepared to go.
If I tell her, I’ll have to reveal that I can read surface thoughts. Mother warned me not to do that. He had to admit, his mother was right. He wouldn’t like to know that someone could read his thoughts so easily. Not even someone he liked. Even if he understood their ability was very limited he’d still be constantly wondering which thoughts they’d heard. He’d want to stay away from them, in case he let slip something private or a secret entrusted to him.
Would Tyvara feel that way? How would I feel if Tyvara could read my surface thoughts? He looked at her, lying beside him, eyes closed and breathing slowly. I trust her. Then why hadn’t he told her about the slave girl he’d killed? I don’t want her to think I could do that.
But he had. Perhaps it was time he told her. No. One challenging admission at a time. Warning her about Kalia is more important. And I have to warn her, even if it means revealing my ability to Tyvara. If Kalia’s plan works, they’ll both die.
He reached out to touch Tyvara’s arm. She frowned but her eyes remained closed.
Her eyes fluttered open. As her gaze met his he felt a rush of affection. She was so beautiful, even in the dim light. She must have sensed it, as he felt surprise, pleasure and then a mix of fondness and, gratifyingly, desire.
—Lorkin? What’s going on? Her mental voice was fuzzy with sleep.
—Kalia is planning to betray Savara.
Her eyes widened and he felt her stiffen under his touch, and sensed alarm sweep aside affection.
—How do you know?
—I can only tell you if you promise not to tell anybody else. She stared at him.
—I promise, but only if it doesn’t endanger my people.
—It won’t. He explained, and told her what he had overheard. Tyvara’s eyes widened as he did.
—You can... how long have you been able to do this?
—Since I was in the palace prison. Mother says people believed my father could do it. She thought it was an exaggeration. That he was unusually observant.
—How often have you picked up surface thoughts from me?
—Not often. When we were reunited I heard a few words. That was when I realised I hadn’t been imagining it before. Since then... not deliberately. Only once or twice by accident. I have to concentrate hard, and it doesn’t seem polite to listen in on other people’s thoughts.
—Except with Kalia. She sounded amused.
—No. I was certain she was planning something. Now I know for sure. Savara is in danger. You are too.
—And you. Savara’s approval and confidence in you goes a long way to convince others that you can be trusted. She frowned as if something had occurred to her.
—What is it?
—How does someone accidentally concentrate hard?
His heart skipped and he sensed suspicion. Was she repelled by him now? He searched for an answer that she might approve of.
—When I’m paying particularly close attention to you.
Abruptly her frown vanished and she grinned.
—There could be some interesting advantages in having someone around who knows when you want something.
He rolled his eyes.
—How about we stop thinking of ways you can order me around and work out what to do about Kalia.
Her smile faded.
—We have to tell Savara.
—Can we do that without revealing my new ability to her? Can we just tell her that we overheard Kalia speaking?
—Lie to Savara? I can’t do that. Besides, she’ll want to know who Kalia was talking to.
—Not lie, avoid telling more than we have to for now. We’ll say she was talking to herself.
—Kalia debating betrayal aloud? She isn’t that stupid. Savara is going to need proof if she’s to deal with Kalia.
—Then she’ll have to prove to everyone that I can do this and that my word can be trusted. Kalia will point out that I’ve kept a secret from them all and say it’s proof I’m a spy.
Savara let out a little sigh of frustration. Lorkin took her hand and squeezed it.
—At least we know Kalia is planning something. We can keep an eye on her. Wait until she makes her move, then stop her.
—That’s not going to look good. Savara will be angry that we didn’t warn her. Kalia will claim we set her up. No. We have to tell Savara. I can’t see any other way. But I don’t think she’ll tell anyone else. It will make people distrust you, and that will cause too many problems for us right now.
Lorkin thought of his mother’s warning, then sighed.
—I hope you’re right. When do you want to do it?
—Now. It’s our best chance of getting her alone.
As Tyvara stood up Lorkin followed suit. He resisted looking over to Kalia as they crept out of the room. I hope I’m not going to regret this.
Savara was in the kitchen, sitting at a long wooden table with two of the estate’s former slaves. She sent the women away, invited him and Tyvara to sit opposite her, then listened as Tyvara explained what Lorkin had heard from Kalia. Savara’s gaze fixed on Lorkin, her eyes slowly narrowing.
“So,” she said in a quiet but slightly clipped tone, “what else haven’t you told us, Lorkin?”
Lorkin immediately thought of the slave girl. He winced, then instantly regretted it. He felt Tyvara move away from him, and turned to see her staring at him.
“There’s something else?”
He looked from her to Savara. In unison, the two women crossed their arms and fixed him with a stare of expectation. It would have been funny, if he wasn’t facing an admission he’d been dreading.
He dropped his gaze to the table, took a deep breath and forced the words out from where he’d locked them away. “When I was in the prison, they tortured a slave girl to see if it would make me speak. I... I gave her water I knew was poisoned. It had the warning glyphs you said to watch for. I thought she was a Traitor and knew what she was doing.”
He heard Tyvara’s indrawn breath, but could not bring himself to look up and see if it was from horror at what he’d done, or sympathy.
“You want to know if she was a Traitor,” Savara said.
He made himself meet her eyes. “Yes.”
“You know it won’t make a difference.”
He shrugged. “But I won’t be wondering any more.”
She sighed and shook her head. “She was not, as far as I know. You made a hard and terrible choice, and one you can never know was right or wrong.” Savara reached across the table, took his hand and squeezed it.
“Our spies make these choices all the time,” Tyvara told him. “We can hardly hold it against you.”
Savara let go of his hand and smiled. “Anything else you wish to confess?” she asked lightly.
He thought of the stone he was carrying. Either I reveal what I know now, or never confront them with the truth. If the Traitors find out later that I’ve learned about it, and that the Guild has discovered their secret, they will be angry. And with Kalia trying to make them mistrust me, and Savara now having reason to worry about me because of my ability to read surface thoughts...
“You’re not actually looking for things to confess, are you?” Tyvara asked, shaking her head.
“Not exactly,” he said. He turned to Savara. “There are going to be things I won’t want to tell you. Things about the Guild. I may not be a Guild magician any more, but I don’t want to make them my enemy, either. Or yours.”
Savara nodded. “I understand.”
“I also don’t want to bring about harm to the Traitors from not having told you something.”
“I’m pleased to hear it.”
He reached into his pocket and brought out the stone from the wasteland. As he placed it on the table in front of Savara her expression changed to dismay.
He looked at Tyvara. She looked a little sheepish, he was glad to see.
“Mother gave it to me,” he told them.
Tyvara cursed.
“Indeed,” Savara agreed. “But we’ve been very lucky that nobody worked out what they were before now. We’d be even more so if what our predecessors did was never discovered.” She looked up at him. “You understand why they did, don’t you?”
“To do what the Guild was accused of: ruin the land to keep Sachaka weak.”
She nodded. “Not permanently. It will recover.”
“And you’ll get the credit for restoring it.”
She reached out to take the stone. “Now that the Guild knows, I doubt we will.” She placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands. “In the long term, it won’t matter. We will win, repair the damage and be forgiven, or we will lose and the Ashaki will do it and we’ll be forever hated. The land will be restored either way.”
“So what do we do about Kalia?” Tyvara asked. “Can we lure her into making her move?”
Savara straightened. “No. If we do she’ll claim we set her up, by taking advantage of her doubts. We do nothing.”
The queen looked up at Tyvara. “Don’t think that I’ll ignore her, or trust her.” She shook her head and sighed. “When offering a person a chance at redemption, you can’t force them to take it.”
“And Lorkin’s ability?”
“Tell nobody of that, either. The Traitors are tolerant, but this will stretch their trust too far.” She stood up. “Halana is always telling me I need guards. I choose you two. You’ll have to stay close to me at all times, even sleep nearby, but at least you can keep an eye on Kalia when my attention has to be elsewhere.”
Tyvara smiled. “You know I’d be the first to offer. And you know we’ll be good company as well.”
“Yes.” Savara sighed, then she looked at Lorkin and narrowed her eyes. “No reading my surface thoughts, though.”
He shook his head. “I would never dream of it.”
As more pages broke from the spine of the old record, Dannyl sighed. He really ought to leave it be, but he needed something to fill the long, empty hours so he was rereading some of the books he’d acquired. It had been days since Achati’s visit. Nobody else had visited the Guild House. Tayend had received no invitations. Merria had heard nothing from her friends.
A sense of expectation filled the House. They came together at meals and talked for long hours afterwards, going their separate ways once they realised they were circling around the same old worries and speculations one time too many. Dannyl consulted Osen twice a day now. The Administrator would report on Sonea and Regin’s progress and a few Guild matters that would have seemed more important if Dannyl hadn’t been stuck in a city about to be overtaken by civil war.
“Ambassador Dannyl.”
Looking up from the record, Dannyl found Kai standing in the doorway of his office.
“Kai,” Dannyl replied. “What can I do for you?”
The slave smiled and Dannyl felt a strange confusion. It was as if Kai had become a stranger. He realised he’d never seen Kai smile. And then something else occurred to him.
Kai had not thrown himself to the floor. He had addressed Dannyl by name.
“You Kyralians are strange,” Kai said. “But it is a good strange.”
Dannyl’s mind was racing. What did this mean? You know what it means.
“They’re here, aren’t they? The Traitors.”
Kai shook his head. “Not yet. Tomorrow. We have decided to leave now. The Ashaki know. They are killing slaves.”
Dannyl frowned. “But surely you are safer here. We won’t harm you.”
“I know.” Kai smiled again. “You can’t stop others, though. They will come seeking power. Or revenge. Or both. You should leave, too.”
“Our orders are to stay.” Dannyl pushed away a simmering fear.
“Then I wish you good luck.”
“And I to you.” Dannyl forced himself to meet the slave’s eyes. “And I apologise, on behalf of the magicians who stayed here, if we have done anything... ah, who am I kidding?” He spread his hands. “The whole slave and master thing was wrong. And disturbingly easy to get used to.”
“We made it so.” Kai shrugged. “It was what we were trained to do. But not any more.”
“No.” Dannyl smiled. “I hope the Traitors succeed.”
“I hope you will be safe and stay alive.” The slave took a step back, then hesitated. “Have you ever explored the parts of the House the slaves occupied?”
“Not fully,” Dannyl admitted.
“Do so,” Kai advised. “More than just the kitchens when you get hungry. There are places you might hide in, and other exits. They may save you.”
Dannyl nodded. “I will. Thank you.”
Kai grinned. Then he stepped away from the door and walked, shoulders straight, out of the suite.
For a long time Dannyl stared through the empty doorway, then he got to his feet. No point in wasting time or Kai’s advice. He didn’t say when the Traitors would arrive tomorrow. It could happen first thing in the morning. Or the Ashaki might attack us overnight. I can’t help thinking that if both Achati and the slaves think we’re in danger, we are. Best start making plans to get out of here if we need to.
Leaving his suite, he made his way through the Guild House to find Tayend and Merria.
As Lilia neared the door to Sonea’s rooms she quickened her steps. The days since Skellin abducted Anyi had been unbearably long. It was hard to pretend nothing had happened. Hard to behave as if her lessons still mattered. Harder still to concentrate enough to learn anything. Hardest of all was to be around Kallen, when she couldn’t help thinking that, if he had just found and dealt with Skellin as he was supposed to have done, Cery would be alive and Anyi safe.
Reaching the door, she reached for the handle eagerly. Once inside she could stop pretending. Already she could feel the prickle of tears coming. Every day, as the strain of hiding her feelings disappeared, she had curled up on her bed and cried.
It’s all my fault. If I’d arrived earlier I might have been able to save Cery. I might have stopped Skellin taking Anyi.
Gol and Jonna argued otherwise. Gol had explained about the minefire trap he and Cery had set. As soon as she had healed his leg bones, despite her warning that he should not put weight on them yet, he had climbed to his feet and walked to the walls on either side, plucking tubes of powder out of holes and cursing.
“Why didn’t it work?” he said, over and over, she recalled. Then he asked me to bring my globe light closer. Showed me how the paper was stained with damp. Moisture in the walls had got in and ruined them. Not all, but he and Cery had only lit two of them, and they’d picked two of the damp ones.
Lilia suspected that Cery’s heart had been slowly failing for a long time. It could have stopped at any moment. If she had been around to help him when it happened he would have survived. She told Gol this, and hoped it made him feel a little less guilty.
Jonna had lamented that she hadn’t found Lilia quickly enough. She told how a magician had stopped her, concerned that she looked upset. When she’d told him she was looking for Lilia, he’d directed her to the wrong classroom. It would have been an easy mistake for the magician to make. Lilia’s timetable had changed a lot recently. He had probably made a guess, hoping to be helpful.
Turning the handle, she opened the door and stepped inside. Seeing Lord Rothen standing there, she blinked away the threatening tears and swallowed hard.
“Lord Rothen,” she said, bowing. Gol was sitting in one of the chairs, Jonna standing behind him. She and Jonna had smuggled Cery’s bodyguard, disguised as a servant, up to Sonea’s rooms, the night after Skellin’s attack.
Jonna had persuaded Lilia to tell Rothen everything. “You need a magician ally,” Lilia recalled her saying. “Rothen can be trusted to keep a secret. He’s kept plenty for Sonea over the years.” To Lilia’s relief, Rothen had been as discreet and helpful as Jonna had promised. He’d wanted to tell Kallen, until Gol repeated Skellin’s claim of having sources in the Guild.
As Lilia closed the door, Rothen’s mouth thinned in a sympathetic smile. “Lady Lilia.” He looked at Jonna, then down at the table. Following his gaze, Lilia felt her heart lurch. A square of paper lay there, with her name scrawled on it.
“Is it...?”
“From Skellin?” Rothen grimaced. “Probably. We haven’t opened it. We guessed you’d want to read it first. Sit down before you do.”
She slid into a chair, Rothen and Jonna taking the other seats. With trembling hands, she picked up the message and turned it over. The seal, she noted, was a simple crown hovering over a knife. King of the Thieves. Disgust and anger steadied her. She broke the seal and unfolded the paper. Her eyes moved over the words. As their meaning became clear, she dropped it back on the table.
“It’s an address,” she told them. “It says ‘tomorrow’ and a time. And he says to tell no one and come alone.”
“No surprises there,” Gol muttered.
“Where is the address?” Jonna asked.
“In Northside.” Cery’s old territory. He’s rubbing it in. She looked at Rothen. “I have to go. I have to try to save Anyi.”
He nodded. His agreement sent a perverse anger through her.
“Shouldn’t you tell me I can’t?” she asked. “You know what he wants. It’s bad enough we have a rogue magician ruling the underworld. A rogue black magician will be so much worse.”
“It may not be what he wants. He may already have found a book on black magic and learned it for himself, though that is unlikely. If there are any more books out there, they’re well hidden.” Rothen sighed. “Even so, we Higher Magicians have considered what to do if he does learn black magic.” He smiled thinly. “It won’t mean we can’t catch and deal with him, it’ll just be a little more dramatic when we do.”
“But many more people will die before you do. And we don’t even know if Anyi is still alive.” She felt her throat close and fought back tears again.
“He won’t have killed her,” Gol assured her. “He knows you’ll ask to see her before you teach him anything.”
Lilia took a few breaths to steady herself. “Even if she is alive, how do I know he’ll let her go after I’ve taught him?”
“You have to make sure she can get away before you teach him anything,” Rothen said.
“It would be easier if I could take another magician.”
“He’ll never let you,” Jonna said. “You can’t even take a magician disguised as a servant. He said you must be alone.”
Rothen nodded. “If he has sources here, a disguise may not work anyway.” He sighed. “If it weren’t for these sources, I’d suggest we go to the Higher Magicians. They could have Kallen make a blood ring so we can track Lilia with it. If the exchange goes badly we’ll be close enough to help.”
Lilia looked up at him in surprise. A blood ring! Why hadn’t I thought of that? “I can make blood rings. Kallen taught me.”
His eyes widened. “You can? Well then...” He straightened and rubbed his hands together. “We could have the beginning of a plan.”
Gol looked away. “Don’t ask me to help. Last plan I made wasn’t very good.”
“You did what you could with the few resources you had,” Rothen told him. “It was impressively bold. I’d never heard of minefire before. Intriguing stuff. If your trap had worked, you’d have delivered Skellin right to our door, so to speak.” He smiled briefly. “I’d appreciate your advice, Gol. You know the underworld and the city better than we do.”
Gol frowned. “Well... this idea of using a blood gem, if I’m getting it right how they work, will only be any good to us if you can pick the places you’re seeing through it,” Gol pointed out. “What if you don’t know where they are? What if you’re blindfolded?”
“Both would be a problem.” Rothen drummed his fingers on the chair, his brows creased in thought.
“Does Skellin know what a blood ring is?” Jonna asked. “He might notice it and make her take it off.”
Lilia shook her head. “I’m not supposed to wear a blood ring made from anyone else’s blood – except Sonea’s and Kallen’s.”
Rothen nodded. “Of course. Whoever supplied the blood would be able to read your thoughts and might learn about black magic. So Gol must wear one made of your blood.”
Lilia turned to Gol. “And you must smash it if anyone tries to get hold of it.”
“Otherwise it could be used against Lilia.” Rothen shook his head. “If only there was another way to follow you. It’s not like we have to track magicians often...” He drew in a quick breath and his eyebrows shot upward. “Ah! Of course! Sonea! We located Sonea before she joined the Guild by sensing her using magic.” He looked at Lilia. “All you have to do is use magic without hiding it. Concealing the use of magic was one of your earliest lessons.”
She nodded. Every year, when new novices joined the Guild, she detected a few of them using magic before they were taught how to conceal it. “But won’t Skellin sense that, too?”
“Only if he’s trying to. If you do something small and constant, like holding a shield, that may lessen the chance he’d notice, too.”
“So you track me using magic,” Lilia said, “while Gol wears my blood ring because he’s more likely to recognise where I am.”
“Once you have tracked Lilia to Skellin, are you strong enough to fight him if something goes wrong?” Jonna asked Rothen.
“Skellin and Lorandra,” Gol added.
Rothen frowned and shook his head. “I doubt it. But between Lilia and me, we may be strong enough. We can’t risk recruiting another magician in case they are Skellin’s source. I wish Dannyl was here,” he added in a murmur.
“I can be as strong as I need to be,” Lilia pointed out, meeting Rothen’s gaze and holding it.
He grimaced. “It would be better if you avoided breaking the law against using black magic without permission. But... perhaps we can bend it a little. I will give you permission, as a Higher Magician, but that doesn’t comply with the law completely since it is supposed to be agreed upon by all Higher Magicians.”
Lilia looked down. If anything goes wrong, and the Guild doesn’t agree with him bending the law, he’ll lose his position. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Allowing you to go to this meeting, when there’s a chance you’ll be forced to teach a rogue black magic, is far worse than allowing you to strengthen yourself using willing volunteers. I can give you my strength tonight.”
“And mine,” Jonna said.
“Mine, too,” Gol added.
Rothen nodded. “I will recover my strength overnight.”
“Will we?” Jonna asked.
“Then take strength from me tomorrow as well,” Jonna said. “It’s not as if I use it. Perhaps, if we give Lilia enough magic, she’ll be able drag Skellin back here with her.”
“Let’s concentrate on getting Anyi back,” Rothen said.
“Of course,” Jonna agreed. “But if there’s an opportunity to catch Skellin at the same time, let’s do it. It’s about time the King of the Underworld became the Inmate of the Lookout.”
The dusk sky was slowly darkening. No clouds hovered overhead for the sun to paint in colourful shades. Looking down from the rooftop, Lorkin wondered how this could be the same city he’d entered with Dannyl so long ago, excited at the prospect of being assistant to the Guild Ambassador to Sachaka. It feels like years ago, but not even one year has passed since we arrived.
Though the walls and buildings had not changed since Lorkin had left Arvice in the slave cart, the population had. Before, slaves had hurried up and down the streets, keeping their distance from carriages bearing their masters. Now the streets were crowded as ex-slaves fled the city centre, most on foot, some clinging to stolen carriages and carts.
A small group had been waiting when Savara and her team arrived at the mansion chosen as the gathering place before the battle. After taking the strength offered by the ex-slaves, Savara had sent them away, then split her team – now over sixty Traitors – into two groups: one to watch and guard, the other to arrange a meal and bedding. As the arrangements were made, Savara had headed for the roof.
“Why aren’t the Ashaki trying to stop them leaving?” Lorkin wondered aloud.
“Another man’s slave is another man’s problem,” Savara quoted. “They’re probably too busy trying to stop their own slaves escaping than worrying about everyone else’s.”
“In most estates, slaves came and went all the time,” Tyvara told him. “How else could they get food and other goods to the estate? All that kept them in place was the fact that there was nowhere to run to. An escaped slave would eventually be caught, and sent back to his master.”
“Unless an Ashaki manages to round up and imprison all of his slaves in one place, he can’t stop some of them getting away.” Savara’s eyes narrowed as she looked over the rooftops. “And plenty of Ashaki are away from home, fighting us.”
Lorkin followed her gaze. How many of these mansions house Ashaki preparing to face us in battle? How many are empty? So far Savara’s team had only fought small groups of Ashaki. He’d wondered at that, but reports via message stones had told of a larger, more organised army of Ashaki west of the city. After it had surprised and defeated one of her teams, Savara had ordered Traitors in that area to avoid it by circling around and joining teams to the north and south.
King Amakira must expect the Traitors to join together to form one army once they reached the city. Savara had indicated they would do so eventually, but for now the Traitors remained in smaller groups, taking advantage of most of the populace of Sachaka being on their side. While the Ashaki were out hunting for them, the Traitors were lying low, growing stronger on the strength of the Ashaki’s slaves.
