Introduction to WindClan: Tallstar Speaks

THE OTHER CLANS HAVE always been quick to dismiss WindClan as puny and skittish, easy to defeat in battle and the least skilled at hunting under trees. But we are the most closely descended from the mountain cats, the first settlers in the forest who came in search of a kinder home than that harsh, rocky place behind the waterfall. Like my Clanmates now, they needed broad, open sky above their heads and the breeze in their fur to feel truly free. Why should we want to smother ourselves with tree branches, or soak our pelts in the cold river, every time we need to hunt? We may be small and lithe, but we can run faster than any other Clan, and we alone have the skills to catch rabbits on the open moor.

Don’t confuse a keen sense of danger with lack of courage. We can see our enemies coming from far away, and if that makes us more watchful, quicker to alarm than the other Clans, then it only helps to keep us safe. We have no wish to invade other Clans’ territories because our hunting skills are best suited to our own territory—but don’t assume that we won’t fight as fiercely as our neighbors if we are attacked. I would rather make an alliance with another Clan to fend off trouble on an endangered border than risk my Clanmates’ survival for the sake of stubborn pride. I had to watch my Clan suffer more than any other when the Twolegs started to destroy our territory in order to expand the Thunderpath. Their yellow monsters turned our home to rabbitless mud, then made our Clan into prey by trying to poison us. But I would not leave the forest without the other Clans. WindClan is one of four and always will be. Those mountain cats did not leave the waterfall in vain; we will preserve their legacy forever with our speed and determination to survive.


THE CAT WHO WOULD grow to become Tallstar was born to a pair of tunneling cats, Sandgorse and Palebird, who expected their son to follow the tradition, unique to WindClan, of cats skilled in digging and hunting belowground. But Tallkit preferred running over the open moor with the wind in his fur and hated the thought of being trapped in the dark. Heatherstar realized this and apprenticed him to a moor runner, much to the disappointment of Sandgorse and Palebird. But when Sandgorse was killed in an underground collapse while showing a visiting rogue named Sparrow one of the tunnels, Tallpaw decided to train as a tunneler like his father. However, Heatherstar forbade her cats to go belowground again, and though Tallpaw earned his warrior name, Talltail, he was restless and angry with grief.

Swearing vengeance on Sparrow, Talltail left WindClan and set out to find him. He encountered a kittypet named Jake and struck up an unlikely allegiance, which deepened into true friendship when they traveled beyond Twolegplace to the rogues’ new home. Jake told Talltail that he could be a better cat by not taking Sparrow’s life in revenge; at the very last moment, with Sparrow poised on top of a cliff above a Thunderpath, Talltail recalled his friend’s words and decided to spare

Sparrow. But the tom slipped over the edge anyway, forcing Talltail to risk his life to save him.

Sparrow told Talltail that Sandgorse died saving his life from the collapsing tunnel. Humbled by his father’s final brave act, Talltail left the rogues, intending to carry on traveling with Jake. But Jake wanted to go home, back to his housefolk, and Talltail knew deep down that he was still a Clan warrior who belonged on the moor. When he returned to WindClan, he fought hard to win back the respect and trust of his Clanmates and was rewarded when Heatherstar made him deputy.

As Clan leader, Tallstar remembered his experiences beyond the moor and was always willing to make allegiances across his borders to protect his Clan. When a young flame-colored cat joined ThunderClan, Tallstar realized he was the son of his old friend Jake. He never let on to Firestar that he had known his father so well, but Tallstar always favored the ThunderClan cat, sometimes to the dismay of his own Clanmates.

Tallstar lived just long enough to make the Great Journey to the lake and died on the shore before the Clans had separated into their new territories. With his dying breath, Tallstar dismissed his deputy, Mudclaw, fearing he would lead WindClan too quickly into battle with the other Clans, and appointed Onewhisker to succeed him instead. Tallstar meant well, but he left Mudclaw to fester and rise up in rebellion against the new leader, while Onestar tried perhaps a little too hard to prove that WindClan no longer needed the friendship of the other Clans to survive.


AS A WARRIOR , ONEWHISKER was loyal and courageous, but without the fierce ambition associated with most leaders. He befriended Fireheart, who would eventually become Firestar, after the young

ThunderClan warrior rescued WindClan from their temporary home by the Thunderpath, where they had fled after a particularly savage ShadowClan invasion. Their friendship helped both their Clans; Onewhisker persuaded Tallstar not to fight Bluestar when she falsely accused WindClan of theft, and Fireheart was more lenient to hungry WindClan warriors than other trespassers.

But when Onewhisker became leader of WindClan and took the name Onestar, he wanted to prove that WindClan could survive without the help of another Clan. The friendship that had supported him from across the border seemed like a burden, a debt of gratitude that ThunderClan would extract from WindClan until the lake ran dry. Onestar needed to win the respect of his own Clanmates as Mudclaw stirred up rebellion against him. His first challenge was to defeat Mudclaw and his supporters—helped by StarClan sending a bolt of lightning to crush Mudclaw beneath a falling tree. Then he began to reinforce the border between ThunderClan and WindClan more vigorously than Firestar ever anticipated. Onestar made it clear that there would be no favors owed, no ThunderClan cats tolerated on the wrong side of the scent marks.

