It took the two divers dressed in green and black less than a quarter of an hour to find Felix Bonger.

Jung stood in the rain in the middle of the little group of onlookers in Bertrandgraacht, and tried to benefit from the scant shelter provided by Rooth’s battered umbrella. When the swollen body was lifted up onto the quay and put inside a black, zipped body bag, he noticed that the woman on his left, the mannish Barga, was sniffling.

‘It’s so sad,’ she said. ‘He was such a fine fellow, Bonger.’

‘He was indeed,’ said Jung.

‘They should really have left him there. Buried under his own boat – that would have been stylish.’

Could be, Jung thought. That was no bad idea. Although perhaps it would have been most stylish of all if they had never found him. Let’s face it, he had nothing to do with that other business. Absolutely nothing.

He had slipped on the gang-plank, that’s all, when he came home that Saturday night. Drunk and unsteady on his feet. It could have happened to anybody, Jung thought. It could have happened to me. Presumably he had hit his head as well, Bonger, and then fallen into the water. Sunk a few metres, and later floated up against the bottom of his own canal boat.

And stayed there. Under his own floor, as it were. Yes, Barga had a point.

‘Poor bastard,’ said Rooth. ‘Lying in the water doesn’t make you any prettier. But I should congratulate you. You were right after all… There was nothing more mysterious to it than that. I wonder how many other missing persons are lying in canals.’

‘Let’s not worry about that just now,’ said Jung. ‘I think we ought to try to get a roof over our heads instead.’

‘Another good idea,’ said Rooth, shaking the umbrella so that Jung became even wetter than he was already. ‘But there’s one thing you can clear up for me first, before we forget about it.’

‘What’s that?’ said Jung.

‘That pair of screwing machines – de Booning and whatever the other character is called – why did they move out?’

‘Menakdise,’ said Jung. ‘Tobose Menakdise. Guess.’

‘I haven’t a clue,’ said Rooth.

‘Okay. They need a bigger flat. She’s expecting a child.’

‘How odd,’ said Rooth.

Jung was just about to turn round and leave when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was fru Jümpers, who was standing under another dripping umbrella.

‘I was just wondering,’ she said. ‘Would you gentlemen perhaps like to call in for a glass of something? In my boat that is. Barga and I think we ought to drink a toast to the dear departed.’

‘I don’t know about that,’ said Jung. ‘I think perhaps we ought to-’

‘Yes, of course,’ said Rooth. ‘We’ll be there in two flicks of a donkey’s tail.’

At first Ulrike Fremdli thought the antiquarian bookshop was closed, but then she saw Van Veeteren lying back in a wing chair in the middle of all the shelves.

‘You won’t sell much if you sit there all the time,’ she said.

Van Veeteren looked up from the little leather-bound volume he had in his hand.

‘You have to become acquainted with the stock,’ he said. ‘Nice to see you.’

‘The same to you,’ said Ulrike Fremdli with a smile. Then she became serious. Looked at him with a slightly doubtful expression, shaking her head slowly.

‘You are a remarkable fellow,’ she said. ‘I can’t get over that. Do you mean… Are you saying that your Macbeth dream came true?’

‘True and true,’ muttered Van Veeteren.

‘How is he?’

‘Better,’ said Van Veeteren. ‘I was there an hour ago. He’ll pull through, but they’ll have to remove that kidney. And he’s bound to be off work for several months – maybe that’s just what he needs. He was foolish to go in on his own like he did.’

Ulrike nodded.

‘He’s been worn out,’ said Van Veeteren. ‘At least, that’s what his wife Synn said. She was there at the hospital with the children. And Inspector Moreno as well… It was a good job we turned up when we did – he couldn’t have coped with lying there for much longer.’

‘But what about that dream?’ said Ulrike again.

Van Veeteren didn’t answer. Instead he leafed back through a few pages of the book he was reading.

‘“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy,”’ he quoted. ‘Hamlet. A lovely little edition. Printed in Oxford in 1836. Just come in.’

He held it up.

‘I thought it was Macbeth we were talking about?’ said Ulrike.

Van Veeteren stood up and replaced the volume in a bookcase with glass doors.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ he said. ‘There’s something about Shakespeare. I think he’s said more or less all that needs saying: he covers all the bases, you could say… He’d even have been able to make something of that Leverkuhn family, no doubt.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Listen to this. The father rapes both his daughters. One goes out of her mind, the other becomes a lesbian. The son murders his father, and stabs a police officer. The mother takes all the guilt upon herself, butchers a witness and hangs herself. Just the stuff to turn into a tragedy, don’t you think?’

Ulrike eyed him sceptically.

‘Is that what it’s all about?’ she said. ‘This case?’

‘In a nutshell,’ said Van Veeteren. ‘And you should bear in mind that until three months ago they were regarded as a perfectly normal family – until somebody happened to lift the lid on them, as it were.’

Ulrike thought that over for a while.

‘How do you put up with it?’ she said in the end.