While Lorkin saw the advantage in that, he was also worried that keeping the Traitor army divided made it vulnerable. The king’s army could easily defeat one of the smaller Traitor groups. It would be weakened by the fight, but in time would regain its strength, while the Traitors... once dead they stayed that way. But if the Ashaki are relying on slaves to replace the power they use, they will have a problem. The slaves have left.
Still, it would be better that no Traitor group confronted the army on its own in case, some fell into the king’s hands. He would torture information out of them, learn of Savara’s plans, the threat of gemstones... He would possess gemstones, too.
“The city will be empty by tomorrow,” Savara murmured. “Except for the Ashaki. The ones returning from the west will join those still here, and then we’ll see if our strategy and preparations and losses lead to the freedoms we seek.”
She sighed and looked up. Lorkin followed her gaze. Stars had begun to dust the sky and a chill had crept into the air. He frowned as they rippled, as if reflected in water.
Then something slammed into his right side and propelled him into Tyvara.
They both tumbled onto the roof. Tyvara scrambled into a crouch and he did the same, though more awkwardly than she. Pain speared through his right arm. Broken, he thought. Instinctively he sent Healing power to numb the pain, but he resisted mending the bone. He might need his strength for more important things. Like avoiding a more fatal strike.
If I hadn’t been holding a shield when the forcestrike hit, I would already be dead, he thought, restoring his shield. Though his barrier had been overcome, it had absorbed most of the strike.
Savara was standing straight, head high and glaring at something to his right. The air rippled as she sent strikes in reply to another attack. Tyvara was standing between him and the unseen attacker. She placed a hand on Savara’s arm, no doubt ready to give power if needed. Moving closer, he looked over Tyvara’s shoulder.
Four Ashaki were standing on a nearby rooftop. As they struck out with firestrike, their faces were bathed in red light. None looked much older than Lorkin. Too impatient to wait for their elders to join them?
Below, ex-slaves had noticed the battle. Some were running away, some had stayed to watch. Lorkin realised his heart was pounding. In all the confrontations between Savara’s group and Ashaki, he’d been part of a larger group. Now they were three against four. He tried not to think of all the power raging between this rooftop and the next, and failed. His knees felt weak. He placed a hand on Savara’s other shoulder and told himself it wasn’t for support. A memory of his Warrior lessons flashed through his mind. It is normal to be frightened during battle. What matters is that you follow your training.
But I’ve never been trained to use black magic in battle.
A shout came from below, then a streak of light shot up from the street between the buildings. The Traitor watchers below had noticed the battle and joined in. The Ashaki looked down and, realising that they were outnumbered, retreated. Three disappeared into a hatch, but the last, forced to defend with no help, faltered. A strike from Savara sent him tumbling away from the hatch, then over the far edge of the roof.
Suddenly the air was still. Savara, Tyvara and Lorkin stood frozen, silently watching. A rumbling mix of muffled shouts, banging doors and the occasional boom came from below. A flickering light drew Lorkin’s eyes to a window of the house the Ashaki had disappeared into. The building was on fire.
Abruptly, Savara turned and led the way back to the hatch behind them. As she started down the rope ladder to the stairwell below, Tyvara grabbed his arm – thankfully the unbroken one – and pulled him after her.
“You first,” he said as they reached the hatch. “Give me a moment to sort out my other arm.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re hurt?”
“Not for long.”
“Then I’ll stay and protect you until...”
“Don’t be stupid. The Ashaki are gone and it won’t take long to heal. Someone has to protect Savara.”
She looked from him to the hatch, then sighed and started to climb down. “Don’t take too long,” she growled.
When she was out of the way, he strengthened his shield, sat with his legs dangling down the hatch opening and concentrated on Healing. He only needed the bone and tissues to mend sufficiently for him to climb down the ladder. Soon he was stepping off the last swinging rung, the hatch closed and bolted above him, and hurrying down the stairs after Tyvara and the queen.
At the bottom he pushed through a door into the corridor beyond, only to find it was now part of the Master’s Room, the wall between reduced to rubble. Traitors stood in a circle around their queen. As Lorkin came closer he saw she stood over three bodies, her expression grim. Two were Ashaki but the third... Lorkin’s breath caught in his throat as he recognised the woman as Speaker Halana.
The room seemed to spin for a moment. He remembered how Halana had called for volunteers to take the first watch. He also remembered her teaching him stone-making – her encouragement, her understanding of the sacrifice he’d made in learning black magic. The vast knowledge and great skill she’d had, now lost...
Tyvara moved to his side and leaned close.
“She and a few others were setting barrier and warning stones around the house,” she murmured. “The others lost sight of her just as the Ashaki attacked. She killed three of them before they overcame—”
“We must move,” Savara declared. “If we did miss one of them, he may be reporting his estimate of our numbers right now. They may come back with a greater force. If we are lucky we will relocate without them tracing us. It may be that we won’t get to rest tonight at all. What matters is we avoid outright battle with the Ashaki until we join the other teams.” She looked up and swept her gaze over all. “Pack, and take what food can be easily carried and eaten while we move.”
The Traitors scattered. Tyvara took Lorkin’s hand and dragged him away to the room they had planned to share with Savara. Since they hadn’t had a chance to unpack, all they had to do was shoulder their packs. Tyvara grabbed Savara’s and they returned to the Master’s room.
“... want us to do with her body?” a Traitor was asking.
“Leave her here. If we win we will come back for her,” Savara replied. She took her pack and shouldered it, but, as she turned away, Lorkin caught a glint of moisture in her eyes.
The Traitors were returning to the room now. One stepped out of a side passage near Lorkin, and as he turned his heart darkened. Kalia stared at him blankly, then gave him a wide berth.
Which is... odd. I’d expect a glare at least. He narrowed his eyes at her back and concentrated.
He caught no surface thought, just a wracking feeling of guilt.
“It’s her fault,” he gasped.
Nobody looked up. They hadn’t heard him. The room was too noisy. He turned to find Tyvara staring at him. Then a hand grasped his arm. He looked up to see Savara standing behind them, her other hand resting on Tyvara’s arm.
—Say nothing, she sent. This is not the time.
Choking back a protest, he nodded and followed the Traitor queen out into the street.
As Saral and Temi stopped in front of the gate and pushed it open with magic, Sonea let out a sigh of relief. The sun had set hours before, and she had begun to wonder if the escort planned to travel through the night. The Traitors steered their mounts through the entrance. As Sonea and Regin followed, Temi slid off his horse and walked over to close the gates again, glancing up and down the street before retreating.
Saral dismounted and handed the reins of her horse to Temi, then indicated that Sonea and Regin should do the same.
“We need to check the house,” she said in a low voice. “Looks like the slaves have gone, but there’s always a chance a few ones loyal to their master have stayed. While the Ashaki has most likely joined the king’s army, he too may have stayed behind, or might return for something, or may have sent a friend to watch over his house. Stay here.”
Sonea nodded. “Need help?”
Saral straightened and looked at Temi, then stalked away toward a nearby door. It was unlocked, and she disappeared inside. Sonea looked around. It made sense to stand with Temi. If they were attacked it would be easier to protect everyone under one shield. But as she started towards him she saw that he was holding up a small object. She sensed a faint vibration in the air and realised that he, and the horses, were already within a shield. The object must be a magical gemstone.
So, it’s up to us to shield ourselves now. Why waste power that could be needed in battle on a couple of uninvited foreigners? Well, I suppose they are about to go into battle, and we can look after ourselves. Sighing, she veered away and headed for the shadow of a wall nearby. In the protection of darkness, she extended her barrier around Regin. He glanced at her and moved closer, but said nothing.
A long wait followed. Temi said nothing, but his anxiety was plain to see. The horses were quiet, heads hanging wearily. They’d been ridden with few pauses all day. Longer and faster than we travelled before. I wonder... are we in the city now? Low walls and houses set within fields had been replaced by high walls protecting buildings much closer to the road. Most structures were single storey, but the occasional one – as in the country – had a small tower protruding above the roof. She hadn’t been able to see if fields were hidden behind them, or how large the estates were. Even now, all she could see was the courtyard they stood within. There could be sprawling fields on the other side of the buildings, or another mansion.
It doesn’t sound like a city, though. It’s too quiet.
Regin shifted his weight from one leg to the other, and his shoulder brushed against her own, leaving an impression of warmth. She felt a shock go through her, not entirely unpleasant.
Stop it, she told herself.
A door opened to their left and her heart skipped a beat. Then a globe light appeared and she was relieved to see it was Saral returning.
“Empty,” she told them. “The stables are over there.” Temi nodded and led the horses in the direction she’d pointed. Saral looked at Sonea. “Come inside.”
They entered the mansion by the door Saral had first used. As with so many Sachakan homes, a short corridor led to a bigger room. Corridors led off on either side to suites of rooms, a bathhouse, and the kitchens and other service areas.
“If you use these later,” Saral said of the baths, “don’t take too long. If Tovira does return, you won’t want to be caught there.”
“No,” Sonea agreed. “It would be rather disconcerting having to fight an Ashaki while naked.”
In the corner of her eye, she saw Regin cover his mouth. Saral hesitated, then looked away. “And it has only one entrance,” she said.
Sonea could not see if the woman was smiling, or hear amusement in her voice. Too close to battle to maintain a sense of humour. They went to the kitchen next, where Saral helped herself to food and told Sonea and Regin to do the same.
“You’re not worried the slaves might have poisoned it in the hope of weakening the Ashaki?”
Saral shook her head. “If they had, they’d have left a warning. A glyph our spies use. Now, I’m going up to the tower. You can stay here if you like.”
“I’ll come with you,” Sonea said firmly. “I want to see where we are.”
Saral looked as if she might argue, then shook her head. “Follow me, then.”
A short journey followed. The tower was reached through what must have been the Ashaki’s suite of rooms. Sonea noted female clothing along with male.
“I wonder where his wife is.”
“Sent away somewhere safer, most likely,” Saral replied. “We are on the outskirts. A more central location would be easier to defend.”
The outskirts, Sonea mused. So we have reached the city.
At the top of a spiral staircase was a small, round room.
“Stay to one side of the windows so nobody out there will see your shape,” Saral instructed. She approached one from the left, peering around the edge. Sonea looked out from the other side. Rooftops spread before her. Somewhere several hundred paces to the left a building was on fire. A greater number of two-storey buildings stood directly ahead, and what looked like domes rose behind them.
“Welcome to Arvice,” Saral said. “Savara has communicated orders that we stay here until she summons us. Unless, of course, we are forced to leave. What are your orders?”
Nothing so specific, Sonea thought. But since she had the courtesy to ask... “I will check.”
Reaching into her robe pocket, she drew out Osen’s ring and slipped it on her finger.
—We’ve arrived at the city and are hiding in an empty estate belonging to Ashaki Tovira, who is most likely in the king’s army. Our Traitor escort says we must stay here until Queen Savara summons us.
—No doubt they want to ensure you don’t interfere.
—What should we do?
—What she says.
—I won’t be able to see the fighting from here. Which meant she would not see what happened to Lorkin, or be able to help him.
—Hmm. If you and Dannyl both wear my blood rings, you may be able to see what he communicates to me. Though I have told him to stay in the Guild House. Maybe I should ask him to find a vantage point from which to watch the battle instead.
—So long as he doesn’t put himself at risk doing so.
—There is always risk, being close to a magical battle. The Guild needs to know what the outcome is. Our Healer volunteers left this morning. We don’t want them walking into a dangerous situation.
—Are you sure you want us to stay put?
—Yes. As a figure of greater authority than Dannyl, and as a black magician, you are more likely to be seen as a threat by both sides. If it weren’t for Lorkin, we would have ordered you home.
—Ah. Well. I’m grateful that you didn’t.
—Those of us in favour of you remaining in Sachaka argued that, when the conflict is over, you may persuade Lorkin to return or at least ensure the Traitors uphold their side of the exchange.
—Let’s hope they don’t use up all their stones in the battle, then. I must go. Saral is waiting for my answer.
—Take care, Sonea.
—I will. Sonea slipped off the ring and pocketed it.
“We’re to stay here for now,” she told Saral.
The woman nodded, then led the way back down to the kitchen. Temi had arrived and was chatting to Regin. Seeing the two men together, their differences were more obvious. Regin was taller, Temi was leaner. But Temi was not much darker than Regin. The Traitor’s skin tone was lighter than the usual Sachakan, and Regin had gained a tan while travelling. It suits him. They fell silent as Sonea and Saral entered the room. When Temi offered to keep a watch for the first half of the night, Regin offered to keep him company.
“No,” Saral said. “I will take the first watch. Alone.”
Regin shrugged. “Then where should we sleep?”
“The second suite. If Tovira returns in the middle of the night, he’ll probably head straight for his bedroom.”
Regin nodded, then looked at Sonea and headed for the door. She followed, amused that he had taken the lead, when in most instances since the Traitors had joined them he had waited for her decisions.
The second suite had beds in three of the rooms. Sonea picked one at random and sat down on the bed. Looking around, she noticed smaller versions of Ashaki clothing hanging on a hook. A jewelled jacket overlapping plain trousers...
“What did Osen say?”
She looked up to see Regin standing in the doorway.
“How’d you know I contacted him?”
He shrugged. “An easy guess.”
“Saral said we must stay here until Savara summons us, then asked if that was okay. Osen said it was fine. They want to be sure we don’t interfere.”
“If Lorkin was in trouble, you would.”
She looked up to find him smiling knowingly. “Only to save him.”
“That’s still interference. Not that I wouldn’t understand.”
“Osen thinks that if Dannyl and I both wear his blood rings, I may get to witnesses the battle through Dannyl.”
Regin looked thoughtful. “That would be a good way around the Traitors’ restrictions.” He frowned. “If the Traitors are struggling, we’ll know because Saral will leave to help them. Will you follow her?”
Sonea looked away. “Maybe. Probably. But you should stay here.”
“I go wherever you go.”
She felt her heart skip. That would sound so romantic in less dangerous circumstances. “No. You’ll put yourself in danger for no reason.”
“You’ll be more of a target than me,” he told her. “Which reminds me...” He moved over to the bed and sat down. “You should take my power.”
Conscious of how close he was, Sonea turned to face him. “What if Tovira returns tonight? You won’t even be able to shield yourself.”
“I doubt I’d last long anyway.” He held out his hands.
She stared at them as reluctance welled up inside her. Too intimate, she thought. What if he senses something? It wasn’t likely when we were on the road. We only touched as long as was necessary. Others were watching.
“You really need to get over your fear of your black magic,” he told her.
“I’m not afraid,” she told him. Not entirely a lie. Not exactly the truth, either.
“If you take my power, I promise I won’t go with you into the city,” he offered.
She met his eyes. He looked back at her, his gaze level and his expression serious. She felt a flash of amusement.
“You won’t go into the city because I ordered you not to,” she told him.
He shrugged. “So we have an agreement?”
Sighing, she took his hands and tried to ignore how warm they were. Closing her eyes, she took the power that flowed from him and stored it away.
Dannyl stared up at the ceiling, blinked and then pushed himself up onto his elbows. What...? Something woke me. He frowned. Someone called my name? Or was I dreaming? He created a globe light and peered out of his bedroom door to the main room of his suite.
Was it Tayend? Or Merria? Has someone broken into the Guild House, as Achati and Kai warned?
He jumped at the mental call. Osen! He sighed in relief that the source of disturbance was in his mind, not the Guild House. Then relief melted away. Osen had called him openly, which any other magician could hear. He wouldn’t do that unless he had something important to tell or ask Dannyl. Getting up, Dannyl dug into the pockets of yesterday’s robes, found Osen’s ring and put it on.
—Osen. Sorry. I was asleep.
—Then I apologise for waking you. You hadn’t contacted me at our agreed time.
Dannyl paused. He wasn’t entirely sure what time it was. With no slaves to wake him, and no windows in the suite, it could be midnight or midday.
—What time is it?
—An hour before the first classes start here.
Since the sun always rose a little earlier in Sachaka, it was mid-morning. Was the battle over? Or had it not even begun yet? He was amazed that he’d been able to sleep at all. But then, he, Tayend and Merria had stayed up late, and drunk more than a little of the Guild House’s supply of wine to ease their anxiety over being stuck in a city at war, and the possibility of being killed out of vengeance or for their magical strength.
—I spoke to Sonea last night, Osen continued. She and Regin are staying in a house on the outskirts of the city. The Traitors have ordered them to stay there until summoned – which will most likely be when the battle is over.
To know that Sonea was close was reassuring, though Dannyl wasn’t sure why. Perhaps she could come to his rescue, if the House was attacked.
—Unfortunately this means she will not see how Lorkin fares, or know who is the victor. I have been considering the warning Achati and your former slave gave you, that the Guild House may be targeted. Is there anywhere else you can go?
—Somewhere we might witness the battle?
—If that can be arranged without compromising your safety and that of Merria and Tayend.
Dannyl considered. The ship Achati had arranged to wait for them would be a safe place to be, but one of the reasons for that was that the docks were far from where fighting was likely to take place – so not a good vantage point. Where would the battle most likely occur? The palace, eventually. And Achati’s mansion has a view of the parade leading to the palace. Perhaps if we climbed onto the roof...
—Can you get there safely? Osen asked.
Dannyl felt a chill at this reminder that his thoughts were open to the Administrator, thanks to the blood ring.
—Sorry. I am finding it hard to curb my impatience. Merin wants news and I was hoping you or Sonea would have contacted me by now, Osen sent.
Dannyl smiled in sympathy. For the Kyralian king to be putting pressure on the Administrator directly meant that he’d grown so anxious about the Sachakan situation he wasn’t content with High Lord Balkan’s reports.
—I suspect getting to Achati’s house will be the dangerous part, but we will see if it can be done, Dannyl sent back.
—Don’t take any unnecessary risks. Oh, and Sonea will be wearing one of my blood rings. We’re hoping she will also be able to see what you see.
—And come rescue me if something goes wrong?
—That would create less of a political mess than if she has to rescue Lorkin. Hmm. It could be a way to get the Traitors to let her enter the city. They’d find it harder to justify preventing her coming to the aid of the Guild Ambassador than of her son.
Dannyl’s heart skipped.
—You want me to get into trouble so she has an excuse to enter the city?
—No. But maybe we could pretend you are... No. Not unless we have to. Get yourselves to Achati’s house first, then we’ll consider other ideas.
—Very well.
—Good luck, Dannyl.
—Thanks, Osen.
Slipping off the ring, Dannyl dressed quickly in fresh robes. He paused to look back at the room. Was there anything else he ought to take with him? My notes? No. They’ll be safer left here than with me. If I’m killed, this place might be looted, but no looter will want notebooks. Later someone might go through our belongings more carefully. Hopefully a Guild magician, who will see the value in them. Maybe Achati... if he survives.
Pushing that thought aside, Dannyl turned and strode out of his suite in search of Merria and Tayend.
Lorkin sat cross-legged, his back against a wall. The Master’s Room of the estate the Traitors had gathered in was crowded, but they were taking care to keep clear a narrow path from corridor to corridor so that messengers could move about quickly and without tripping.
This was the third location Savara’s team had moved to during the night. The second had been another abandoned mansion; then, towards morning, they’d slunk through the silent city streets to a more defendable house chosen to be the gathering place before the final confrontation with the Ashaki. Lorkin hadn’t slept, and doubted that anyone else had either. Not that I would have been able to if I’d had the chance or there’d been room to lie down. A Traitor entered the room and looked towards him. He turned to see who it was and his heartbeat quickened as he saw it was Tyvara. She smiled and made her way over to him. There was no space for her to sit beside him, so he stood up. She handed him a vest.
“This is for you,” she said, raising her voice so he could hear her in the noisy room.
He felt his stomach do a little flip as the weight of it settled into his hands. All of the Traitors wore these vests. They were covered in small pockets, each holding gemstones fixed into settings of wood, stone or precious metal. He’d assumed he would be fighting without stones, since he’d had no training in using them in battle.
“It’s easier to use if you put it on,” Tyvara told him.
“Give me a moment,” he retorted. Shrugging into the vest, he found it was a little tight around the arms.
“I thought it would be a bit small,” Tyvara said, trying and failing to bring the buckles and straps at the front together. “But it’s the only one we could spare.”
“Well, it’s what’s in it that’s important,” he said.
“How the stones are arranged helps you find them if you can’t look away from the enemy, so if the fronts are flapping about you might grab the wrong one. But I guess you aren’t familiar with their positions anyway.” She sighed and looked up at him, her expression serious. “Just remember: the left side is for defensive stones, the right for offensive. The stronger ones are to the centre, the weaker to the sides. Make sure that if you take the vest off you don’t turn it upside down with the pockets unbuttoned, because if they fall out you won’t know which is stronger or weaker.”
Lorkin repeated what she’d said. He hadn’t seen the Traitors using stones when fighting up to this point. He guessed that they were saving them for the main battle, or that the stones were more useful in a bigger confrontation. The only stones he’d seen used so far were defensive, like the barrier stones that Halana had been setting when she’d been ambushed. Those had created simple shields, but others had been activated that used a shield as an alarm, not strong enough to prevent a person passing though but emitting a noise when they did. He had also seen a stone, accidentally activated, produce an opaque white non-resistant shield, and Savara had a stone that would block noise.
“The bigger pockets hold basic shield and strike stones,” Tyvara told him, patting a row of larger pockets near his waist. “The shield stones are all strong enough to hold against a few strikes, but how many or how powerful depends on the limits of each stone. Always be ready for their depletion with a shield of your own magic.”