When Onestar discovered the existence of tunnels linking the two territories, he recognized their potential as a means of attacking ThunderClan from deep inside its borders. He ordered his warriors to train underground, to hone their skills in fighting in dark and cramped spaces. Seasons upon seasons of tunneling still ran in WindClan’s blood, and the battle was ferocious. ThunderClan won narrowly, and Onestar’s hostility toward Firestar increased. But he was forced to unite with his old friend when the Dark Forest came, bringing all four Clans together to defeat their greatest enemy of all.


MUDCLAW WAS CHOSEN TO be deputy because Tallstar recognized the need for a warrior who was not afraid to show his claws to balance out his own gentler, peace-loving leadership. Mudclaw was fearless, fiercely loyal to his Clan, and determined to be a strong leader without having the bloodthirsty ambition that had polluted the paths of leaders in other Clans. When Tallstar dismissed him and appointed Onestar in his place, Mudclaw felt utterly betrayed. He saw no reason behind

Tallstar’s decision, except that the old cat had lost his mind just before losing his ninth life. A challenge to Onestar’s leadership seemed entirely logical, and Mudclaw was encouraged by a significant number of cats who shared his disbelief—not just from his own Clan, but ShadowClan and RiverClan too. His most determined supporter was Hawkfrost of RiverClan; ever keen to stir up trouble, Hawkfrost warned Mudclaw that Onestar’s reluctance to seize more territory beside the lake than WindClan had originally been given would leave the Clan hungry and weak come leaf-bare.

Mudclaw met his allies from the other Clans secretly on the island in the lake and one cold night, led them in a brave—perhaps even foolhardy—attack on WindClan’s new leader. They were defeated when Firestar brought ThunderClan warriors to fight on Onestar’s side. Mudclaw fled back to the island, where he was killed by a tree that had been felled by a bolt of lightning. The other cats took this as a sign from StarClan that Onestar’s leadership had their approval, and Mudclaw had been wrong to launch his challenge. The fallen tree provided a bridge, giving easy access to the island, so future Gatherings could be seen as Mudclaw’s dying gift to all the Clans.


SHY, AWKWARD, DEFENSIVE CROWPAW, who would become Crowfeather, seemed an unlikely choice by StarClan to share the quest to find Midnight and learn how the Clans could be saved from Twoleg destruction. He was only an apprentice when he set out on the journey, but he fought as bravely as his companions against hostile kittypets and hungry foxes. Feathertail, the WindClan cat, saw past his shyness and sharp tongue to the brave, thoughtful, loyal warrior beneath, and found something to love.

Crowpaw loved her back, softened by her quick humor and her gentle reassurance that he was among friends, even if they didn’t share the same Clan.

On their return from finding Midnight, the badger at the edge of the sun-drown-place who told them where to find a new home for the Clans, the cats stopped in the mountains with the Tribe of Rushing Water. These cats were plagued by a mountain lion named Sharptooth. The Clan cats laid a trail to catch Sharptooth and feed him prey stuffed with deathberries, but the mountain lion arrived too soon and Crowpaw became trapped in a corner of the cave behind the waterfall. Feathertail leaped up to a talon of stone that hung from the roof and wrenched it free to plunge down into Sharptooth’s back, killing him instantly. The fall killed Feathertail too, and Crowpaw was left with the horrifying knowledge that the cat he loved had given her own life to save his.

He chose his warrior name, Crowfeather, in her memory and vowed never to let himself become so vulnerable by falling in love again. Leafpool, the ThunderClan medicine cat, showed sympathy for his heartbreak and tried to reassure him that Feathertail was still with them, watching over him from the stars and urging him to move on from his grief. Crowfeather had no intention of letting Feathertail slip from his mind and refused to be comforted. But in an attack by ShadowClan, when ThunderClan and WindClan warriors fought side by side, Crowfeather found Leafpool clinging to the top of a cliff, about to crash down into the hollow beneath. His mind whirled straight back to the moment

Feathertail had lost her life in a fall—but this time he knew he could save Leafpool. In that moment, he realized he loved Leafpool just as he had loved Feathertail, however guilt-stricken that made him feel.

The two cats tried to deny their feelings until Crowfeather persuaded Leafpool that they would be happier together, even if that meant leaving their Clans. They had been gone for less than a day when they learned of a badger attack against ThunderClan. Crowfeather realized that Leafpool would never forgive herself if she did not return to help her Clanmates. They arrived at the hollow in time to see Cinderpelt, the other medicine cat, being killed by a badger, just as Sorreltail’s kits came into the world. Crowfeather’s heart broke all over again, knowing that Leafpool would stay with her Clan now.

