Dahl dragged himself to his knees, ignoring several rivulets of fire streaming through his system. Even with their protection Beau had struck unerringly at their weak spots. Part of the problem this time was shock; it wouldn’t happen again. He crawled among the others, encouraging and helping where he could even as the walls and ceiling rocked and rained plaster all around him.

Images of Johanna and his children darted before his eyes. Dahl staggered upright, pulling Hayden with him. The cops swayed and shouted into their radios. A high stack of shelves began to crumble, showering timber and paper confetti upon their shoulders. He watched Drake help Alicia to her feet and then moved over to aid Kinimaka.

“Up you get, pal. Was this you? I mean, what on earth did you knock over now?”

The Hawaiian managed a weak smile. Hayden came to his side and asked if all was well and Dahl thought that a kind act. Smyth was cradling Lauren, whose eyes were open but swimming with agony. The woman could barely croak.

“Fucking Frenchie’s gonna pay for this,” Alicia gasped first. “How’d he do it?”

“Well, you certainly didn’t help,” Mai said, rubbing her shoulders and neck.

“Bitch, explain yourself.”

“Everyone here lowered their guard as soon as you started… shagging him. Shame on us all.”

“Who I pole bounce is my own concern. Not yours.”

“Wrong.” Mai narrowed her gaze. “It used to be.”

“Look,” Drake said. “Can we stop blaming and get running? This room ain’t gonna repair itself in a bloody hurry.”

The cops bolted, one of them shouting that the explosion was localized and bore no threat to the actual building. Probably extra insurance to aid the escape. Drake dragged Alicia away from Mai and bolted in the midst of his team, racing the collapsing ceiling, the crumbling shelves and the disintegrating crates stacked thirteen-high as the cave-in came down all around them.

Staggering, falling headlong, he grasped Alicia’s arm in one hand and reached out to pull at the shadow on his other side, who had slipped in deadly wreckage and stumbled to her knees.

It was Mai.

Grimly, he heaved them both along.