She flipped open the top flap of a pocket and pulled out one of the stones. The setting was like a short spoon, with the gem filling the bowl. “Hold it like this.” She pinched the handle between two fingers and turned the concave side outwards. “Press your finger into the back of the gem to activate it. Face the gem away or you’ll direct the shield or strike at yourself.”
“That would be embarrassing,” he noted.
A glint of humour entered her gaze. “And potentially fatal. Which would be embarrassing to me. I’ll be forever known for choosing a very stupid man.”
He chuckled. “What about the other stones?”
“This will be harder to remember. Shield stones have stone settings, strike stones have wooden ones. The rest use bronze, copper, gold and silver, with different textures on the handle so you can recognise them by touch.” She took these out one by one, describing what they could do. One was for noise-blocking, another would make an ear-splitting sound. A few could produce light, for illumination or signalling. One made a short, constant firestrike for cutting or burning, another used forcestrike to project any small missile set into the bowl. Another pair were designed to explode after a delay, though she warned him that it could be after anything from a count to ten to a few hundred.
Then she pulled out a handful of rings from her pockets.
“Most of the vest stones are single-use stones. These are multiple-use ones, so don’t throw them away when they’re depleted. The smallest are for communication,” she said, slipping two rings holding iridescent gems onto his little fingers. “They don’t activate until you press them down into the setting, against your skin. The one on your left hand connects with the ring I’m wearing, the other was going to connect with Halana, but Savara will now be wearing her rings. Don’t use hers except in urgent situations. You could distract her at a bad moment.
“The dark red ones are strike stones. The pale blue are shield stones.” She pressed them onto his first and second fingers, then held out the last two. “These are new to us, and we don’t have many of them. The clear one... you gave Halana the idea, actually. We’d never bothered to make stones with the sole purpose of storing magic to be retrieved later as pure magic, rather than to be channelled to a purpose.”
“A storestone!”
“Yes. We have about twenty of them. They have only the strength of three average magicians stored in them. Halana didn’t want to risk adding more, and most of Sanctuary’s strength was being taken and held by Traitor magicians – which made it instantly accessible rather than having to reach for a ring. If these were strengthened in peace time, however, they could be more useful.”
He took the ring and slipped it on the last free finger of his right hand.
“And the other?”
“The purplish one,” she grinned, “is a Healing stone.”
“Kalia made it?”
“No. A stone-maker read her mind, tested what she’d learned on a volunteer, then made a few stones. She says the stones have been taught to boost the body in whatever Healing it’s already trying to do.”
Lorkin picked up the ring and examined it. “Smart. That way, if it works, it won’t matter what kind of wound needs Healing. The wearer only needs to know how to use magical force to hold bones in the right position so they don’t heal crooked, or the sides of wounds together, or to remove poisons, infection or a build-up of blood. It wouldn’t work for using Healing beyond what the body needs, like easing pain, or tiredness, though. How many did she make?”
“Five. Wait... easing tiredness?” Tyvara frowned. “You can stop yourself feeling tired?”
“Ah... yes. I didn’t mention that when I was in Sanctuary, in case it made people feel more... well... annoyed with me.”
“Does it take much magic?”
“Could you ease my weariness, or Savara’s?”
She waved a hand as he tried to give the ring back to her. He looked at her hands. She wasn’t yet wearing any of her rings. “Do you have one?”
“Then take it. There’s no point in me having it. I can do all these things already.”
“Savara said you’d say that, but insisted I offer one to you anyway.”
“I appreciate the offer, but she’d be doing me more of a favour if you wore it.”
“Why would I need one, when I have you?” Taking the ring, she smiled. “She wants to see you.”
She caught his hand in hers, and led him across the room and into a corridor. Savara was in the main suite, surrounded by people talking in groups or arriving and leaving. Looking around, Lorkin recognised all of the Speakers – except Halana, of course. Seeing him, Savara held up a hand to the woman she was talking to, then walked over to meet him.
“Lorkin,” she said, her eyes dropping to his vest then up to meet his gaze. “All prepared for the fight?”
He patted his chest. “Yes, thanks to you and whoever prepared this for me.”
Tyvara held out the purple ring. The queen smiled and nodded. “Give it to Speaker Lanna.”
As Tyvara moved away, Savara stepped a little closer and suddenly all sound ceased as a barrier surrounded them. Her expression became hard.
“Has she given anything away?”
Guessing she meant Kalia, Lorkin frowned. “No. All I sense is guilt. I’ve caught her thinking that she is a fool a few more times.”
“Not even a hint that she is planning something?”
He shook his head. “I wouldn’t lower your guard, though.”
Her lips pressed into a grim smile. “No. She will be well away from me, watched closely.” She sighed. “I suspect whatever she did backfired and got Halana killed, and she doesn’t want to risk making the same mistake.”
“I hope so, though it will make proving what she did impossible. Unless you want me to reveal what I can do?”
“Not when I am her only target.” She looked down and let out a bitter laugh. “However, you may find your life’s task is to keep an eye on her until she dies. If we win this battle.”
He shrugged. “I’d do it anyway,” he admitted. “If not for your safety, then for mine and Tyvara’s. And...”
The queen put up a hand to silence him. The sounds of the room abruptly returned as Tyvara rejoined them.
“Lorkin was just telling me that he can heal away tiredness,” she told Savara. “It would give you an advantage, going into battle with your mind fresh and sharp.”
The queen’s eyebrows rose. “It would.”
“Is that wise?” another voice said. Lorkin turned to see Speaker Lanna step closer. She looked apologetic but also determined. “Mere hours before the final battle, can you afford to put that much trust in someone not born a Traitor?”
As Tyvara turned to glare at the woman, Lorkin placed a hand on her arm. “It’s a fair question.”
Savara nodded. “It is. And entirely unnecessary. After Halana learned what she could of Healing from Kalia, she and I have been – were, in her case – experimenting.” A look of pain flashed across her face. “She succeeded in working out how to Heal weariness a few days ago.” She straightened and turned to Lorkin. “But if she had not, I would accept your offer. The benefit is worth it, and there are competent people ready to take my place, should trusting you prove a bad decision.” Her gaze shifted to something behind him. “And here’s another messenger.”
Lorkin turned to see a tired-looking man hovering behind him, and felt a jolt of recognition.
“Evar!” he exclaimed.
The man grinned. “Lorkin. I was hoping I’d run into you one last time.” He turned back to the queen and placed a hand over his heart. “The Ashaki are gathering in the parade, your majesty, and look ready to advance.”
Savara’s eyes widened a little, then she straightened her back. “It is time.” She looked around the room. “Gather everyone outside the gates. I will say a few words, then... then we’ll finally confront our enemy directly.”
Lilia followed her sixth guide for the morning out of a cluttered alley behind several smaller shops and into the tidier one between two large buildings. The alley was shadowed and she tried not to flinch at the stares of a group of men leaning against the walls. She was dressed in threadbare servants’ clothing and probably looked as tired, nervous and vulnerable as she felt.
The journey had begun before dawn. The guides had taken her all over the city, through all of the main districts. At first there had been few people about, then only servants and the employees of businesses with jobs that required early rising. Slowly the city streets had filled as more people emerged.
Though only a few hours had passed, it felt like far longer. Lilia longed for the journey to end. Wanted the exchange with Skellin over with. And yet she dreaded the confrontation.
She’d spent most of the night awake, imagining every possible way things might go badly. The few times she’d fallen asleep, she’d started awake again from dreams in which Anyi was calling for her, but couldn’t hear her replies. Remembering the dreams sent a shiver down her spine, so she thought back to Rothen, Gol and Jonna’s discussion the previous night.
“Sonea once killed an Ichani with Healing power,” Rothen had told her. “He imprisoned her within his shield, thinking her too weak to be dangerous and not realising that Healing magic can overcome the body’s natural barrier. She stopped his heart. It would be better if you didn’t kill Skellin, even if it means letting him escape, so we have a chance to catch him and find out who his allies and sources are. But if you have no other choice...”
To kill with Healing magic, Lilia would have to touch Skellin’s skin and have time to send her mind within. If he detected what she was doing it would only take a small effort to push her out. The Ichani hadn’t known anything about Healing magic, but Skellin did. He would be suspicious of any attempt she made to touch him anyway, in case it was an attempt to use black magic.
No. My plan is better. Not much better, and I have to ignore the fact that, unlike using Healing to kill, I have no idea if it will work.
Her own shield would have earned her the mockery of any first-year novice, but not for its lack of strength. It had taken her a while to work out how to stop hiding her use of magic so that Rothen could sense it. The magician was somewhere in the centre of the city. He’d guessed that Skellin’s men would realise he could track Lilia if he was spotted following her around, so he was waiting with Gol until she let them know she was about to meet Skellin. Once she did, he would move as close as he could without attracting attention, so that if something went wrong he could, hopefully, get to her in time to help.
She could sense Gol’s mind at the edge of her own. It was less distracting than she’d feared. He and Rothen were in a quiet room of a house belonging to a friend of Rothen’s. A rather nice house, judging the impressions she was getting from Gol. With his mind so constantly open to her, it was easy to forget that he could not see into hers, and she had to speak to him consciously in order to communicate.
Emerging from the alleyway, Lilia paused as a gust of fragrant air battered her. She looked around and felt her stomach twitch in anxiety. The docks stretched before and to either side of her.
The guide noticed that she’d stopped and made an impatient gesture. Taking a deep breath, Lilia followed him toward a long pier. They skirted around stacks of goods and wharf workers. Ships rocked gently on either side. As the guide started along the pier, she framed a question in her mind.
—Gol! What if he tells me to get on a ship?
There was a pause before Gol answered.
—Rothen says he’s thinking about it.
After they’d passed four ships, the guide stopped before a plank leading up to one of the vessels and pointed to it. She looked up at the vessel. The crew stared back down at her expectantly.
—They look ready to sail. What should I do?
—Get on board. You may only get one chance to save Anyi, Gol replied.
Which was better than no chance. She drew in a deep breath, let it out, then started up the plank. Nobody spoke to her. As soon as she had reached the deck the crew turned away and set to work.
How will Rothen follow? Does the Guild have a ship? Will he be able to use it without having to tell the Higher Magicians what I’m doing?
She moved down the deck, searching the faces. Skellin was not there. Nor Lorandra. Nor Anyi. The crew must be taking her to meet Skellin – but how far away was he? Surely not in another country. It would take weeks to get there.
She imagined what she might feel like if she had been a lone young servant girl surrounded by these tough-looking men. Their expressions were not leering, though, but cold. They avoided her gaze. Nobody paid attention to her except to skirt around her when she got in the way.
Which happened a lot. There wasn’t much room on the deck of a ship. Certainly not on a small vessel designed for transporting goods rather than people. By noting the movements of the crew, she found a place to stand out of their way. From there she watched as the ship drifted away from the pier, out of the Marina and towards the sea.
The deck began to rock under her, and she had to brace herself. Many more ships surrounded them, sailing to or from the mouth of the Tarali River, but as their vessel drew further from land they pulled away from most of the others. All but one, which had its sails furled. The man who was barking out most of the orders – from which she guessed he was the captain – pointed in its direction.
She stared at the tiny figures on the other ship. Details grew clearer as they sailed closer. Among the people on board was a trio standing together at the railing. Soon she could tell that one was male and the other two female. She recognised Anyi first. How could she not? I would know her by her shadow. By her presence. Her heart twisted. I can’t mess this up. She’ll die. Perhaps I should abandon my plan and do whatever Skellin orders. But will he really let her go if I do? Will he keep her and force me to stay and teach him everything I know about magic?
Steeling herself, she looked at the other two people. The vessels were close enough now for her to see that the woman was Lorandra. Which meant the other man was her son.
So this is Skellin. He was tall like a Lans but dark like a Lonmar. But since both peoples are known for their honour and strict moral code, I doubt they’d like the comparison. Still, he’s probably not the best example of his own people. I wonder... It took an outsider, someone willing to break our rules and laws, to show us our weaknesses. What could we have learned about ourselves if the first people to visit us from Igra had been decent and law-abiding?
The ship slowed and turned so that the vessels now floated alongside each other. She could hear activity around her –the anchor lowering and sails furling, she assumed – but she could not take her eyes off the trio on the other ship. They were only twenty or thirty paces from her.
—Rothen says do whatever you have to, to get Anyi away safe, Gol sent.
Lilia nodded, then hoped that if Skellin had noticed her movement he’d taken it as a gesture of recognition. The rogue magician beckoned.
“Come join us, Lilia,” he called.
She looked down at the gap between the ships, then at the crew watching her. They were making no move to direct her to a boat. How was she supposed to transfer to the other vessel?
—Can you levitate? Gol asked.
—Yes, but it will use up some of my magic.
Which was probably Skellin’s intention. Still, levitation over that small distance wouldn’t use up too much magic, if she was quick about it.
Drawing power, she created a small disc of force beneath her feet and lifted herself up and forward. Skellin, Lorandra and Anyi stepped away from the railing to make room for her. Lorandra was holding onto Anyi’s arm. Once her feet were on the deck, Lilia looked up and saw that the woman was holding a knife to Anyi’s throat. Her stomach clenched and a chill ran over her skin. Anyi stood stiffly, braced against the rocking of the deck, and as she looked at Lilia her eyes were full of apology, anger and fear.
“Lady Lilia,” Skellin said. “So glad you accepted my invitation.”
She made herself meet his gaze without flinching. You may think you’re the king of the underworld, she thought. But I am a black magician, defender of the Guild. The pride she felt was surprising and maybe a little inappropriate, but she didn’t care so long as it gave her the confidence to stand up to him.
Unlike his mother, he had no unfamiliar accent. He paused as if waiting for a reply, and when she said nothing he smiled. “Well, you have been up for some hours and early mornings don’t suit all of us. Perhaps we should get to business. I have a proposition for you. A trade. Teach me black magic and I will hand this lovely young woman into your care. I believe you know her?”
As he gestured to Anyi, the knife at the girl’s throat turned in Lorandra’s hand, reflecting a flash of sunlight into Lilia’s eyes.
Lilia ignored it. “Let her go now.”
Skellin shook his head and laughed.
“How do I know you won’t kill her,” Lilia continued, “once I’ve given you what you want?”
“How do I know you won’t kill me, once I let her go? You are the black magician, after all.”
“And you are the murdering rogue magician and Thief.”
His eyebrows rose. “Now, now. When have you ever seen me kill someone?”
She opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. She hadn’t. Not even Cery had. Anyi’s father had died when his heart failed, though that was likely caused by the strain of being hunted by Skellin. Lorandra was the Thief Hunter. But that was the way of Thieves, wasn’t it? They didn’t get blood on their hands. They got someone to do it for them.
She crossed her arms. “Let’s get this over with.”
He grinned. “My, aren’t we impatient?” He took a few steps towards her, then stopped. “But first you need to take off your clothes.”
She stared at him. “What?” The word burst out of her.
His smile vanished. “I’ve done my research, Lady Lilia,” he said in a low voice. “I know black magic requires the skin to be cut. I require assurance that you aren’t carrying any sharp objects. You can be sure I am not, since I would rather not risk you’d turn them against me. I could get one of the crew to check you over, but you might kill him, and would probably rather not be man-handled. I only need you to undress to the point where it is clear you are weaponless.”
Swallowing hard, she pulled off the worn old tunic and trousers. Then she glared at Skellin, daring him to insist she remove the simple undergarments that Guild women wore beneath their robes. From the crew of the ships came low whistles, but they fell silent as Skellin glanced around, his expression stern.
“Kick the clothes away and turn around,” he ordered. Sighing, she obeyed. “Now, to begin you will teach me how to read minds.”
Lilia froze, then cursed silently. If she protested that the deal was only to teach him black magic, he’d laugh. She was in no position to argue.
“You need someone to practise on,” she told him.
“You’ll do,” came the reply she expected.
She felt an unexpected admiration. Oh, he’s not stupid. He’s thought this through. Far better than I have. It never occurred to me he’d demand this. If I do it, he’ll see everything. My plan will never work.
“I haven’t tried to teach it that way before.” It was not hard to sound uncertain and honest. She hadn’t taught mind-reading before. To anyone.
“Then you don’t know it won’t work.” He took a step toward her, then another. It’s time to decide. Give him everything he wants, try to kill him with Healing, or try my plan. She flinched as he reached out, but made herself stand still. Looking over his shoulder, she met Anyi’s frightened, angry gaze and hoped she did not look as uncertain as she felt.
This had better work...
Being dressed all in black had been an advantage when Sonea had slipped out of the mansion in the early hours of the morning, but now that the sun was up she was all too visible against the pale walls of the Sachakan capital.
At least I’m closer to the centre of the city.
As dawn had arrived, she’d chosen another mansion with a tower to hide in. The side door she’d slipped through hadn’t been locked, but she’d discovered the building wasn’t completely empty when she’d heard voices from somewhere inside. When she’d tried to leave, a quick check of the outside revealed a group of men hurrying along the street, so she’d crept back through the house as silently as she could. She’d found the stairs and ascended to the tower, telling herself that if she heard anyone coming up she would climb out of one of the tower windows and escape across the rooftop outside.
Hours had passed and the only sound she’d heard below had been distant and muffled. The tower windows were open, perhaps to let in the cool morning breeze. From the street below she’d heard footsteps and more voices, but the city was mostly quiet.
The windows looked onto the furthest side of the street below and a sea of rooftops. It’s tempting to slip out and find a better vantage point. But the risk of being seen isn’t worth it. I don’t know where the fight is going to be. Once it started there should be noises and lights to tell her where it was located. I’ll be able to move closer then. Perhaps go across the rooftops, like Cery and I used to do, back when we were children of the slums...
“The view’s no better here,” a voice said behind her.
She jumped and spun around. Regin stood near the top of the stairs, arms crossed. Embarrassment at being found, then a selfish relief that he was here, was followed by a flash of concern and annoyance.
“Regin!” she hissed. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged and uncrossed his arms. “I followed you, of course, though I got stuck downstairs for the last few hours, hiding from the people down there. They just left, by the way.”
“You told me you wouldn’t come with me. We had an agreement.”
“I lied.” He shrugged again and continued up the stairs. “I knew you wouldn’t take my power if I didn’t agree to stay behind. Besides, you lied too. You told the Traitors you would stay put.”
“That’s different. I should be able to trust another Guild magician to keep his word. And they left without telling us.”
“I think the Guild would disapprove more of you risking making the Traitors an enemy than of me ignoring you. I’m only trying to protect you.”
She placed her hands on her hips. “You can’t. If we’re attacked, I will have to protect you. All you are is another person I have to worry about. You could get us both killed.”
He smiled, not bothered by her brutal honesty and she found herself wondering if she was attracted to him because he wasn’t the least bit intimidated by her. “Protecting one person won’t take more power than protecting two.” His gaze moved to the window, and she could not help following it. “Is Dannyl in place yet?”
Sonea reached into her robe for Osen’s ring. “I don’t know.”
“You haven’t contacted Osen yet?”
“I did earlier. Nothing was happening. I didn’t want to keep the ring on in case someone came up the stairs and I was too distracted to notice.”
“No need to worry about that now. I can keep watch.” He chuckled. “See? You do need me.”
Biting back a retort, she felt her fingers close on the ring. She drew it out, slipped it on her finger and sought Osen and Dannyl’s minds.
Peering around the corner of the building, Dannyl searched the street and was relieved to see it was empty. Beckoning to Tayend and Merria, he stepped out and hurried forward. Their footsteps and breathing told him they followed close behind.
So far the only people they’d seen roaming the city were slaves and a carriage driven by a man too well dressed to be a slave. All had been in a hurry. All had been moving away from the centre of the city, whereas Dannyl and his companions were moving inward.
Unfortunately, what made Ashaki’s home attractive also made it dangerous: its proximity to the wide parade leading to the palace. Getting close enough to see the battle also meant getting close to the very people he’d been warned to stay away from.
But we should be fine, once we get there. Once we’re inside and out of sight.
He’d always been aware of the prestigious location of Achati’s house, but had never been in any rooms on the parade side. Master’s Rooms and private suites were usually central, and did not have windows. Sachakans preferred privacy and to be away from the heat of the summer sun over nice views.
He reached a larger thoroughfare – one that joined to the parade. Achati’s house was on the corner. After checking that the street was empty, he led the others around the corner. Keeping close to the wall on one side, he tried to walk softly and quickly. Even so, the rap of his and Merria’s boots echoed in the street.
Tayend’s shoes made little more than a soft tap, he noted. As if to make up for that, the buttons and clasps of his elaborate courtier garb clinked and chimed as he moved. The noise would normally be unnoticeable, but in the eerie quiet it sounded like... He frowned as he tried to think of a comparable racket. Like the rattle of roughly handled cutlery.
A door across the street opened and he froze. He heard Merria stop and out of the corner of his eye he saw Tayend casting about for somewhere to hide, but it was too late. A man emerged, looked up and, as he saw them, he stopped.
Ashaki. Dannyl’s heart pounded. The man stared at them, then he straightened and started toward them.
“Run?” Merria asked quietly.
Dannyl shook his head. To run would make them look guilty. To show fear would make it obvious they had reason to. Warrior lessons from long ago repeated in his mind. You can’t tell how strong another magician is, nor he you. A confident attitude will give your adversary reason to doubt he is stronger, even if all evidence points to him being so. Following the other man’s lead, he straightened his back and walked forward to meet him.
The man was about sixty, Dannyl estimated. Grey streaked his hair and the typical Sachakan broadness was well softened by fat.
