“Laymon is unique. A phenomenon. A genius of the grisly and the grotesque.”

—Joe Citro, The Blood Review

“[Laymon has] an uncanny grasp of just what makes characters work. Readers turn the pages so fast they leave burn marks on the paper.”


“Laymon is incapable of writing a disappointing book.”

New York Review of Science Fiction

“One of the best, and most reliable, writers working today.”

Cemetery Dance

“I’ve read every book of Laymon’s I could get my hands on. I’m absolutely a longtime fan.”

—Jack Ketchum

“A brilliant writer.”

Sunday Express

“Laymon’s writing’s super-tight and characters well detailed and believable, which makes the savage termination of so many of them all the more shocking! The unbridled joy of a delightfully fertile and wicked imagination at work.”


“Richard Laymon is a legend in dark fiction circles… a master of the macabre, a man on the cutting edge of the horror genre.

Scary Monsters Magazine
