I have already quoted John Donne’s famous statement, ‘No man is an island, entire of itself’, and never is that more true than with this book. I have been incredibly privileged in the support, encouragement and help I have had in writing it, from friends, family and colleagues.
In truth I have felt for many years that I would one day like to write a book documenting some of the amazing experiences I have been fortunate enough to have, but I always envisaged that it would be many years away. It was thanks to the huge encouragement of Rachel Mills and her team at Furniss Lawton, and Clare Drysdale, Kate Ballard and their team at Allen and Unwin, that this dream could be realized at all, let alone on such an accelerated time frame.
But if it hadn’t been for the support, help and inspiration I have received throughout my career to date, I would never have had any stories to tell and so these groups need to be mentioned. There are few bonds stronger than those made while enduring the highs and lows of a six-year veterinary course together; I want to thank those friends who did the journey with me and for their continued friendship and wisdom. Some of the most cherished memories of my career to date come from my first job at Charter Veterinary Group in North Devon, a wonderful team of people who helped grow my passion and love for the profession. Larkmead Veterinary Group in Oxfordshire was a wonderfully helpful work environment too. The team at Dragon Veterinary Centre, Cheltenham must deserve a special mention for being so incredibly supportive, encouraging and accommodating in allowing me the time to write. Clients also have been a great source of encouragement in their words of motivation or the enthusiasm with which they have spurred me on. The team at Wildlife Vets in South Africa have annually welcomed me with open arms, showing, teaching and allowing me to experience so much. My annual trips to South Africa truly are the fulfilment of a childhood dream. The team at Haifu Medical Technology, Chongqing, China, have been incredibly helpful and generous in supporting my VetLIFU work, in their incredible hospitality and in arranging my time at Chongqing Zoo. The team at Chongqing Zoo were incredibly welcoming and hospitable during my time with them.
These thanks so far have been professionally based – to colleagues, many of whom I now consider close friends – but wider thanks must go to a countless number of other friends, who have been so wonderfully supportive, encouraging, helpful, dependable and wise advisers. To name some would be to omit others, but I can’t begin to express my gratitude to you all.
Most importantly I have to thank my wonderful family. My parents, who never doubted my desire and passion to pursue a career in veterinary medicine and who have been supportive, wise and encouraging, every step of the way. My three brothers, who demonstrate the very definition of brotherly love in their care, kindness, help, encouragement, affirmation and the fun and laughter we share. My sisters-in-law, who bring out the best in my brothers and too have been so incredibly supportive. My wider family, including my late grandparents and Laura’s family, have all played a huge, influential and supportive role. My beautiful and wonderful wife Laura; my best friend, travelling companion, wise counsellor, challenger and promoter, who drives me to be the best person I can be and to be a fellow advocate of the animal kingdom for which we both share the same passion.
Finally, I want to thank God for his ‘indescribable gift’. The greatest adventure in life is discovering your talents and using them to the glory of God. Thank you.
Jonathan Cranston
July 2018