“You are the Ambassadors from the Guild House?” the man asked briskly. He was tense, Dannyl noticed. In a hurry. Perhaps I can use that to my advantage.
“We are,” Dannyl said slowly and with formality. “I am Guild Ambassador Dannyl.” He gestured to Tayend. “This is Elyne Ambassador Tayend. And this—” he turned to Merria.
The man cut him off. “Why are you not at the Guild House? You do know what is about to occur? You may be heading toward a magical battle.”
“I have been appraised of the situation,” Dannyl assured him. “I assure you, we do not intend to get in the—”
“Then why are you here?”
“We were offered a safer alternative to the Guild House.” That much was true. Achati had told him there was a ship waiting.
The man frowned. “Here? Close to the palace. How can here be safer?”
Dannyl shrugged. “The Traitors are unlikely to get this far.”
That had the desired effect. The man’s chin lifted. “Yes. Of course. Well, then. It is not far to the palace and I am heading that way. I will escort you there.”
Uh, oh. The last place Dannyl wanted to be was among the Ashaki, if they started to lose and were desperate for more power. He ducked his head in apology.
“I’m afraid we aren’t going to the palace. Both of our rulers are keen to avoid any impression of interference by the Guild.” Then, knowing the man was not going to let them wander off without knowing their destination, especially after mentioning the possibility of interference, he added: “We are going to Ashaki Achati’s house.”
The man’s eyebrows rose, then he nodded. “I will take you to the door.”
He strode away, his strides long and fast. Dannyl followed, relying on the sound of Merria’s footsteps and Tayend’s noisy buttons to tell him they were keeping up. The temptation to look back and meet Tayend’s eyes was strong, but he resisted. Looking confident meant also looking as though he was in charge.
Peering over the Ashaki’s shoulder, he saw movement. A crowd large enough to block the broad street had gathered, and probably filled the parade beyond. Men in trousers and short coats stood watching something within the parade that Dannyl couldn’t see. Precious stones glittered in the sunlight. Ashaki. Many, many Ashaki. At any moment one is going to look up, see us and draw the attention of the others to us. What will happen then? He could not help imagining a horde of them coming at him, ready to harvest power from the three foreigners.
But none did. As the self-appointed escort neared the door of Achati’s house the crowd began to move. The Ashaki army was leaving. Dannyl hoped this would persuade the escort to abandon them, but the man only scowled and stepped up to the door. He rapped on it.
A long silence followed. The Ashaki rapped again. As time stretched, Dannyl felt his heart beating fast. Achati would be with the king. The slaves had probably gone. What would the escort do when it became clear nobody was going to answer? The man knocked a third time, waited, sighed, then turned to face Dannyl.
Then, as his mouth opened to speak, the door swung inward. A slave peered out.
“Ambassador Dannyl.”
Tayend let out an in-held breath and Merria sighed. The Ashaki turned to look back at the slave, then at Dannyl, then towards the parade. Following his gaze, Dannyl saw the last of the Ashaki stride out of sight behind the building opposite.
“Thank you, Ashaki...”
The man didn’t offer his name. He took a step back. “Stay out of sight,” he advised, then he turned and broke into a run.
Dannyl looked at Tayend and Merria. Their eyes were wide as they stared back at him. “Let’s get inside.”
The slave didn’t protest as they pushed through the door. Once all were in the Master’s Room he threw himself on the floor. Hearing a movement, Dannyl saw another slave on the floor near another corridor. He looked from one to the other and frowned. Why were these two still here?
“Stand up,” he ordered. The pair obeyed. “What are your names?”
“Why haven’t you left with the rest of the city’s slaves?”
Lak glanced at Vata. “He may need us,” he said.
“He” must be Achati. Dannyl felt a wry admiration for their loyalty.
“What’s the best place we can see the parade from?” Tayend asked.
Vata looked up. “The roof.”
Tayend’s eyebrows rose and he looked at Dannyl. “Well?”
Dannyl nodded. “Then take us there.”
Traitors filled the street, milling before the mansion’s gates. Lorkin and Tyvara had found their way out through a slave’s entrance to a side street and hurried around to the front of the building where the Traitors were gathering. Looking around, Lorkin noted that half of the fighters were women, half men. Magicians and sources. All wore vests like his. For most of the men, the stones will be their only source of magic, he realised. Non-magicians participating in battle. That must be a first.
Just before the crowd swelled to fill the space between the houses, Lorkin glimpsed the street stretching on towards the centre of the city. It might have been his imagination, but in the distance the street appeared to be blocked by a shadow. And that shadow seemed to be moving.
Calls for quiet settled the crowd and he realised a familiar voice was coming from somewhere in the centre.
“... protect all. We must all stay together. Our strength is in our unity and purpose. We are united. The Ashaki are not. We have prepared ourselves for centuries. The Ashaki have not. We have the support of the slaves. The Ashaki do not. And we have stones.”
Taller than most Traitors, Lorkin looked over their heads in the direction of the voice and saw Savara standing higher than the crowd, visible to all.
“Can you see her? We have to get to her,” Tyvara whispered in his ear.
“She’s over by the gates.”
Grabbing his hand, she pulled him around the crowd to the wall of the mansion. Savara’s voice grew louder as they neared, filled with confidence and passion.
“Do not spare the stones. This is what they were made for. Tools for breaking bonds, for making our future, for making everyone equal. To bring freedom to Sachaka.”
“Freedom!” the Traitors shouted.
Lorkin’s heart jumped at the unexpected noise. The second time it came, he was ready for it and this time his pulse quickened at the building excitement. Once at the wall, Tyvara wove through people gazing at their queen with rapt expressions. Finally they broke through the crowd to find the queen standing on a cart, surrounded by the Speakers, just as her speech ended.
“Today we bring Sachakans together, united in freedom!” she finished.
“Freedom!” everyone shouted again. It became a chant as Savara stepped down from the cart and strode forward, the crowd parting to let her through. The Speakers hurried after, and Tyvara all but dove forward, dragging Lorkin after her so that they joined the Speakers before the Traitors fell in behind them.
They reached Savara just as the queen left the crowd. The Speakers moved out to either side, forming a line across the street. Chaos finally shifted into order as the Traitors moved to follow the Speakers who led their teams. Tyvara looked around, then over each shoulder.
“I can’t see Kalia,” she hissed. “You?”
“No.” Lorkin shook his head as he sought the woman.
“Oh, she’s staying behind,” a voice said to his left. He looked over to see that Chari, the woman who had helped them escape to Sanctuary, had appeared beside him. “Ready to treat the injured.”
“Well, that’s one less thing to worry about,” Tyvara muttered. “Now we only have to deal with them.”
Following her gaze, Lorkin looked past the queen’s shoulder to see that he hadn’t been imagining it: the street beyond was blocked by another crowd several paces away and marching rapidly closer. Sunlight glinted off jewelled jackets.
All those gemstones. I wonder... Lorkin thought. Did the Ashaki of the distant past decorate their clothing with magical stones? Has the tradition persisted though the knowledge of stone-making was lost?
Though only moving at a walk, the two armies seemed to rush towards each other. Lorkin realised his heart was racing. This is it. Either I’ll be alive at the end of this, or not. Curse it – I was going to contact Mother. All around him, Traitors were reaching into their vests for the first stones. Too late now. Taking a deep breath, Lorkin did the same, taking one strike and one shield stone. As Tyvara moved to the queen’s right side, he stepped up to take his place on the left.
The gap between the two armies shrank from a few hundred paces to less than a hundred. The Queen held up a stone, ready to strike. The Speakers did the same. Looking at the enemy, Lorkin saw the determined faces of the Ashaki. Saw the scowls of hatred and the grins of anticipation. He saw the king and his blood went cold. The old man regarded the invaders of his city with a haughty stare. I’d like to personally smack that look off his—
At some signal Lorkin did not catch, both sides attacked. He could not tell who struck first. One moment the space between the armies was charged with expectation, the next it sizzled with magic. He automatically pressed on the shield stone and felt it activate and bounce against that held by the queen and the Speaker to his left until it settled between them. Savara was attacking, but Tyvara only held her strike stone at the ready, as she had instructed him to do. They would join the battle later; for now they were to protect the queen.
Both sides had come to a halt. Lorkin fought the urge to flinch away from the dangerous forces streaking between them. They did not even attempt to address each other, he realised. Not even to throw insults. According to history books, leaders of armies always invited the enemy to surrender. Not this time.
It’s not that the Traitors and Ashaki believe the other side would never accept. It’s because they aren’t offering. Each side means to eradicate the other. To kill every last Traitor or Ashaki. He shivered. Even the Ichani offered to let the Guild give in and avoid a battle.
Not striking meant he had the opportunity to watch. The Ashaki stood unmoving, whereas the Traitors were in constant motion. He had been fascinated by the method of battle they’d developed and was keen to see it in action. The queen and Speakers remained at the front and he and Tyvara stayed as the queen’s protectors. The rest of the Traitors formed columns behind the Speakers. As each reached the front they moved to stand beside a Speaker. If they took a place to the left of the Speaker, they shielded the front line; if they moved to the right, they used a strike stone. When their stone was depleted they retreated to the end of the column to let others have their turn.
This ensured that most Traitors weakened at the same rate, and that most stones were used before the magicians of the army began using their own store of power. It was much easier to respond quickly to abrupt and unexpected attacks with personal magic than with stones, so it was held in reserve.
Warning shouts came from behind. Lorkin looked back. Something was going on to the right of the Traitor army.
“What’s happening?” Savara asked.
Traitors in the columns to the right were calling out to each other. The ones closest turned to relay what they were hearing to Tyvara. Lorkin caught snatches of their report.
“Attack from the right,” Tyvara repeated. “Seven Ashaki. All dealt with.”
Lorkin saw Savara smile in relief and satisfaction and felt a small surge of triumph.
The Ashaki are fools if they think we’re not ready for this sort of attack.
“Lorkin,” Tyvara hissed.
He turned to see her frowning in worry. She jerked her head and flicked her eyes back towards the Traitor army, at the same time silently mouthing a word. His blood went cold.
Twisting around, he searched the faces in the columns behind her, but saw no sign of the woman. Maybe Tyvara saw someone who looked a bit like Kalia. No, she doesn’t not look at all doubtful. So where is Kalia?
Not behind Tyvara. He turned to look at the Traitors behind him and his heart turned to ice. Kalia was just a few steps away, slipping into the closest column where a Traitor was distracted, fiddling with his vest. Lorkin gasped out her name, drew magic and threw up a shield behind himself, Savara and Tyvara. It bumped up against another, and he realised Tyvara had already done the same.
“Kalia?” Savara said, her voice full of surprise. She turned to face the woman. Traitors stared in surprise as their leader’s attention shifted from the enemy. Strikes burst against Savara’s shield, but she seemed unconcerned as she faced Kalia. “What are you doing here?”
Kalia looked around at all the faces watching and paled. “I came to help.”
“I gave you an order,” Savara reminded her, an edge of annoyance and forced patience in her voice.
Kalia paused. The battle raged on. The air before Savara vibrated as the attack on her shield increased, the Ashaki hoping her distraction was a sign of weakness. The Traitors stepping up to fight did so without hesitation, while those who retreated did so a touch slower, eyeing Kalia and the queen with interest.
“But you need every—” Kalia began.
“I need you to follow orders.” Savara’s tone and expression were cold now. “How do expect to regain our trust if you will not do what you are told?” She turned away. “Go to the back and stay there.”
As Kalia retreated, Savara leaned toward Lorkin.
“What is she thinking?”
He concentrated. As before, he picked up few words, but disappointment radiated from her. Not the annoyance or anger of a foiled plan, though. Kalia’s sense of failure was laced with fear and shame. Dislike still filled her, but not murderous intent.
“I don’t think she was planning anything,” he said.
Savara nodded. “Shield me.”
“Already am,” he heard Tyvara say quietly. “Someone should go back and keep an eye on her.”
Savara shook her head. “No. It is us she hates. She will not deliberately harm other Traitors.” Her gaze was fixed on the Ashaki. She took a step forward. A moment later the Speakers followed suit. Looking ahead, Lorkin saw some of the Ashaki shuffle backwards. A ripple of excitement went through the Traitors.
Savara chuckled. “Either they’re weakening, losing confidence, or are leading us into a trap.”
“What do we do?” Tyvara asked.
“See which one it is,” the queen answered. “It’s time you made use of your strike stones. If we spot a trap and you suddenly start striking, we’ll warn them that we know what they’re up to. I’d rather leave them guessing whether we’ve noticed it for as long as possible.”
Smiling, she took a longer step forward, and then another.
As Skellin’s fingers touched Lilia’s forehead she could not help flinching away. He reached for her again, his eyes boring into hers.
“If I think you’re delaying, or you cause me pain, my mother will cut your friend’s ears and nose off,” he growled.
Heart racing, Lilia lowered her eyes. And once I do, he’ll want more. He’ll threaten to hurt her until I’ve taught him everything. Then he’ll kill us both. I may as well stick with my plan. If I fail, at least we’d get the pain and dying over with sooner. But I will have to be quick. Give him no time to react.
Reaching out, she grabbed his wrists as if to stop him, then let him press his hands to her temples. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, gathered enough power to smash through a strong shield and sent it out from her right palm in a stabbing forcestrike.
She felt the barrier beneath her fingers part under the unexpected and finely focused attack. It worked! Surprised, she started drawing power, relying on the paralysing effect to keep him from struggling or speaking. With his back to Lorandra, hopefully she wouldn’t notice.
His grip on her head loosened as the weakening effect of black magic took hold, but she held his hands in place. Opening her eyes, she sent magic out to stop him sinking to the ground. He stared back at her, his pupils wide with anger and fear.
Yes. Fear me, she thought. This time you’ve underestimated your victim. Too eager to get hold of what you want.
But she must not underestimate him, either. Or his mother. Right now Lorandra was more of a danger than Skellin. She would notice something was wrong eventually, and she still had the knife at Anyi’s throat. Lilia felt a pang of doubt and slowed her drawing of power. She did not know how long it would take to strip away most of it, and she needed to decide what she’d do once she had.
I must protect Anyi before Lorandra realises I’m draining Skellin. She turned her head slightly, so that she could see Anyi, and extended her senses and magic. Somehow she must place a barrier between the knife and Anyi’s skin without either of them noticing. Concentrating on drawing power and using it at the same time was challenging. Kallen should have taught me to do this...
Her magic encountered a resistance.
A barrier! Lorandra’s barrier. It can only be hers. Skellin can’t use his power.
At once she knew she’d made a mistake. Lorandra frowned. She knows I shouldn’t be doing anything with magic. Skellin would stop me. In horror, she watched Lorandra’s eyes widen with realisation, then narrow with fury.
Lilia drew power and sent it out toward Lorandra even as the woman’s hand moved. Red burst from Anyi’s throat.
No! Lilia let Skellin fall. As Lorandra’s barrier shattered she caught Anyi and pressed her hand to the girl’s throat. Blood poured between her fingers. She wrapped herself and Anyi in a shield, lowered her friend to the deck and sent her mind into her body. Close! she commanded of the rent tubes that carried Anyi’s blood. Healing power poured from her, knitting together flesh. The tubes became whole, the muscle repaired. Hope rushed through Lilia, but as skin melded to skin she loosened her grip on Anyi’s throat. Was I fast enough? Did she lose too much blood?
Anyi lay still, her eyes staring at the sails and sky above them. Her face was pale. Her lips blue. But she’s alive. Heart beating. Still breathing. Alive but...
A scream burst from somewhere close by. Startled, Lilia turned to see Lorandra getting up out of a crouch, Skellin at her feet. He, too, was staring at the sky. Lorandra turned to face Lilia. At the fury twisting the woman’s face Lilia instinctively strengthened her shield, but no strike came.
Instead the air before Lorandra rippled. Lilia felt heat and caught an impression of skin and cloth darkening to black. Flames flared, outlining Lorandra’s form. The woman shrieked, staggered backwards and toppled over the railing.
Stunned by the image still burned into her mind, Lilia could not move for a moment. Then she realised the crew around her were shouting, and objects were raining down from above. Sails. Rope. A wooden beam bounced off her shield. Something was destroying the ship’s rigging. Probably the same something that had struck Lorandra. Straightening and stretching her neck, she looked around and glimpsed another vessel, a purple-robed figure standing at the helm, approaching from the other side of the ship.
Catching her breath she looked down at Anyi. The girl’s eyes were open. Lilia’s heart leapt with joy and relief.
“You’re alive! You’re alive.” Lilia lay down next to Anyi and pulled her close. “How are you feeling?”
“Awful. But not as bad as I think that bitch is – if she’s still alive.”
“You saw that?”
“Yeah. Thought I was dreaming.” Anyi’s lips were still tinged with blue. She frowned. “Is Skellin dead?”
Lilia looked over to the Thief, lying still a few paces away. “He looks it, but he could just be exhausted. Either way, he can’t harm us.”
“Do me a favour and check.”
Looking around, she saw that the crew were giving them a wide berth. Reluctantly, Lilia got up and walked over to Skellin. His face was locked in an expression of pain and surprise. He wasn’t breathing. Touching him, she sensed no energy within him. Deader than dead. But I hadn’t finished draining him when Lorandra cut Anyi’s throat. Remembering how she had drawn power in order to break Lorandra’s shield, she realised where she had drawn it from. She’d defeated Lorandra with Skellin’s power.
Lilia looked over the railing. She had expected to see Lorandra’s body floating nearby, but there was no sign of it. She returned to Anyi and sat down. “Yes. He’s dead. The Guild isn’t going to be happy about that.”
Anyi made a rude noise.
“Not because of roet,” Lilia said. “They wanted to find out who his allies are, especially those in the Guild.”
“Don’t worry,” Anyi scowled. “Father will find who they are.”
Lilia’s breath caught in her throat. She doesn’t know...
Anyi’s eyes went wide. “He... he wasn’t pretending, was he?”
Biting her lip, Lilia shook her head.
A look of pain creased Anyi’s face. She swore. But as Lilia reached out to embrace her, Anyi shook her head, her face hardening. “Time for that later. We still have a lot to do, and we can’t let... Father made sure what was done to his family made him stronger, not weaker. I have to be strong, too.” Anyi pushed herself up onto her elbows, but her face went even paler and she sank back down again.
“Rest,” Lilia told her. “You’ve lost a lot of blood and your body needs time to make more.”
“How long will that take?”
Lilia shrugged. “I’m not sure. A few days, maybe.” She smiled sadly at Anyi’s grimace of impatience. I fear it’ll take a lot longer for her heart to mend than her body, though. “You need food and water. Rothen will be here any moment.” She craned her neck to see that the other vessel was drawing alongside the ship.
Anyi nodded. Looking around, Lilia spotted the tattered clothing she had been wearing. “I should get dressed.”
“Yes. Why did Skellin make you strip down to your underclothes?” One of Anyi’s eyebrows rose. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Just making sure I wasn’t carrying a knife.”
“Sounds strange, a magician worrying about knives when people who carry knives usually fear magic, but I guess black magic turns things around a bit.”
“Not any more.” As Anyi frowned, Lilia shook her head. “I’ll explain later.”
—Osen? The battle has started. I can hear sounds and flashes of light several streets away.
—Can you see the fighting?
—No. What about Dannyl?
—He contacted me to say they’ve arrived at Achati’s place, but I’ve heard nothing since then. The house is on the parade, so they’ll only see the battle if the Ashaki have to retreat.
—Do you want me to try getting closer?
—No. Stay where you are. Keep the ring on. Dannyl is sure to put his on soon, and I suspect having both of you wearing rings will be a bit... overwhelming, though Naki’s mind-read-blocking ring appears to be protecting me from your thoughts.
Sonea looked down at the other ring on her finger. She hadn’t told him about slipping away from the house that the Traitors’ guards had told them to stay in. If all went well, she wouldn’t have to.
The Traitors are only worried that we’ll interfere. So long as I don’t, I think they’ll forgive me for wanting to know what happens to my son.
The trouble was, she was no closer to seeing Lorkin than she had been earlier. She was going to have to rely on Dannyl to show her what was happening. And he wouldn’t be able to, if the Ashaki didn’t fall back. If they didn’t it would mean they were winning.
Not for the first time that morning, she felt anxiety rising up like a suffocating wave. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it away and weighed up her options. Could she get a little closer, without putting Regin in danger or the future relationship between the Allied Lands and Sachaka?
From the roof of Achati’s house Dannyl could see the city spread around him, but mostly it was a view of rooftops. He could guess at where the battle was, however. The rumble and crack of strikes impacting on shields or stone echoed across the city. Smoke billowed up from a building at least a thousand paces away, flashes of magic constantly brightening the cloud’s underbelly.
“Do you think Achati’s slaves will be all right, if the Traitors win?” Merria asked. “Or will they be killed for remaining loyal?”
“I fear the latter is more likely,” Tayend replied.
“Could we protect them?”
“You will have to ask the Guild. Dannyl?”
“Soon,” Dannyl replied, not taking his eyes from the distant signs of battle. “Osen will be with King Merin and the Higher Magicians. I don’t want to distract him again until there’s something to report.”
But that wasn’t the only reason Dannyl was hesitating. Once he put Osen’s blood ring on he would have to push aside all thought of Achati, and he wasn’t sure how long he could keep that up. Especially when Merria and Tayend are talking as if the Traitors will win.
“They’re getting closer,” Merria said.
No, Dannyl thought, looking at the cloud of smoke. It’s no nearer. Achati is safe. But was Lorkin? He felt a pang of anxiety, then a bitterness. As Tayend said, no matter which way this goes, something bad will come of it.