He went back to WindClan and took Nightcloud as his mate in an attempt to prove to his suspicious Clanmates that he was a loyal warrior once more. Nightcloud gave birth to Breezepelt, but unbeknownst to Crowfeather, Leafpool was expecting his kits too. Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather were raised by Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, but when the truth emerged about their true parentage, Crowfeather was horrified and refused to acknowledge them as his own. However much his heart still ached for Leafpool, he could not betray his Clan again. He lived in private torment, unable to connect with his difficult WindClan son, Breezepelt, and resentful toward Nightcloud because she was not the she-cat he truly loved.

In the Great Battle with the Dark Forest, Crowfeather realized the legacy he had created when he found Breezepelt attacking Lionblaze. He pulled his WindClan son from the ThunderClan warrior, vowing that he would never let another cat harm a hair on Lionblaze’s pelt. Breezepelt tried to blame Crowfeather for driving him to find alliances among the Dark Forest cats, but Crowfeather insisted Breezepelt had made his own decisions. Left alone with Leafpool, Crowfeather admitted he regretted nothing—the closest he would ever come to accepting her kits as his own.


NIGHTCLOUD WAS OLDER THAN Crowfeather, and was starting to feel concerned she would never have a chance to bear kits, when he asked her to be his mate. She accepted with the sincere belief that she would be able to make Crowfeather fall in love with her, but she soon realized he had only asked her in order to prove he was loyal to WindClan. Nightcloud was short-tempered, defensive, and far from well suited to being a second-best choice. She stuck by Crowfeather without respecting him or even liking him particularly, but she loved their son, Breezepelt, with a ferocity that came from anger because Crowfeather did not love him equally. Nightcloud coddled her son, encouraged him to believe he was better than the other warriors, and in doing so, never gave him a chance to prove his own worth. Her bitterness toward Crowfeather tainted Breezepelt with its poison—though it’s hard to blame Nightcloud when Crowfeather put her in such a difficult position.

Breezepelt was always desperate for some acknowledgment from his quiet, undemonstrative father. He had heard the whispers about Crowfeather’s past and was determined to prove that he would never be so disloyal. Breezepelt could have been a brave, fierce, and loyal WindClan warrior, but Crowfeather’s disinterest and his mother’s insistence that he had to answer to no one gave Breezepelt a dangerous arrogance that was mixed with fury against his father. On a journey to the mountains with ThunderClan cats when he was an apprentice, Breezepaw watched how Jaypaw and Lionpaw were treated with warmth and easy affection by Brambleclaw, and his fury burned brighter.

His horror when he learned that Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf were actually Crowfeather’s kits is not hard to imagine.

When cats from the Dark Forest walked in his dreams, offering him a chance to become a better warrior than his Clanmates, Breezepelt accepted. He was one of the few cats who understood the true nature of the Dark Forest’s attack on the Clans—and he relished the thought of punishing those cats who had made his life so difficult. In the depths of the battle, he launched himself on Lionblaze, who seemed to represent everything that was wrong for Breezepelt. But Crowfeather pulled him away and chased him off, blaming Breezepelt for making his own choices and leading himself down the darkest of paths. With tragic irony, Breezepelt failed to get revenge, failed to even out the balance of injustice he struggled with every day, and gave his father a chance to acknowledge his ThunderClan son.


HEATHERPAW WAS A LIVELY , curious, impulsive WindClan apprentice who first encountered Lionpaw when she and her mentor Crowfeather took Jaypaw back to the ThunderClan camp after a mishap at the edge of the lake. She met Lionpaw again when his patrol came to the aid of WindClan after a dog strayed too close to the camp on the hill. The young cats fought side by side, and the invisible, Clan-bound border between them began to fade.

Frustrated by the difficulty of speaking to Lionpaw at Gatherings, Heatherpaw suggested they meet at night on the boundary between their Clans. She saw no challenge to her loyalty by fostering this friendship, no reason it would make her any less of a warrior. When she discovered an entrance to the tunnels that burrowed beneath the woods and the hillside, she realized she had found the perfect hiding place for their blossoming relationship. Together, she and Lionpaw explored the underground world, playing games of DarkClan in the largest cave, neither of them aware of the ancient eyes that watched them from the shadows.

Meanwhile, relations between their Clans deteriorated, with Onestar determined to prove he could be strong without Firestar’s help. Border clashes made Lionpaw reluctantly decide he could no longer meet Heatherpaw in secret. When three WindClan kits went missing, Onestar assumed that ThunderClan had stolen them. Heatherpaw and Lionpaw guessed that the kits had found their way into the tunnels, and went looking for them with Jaypaw and Hollypaw. Torrential rain flooded the underground river, washing the cats out into the lake, and they narrowly escaped with their lives.

Heatherpaw knew her relationship with Lionpaw could never be rekindled. Their Clans were at war, and she had learned that her loyalty had limits, in spite of what her heart felt. The time came, moons later, when she had to face Lionblaze in battle, and her memories of what they had once shared were pushed aside by her duty to WindClan. But she never forgot him entirely and never found his equal among her own Clanmates.