“I think you’re right,” Tayend replied. “The flashes were lighting the underside of the pillar of smoke before. Now they’re lighting this side of it.”
Dannyl’s stomach sank as he saw Tayend was correct. Maybe the Ashaki will gather their strength and regain ground again. Maybe the Traitors will run out of magic.
His companions were silent for a long time as nothing else happened to indicate any change in the battle. Then a building halfway between the parade and the distant smoke cloud sank out of sight. The boom and rumble followed a heartbeat later, then dust billowed up. Merria gasped. Tayend muttered a curse.
“Maybe this isn’t the safest place to be,” Tayend said in a thin voice. “If they get this far.”
“We’ll be fine,” Merria said, the waver in her voice betraying her lie. “We’ll just levitate away.”
“I guess I should stay close, then.”
“We should all stay close together,” Merria agreed.
As the pair moved to stand on either side of him, Dannyl glanced at them, amused that they should be drawn to him for protection. It made sense that Tayend would. Though Merria was a magician, Dannyl had been close to Tayend for a long time. But Merria should have the confidence of knowing she could protect herself.
Dannyl looked out towards where the collapsed building had been. Unlike me, being caught up in the fight is the last thing Merria wants. But me... I wish I had some excuse to help Achati. Even if just to ensure he survives should the Ashaki lose...
“They’re here!” Merria exclaimed.
Dannyl’s heart plunged as he saw people running out of a nearby side street. All men, all wearing Ashaki garb, some coated in dust. They stopped when they reached the parade, forming a line one, then two, then three deep across the street entrance as more Ashaki emerged to join them. He estimated there were about a hundred of them.
“Is that King Amakira?” Tayend asked.
Dannyl narrowed his eyes. An older man stood at the centre, but many other grey-haired Ashaki were in the line and it was impossible to identify which was the king. From streets on either side spilled more Ashaki. Perhaps they had tried to circle around and attack the Traitors from behind. Whatever they had done had not weakened their enemy enough, though. The edge of the Traitor front line was moving into sight. Their strikes were driving the Ashaki back. Men at one edge of the line stumbled back and fell. They did not rise again.
The Ashaki in the line struck in unison, and the Traitors retaliated. At once, holes began to form in the defensive wall of Ashaki. The line thinned as men stepped into gaps to replace the fallen. At a distant shout the defenders began to retreat rapidly, no longer striking, concentrating all their efforts in shielding.
They’re losing. They’ve lost. Unless they’ve put something in place at the palace...
“Dannyl,” Merria said.
“What?” he asked, then felt a flash of guilt at the sharpness of his tone.
“Osen’s ring?”
Dannyl cursed, then apologised, as he fumbled in his robe for the blood ring. Taking a deep breath, he slipped it on his finger.
—Yes, Osen. It’s me. The conflict has moved into sight. The Ashaki formed a line at the entrance to the parade, but they’re now in retreat.
—Sonea, can you see?
—Yes, came Sonea’s reply. Her mental voice was clear, but he could sense nothing of her presence or thoughts. Below, the retreating Ashaki were fifty paces from Achati’s house and getting closer. Soon Dannyl would be able to see more than the back of their heads. See if Achati was still among them. A strike slammed two of them back into the men behind. Dannyl caught a glimpse of crushed, bloodied faces.
—The Ashaki are losing, Osen noted.
—They may have another force waiting at the palace, Dannyl replied.
—Can you see Lorkin? Sonea asked.
Dannyl dragged his eyes away from the Ashaki to the Traitors. He caught his breath. Hundreds of them were moving into the parade. They walked in columns, their orderly formation a telling contrast to the crowd of retreating Ashaki. As he watched, a few of the foremost Traitors stepped aside and let those behind take their places.
He had assumed it would be easy to pick Lorkin out as the one man among many women, but there appeared to be as many male Traitor magicians as women and they were all dressed the same. Male or female, they were dipping into the pockets of the vests they wore, then holding out whatever it was they’d removed. He caught a glint of light, then another, and realised what they were doing.
Stones. They’re using stones.
Then his eyes found a familiar face and he felt recognition and relief rush through him. Lorkin was standing at the centre of the Traitor line, behind and a step to the side of a shorter, older woman. Tyvara? No. None of the personal slaves at the Guild House had been that woman’s age. So who was the older woman?
—The queen, Sonea sent.
Looking at the older woman again, Dannyl noted her position at the centre and the determination in her face. Queen Savara, he thought. Who, unless the Ashaki come up with some last-moment winning manoeuvre, will be the woman I will soon have to kneel before and negotiate with.
The Ashaki... were drawing level with Achati’s house. They were a much smaller group now. He steeled himself as he looked down and sought a familiar face. A head turned to look up toward him, and all the fear and affection he’d meant to hide from Osen and Sonea surged up and paralysed him. Achati smiled as if he had known Dannyl would be watching from atop his home all along, then turned his attention back to the Traitors.
Dannyl couldn’t move. His heart hammered in his chest as the Ashaki continued backing towards the palace. He can’t die. King Amakira was flanked by Achati and one of his other advisers. More Ashaki fell. He won’t, he told himself. He’ll be fine if they get back to the palace.
“Oh.” Merria said. “Look.”
Tearing his gaze away, Dannyl saw she was pointing towards the grand palace building. People were pouring out of the entrance. At first he felt a surge of hope and triumph, thinking they were more Ashaki, then Tayend whistled quietly as he always did when impressed, and at the same time Dannyl realised he wasn’t seeing glittering Ashaki garb.
“The Traitors have already overtaken it.” Tayend sighed. “And the Ashaki haven’t even noticed.”
Looking down again, Dannyl felt sick as he waited for signs that the Ashaki had realised the truth. When they do, they’ll surrender. They have no other choice. The Ashaki were bunching together around the king. No more than twenty now. Some were looking back at the palace. The ones at the back stopped, shouting a warning. He saw the king begin to turn, then stop. Saw Amakira’s lips move, and Achati’s nod. The king and the other adviser continued to retreat, but Achati stopped. The strikes from the Traitors suddenly intensified, perhaps at the sight of their enemy’s leader moving out of sight. Achati staggered.
Then he made an impossible leap backwards, contorting in the air and crashed to the ground.
Dannyl’s heart stopped. He stared at the twisted, limp form of his friend in disbelief.
But... why? Why didn’t he retreat with the king? Why sacrifice himself then, when he didn’t have to. The king must have known they had lost. He should have surrendered. I should have done something. If I’d known he’d do this I would have done something...
Hands were restraining his arms. He looked down to see both Merria and Tayend holding him. He looked at them in surprise. Then he realised he was very close to the edge of the roof.
“I’m sorry,” Tayend said. As he met Tayend’s gaze he saw understanding and sympathy there. Merria had said something at the same time, and it took Dannyl a moment to realise what it was.
“Don’t what?” he asked.
She stared at him intently. “Try to save them.”
Dannyl stepped back from the edge and shook them off. “For a moment I thought you were worried about me,” he said bitterly. He flinched at the petulance in his tone. Then anger filled him, and something else. Something that threatened to overwhelm him. Suddenly he had to get away from them. Away from the sight below. He took a few steps toward the hatch they’d climbed through to get onto the roof.
“Wait.” Merria hurried to him and grabbed his hand. He pulled away and felt something slip from his finger. Osen’s ring. He’d forgotten about it. Everything I saw and felt would have been seen by... But he didn’t care. Achati was dead. Dead. And I stood by and watched and did nothing.
Tayend walked over and placed a hand lightly on Dannyl’s shoulder. It was both unwelcome and yet soothing.
“Let’s go inside and wait,” he suggested. “Merria can take over from here.”
Resentment faded. Tayend understood. He followed his friend down into Achati’s house, along corridors and into the Master’s Room. There they stopped, looked around the room, then at each other. Tayend’s eyes glittered with tears. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Dannyl.
“I thought you didn’t like him,” Dannyl whispered.
“I did. Just not as much as you did.”
No. Not as much as I did. Dannyl bowed his head and let the tears come. When the worst of it had passed he was surprised to find he could feel affection and gratitude at the same time as grief and horror. I am so lucky Tayend is here with me. He has always understood me better than anyone. Even if we are never more than friends again, I hope we will always have this.
With Tayend beside him he would not mourn Achati alone. With Tayend close by he would be able to face the people who had killed Achati. With Tayend he had someone who would remember how fine a man Achati had been.
And now that I’ve seen how ruthless the Traitors can be, I must do what I can to ensure they don’t decide the Allied Lands need “freeing”, too.
Without taking his eyes from the Ashaki, Lorkin explored the pockets of his vest in case he had missed any strike or shield stones, but found none. The red and blue rings were depleted, so he had been using his own store of power. He didn’t want to use the power within the storestone until he had to.
He suspected it wouldn’t be necessary. The Traitors who had emerged from the palace were now joining with the main army, encircling the remaining Ashaki. Only a dozen or so Ashaki were left, surrounding and protecting the king.
He was not sure how long had passed since the battle had begun. A few hours, perhaps? From the angle and length of his shadow he guessed it was afternoon, but the smoke from the burning houses was giving the sunlight a deceptive golden glow that suggested the day was older than it was.
The battle had been surprisingly uncomplicated, with few Traitor deaths. Twenty or so had been lost during one side attack. While the Traitors on the right had defended themselves successfully, those on the left had been taken by surprise when the building beside them had exploded and Ashaki had surged out into their midst.
But the Ashaki had never stopped retreating. The battle had become a steady Traitor advance to the city centre. The Ashaki began to fall long before they reached it, and by the time they were driven to the parade their numbers were down to a third.
No magical battle that he’d ever read of had resembled this one. The parameters of magical fighting have changed. Gemstones have made it into something completely new. The Guild knows that it needs gemstones for defence, but it has no idea how badly. If it doesn’t adapt it will be left behind.
Still, the battle wasn’t over yet. He was all too aware that he wasn’t the only Traitor who had run out of stones. Their method of fighting ensured that, barring surprise attacks, all were protected until the entire army was exhausted. Only Savara knew how strong the army was now, through communication with the other Speakers, who received reports from each Traitor as he or she left the front. We could be onto our last stones or still bursting with power, Lorkin thought. Savara has shown no sign of concern, but then she’s very good at looking calm and confident.
He looked at her again. She was taking in the scene with narrowed eyes. Straightening, she raised an arm, palm facing outward – the signal to stop.
At once the Traitors stopped striking the Ashaki. The hum of power streaking through the air ended. The shuffle of feet ceased. Voices fell silent. The few sounds that followed were muted, as if all noise had been dampened.
A circle of Traitors surrounded the remaining Ashaki, who stared back defiantly. Lorkin looked from them to Savara.
What will she do? So far the order has been to kill all Ashaki. I’ve seen no Ashaki attempt to surrender. The few we heard about who were sympathetic to the slaves and did not want to fight the Traitors have left the country.
The order to kill all Ashakis had been to ensure their defeat. Now that they were defeated, would they remain unharmed if they surrendered? He thought of the stones keeping the wasteland lifeless. The Traitors could be ruthless...
Savara took a step forward, then another. Lorkin saw Tyvara tense. He turned the ring holding the storestone around so he could curl his fingers around it, ready to draw power if he needed it. Savara stopped.
“King Amakira,” she called.
The Ashaki did not move. Lorkin searched for some glimpse of the king among them. The silence lengthened.
“You are defeated,” Savara said. “Come forth, or are you too cowardly to show your face?”
Low voices were heard from the Ashaki now, then Lorkin saw movement.
“You expect me to surrender?”
Lorkin shivered at the voice. A memory rose of an old man on a throne, followed by the palace prison, the slave girl... He blinked them away and concentrated on the scene before him. The Ashaki parted and the king stepped out.
“We do not submit to Traitors,” he said.
As he spoke, his hand moved to his belt and closed around the hilt of a knife. Gems glittered in the sunlight as he drew the blade. He extended his arm toward Savara, pointing at her. He let the knife go. It hovered in the air. His arm dropped to his side.
Then, in a movement almost too fast to follow, it reversed and shot backward, plunging into his chest.
Lorkin sucked in a breath, and heard gasps from all around. Well, I didn’t expect that, he thought as the king fell, and was caught and lowered to the ground by the Ashaki behind him. Did he just commit suicide, or did he ask one of the Ashaki to—?
The rest of the Ashaki stepped back hastily as a bright light enveloped the king’s body. A sharp crack, followed by a roar like a fire flaring before a gust of wind, echoed between the buildings. The king’s remaining power, released as his control failed. Lorkin shuddered.
The light vanished, and all that was left was ash.
Then the air before Savara began to vibrate. Lorkin looked up to see that the remaining Ashaki’s gazes were fixed on her. Realising that the men were striking at their queen, the Traitors attacked. Lorkin winced at the dull thuds and crack of bones, as the last Ashaki fell before the onslaught. They didn’t bother to shield. They used their last magic in a final vain attempt to kill the Traitor queen, and to ensure they would die.
The Traitor strikes ended as quickly as they had begun, and a different kind of silence fell. One filled with relief as well as horror. Savara’s shoulders lifted and dropped and she bowed her head. She didn’t look up or speak, and as time stretched the Traitors began to frown and exchange glances. As Tyvara stepped forward, concern in her eyes, Lorkin followed, but he kept a few steps back, ready to help but leaving Tyvara to speak.
Savara looked at Tyvara and shook her head. “Ashaki and Traitors. We are so different. And yet we are the same. So determined we are right.
“The Traitors are no more too. We will have soon destroyed what we rebelled against. We should now call ourselves Sachakans.”
“We are not the same,” Tyvara told her. “The Ashaki are no more.”
Savara looked back at Lorkin. “What do you think? Are we the same?”
Lorkin shook his head. “No. Yes, you are determined, but that is no bad thing in itself. Only a stronger determination to end their power would overcome their determination to hold onto it.”
Savara eyebrows rose. “An interesting observation from a Kyralian and former Guild magician.”
He shrugged, then managed a smile. “But don’t tell me you’ve succeeded where the Guild failed until you’ve successfully held onto power here for a few decades – and have done so without being as ruthless as the Ashaki.”
A faint smile thinned her lips, then she straightened and looked around the circle of Traitors. “The battle is over,” she called out. “The hard work now begins. You know what to do.”
Lorkin saw wry expressions and weary resignation as the circle of Traitors broke apart. The Speakers started forward and Savara walked over to meet them. The rest of the Traitors gathered into teams. Listening to a group nearby, Lorkin heard the leader asking how many stones were left. As they counted, she asked for a volunteer to take messages to the former slaves, telling them it was safe to return to the city.
He felt something poke him in the ribs and turned to see Tyvara nodding toward Savara. The queen and the Speakers were moving away. He fell into step beside her as she followed them. Savara will need guarding for some time yet, he realised. Then he shook his head. Somehow I’ve wound up as a royal bodyguard. I never would have predicted that.
“There are many, many dead slaves in the palace,” Speaker Shaiya was saying. “I can’t estimate how long it will take to remove the bodies. Even if we could clear them tonight, we won’t know it’s completely safe until we search all rooms.”
“And the free servants?”
Shaiya shook her head. “Most resisted us. The rest fled.”
“They were raised to be loyal,” Savara said. “And, unlike slaves, they had something to lose. We were never going to win them over.” She sighed. “We need a safe base from which to organise. Somewhere central. What about one of these houses?”
Shaiya looked around. “I’ll send teams in to investigate.”
Despite the way that the crew rushed around, nothing seemed to happen quickly on a ship, Lilia reflected. But as the vessel drifted toward the docks she looked at Anyi and decided she didn’t mind. Rothen had ordered that food and water be brought, and while Anyi was still very tired she had regained some colour and could sit up.
Anyi’s expression was distant and pained, which made Lilia’s heart ache with sympathy, but then her friend shook her head and her face hardened with determination. She has more self-control that I’d ever have, in her situation, Lilia thought. Suddenly I can see Cery in her. He’d had the same habit of looking distracted, then snapping into focus, she realised. She just hadn’t understood why.
He probably grieved for the loss of his family when alone, or with Gol. Lilia frowned. Losing him is going to catch up with Anyi eventually. I will be there for her when it does, even if I have to sneak out of the Guild.
They watched in silence as the last manoeuvres were made to bring the ship dockside. Rothen stood beside the captain, talking quietly. The two magicians he had recruited at the docks stood guard over the crew taken from Skellin’s ship. Seeing them following his orders unquestioningly, though they clearly had no idea of the reasons for them, had amazed her. Magicians weren’t usually so cooperative, at least not from what she’d seen. But then she saw the respect in their faces and remembered that Rothen was not just a Higher Magician, but had been Black Magician Sonea’s guardian and teacher, and had no small part in fighting the Ichani Invasion.
It’s easy to forget that, with Rothen. He doesn’t push people around or look down on them. He’s approachable. I bet he doesn’t think he’s all that important.
Rothen turned to look at her, then walked over. He smiled at Anyi. “How are you feeling? Ready to go?”
Anyi nodded but, as she stood up, she looked down at herself and grimaced.
“Dizzy?” Rothen asked, reaching out to steady her.
Anyi shook her head. “No. I’m fine.”
He nodded, then beckoned and headed towards the long plank the crew had strung between the ship and dock. Anyi took a few unsteady steps.
“Are you sure you’re all right?” Lilia asked in a low voice.
“I look a mess. I feel a mess. And I don’t think this coat is ever going to be the same.”
Lilia shuddered. Anyi’s clothes were stiff and stained with her blood. She hooked her arm through her friend’s. “I’ll buy you another one.”
“Maybe it’ll be a good thing, me looking like this. Might make the Higher Magicians feel guilty they didn’t catch Skellin sooner.” She sighed. “At least you’re clean.”
Lilia looked down at her robes. Rothen had brought them, so she wouldn’t have to return to the Guild wearing the tattered disguise. Assuming I did return. It could have all gone very badly. She still couldn’t believe her trick had worked. Looking over at Skellin’s body, which was covered by an old piece of sacking, she shuddered. I killed a person. With black magic. But she didn’t want to think about that now.
They caught up with Rothen at the railing. “Will the Higher Magicians want to see us straightaway, Lord Rothen?” she asked as they reached him.
He nodded. “I’m afr—”
“What’s he doing here?” Anyi interrupted, her words a low growl.
Lilia followed Anyi’s gaze and her heart sank as she saw the black-robed magician waiting on the dock.
“Kallen is – was – in charge of finding Skellin,” Rothen reminded her.
“A fine job he did of it, too.”
“Are we going to tell him what happened?” Lilia asked. “What if he is Skellin’s source.”
Rothen’s eyes narrowed. “Say nothing until the meeting.” He gave them a grim smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll work out who the source is. If it is a Higher Magician, well, it wouldn’t be the first time one of us had a nasty secret. We’ll deal with it.”
As they started down the gangplank, Lilia gave Anyi a reassuring nod. “He sounds confident.”
Anyi shrugged, then followed. As they reached the dock, Kallen stepped forward to meet them. Lilia bowed, but Anyi remained unbending, her eyes dark and jaw stiff.
“Lord Rothen. Lady Lilia. Anyi.” Kallen turned to Rothen. “You asked me to meet you here?”
“Yes, Black Magician Kallen. I will explain more when we return to the Guild, but I can tell you that Skellin is dead and his mother too. His body is on board, if you wish to inspect it. Lorandra’s is somewhere under the sea.”
Kallen’s eyebrows rose. Without saying another word, he strode up the gangplank and headed for the body. His back was to them as he crouched and lifted the sacking, so Lilia could not see his expression. I would have liked to, she mused. Kallen returned to the dock. He looked straight at Lilia and smiled. “You have some explaining to do.” His tone was not disapproving, she noted.
“Not until we return to the Guild,” Rothen said firmly. “I’ve made arrangements for the crew to be imprisoned until we can question them, and for the body to be delivered to the Guild.”
Kallen nodded and gestured to the end of the dock. “The carriage that brought me is still here, if you would like to take it.”
Rothen nodded. They walked to the carriage in silence. Looking around, Lilia noted how the dock workers paused to stare at Kallen. They looked curious, but also uneasy. But then, that’s how novices react to Sonea walking past, too. Impressed, but also intimidated. Then it occurred to her that people would regard her in the same way one day, when she had graduated and had to wear black robes. I used to look forward to the day I didn’t have to wear novice robes. Now I dread it.
The journey to the Guild was not a long one, since a wide road led directly from the Marina to the grounds, only detouring around the palace, but it seemed a lot longer. Nobody spoke. Kallen’s gaze moved from Lilia to Anyi to Rothen, staying mostly on Rothen.
He looks perplexed. And worried. I’d have thought he’d be more annoyed than this that we’ve been dealing with Skellin without consulting him. Whenever he met her eyes she looked away.
When they arrived, Rothen started toward the University entrance while Kallen paused to instruct the driver.
“The Administrator is at the palace,” Kallen called after him.
Rothen stopped and looked back. “High Lord Balkan?”
“Also with the king.”
“Will they return soon?”
Kallen’s shoulders lifted and fell. “I doubt they’ll return until late.”
Rothen blinked, then his eyes widened suddenly. “You were at the palace when I sent for you, weren’t you? It’s happening, isn’t it?”
Kallen nodded. “But I knew you would only send for me if it was important. Can I have a word privately?”
Leaving Lilia and Anyi at the steps, Rothen rejoined Kallen. Lilia saw that Anyi’s expression was full of suspicion. She looked back at the magicians. While their mouths were moving, she could hear nothing. Most likely they were using a sound-blocking shield. Looks like something important, and something Rothen was expecting.
“Are you sure it was him?” Rothen asked, his voice suddenly loud and clear. Kallen nodded. “Well, then. Unfortunately I must reveal what I have learned first to the Administrator and High Lord so we’ll have to wait until they return.”
“It may be a day or two before they are free to meet with you.”
“Yes, that is likely. Do you think the king will summon all the Higher Magicians to the palace?”
“No.” Kallen replied. “He doesn’t like having too many magicians flapping about. Would you like me to tell the Administrator and High Lord that you have found Skellin and wish to meet with them?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Rothen waited as Kallen climbed back into the carriage. The driver urged the horses into motion. They picked up speed as they neared the gates, Lilia noted.
“He’s in a hurry,” Anyi said in a low voice. She looked at Rothen. “What’s so important that it trumps the death of Skellin and tracking down his spies in the Guild?”
Rothen’s expression was serious as he replied. “Something very important. You will find out soon enough.”
Anyi looked thoughtful. “We’re not about to be invaded again, are we?”
Rothen shook his head. “No.”
“Or invade someone else?”
“No. Enough guessing. I’ll take you both to Sonea’s rooms, then I’ll bring Gol back here. I told him to wait at—”
“Gol’s alive?” Anyi interrupted.
Lilia smiled. “Yes. He helped us find you. He’s going to be very happy we got you back.”
Anyi winced. “He must be so...” She sighed. “Well... let’s go get cleaned up.”
Lilia smiled. “At least there’s one benefit to the delay.”
Oh, Dannyl. Sonea pulled Osen’s ring from her finger and wiped tears from her eyes. To lose someone you love like that... It had brought back a flood of memories and emotions, and she had been thankful that Naki’s ring had kept both from Osen. The Administrator had been a little shocked. He’d known that Dannyl was fond of his Ashaki friend, but clearly Dannyl had managed to conceal just how fond he had been.
She suspected Osen hadn’t wanted to consider it was even possible. Not that Dannyl could love another man – he knew about Tayend – but that he could fall for a Sachakan. Especially an Ashaki. Or that so powerful a Sachakan could fall for Dannyl.
She felt a pang of sympathy as she recalled Dannyl’s anger. If she’d known that he might witness the death of a lover, she would not have suggested Dannyl watch the battle and communicate the result to her and Osen. I don’t think Dannyl believed the Traitors would win, though. He was more concerned for Lorkin.
“I’m sorry, Sonea,” a familiar voice said. “I’m so sorry.”
Regin. She would have to tell him what had happened. Looking up, she caught a glimpse of eyes glinting with moisture before finding herself pressed against a warm chest, hands stroking her back.
“There was nothing more you could do,” he said. “He chose a brave path, and I admire him for it.”
The stiffness of surprise eased and she felt herself relaxing against him, soothed by his warmth and concern, even as she realised the mistake he’d made. He saw tears and thought Lorkin had died. Curse it. He thinks Lorkin is dead, and he’s upset. She had to let him know otherwise, but a selfish part of her wanted to let this moment last a little longer. He cares about Lorkin. And me...
Stop it! she told herself. You’ll only end up wanting what you can’t have.
“It’s fine. He’s fine,” she blurted out. She forced herself to push him away so she could look up at him. “Lorkin’s fine.” She met and held his gaze to show she wasn’t lying. “The Traitors won.”
Understanding dawned in his eyes. His face reddened a little and he smiled ruefully. Then he frowned again. “Then why...?” His eyes widened. “Dannyl?”
“He’s fine, too. So are Merria and Tayend. It just that...” She shook her head. “I’ll explain later.”
She felt his arms loosen. He began to step back. Catching his hands, she squeezed them once before letting go.
“Thank you.”
His eyes shone for a moment, then he looked away and his expression became serious. “So what now?”
She turned to the window. “Osen wants us to find Dannyl. Then we’re to congratulate the queen, tell her our Healers aren’t far away and see if she’ll let us keep a Guild ambassador in Arvice.”
“How will we find them?”
“We go in that direction.” She pointed. “At some point we’ll reach the street on which the battle took place. I suspect we’ll know it by the Ashaki bodies. If Dannyl’s observations are a good guide, the street out front leads to the parade that leads to the palace. We’ll find Dannyl in a house on the parade.” She started toward the stairs.
Regin followed. “It’ll be night soon.”
As she descended, Sonea wondered at the elation she felt. I shouldn’t be this cheerful. But Lorkin had survived the battle, and the relief she felt was overwhelming. Perhaps she would be able to talk him into coming home now. At that thought she felt worry return. He’ll want to stay with Tyvara. If he’s as in love with her as I was with Akkarin he’ll follow her anywhere. I shouldn’t want to stop him. But she did. And yet, I want him to be happy. I would never want him to suffer what I did.
Reaching the ground floor, Regin led the way through the house, moving silently and checking for other occupants before he stepped into a corridor or room. They reached the kitchen and peered through the slave entrance to the street beyond. It was empty.
Sonea moved through, Regin following close behind. The city was quiet, a luminous twilight settling over all as they made their way towards the centre. Once again, Sonea felt conspicuous in her black robes, but they were not as stark against the white walls now as they had been in the morning light. She held a strong shield around them both. The first side street they turned into was also empty, but there were distant figures in the next main street.
“Well, they’re going to spot us eventually,” Sonea said, then stepped into the street. Regin’s only reply was a chuckle.
If the people saw them, they were not concerned. No one moved from their position. At the next turn Sonea saw two Traitors further down the street, a man and woman walking arm in arm away from them. From the way they leaned against each other, they were either exhausted or had already enjoyed a celebratory drink. She shrugged and followed, Regin beside her.
They had only taken twenty steps or so when two more people stepped out of a door, after the Traitors had passed it. Regin stopped and she heard his breath catch at the same time that she froze, recognising the cut of the men’s jackets and the glint of the knives in their hands.
“Watch out!” she shouted.
The pair looked over their shoulders, saw the two men and spun about to face them. One of the Ashaki glanced back at Sonea and Regin, then made a dismissive gesture and turned back to the Traitors. The other struck at the woman, who flinched and pushed her companion behind her. They both began to back away.
“They’re weak,” Regin said. Sonea knew he did not mean the Ashaki, who had seen two Kyralian magicians and remained unconcerned.
They must have enough strength left to think they can ignore us. Perhaps they’re assuming neither of us could be a black magician, since we’re Kyralian.
“Are you going to do something?” Regin asked. “Because I can’t stand by and watch them kill those two. Not when the Traitors have won anyway.”
“I wish we could.” She looked at him. “But that would be interfering.”
“I’m sure the Traitors would forgive you if you saved two of them.
“My actions will be taken as actions of the Guild, and the Allied Lands.”
“Good. I wouldn’t want to belong to a Guild that didn’t help in this situation. Besides, you don’t have to kill the Ashaki. Just scare them off.”
The two Ashaki had separated and were circling around the two Traitors. The woman looked toward Sonea and Regin, her eyes wide with fear.
Regin’s right. The Traitors and Guild can sort out the consequences later. Drawing power, she sent it in two strikes at the Ashaki. As they struck, the men staggered, then recovered and turned to face her. The Traitors took the opportunity to flee, running to the corner of the next main street.
The Ashaki exchanged a look, then one started toward Sonea and Regin. The other hesitated and followed.
“They don’t look scared,” Sonea observed.
Regin chuckled. “They don’t know who you are.”
Strikes flashed toward her, and she strengthened her shield. They weren’t particularly strong – probably only meant to test her. She responded with an array of firestrike to intimidate them. They stopped and she heard the murmur of a conversation too low to hear.
Then the two Traitors reappeared at the corner. Followed by four more. The Ashaki stumbled forward from a new attack at their rear. They turned to see their intended victims lift their arms, holding something toward them, then they glanced back at Sonea and Regin.
Trapped, Sonea thought. But this is the Traitors’ fight now. She watched as the Traitors wore the Ashaki down until their shields failed, then winced as they fell under a final blow. Regin made a small noise of surprise, but as she glanced at him he shrugged.
“They don’t take prisoners, do they?”
She shook her head, remembering the Sachakan king’s suicide. The Traitors walked past the dead Ashaki toward Sonea and Regin, one of the newcomers leading.
“You are Black Magician Sonea?” the woman asked.
“Yes. This is Lord Regin.”
“I am Speaker Lanna. You should have stayed where we put you.” She made an imperious gesture. “Come with me.”
As the woman turned away, Sonea looked at Regin and saw a flicker of annoyance and amusement. She fell into step behind Speaker Lanna, suppressing a smile as the other Traitors moved into position on either side, flanking them as they were escorted toward the city centre.
At the sound of approaching footsteps in the corridor, Tayend looked up at Dannyl. They had been sitting on either side of Achati’s chair in the Master’s Room, mostly silent, for the hour or so since they’d descended from the roof.
“Responsibility and duty returns.” Tayend sighed. “Are you ready to face the people who killed him? We could go find Achati’s ship and take the long route back to Imardin instead.”
Dannyl shook his head. “No. That would ruin both of our careers. The Traitors... though I wish that they could have spared him, they did not know him. They did not know he was worth sparing. How could they? He was an adviser to the king, who represented all they hate. And...” He sighed. “Despite everything, I want to stay here in Arvice. Not forever but...”
From the corridor entrance Merria walked in.
She looked different, and it took a moment for Dannyl to pinpoint the change. She looks older. Not aged, but mature. Almost stern. She reminds me of Lady Vinara. Hmm. Shouldering responsibility clearly agrees with her.
But it was time he took charge again.
“Lady Merria,” he said, standing up and holding out his hand. “Thank you for your help.”
She hesitated, then reached into her robe and brought out the ring. As he took it she gave him a measuring look. Judging whether he was fit for resuming his ambassadorial role? He nearly smiled at that.
“King Amakira is dead, as are the rest of the Ashaki,” she told him. “He killed himself, and the rest forced the Traitors to kill them by attacking the Traitor queen. Sonea and Regin are making their way here to meet you. Osen says we are to join together and request an audience with the queen.”
“What are the Traitors doing now?”
“Entering the nearby houses. They’ve already found and killed an Ashaki who hid during the battle.”
Tayend drew in a quick breath. “Achati’s slaves.”
Dannyl felt his heart skip a beat. “They’ll kill them.”
“Will they?” Merria asked. “They might not.”
“We can’t take that chance. We must warn then.” Tayend took a few steps toward the corridor.
Merria frowned. “If they can get away, they will have done.”
Tayend stopped and looked back at Dannyl. “But if they can’t...”
“Then we’ll take them with us,” Dannyl said. “If they choose to come with us. They are free men now.”
“You’d hire them as servants?” Merria asked, frowning. “When they don’t have much choice. Surely that’s no different than slavery.”
Dannyl shook his head. “It’s better than death. But I think... we will simply offer to take them with us. The rest is up to them.”
“We have to find them first,” Tayend reminded them. “If they’re here, they’re hiding. And we might not have much time.”
“Then we split up,” Dannyl decided. “You go with Merria for protection. They may attack you if they can’t see you, thinking you are a Traitor. I’ll look upstairs, you stay on this level.”
Dannyl headed down the corridor to the stairs. As he explored Achati’s house, he found parts he had never seen before. All were decorated in the same subdued, earthly colours that Achati had preferred over the stark white walls of Sachakan tradition. Dannyl felt as though he was surrounded by Achati’s presence, and his heart ached.
At the back of the house he pushed open a door, looked around and sucked in a breath in astonishment.
Why didn’t he tell me about this?
Dannyl had seen Achati’s library. It was a modest room within the man’s private suite, the books and scrolls contained in finely crafted cabinets. The room Dannyl stood within now was several times larger and lined with shelves. A large table stood at the centre, bare but for a piece of paper, folded and sealed.
Behind the table stood two men. Achati’s slaves.
They were not wearing the usual slave wrap now, but were dressed in simple trousers and tunic. They lowered their gaze as Dannyl looked at them.
“The master left this for you,” one said, gesturing at the letter.
Dannyl opened his mouth to speak, then changed his mind. First, see what the letter says. He walked over to the table and picked it up. His stomach clenched as he saw his name written across the front in Achati’s elegant hand.
Taking a deep breath, Dannyl broke the seal, opened the letter and read.
Ambassador Dannyl of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia
The trouble with collecting the best of anything is that there must also be the mediocre and the worst to compare it to. I have endeavoured to discard the latter in most things, but found that I could not always do so when it came to my family, my king, or my library.
If they will allow it, I give you my library. The rest of my belongings they will surely take or destroy, and I only hope that my slaves will benefit from some of it.
Ashaki Achati, formerly adviser to King Amakira of Sachaka
Dannyl closed his eyes, swallowed hard, then cleared his throat and looked up at the slaves.
“Well, Lak and Vata, I may not have much time to explain, so I will have to be forthright. Your master is...” Dannyl’s throat closed up.
“We know,” they said together.
“The Traitors are entering the houses around the parade, and I suspect they may perceive your staying here as an indication of loyalty to your master. So Ambassador Tayend and I are offering to take you with us.”
“Must we leave?” Vata asked, his eyes wide.
“Probably,” Dannyl replied. He shook his head. “I honestly don’t know what the Traitors will do. I don’t know if it’s better that you become our companions or servants – or if you’ll even find that acceptable. But I promise that we will do what we can to protect you.”
The two men looked at each other, then Lak nodded. “The master said we should do whatever you tell us.”
“Then I’m telling you to come with me,” Dannyl said, beckoning and heading back to the library door. “But not in a slave-like way,” he added. “Behave like the free men that you now are. Not in the way the Ashaki were free men, of course. I don’t think the Traitors will look kindly on that.”
“I’m not sure how to be a free man,” Vata said in a low voice.
“You’ll work it out,” Dannyl assured him. He placed Achati’s letter in his pocket and led the man’s former slaves out of the library into a new and frightening freedom.
Once again, Savara had occupied the main suite of rooms in the mansion she had commandeered as a base. This time the Master’s Room was where those wanting audience with or summoned by the queen were waiting. As people came and went, reporting on the Traitors’ progress in gaining control of the city, Lorkin and Tyvara sat to her left, keeping watch.
All of the houses around the parade had been searched now. A few Ashaki had been found hiding within to ambush Traitors and had been disposed of. Several free women and their children had been discovered, too. Their husbands, fathers and sons had been so confident that they would win that they hadn’t bothered to send their families somewhere safe. Some of the mansions were full of the bodies of slaves who had not been able to escape before their masters killed them for their magical strength.
A mansion had been chosen to house the healthy and uninjured free women and children until the Traitors decided what to do with them. Which will probably be the same as with the other families we encountered, Lorkin thought. They’ll have to find their place among the freed slaves, which probably means working for the first time in their lives.
“Some slaves attacked their former owner’s families before leaving the city,” Speaker Shaiya told the queen. “Some free women lashed out at slaves after they heard of the Ashaki’s defeat. We’ve sent all the injured to a mansion across the parade from here. A few slaves and one free woman have gone into childbirth, too. All of the Traitors with healing experience have been sent to treat them.”
“Are they enough?”
Shaiya shook her head. “We need more. When do the Kyralians arrive?”
“In a day or so.”
“I’ll go,” Lorkin offered.
“No.” Savara turned to look at him. “I need you here, for now.”
The Speaker looked down. “I know how you feel about Kalia, but...”
Savara scowled and shook her head. “I don’t trust her.”
“You don’t have to. Just let her do what she is trained to do.”
Lorkin held his breath as Savara regarded the Speaker. The queen could not reveal Kalia’s guilt to the Traitors without also revealing his ability to read surface thoughts. Then I guess I’d better brace myself for the consequences.
“Bring her here,” she said.
When Shaiya’s footsteps had faded out of hearing, Savara turned to him.
“This ability of yours could prove very useful to me, Lorkin. Are you willing to use it in the service of the Traitors?”
He blinked at her in surprise. “I... I guess so. Do you want me to use it on Kalia? I can’t promise I will be able to tell you much.”
Savara smiled. “Just tell me if you detect her lying. Don’t say how. Do not mention your ability to anyone unless I tell you to.”
The sound of Shaiya’s footsteps returned, along with another’s. As Kalia entered she looked up at Savara, then her gaze dropped to the floor. She placed a hand over her heart.
“Leave us, Shaiya.”
The Speaker paused, then nodded and left. Rising to her feet, Savara walked slowly over to stand in front of Kalia. The woman did not look up. Her eyes were wide and her breathing fast. Lorkin concentrated on her until he felt a familiar presence, and guilt.
“I know what you did,” Savara told her. She glanced at Lorkin and Tyvara. “We know what you did.”
From Kalia came a surge of fear and shame.
“What I don’t understand is: why Halana?” Savara continued. “Everyone loved her. She had no enemies.” She shook her head. “The experience and understanding of stone-making she had. The talent. Even if you hated her, how could you take that from us?”
“I didn’t hate her,” Kalia protested. “I...” She looked up, then quickly down again.
“You what?”
“I didn’t intend for her to get killed.”
“Just us.” Savara moved back to her chair. “I have no proof of that, but I can prove you had something to do with Halana’s death. If you can convince me it was an accident I...” She sighed. “Much as I hate to say it, we need you Kalia. Convince me, and see to the injured, and I won’t distract and demoralise our people at this crucial time with accusations of attempted murder against one of their own.”
Kalia swallowed, then nodded. “When you were on the roof last night,” she began. “I saw you were alone with...” Her eyes flickered toward Lorkin and Tyvara. “Nobody else would be harmed if you were attacked. I just had to draw attention to you. So I slipped out of a slave entrance, found some Ashaki, and led them back. They saw you, but as I ran to the slave entrance Halana stepped out of another. I think she was setting shield stones. She... didn’t see them. She...” A sob escaped her. “I tried to warn her but it happened so fast. I didn’t mean for her to be killed.”
Savara glanced at him. He shook his head. Everything Kalia had said was true. The queen turned back to stare at Kalia She looked as if she had taken a bite of something especially vile. But it wasn’t just revulsion at Kalia’s actions. She wants to punish Kalia, but she won’t. If I was Savara, I’d have her locked up and send me to heal the injured. Kalia’s healing skills weren’t unique. Then he felt a bolt of realisation. But my mind-reading abilities are.
“Then swear you will never speak of it, to anyone, unless on my orders,” the queen said. “And swear you will never attempt to cause me, Tyvara and Lorkin harm again.”
Kalia bowed her head. “I swear.”
“Go. Shaiya will direct you to the mansion housing the injured.”
As the woman hurried away, Savara rubbed her hands on her knees as if wiping them clean.
“Well, at least we have something to use to keep her in line from now on.”
Footsteps hurried down the corridor, but this time Speaker Lanna entered the room.
“Are you ready to see the Kyralians yet?”
Savara drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly. “Am I?” she asked herself.
Lanna frowned. “There’s something I should tell you first.”
The Speaker’s lips thinned into a forced smile. “When I found Black Magician Sonea she was fending off a pair of Ashaki. Tayvla and Call, the pair who found them, told me that the Ashaki had attacked them first. Sonea intervened, allowing them to get away.”
Lorkin turned to look at Savara and was puzzled to see she was frowning at this news. The queen glanced at him, then snorted softly.
“Well, that spoiled my plans.” She turned to Lorkin and uncrossed her arms. “Your mother disobeyed an order to stay where her escort left her. I was looking forward to raising that with her, and seeing if I could get something out of her by way of apology.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I doubt you’d succeed.”
“How do you suggest I go about persuading her to grant us a favour, then?”
“I am the last person who can tell you. She knows me far too well.”
“But you are her son. Perhaps I should use that.”
Lorkin winced. “Only if you’re feeling particularly brave. I, ah, advise you to learn more about her before you push her too far.”
Savara pursed her lips and considered him, then nodded. “You would like to see her, and your homeland, again one day.”
“Eventually. I’d like to take Tyvara with me, so it would be nice if Sachaka and the Allied Lands stayed on good terms.”
Savara turned back to Lanna. “Send in the Kyralians. And the Elyne, too.”
Lorkin felt his heart begin to beat a little faster. Mother and Dannyl and everyone else cannot have any doubts where my loyalties lie now. I guess I’m about to find out how they feel about that.
His mother led the others into the room. They lined up before Savara, then knelt. A silence followed, full of surprise and a tinge of embarrassment. Lorkin felt an odd little shiver go down his spine. To Kyralians and Elynes, this was the traditional genuflection made to a ruler, but to Traitors it was far more than was expected.
“Rise,” Savara said, her voice subdued. As the five foreigners stood, she smiled. “Later, Lorkin will tell you the Traitor way of greeting a leader.” Her gaze moved along the line. “I am Queen Savara and this is Tyvara and Lorkin. Please introduce yourselves.”
“I am, as you know from our previous meeting, Black Magician Sonea of the Magicians’ Guild of Kyralia,” his mother began. She then introduced the others according to status, beginning with Dannyl.
Dannyl looks... not uncomfortable but like he’s trying to conceal discomfort, thought Lorkin. Is he injured? No, it is something else. Perhaps merely the unease of having just seen these people kill a whole lot of people he... A heavy feeling dragged at his stomach as he realised that Dannyl, Tayend and Merria had formed friendships with the Sachakan elite. They’ve possibly just seen their friends killed.
As his mother spoke Regin’s name, Lorkin remembered Tyvara’s suggestion that he was more than Sonea’s source and assistant. Regin’s expression was solemn. His gaze shifted to Lorkin’s and he inclined his head slightly. Lorkin returned the nod. That didn’t tell me anything, he concluded.
“So,” Savara said, rising from her seat. She moved to stand before Dannyl. “Do you intend to stay in Sachaka, Ambassador Dannyl? I imagine we’ll need a Guild representative here, once the Healers arrive.”
Lorkin noticed his mother’s brows lower a fraction. As the figure of greatest authority, among the Guild magicians, she ought to have been asked the question. Perhaps, by posing the question to Dannyl, Savara was indicating that she preferred him as a representative of the Guild over Sonea.
“If the Guild allows it, and you approve, your majesty.” Dannyl replied.
Savara nodded. “You’ll do for now.” She moved to face Tayend. “And you, Ambassador Tayend – will you continue to represent Elyne?”
“I have already received instruction from my king to request my continuation in the role, your majesty,” Tayend replied. “In fact, he gave me a short message to memorise and deliver to you, to stand in for a later, longer missive.”
“He has? Then relay it.”
Tayend bent in a courtly bow. “King Lerend of Elyne congratulates you on the successful conquest of Sachaka. He hopes he will have an opportunity to meet you and discuss the many ways our lands may engage in mutually beneficial relations. May a peaceful and prosperous future await you.”
Savara smiled. “Convey my appreciation of his good wishes next time you communicate. I look forward to his longer missive. I see no reason you should not stay on as ambassador.” She moved past Merria and Regin, and stopped.
Lorkin watched his mother’s face as the queen turned to face her. He saw the familiar shift in her expression, from the usual slightly pained, thoughtful look she wore most of the time to the still, all-knowing stare that he’d never been able to hold for long.
“Black Magician Sonea,” Savara said, her tone no longer friendly, but not cold either. “You disobeyed my order to stay in the house where your escort left you.”
“I did, your majesty.”
“I was not pleased to learn that.”
“I did not expect you to be.”
“Why did you disobey?”
“Ambassadors Dannyl and Tayend, and Lady Merria believed themselves to be in some danger. Saral and Temi had left, so I could not seek permission to go to the aid of my colleagues, or request that they be protected. I kept to your earlier condition that I would not side with the Ashaki, and to the Allied Lands’ wishes that we should not intervene in the battle.”
“Yet you did intervene, later.”
Sonea’s eyebrows rose. “Should I have not?”
Savara’s head tilted a little to one side. “How do the Allied Lands regard it?”
“I haven’t had the opportunity to ask them, yet. They know some decisions must be made quickly. The battle was already won and they do want to be sure our Healers will be safe here.”
“They will be.” Savara took a step backwards, and returned to her seat. “The Healers are a full day’s ride away, however. In the meantime, would you and the other Guild magicians here tend the worst injuries?”
Sonea’s chin rose and a light entered her eyes that Lorkin knew only too well. He caught his breath, then let it out in a quiet sigh.
“Of course,” she replied.
Savara nodded. “Lorkin will escort you to the mansion where the sick and injured are being housed, after I speak with him privately. You may go.”
Lorkin watched his mother, former colleagues and friends leave. As they disappeared into the corridor, Savara turned to him.
“Was asking them to Heal unwise?”
So she’d heard his reaction. He shrugged. “Mother set up the hospices in Imardin. Give her this work to do and she may never go home.”
Savara frowned. “And I thought you would be the reason she’d try to stay. I did not mean to make your task more difficult.”
“My task?”
“To persuade or arrange for your mother to go home. It’s nothing personal, and I don’t think ill of her, but I suspect she is someone I will not like having around.”
“No,” he agreed. He paused to think. “The way to get Mother to go home is to have Dannyl recommend it to the Guild. He may agree to do so if I can convince him it is a good idea, or perhaps as a favour to me. But I suspect just trying will make him suspect my motives. Though... there’s something else we can offer him to prove our intentions are peaceful, if you’ll agree to it.”
Savara leaned forward. “And what is that?”
As Lorkin led them out of the mansion, Sonea examined him critically. He looked thinner, though it might only be the Traitor style of clothing that gave the impression. Magician robes tended to conceal a lot, emphasising the shoulders and waist but hiding the rest. The close-fitting Traitor vest hugged his body. The fabric of his tunic and pants was rustic and undyed. In contrast to this humble garb, his fingers were clustered with rings, which would normally have given the impression of indulgence and wealth if she hadn’t guessed the stones were magical.
He started out towards the other side of the parade. His walk was relaxed and confident, she noted, but he was also constantly alert, his gaze roving over their surroundings. He feels secure in his place among the Traitors and has nothing to fear from the Guild except, perhaps, disapproval, but he knows the city isn’t completely safe yet.
Glancing back at her, he slowed until he was walking beside her.
“I wanted to contact you before the battle,” he said. “But everything happened so fast. We were making plans one moment and rushing out to meet the Ashaki the next.”
“What did you do with my blood ring?”
He grimaced in apology. “I have it with me. I should have hid it, but—”
“No, I would rather you had it with you to use if you needed.”
“Well... I suppose there’s a chance that if I’d been killed it would have been destroyed too.”
A chill ran down her spine. “Let’s not talk about you being killed.”
He grinned. “Fine with me.”
“So what will you do next?”
Lorkin’s expression became serious. “That depends on Savara. And Tyvara. It’s clear Savara has plans for Tyvara and, since Traitor women have all the responsibility and power and their men are expected to go along with it, I’ll end up going wherever she goes.”
“Will you be happy about that?”
He grinned. “Mostly. I love Tyvara, Mother. I love how being in charge is natural and normal to her, even though it can be frustrating at times. I also enjoy being the one who challenges that.”
Sonea resisted a sigh. “So you’re not coming home.”
He shook his head. “Not any time soon, I expect. Savara knows I’d like to be able to visit you, and the Guild. I’d still like to pass on the basic knowledge of stone-making, as Queen Zarala wished. Perhaps the Guild can do something else with it. Perhaps stone-producing caves will be found in the Allied Lands. If they do exist, the most likely place is the northern part of the Elyne mountains, where...”
A whoop came from a group of people entering the parade from a side street nearby. Lorkin stopped, placing himself between the newcomers and Sonea, then turned back to her and smiled. “Looks like there will be some celebrating tonight.”
Sonea looked beyond him to see that the men and women were carrying furniture. They weren’t dressed in Traitor garb, so she guessed they were freed slaves. Looking around, she realised there were several more groups of ex-slaves gathering along the road. Further away, a fire was burning. She heard Dannyl mutter a curse as they tossed the furniture on the ground and began to break it up. As two of the ex-slaves headed back to a nearby house, one called after them.
“Get some tinder!”
“And the wine!”
Lorkin ignored them and continued across the parade.
“They’re going to ransack the houses, aren’t they?” Dannyl asked, to nobody in particular.
“Probably,” Merria replied.
Dannyl sighed. “I should have locked the library,” he muttered.
The mansion Lorkin led them to was larger than most. A pair of Traitors stood by the door. They stared at the foreigners, but did not object as Lorkin led them through. Inside, they were confronted by chaos and noise. The usual short corridor was lined with people, and the Master’s Room was crowded with more. Some lay on the floor, injuries poorly bandaged or not at all. Others hovered over them, clearly not injured, sometimes four for every patient. Traitors hurried from the corridor on one side to the one on the other, tripping on limbs and all manner of objects from baskets of food to bottles of wine. One of the injured was clutching a large gold box even as the wound in her leg bled freely. From somewhere beyond the room came muffled screams and shouting.
“This is a mess!” Sonea exclaimed. “Isn’t anybody in charge here?”
The noise in the room diminished slightly. Heads had turned toward her. A Traitor who had just stepped into the room stopped and glared at her. Sonea cursed inwardly. She hadn’t meant to speak so loudly.
“Where’s Kalia?” Lorkin asked the Traitor.
“Treating someone,” the woman said.
“Who is checking the new patients?”
The woman shrugged and looked around. “Someone...”
Lorkin waved her on. “Go do whatever you were doing. I’ll sort this out.”
The woman hurried way. Lorkin looked down at his rings and pressed the stone of one of them. His gaze shifted to the distance and he was still for a long moment, then he nodded and straightened. He turned to Sonea.
“Savara is sending a Speaker over. She’ll make sure everyone here follows your orders. Kalia used to be in charge of the treatment of the sick in Sanctuary, but she broke a few laws and... well, she’s not herself at the moment. She’s only here because we need her expertise.” His dislike was obvious. “She knows a little Healing. The best way to handle her, I think, will be to give her patients to treat but not decisions to make.”
Sonea raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Savara is putting me in charge?”
“For tonight.” He grimaced. “It took a lot of persuading. We thought we could rely on Kalia but...” He shrugged. “I can’t tell you the details but she made a bad decision and it has shattered her confidence. She is a good Healer. Dedicated. You can trust her to do her job well.” He took a step toward the entrance. “Speaker Yvali will be here in a moment. I have to go. Ambassador Dannyl is to come back with me.”
Dannyl’s eyebrows rose, but he did not appear concerned as he followed Lorkin out. Sonea looked at Merria, who was staring around the room and shaking her head.
“It won’t take long to sort this out,” Sonea assured her. “So long as people do as we say.”
Merria nodded eagerly. “I’ve always wanted to set up a hospice. After I’d explored the world.”
Sonea regarded the young woman with new interest. Where were you hiding this one, Vinara? she thought. She had often suspected the Head of Healers was keeping the best of the new Healers for herself. Not that I wouldn’t do it, too, if I was in her position. But it looks like she let this one slip through her fingers. Maybe one day, after Merria has satisfied her wanderlust, she’ll come back to work with me.
A Traitor woman stepped out of the shadows of the crowded entrance corridor and met Sonea’s gaze. Sonea straightened and smiled. Putting all plans for Merria’s future aside, she stepped forward and began to explain what she and the sick and injured of Arvice needed.
Celebratory bonfires were not confined to the parade, Dannyl discovered, as he, Tayend, Lorkin and Achati’s former slaves made their way to the Guild House. They were being lit all over Arvice, and the thought of all the beautiful and precious things being used to fuel them made him feel a bit ill.
They’re just objects, he told himself. But it still saddened him, and he could not delude himself that precious knowledge wasn’t being destroyed along with the merely beautiful. How could ex-slaves, most of whom did not know how to read, realise that they might be burning something that could benefit them and their descendants? Maybe the two following them would. They had been hiding in Achati’s library, after all. Is Achati’s library being burned right now? If it isn’t, can I persuade the Traitors to protect it?
He looked at the young man walking beside him. Lorkin would understand. He might not be able to do anything, but Dannyl at least had to ask, in case there was a chance that he could.
What had kept him from trying was the memory of Lorkin fighting alongside the Traitors. Of the Ashaki falling before their strikes. Of the thought that Lorkin might have been the one who killed Achati.
From the awkward silence between them, Dannyl guessed Lorkin was at least aware that fighting with the Traitors had strained his relationship with Dannyl and the Guild. But he can’t know why, in my case. Only Tayend knew that Achati and I were more than friends. And Tayend wasn’t saying anything.
“Have you made any progress on your book?” Lorkin asked.
“Not for some time,” Dannyl replied.
“Did the copies you made reach the Guild?”
“Not yet.”
They continued on without speaking for several minutes, dodging another group of revellers. Finally they rounded a corner and came in sight of the gates of the Guild House. No bonfires, thankfully, but, as a result, the street was dark. As they drew closer Dannyl heard Tayend draw in a quick breath. At the same time, he saw that the gates were hanging oddly. Someone had broken through them.
Lorkin reached into his vest and drew out something. He held it between two fingers, at the level of his chest, as he approached the gates. Bending to examine the twisted metal, he made a low noise.
“Only magic could have done this,” he murmured. He straightened and frowned at the building beyond. “The door is open.”
They stood, unmoving, as Lorkin stared at the open door, frowning. “I think we should go back and get—”
“I’ll go in and check,” Lak said, striding forward, followed by Vata.
“Wait, you don’t—” Lorkin began, but the former slaves ignored him, walking silently across the courtyard and into the building. Lorkin sighed and looked at Dannyl. “They must like you.”
Dannyl met his gaze. “They were Achati’s slaves.”
Lorkin blinked, then his expression became pained. “He didn’t survive, did he?”
“Of course not. He was one of the king’s closest advisers.”
“A fine way to pay him back for getting me out of Arvice.” Lorkin’s tone was heavy with regret.
“He’d have just as easily turned you over to the king, if he had thought it would benefit Sachaka,” Tayend said.
Dannyl looked at Tayend sharply. The Elyne stared back at him. Daring me to deny it, thought Dannyl, ruefully. I can’t. Though I’d like to think Achati would have felt bad about it, if he’d turned Lorkin over.
Lorkin looked down at the object he was holding and shook his head. Looking closer, Dannyl saw light reflect off something in the centre.
“It’s not right they take such a risk for us. Stay here. Out of sight.” He started toward the door. Dannyl looked at Tayend, and they both hurried after Lorkin. As Lorkin noticed this he sighed. “Stay close, then. Inside my shield.”
As they entered the building Dannyl felt the vibration of a shield surround them. It was dark inside. Lorkin created a globe light and sent it floating before them. They emerged into an empty Master’s Room. Lorkin chose the right-hand corridor. If the invaders were after magic or valuables to steal, they’d head for the suite of the highest-status person in the house. Reaching Dannyl’s rooms, Lorkin stepped inside. The rooms were empty, but someone had gone through the chests and cupboards, tossing most of the contents aside from the look of it. They turned to go, only to be met by Lak, holding a lamp.
“Nobody in the house,” the slave reported. “Vata is checking the stables and slave quarters. Don’t think any Ashaki would hide there, though.”
Lorkin let out a sigh of relief. He turned to Tayend. “Would you like me to come with you while you fetch the blood ring?”
Tayend shook his head. “I’ll be right back.” He beckoned to Lak, and the pair disappeared into the corridor.
The house was very quiet. Dannyl inspected the room. Very little has been taken. Why would anyone want Guild robes or old books? Should I take my research materials back with me? Where would I put them? There’s nowhere safe. But maybe I can do something about that. He looked at Lorkin, then reached into his robe for Achati’s letter and held it out. Lorkin took it, unfolded and read it. He winced and then handed it back.
“Will the Traitors let me have Achati’s library?” Dannyl asked. “If it isn’t ransacked.”
Lorkin frowned, then toyed with his rings as he considered.
“Savara says you may have access to them,” Lorkin replied. “If you let her know where it is, she’ll send someone over to guard it.”
Savara says? Dannyl looked at the rings and saw that Lorkin was touching one of the stones. Interesting.
Lorkin dropped his hands to his sides again. “Can you do me a favour in return?”
Dannyl shrugged. “Depends on the favour.”
“Get my mother to go home as soon as possible.” Lorkin grimaced. “She won’t deliberately interfere, but she will cause problems just by being here. I’m not talking about for me, but for the Traitors. They need to be the ones taking charge here.”
“Of the Guild’s Healers as well?”
“Did they put her in charge?”
“No, actually.” Dannyl shrugged. “They will report to their own leader, and then to me.”
Lorkin looked relieved. “So there’s no other reason for her to be here?”
“Other than to make sure you, me and Merria are safe... no. But Savara has put her in charge of the hospice.”
“It’s only for the night,” Lorkin said firmly. He massaged his temples and sighed. “Can you suggest to Osen that having her here will put a strain on relations between Sachaka and the Allied Lands?”
“I can convey your concerns and the queen’s wishes.”
Lorkin shook his head. “If Mother gets the slightest hint that it came from me she’ll be more determined to stay. It has to come from you, Dannyl. And... well... I’m not a Guild magician any more.”
Dannyl paused to consider the young magician he’d brought to Sachaka as an assistant. He really means to stay with the Traitors. He gave up everything for them. And for love, too, I suspect. I don’t think I could have done that. Not even for Achati. Would I have done it for Tayend, back when we were young and so dedicated to each other? He felt an echo of that feeling. Yes, I think I would have.
Lorkin looked down at his hands again. He took one of the rings and slipped it off his finger, then held it out to Dannyl.
“This is why you should have my mother sent home. This is why the Allied Lands should establish good relations with Sachaka.”
Taking the ring, Dannyl examined it. The setting was silver, and the stone within it was clear. “What is it?”
“A storestone.”
Dannyl’s breath caught in his throat. He remembered what Achati had said: “If one should still exist, or was created, it could be terrible for all countries.”
“It contains the strength of only a few magicians. The trouble with storestones is that you can’t know how much power they can hold. Too much and they will shatter, releasing all their power. It would be safer to have several storestones holding a little power than a few holding a lot. But even then, it could be the solution to defending the Allied Lands without resorting to black magic.”
“So the Traitors lied. They did know how to make them,” Dannyl breathed.
“No, though they have stones that are very similar. I’m afraid I – we – gave them the idea to try. They have made only a few so far, but I can see no reason why they couldn’t make more, or improve the method.” Lorkin looked at the ring, then back at Dannyl. “Savara said you can keep it.”
Dannyl frowned. “A bribe?”
“The first payment for the Healers’ services.”
“How do I use it?”
“Touch it. Draw power as if you were taking it from another magician. You’ll have to use it straightaway, since you don’t know how to store magic. Strengthening it is the same. Just send it power as if you were sending it to another.”
“And don’t store too much power in it.”
Dannyl let his hand and the ring drop to his side. He looked at Lorkin, weighing up all that his former assistant had said. Then he nodded.
“This will definitely persuade the Guild to order your mother home.”
Lorkin smiled. “Thanks. Though I’ll make sure I get the chance to spend some time with her before she goes. I do miss her. And my friends. And Rothen. Ah. And there’s something I wanted to ask you about Lord Regin. Are he and...?” He stopped and turned toward the door. “Ambassador. Did you find it?”
Tayend had stepped into the room with Lak and Vata. He held up a small ring, his connection to the Elyne king. “Exactly where I left it.”
“Good,” Lorkin said. “Now, do you want to stay here, or come back with me?” He looked at Dannyl. “By the time we get back we’ll know if Achati’s library is intact. The best way to prevent it being ransacked would be to occupy the building, and I think Savara will approve of her main links to the Guild and Allied Lands staying close by.”
Dannyl sighed with relief and saw Tayend’s eyes brighten with hope. “I’ll just grab a few things, then we’ll gladly take up your offer of accommodation.”
That haunted look has crept into Anyi’s gaze again, Lilia noted as she emerged from her bedroom. She knelt down beside the chair and wound her arms around her. Anyi sniffed once, and turned to look at Lilia.
“I know you buried him out in the forest, but it’s not right. We have to put him with his family.”
“Where are they buried?”
“I’m not sure. Gol will know.”
Lilia kissed her. As Anyi’s arms began to slide around her a knock came from the door and they froze. Lilia pulled away and sighed. Getting to her feet, she sent a little magic to the door to open it.
“Gol,” Anyi said with obvious relief, as the big man stepped inside with Lord Rothen. “How did it go?”
He sat down. “Things are going back to the way they used to be real fast. The Thieves stopped calling themselves ‘princes’ straightaway, and they’re taking back what they had control of beforehand – and anything else they can grab. If you want to take Cery’s territory, you need to move now.”
Anyi frowned. “Will his people work for me?”
Gol nodded. “Those I asked were keen. They’d rather you than any of the neighbours. It helps that you are Cery’s daughter, but in some ways it’ll make it harder. Cery had no favours left to call in, and plenty he owed, but he had money stashed away and was respected for keeping promises.”
Lilia watched Anyi’s face, her stomach sinking as her friend’s expression hardened.
“I’ll do it.” She looked up at Gol. “But only if you help me.”
Gol smiled. “I was hoping you’d want me. Not that I wouldn’t like to retire.”
“I am retiring you,” Anyi said. “You won’t be my bodyguard, you’ll be my second. Like you were for my father. I don’t know why he didn’t just call you that and be done with it.”
“To make me less of a target,” Gol told her.
“Well, you can’t pretend to be a bodyguard any more. Nobody’ll believe I’d choose a bodyguard twice my age.”
Gol crossed his arms. “I’d still beat you, any day.”
Anyi stood up. “Oh, really? Let’s see—”
“I apologise for interrupting,” Rothen injected, “but may I suggest you test that theory somewhere other than Sonea’s quarters? And the Higher Magicians will not look favourably on us arriving late, especially after we insisted this meeting take place as soon as could be arranged.”
Anyi looked at him thoughtfully, then at Lilia. Her expression was apologetic.
“I’m sorry Lilia, but if I am going to take my father’s place, I can’t go to this meeting.”
Lilia stared at her. “But... we need you to tell your story.”
“No, you don’t. It will make no difference whether I tell it, or you, or Lord Rothen.” Anyi’s expression was serious. “We know Skellin had allies in the Guild. Who knows which Thief has adopted or inherited those allies? If these spies don’t know what I look like, then I should keep it that way. If they do, I shouldn’t remind them.”
Lilia’s heart had begun to race. “But... how will you visit? I’m not supposed to leave the grounds. Once the Guild finds out a Thief was living in the tunnels and that Skellin was there, they’ll fill in all the passages.”
Anyi walked over to Lilia and hugged her. “We’ll find other ways. You didn’t think we could live here together, did you?”
“I suppose not.”
“You’ll graduate soon. They’ll let you out of the Guild grounds then. Maybe they’ll even let you live in the city, like other magicians do. Whatever happens, we’ll still see each other. Nobody is going to stop us being together.” Anyi pulled away, then turned to Gol. “I’ll go out the other way. You won’t fit and people might’ve seen you come in, so you’d better leave with Rothen. I’ll meet you at Donia’s.”
“Are you sure you want to go that way?” Gol asked.
Anyi nodded. “I’ll be fine.”
“Just... keep the lamp flame covered. I don’t know how much minefire got spilled.”
Anyi nodded, then looked at Lilia expectantly. Taking the hint, Lilia moved to the door and led Rothen and Gol out. She looked back and saw Anyi wave before the door closed. I hope she’ll be safe going back into the city on her own.
She worried about that all of the way to the Administrator’s office. They detoured to the front of the University, where Rothen arranged for a carriage for Gol. There they found Jonna waiting for them outside Osen’s door. The servant looked a little pale, but she smiled and squeezed Lilia’s hand as Rothen knocked.
“I’ve done this before,” Lilia reminded Jonna in a whisper.
“I haven’t,” Jonna replied.
The door swung inward and they stepped into a room full of Higher Magicians.
“Ah, good,” Osen said as Lilia, and Jonna bowed. He frowned. “Were there more witnesses wishing to tell their stories, Lord Rothen?”
“No, Administrator,” Rothen replied. “You may wish to interrogate the crew I took into custody two days ago, but for now I, Lady Lilia and Jonna, Sonea’s servant, should be able to describe the events and cover the issues without any unnecessary repetition.”
“Good. Who will begin?”
“I think Lady Lilia is best placed to explain where it all started,” Rothen said, turning to look at her.
Lilia took a deep breath. “For some time now Anyi – my friend and the Thief Cery’s bodyguard – have been visiting me in the Guild via the underground passages...” Watching the faces of the Higher Magicians, Lilia saw eyes sharpen and jaws harden, but as she told of the arrival of Cery and his injured bodyguard some softened with understanding. Kallen frowned, but she could not tell if it was from disapproval at her keeping this secret from him, or guilt that his failure to find Skellin had led to the situation.
A few smiled at the trap Cery had planned, arranging for Skellin to walk right into their midst. But then all signs of amusement faded as she described how the trap had failed, of Cery’s death and Anyi’s abduction and, she saw with satisfaction, displeasure in all faces at Skellin’s claim that he had sources in the Guild.
Rothen then took over, telling of their plans to rescue Anyi without the help or approval of the Guild for fear of alerting Skellin’s source. He stopped at the point where Lilia boarded the ship, then looked to her to finish the story.
It was harder than she had expected to describe how she had defeated Skellin and Lorandra. I killed someone with black magic. And yet Skellin’s death wasn’t as nasty as Lorandra’s. Now and then she remembered the woman’s screams. What had been easy to forget on the day had turned into a memory that refused to fade.
When she had finished, the inevitable questions came.
“You left the grounds and used black magic without permission,” Lady Vinara said.
Lilia nodded and bowed her head.
“Actually, she didn’t,” Rothen told them. “I gave her permission to do both.”
“Permission ought to be obtained from all Higher Magicians, or at least the High Lord,” Osen said, but then he smiled and spread his hands. “However, there was reason to suspect corruption among us. Caution was the best approach, in this instance.”
“If Lilia is to fulfil her role as a black magician in future, she should not regard us with unquestioning trust,” Kallen agreed.
Balkan nodded. “I agree. It is more important that we discover who Skellin’s source is.”
“We have a new clue: the magician who delayed Jonna reaching Lilia,” Vinara pointed out. She turned to the servant. “Who was it?”
Jonna’s eyes widened as all attention turned to her. Then her gaze flickered across the room. “Lord Telano.”
All turned to regard the Head of Healing Studies. He looked around the room, then threw up his hands.
“A coincidence,” he protested. “So I tried to help her find Lady Lilia and got the room wrong. That proves nothing.”
“But it is interesting, in light of your recent behaviour,” Vinara said. “It would explain why—”
“Wait,” Osen interrupted. “Lady Lilia. Jonna. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?” As they shook their heads he nodded. “Please wait outside the room.”
“Lilia should stay,” Kallen said. “We may have need of her.”
Lilia stared at him in surprise. Surely, if he was one of Skellin’s spies, he wouldn’t want me here. Osen looked around the rooms and she was even more astonished to see most of the magicians nodding. Except Lord Telano. What had Vinara said? “... in light of your recent behaviour.” What had he done?
“Very well,” Osen said. “Stay, Lilia.”
Jonna took that as her cue to leave. Rothen moved to an empty chair and sat down, leaving Lilia as the only one standing. All attention had returned to Telano.
“Lord Telano,” Vinara said. “Were you Skellin’s source in the Guild?”
“No,” Telano replied firmly.
“Then why is it that the roet most of the magicians and novices acquired can be traced back to you?”
“Why have my assistants seen you visiting members of the underworld and bringing back packages?” Kallen asked.
“I like smoking roet,” Telano said, throwing his hands in the air again. “So do others. There is no law against it.”
“There will be soon,” Vinara said quietly.
“But there is a law against working with criminals,” Osen pointed out.
“I didn’t work with anyone. I just happened to have bought their products. Plenty of magicians do this, often unwittingly.” Telano gestured to Lilia. “She has knowingly worked for a Thief. Nobody is questioning that.”
“We’ll get to it,” Vinara assured him. “You’ve defended yourself with this reasoning for a while now, Lord Telano, but it doesn’t explain your attempt to destroy our roet crop. For someone who likes roet, that seems... odd.”
He shook his head. “I thought the Thieves had somehow set themselves up here.”
“Really? That wasn’t your excuse when we first caught you.”
“I didn’t know who to trust. You could have been colluding with them. After all, it turns out there is a spy in the Guild.”
“A simple mind-read would establish your innocence,” Lord Peakin said.
The room fell silent. Looking around, Lilia saw both reluctance and hope. They’ve wanted it done for a while, but are worried what the consequences will be if he’s innocent. He’ll resent them for distrusting him, at the least.
But what if he was guilty? That would be even worse.
“Will you...?” Osen began.
“No,” Telano said, the word echoing in the room.
“Your lack of cooperation does not encourage us,” Osen pointed out.
“Then demote me.” Telano’s tone was sullen.
“No.” All eyes shifted to Balkan. The High Lord was sitting with his elbows on the arms of his chair, his fingertips touching. “With Sachaka now under the rule of the Traitors and our attention needed elsewhere, we need this matter settled. Read his mind, Kallen.”
The mood in the room changed to surprise. Telano’s eyes had gone wide, but his face smoothed again. As Kallen stood up he slowly got to his feet.
“Well, if you must. At least we have something in common,” he muttered.
Lilia drew in a sharp breath. “I... I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” she forced herself to say, lowering her eyes as attention shifted to her. “I’ve occasionally suspected Black Magician Kallen was... the one.”
This roused mutters of surprise and frustration. “We could wait until Sonea returns,” someone suggested.
Looking up, Lilia forced herself to meet Kallen’s eyes. He smiled. “As I said, we have need of Lilia. Distrusting me will soon be part of her responsibilities. I suggest she read my mind as well, to put everyone’s at ease.”
Lilia stared at him, feeling doubt and a little guilt creep over her. If he’s innocent I’m going to feel very bad about suggesting he’s Skellin’s source, after all he’s taught me. But if he’s not... will he use this opportunity to secretly blackmail me?
Osen was nodding his head. So was Balkan. Kallen beckoned. There would be no avoiding it. If this had been his intention all along, she had well and truly fallen into his trap. Her mouth dry, Lilia approached him. He took her hands and, still smiling, lifted them to his head.
“You remember what to do?”
She nodded. Then closed her eyes.
It was impossible to tell how much time had passed when she stepped away from him again. She felt guilt for distrusting him, but mostly she felt relief. I can see why the Guild chose him. He would rather die than betray the Guild. He hates himself for allowing himself to be trapped by roet – and I had no idea the craving could be that bad. I am lucky to have not been caught by it. He had expressed admiration for her risking her life to save Anyi, and she had seen his frustration and shame that he hadn’t been able to find and deal with Skellin. He did try very hard. I know that now. I can forgive him for failing.
He’d also warned her that, if Lord Telano was guilty, she might have an unpleasant time reading his mind. Lilia turned to the magician. The man looked around the room, then scowled and stood up. He held himself stiffly as she reached out to touch his temples.
It wasn’t pleasant. He tried to block her. He tried to think only of other things – things that might shock her into turning her attention away. He tried to show her lies. But she saw through everything. She saw where it had begun, at brazier houses. She saw that suppliers had suggested he avoid purchasing through the Houses and buy direct. She saw how he had grown concerned that the Guild would disapprove of the drug, so he had begun to encourage its use by more and more magicians so they would resist a ban. All his thoughts were laced with a ferocious ache for roet. He feared he wouldn’t be able to buy it now that Lilia had killed Skellin. He hated her for that. His only consolation was that so many other magicians would be suffering the same pain.
It was a relief to withdraw her mind and return to the room. As she relayed what she had learned to the Higher Magicians she wondered how it could be that roet could do this to Telano, who must have been a man of integrity to have become a Higher Magician – and a Healer – while Kallen hadn’t been corrupted, and she hadn’t become addicted. It would have been easier for the Guild to decide what to do about roet if the results were always the same.
“She’s lying,” Telano declared. “Why would you believe her over me? She has already admitted to working with a Thief.”
“We did give you the opportunity to allow a simple mind-read,” Osen pointed out. “Have you changed your mind?”
Telano stared at Osen, then straightened. “No. I will prove my innocence in more convincing ways.”
“You’ll have your chance, when we hold a Hearing to judge you,” Osen said. He turned to Kallen. “Take him away.”
Telano scowled as he was ushered out of the room. Lilia stood awkwardly as the Higher Magicians exchanged glances.
“Did you see any hint of other spies in the Guild, Lilia?” Osen asked quietly.
She shook her head.
“That’s a relief.” He looked at the others. “We should wait for Sonea to return before holding this Hearing, but announce the ban on roet and our intention to find a cure as soon as possible.” He looked at Vinara. “I want you to involve Sonea in the search for a cure.” Vinara frowned and opened her mouth to protest, but Osen stalled her with a raised hand. “She identified the problem first, and it is time you two were seen to work together. It’s also the best way I can think of to keep her occupied and out of Sachakan matters.”
Lilia frowned. Why would they...? She saw Vinara nod in her direction, then Osen turned to her.
“Thank you Lilia. We will need you to speak at the Hearing, but for now you can go.”
Lilia bowed and headed for the door. As she passed Rothen he smiled and nodded.
It’s all over, she thought, as much as it can be “over”. Anyi is as safe as any new Thief can be, which is not particularly safe but better than when Skellin was around. I can now finish my studies. Even though I have no choice about what I’ll be doing after that, I don’t mind so much now. As long as I still get to see Anyi.
How they’d manage that, she didn’t know. But one thing she was sure of: Anyi would find a way.
Sonea slipped Osen’s ring off her finger and put it away.
“Well, that was interesting.”
Regin turned from the window of the carriage to regard her. “Oh? What news from the Guild?”
“The Rogue Skellin is dead. So is his mother, Lorandra. I don’t have the details yet. Osen said they can wait until I get home.”
“That’s good news.”
“Yes, but there’s bad as well. Lord Telano was working as Skellin’s spy, and had set himself up as the main supplier of roet to the Guild. His powers have been blocked and he now resides in the Lookout.”
Regin’s eyebrows rose. “Telano? The Head of Healing Studies?”
“Yes. Of all people.” She shook her head. “The only good to come of that is they’ve finally banned roet.”
“What about the magicians who are addicted to it?”
“Vinara managed to acquire roet seed, so the Guild can wean magicians off it. She has started looking for a cure, too. Osen wants me to help her.” Sonea looked out of the window at the wasteland. “Now I understand why he was so insistent that I come home.”
Regin smiled. “I’m sure that’s not the only reason.”
“Why? Do you think there’s another reason?”
He shrugged and looked away. “Lilia isn’t quite Kallen’s equal, yet. You’re the only one who can keep him in check.”
“Ah. Kallen.” Sonea grimaced. “Until you mentioned him, I was looking forward to getting home.”
Regin turned so that his elbow rested on the top of the seat back. “I got the impression you wanted to take charge of Healing in Sachaka. Perhaps start a hospice.”
Sonea shook her head. “No, not really. I would like to see things change for the better in Sachaka, but I don’t think they need me to do it for them. I just... I don’t want to be so far from Lorkin.” She sighed. “Are you looking forward to seeing your daughters?”
He shrugged. “Yes. But they don’t need me. In fact, I’m not looking forward to getting back at all.”
“No? You want to stay here?”
“Not particularly. But...” His eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure I’ve quite figured you out yet.”
Sonea blinked. “Me? What’s there to figure out?”
Regin eyebrows rose. “Oh. Plenty.”
Crossing her arms, she turned to face him. “Really? What have you figured out so far?”
He smiled. “That you are attracted to me.”
Sonea stared at him and felt her heartbeat suddenly increase. Curse him. How did he work that out? She drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly, and considered all the ways she’d thought of to let him down gently.
“Lord Regin. I—”
“I also know that you have worked out that I am attracted to you,” Regin interrupted. “You took your time with that one, though I supposed you first had to forgive me for being a malicious, bigoted bastard when I was a novice.”
This was not going to be easy. For either of us, she had to admit. “Regin, I’m not...”
“Attracted to me?” His eyebrows rose. “So you deny it?”
She hesitated, then forced herself to straighten and look him straight in the eyes. “Yes, I do.”
His eyes narrowed. “Liar.”
What am I doing wrong? Uncrossing her arms, she attempted to place her hands on her hips, but it proved too difficult in a moving carriage, so she settled on shaking one finger at him.
“Don’t you call me a liar when...”
He laughed. “Ah, Sonea. If I’d known it was so much fun to tease you, I’d have started sooner.”
The panicky feeling that had been growing in her eased. He’s only having fun with me. He’s not serious. Relief was followed by disappointment. Oh, don’t be silly, she told herself. She sighed, straightened in the seat and leaned against the back.
“You may not be a malicious, bigoted bastard any more, but you are still just as manipulative, Lord Regin.”
Regin shrugged. “Well, that’s not news. I hope you agree, I always do it for a good cause.” He leaned toward her. “But I would like to know what you have against the idea of you and me being a couple.”
She paused before answering. At least he wants to discuss it sensibly. Maybe we should. Get the idea aired and out of our heads.
“It would be... well, a lot of people would object to it. I’m a black magician. You’re... married.”
“Is that all?” He shook his head. “How conventional of you. Sonea, the woman who changed everything – the Guild, Kyralian society, the way we regard black magic – is worried about gossip?”
“Of course. It took years for me to gain people’s trust. I can’t risk losing that.”
“You won’t. They’d be happier seeing you settled with another magician.”
She looked away. “You can’t know that.”
“I know Kyralia’s gossips better than you,” he retorted. “I have the dubious pleasure of knowing them personally.”
He sighed. Glancing at him, she felt her heart twist a little. He looked disappointed. Maybe he’s right. No, he doesn’t know what it was like, these last twenty years. People constantly weighing in on every move I made, every friend or lover I had.
But as she stole another glance, she knew he was right about one thing. She did find him attractive. A lot. Crazy as that may be.
“So,” he said quietly, “would it be acceptable if I was divorced?”
“No!” she protested, though whether at his question or at him continuing to pursue this she wasn’t sure.
“Maybe I should rephrase that. Would it be acceptable to you if I was divorced?” He leaned closer and she turned to face him. “If nobody else’s opinion mattered, would you want me then?”
He was staring right into her eyes. It would not be easy to lie to him. She hesitated, then opened her mouth to try.
But the words never came out because he was suddenly kissing her. As she froze in surprise he slipped his arms around her, drawing her closer, and she found she could not quite get coordinated enough to do anything about it. Her body did what it wanted to: it relaxed against the warmth of him.
It was, she had to admit, a very good kiss. She was disappointed when it ended, though she was a little out of breath. He looked at her, but not with the full confidence he’d had a moment before. He will stop this now, if I tell him to.
I don’t want to tell him to.
She searched for something else to say.
“You’re not divorced yet,” she reminded him.
He smiled. “Oh, but I am. The king granted it before I left.”
“What? You never told me that!”
“Of course not. I know you too well. You might have guessed my intentions, and kept me at arm’s length,” he told her. “Well, more than usual.”
“You planned this all along. You scheming, manipulative—”
“Always for a good cause,” he said. Then he kissed her again.
As Lorkin stepped into Savara’s suite of rooms the queen looked up from the papers she was reading and smiled. Lorkin stopped and put a hand to his heart, but she made a face and waved him past.
“Stop that. Nobody’s watching. And Tyvara’s waiting for you,” she said.
He walked over to the room he and Tyvara had been sleeping in. Tapping lightly on the door, he heard a faint reply, and pushed it open. Tyvara was lying on the narrow bed reading yet more documents, dressed only in a short shift. He closed the door, leaned back on it and hoped he wouldn’t have a reason to move again too soon.
She looked up, then rolled her eyes. “Stop that.”
“Can’t,” he said.
“Very well then. Stay there. You’ll get bored eventually.”
“I doubt it.”
She tried to ignore him, but he could see that her eyes were moving back and forth without actually descending down the page. Eventually she closed them, sighed, and looked up at him again.
“I suppose there is a way to make you stop which would be mutually agreeable to both of us.”
He widened his eyes in mock innocence. “Mutually agreeable?”
“Definitely. Come here and let’s do some experimenting with your new ability. I suspect there are some mutually agreeable ways that skill could be applied.”
Some time later Lorkin found himself on the floor, lying beside her with the bedding serving as a not-entirely-comfortable substitute for a mattress. He had been tired before, and now he was more so, but it was a pleasant sort of weariness and he resisted the temptation to Heal it away.
“We really need a bigger bed,” Tyvara said.
“How are our Ambassadors?”
Lorkin resisted a smile. Savara had begun to refer to Dannyl and Tayend as “our” Ambassadors the day after she’d met them. “They’re fine. They were in the library, happy as children with new toys. I think they’d just found something for Dannyl’s book.”
“Are those two what I think they are? Are they a couple?”
“They used to be. For a long time, actually. Until Dannyl came here. They’d parted company, but I don’t know why.”
“And now?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. They seem close again. But they seemed that way just before Dannyl came here, so maybe I can’t tell with them.” He frowned. “Though there was a tension between them then that isn’t there now.”
She turned to look at him. “Aren’t you going to ask me what Savara wanted to talk about?”
He rolled onto his side. “What did Savara want to talk about?”
“We talked about her plans for Sachaka.”
“Now there’s a surprise.”
Tyvara poked him in the ribs. “Listen. We figure the country estates will maintain themselves without too much assistance for now. There are a few we still have to liberate. They were too out of the way for us to deal with before moving on Arvice. But once they’re done, the main challenge is to revive the wasteland.
“Before then, however, we need to sort out the city. It’s structurally unsuited to the changes that need to happen. It’s nearly all mansions, because the Ashaki were mostly self-sufficient. Though each mansion could house many ex-slaves, they’ll want their own homes eventually. We also want to gather people with the same kinds of expertise to work together. That all means lots of buildings will have to be demolished and new ones constructed.”
“That will take years.”
She nodded. “In the meantime, we need to establish good relations with the Allied Lands. Savara is worried that other lands will hear of the upheaval here and try to take advantage of it. Maybe not by invading. The stones will hopefully deter anyone from trying that. But there are other ways, through trade and politics, to hobble a new and recovering country.”
Lorkin held his breath. This was the mission the former queen had sent him on. It was what he was best suited to. He knew how both Traitors and the Allied Lands worked.
“Savara has decided to send me to Kyralia to continue exploring trade options and the possibility of an alliance.”
He stared at her as confusion was followed by disappointment and then dismay.
“You don’t mean...?”
“Yes.” Tyvara smiled. “We’re going to Kyralia. You’ll be my guide and assistant.”
He sighed. Well, it wasn’t what I was expecting, but it’s good enough I suppose.
“Ah, Lorkin.” She reached out to touch his cheek. “You would never have been chosen for that role. You haven’t been a Traitor long enough to negotiate on behalf of Traitors.”
“And I’m a man.”
She nodded. “That, too.”
“You do realise that no other land thinks like that. Everything you believe men aren’t suited to, everyone else believes women aren’t suited to.”
“I know. They are going to have to get used to us as much as we have to get used to them.” Then she laughed. “Besides, if I’m ever going to be queen, as Savara intends, then I can’t be seen to follow some man around. Least of all a Kyralian.”
His stomach flipped over. “You’re... you’re planning to be queen?”
“Savara is planning for me to be queen.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure I want to be. But a lot can change. If it does happen, it won’t happen for a long, long time, I hope. I’m hoping she will live as long as Zarala. Being queen is a lot of responsibility, and there’s a lot I want to do first. Like have some children.” She tilted her head slightly. “Does that sound like a life you might want to live?”
His head spun with the possibilities. This is all just a bit too incredible. I just want to be with Tyvara. And... yes, children would be great eventually. He looked at her, and felt his heart warm yet again.
“It sounds wonderful. Well, except maybe the bit about us being in charge of a whole country. But I suppose if the Traitors can bear the idea of a Kyralian as their king... sure, I’ll put up with that if it means I get to spend my life with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “You won’t be king. We don’t have kings.”
“Not even through marriage?”
“Not even then. Were you really hoping to be king?”
“Of course not. I can think of nothing worse.” He grinned. “Though it does seem unfair. I bet the queen’s husband still has to work incredibly hard, with no hope of retirement, talk to annoying people and attend boring ceremonies and events, and listen to his wife complain about how hard life is while having to obey her every whim – and look after her children while she’s off doing queenly things. All while getting no credit for it.” Which was probably what the Kyralian queen had to endure, he realised.
Tyvara shrugged. “None of them have complained before.”
Lorkin snorted. “You Traitors aren’t as equal as you claim you are. But, as you said, a lot can change.”
She poked him in the ribs again, hard. “Not that much. Now let’s get this bed back together and get some sleep. Tomorrow we have a lot of work to do.”