‘I don’t put up with it,’ said Van Veeteren. ‘I work in a bookshop.’

She nodded.

‘So I’ve heard. But you put your oar in, nevertheless, don’t you?’

‘I become involved,’ said Van Veeteren. ‘There’s a difference. Anyway, it’s-’

‘It’s time for lunch,’ said Ulrike. ‘I’m free until two o’clock. Are you coming?’

‘Of course,’ said Van Veeteren, stretching his arms above his head. Adjusted his back gingerly and suddenly looked worried.

‘What’s the matter?’

Van Veeteren cleared his throat.

‘Nothing. I just can’t help wondering, that’s all.’


‘If this really was the way the tragedy happened. If life is a novel or a play, as some people suggest, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to write another chapter, or another scene – or what do you think?’

‘I don’t know what you’re on about,’ said Ulrike Fremdli. ‘I’m hungry.’

He took hold of her hand and squeezed it slightly awkwardly.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘It’s just that I sometimes find it a bit hard to keep my thoughts in check. Let’s go.’


Elaine Vorgus stared first at the tarot cards, and then at her lover.

‘It’s remarkable,’ she said. ‘I don’t think it’s ever happened to me before. All sixteen cards the wrong way round – no, I’ve never seen the likes of it before. I’ll have to look it up in the books.’

‘What does it mean?’ asked Ruth Leverkuhn, sipping her wine at the same time as she leaned forward over the table and stroked her girlfriend’s bare arm. ‘What does it mean when they’re back to front?’

It was not the first time they’d been sitting there like this, and even if it was Ruth’s fate lying on the table in front of them, she knew that it meant more to her girlfriend than it did to herself. Elaine responded to her caress and looked up from the cards.

‘The significance is the opposite of what the cards say,’ she said. ‘The message is reversed. Wealth means poverty, strength means weakness, love means hatred… It’s as simple as that. But all sixteen cards, that must mean something very special. As if…’

‘As if what?’ said Ruth, with loving patience.

‘As if it referred to somebody quite different from you, for instance. As if the whole of you were back to front in some way… But I’m only guessing. I’ve never come across sixteen cards the wrong way round before.’

‘Let’s write it all down and leave it until later,’ said Ruth. ‘I want to drink more wine and then make love instead.’

Elaine smiled and thought for a while. Then she raised her glass and ran her tongue over her lips a few times.

‘Your wish is my command,’ she said with a smile. ‘Where would you like to start? In the bath, perhaps? I think I’d like that. I must just make that phone call first.’

‘The bath’s a good idea,’ Ruth decided. ‘Yes, I’d like to have you with me in the bath. Write down what’s on the cards and then make that call. I’ll get in the bath first, and be waiting for you.’

Once in the bathroom she stood and contemplated her sizeable body in the mirror. Lifted up her heavy breasts and sucked at each nipple for a few seconds. Stroked herself carefully between her legs with a finger in order to get confirmation of her desire.

Then her brother cropped up in her thoughts again, and she moved her hands to more neutral regions.

Poor Mauritz, she thought. Silly bugger! She sighed and wrapped a bath towel round her. Continued thinking while she somewhat mechanically and absent-mindedly rearranged the perfume bottles on the shelf under the mirror, and selected her favourite foam bath scents.

What is the point of confessing to something you haven’t done?

The question had been buzzing around in her mind for some days now. Nagging at her, making her worry. Why couldn’t Mauritz simply have admitted to being a weakling instead? A cowardly and confused person who would never have been able to carry off anything like that? Not in any circumstances.

Twenty-eight stabs! Mauritz?

It was ridiculous. Anybody who knew anything at all about him could have explained that it was absolutely impossible.

But of course there wasn’t anybody who knew anything about him. Apart from her.

So perhaps it wasn’t all that odd after all. She had begun to understand that was the case after a few days. That he wanted to take the blame, and that people believed him. There was a sort of logic. A twisted and back-to-front logic, but it made sense even so.

But why had he gone to the trouble of buying an identical knife when they had already disposed of the real one? That was a genuine mystery. When she thought about it, she realized that this was the only thing she didn’t understand. Couldn’t make head nor tail of it. He could never have planned to use it. To stab that police officer? The fact that he actually did so could hardly be explained in any other way than his being possessed for a sudden second of an ability to act. Sudden and unexpected. Like a will o’ the wisp. Nothing else.

That was presumably how things were. The knife was an idée fixe. The stabbing of the police officer a coincidence: an act on the spur of the moment. Something to show her – or Irene, in some obscure way – that he did have it inside him… But no, it was too far-fetched. Too logical. Mauritz could never plan and carry out anything like that. He could work something similar out with hindsight, perhaps, but he could never decide it in advance and then do it. He had never been able to think and act like that. That was the root of his weakness.

When he came to visit her in a state of near nervous collapse that Saturday in October, he had declared that he was going to do it – he had just discovered all the horrors that had happened in the past, and was on his way to Maardam to give his father what he deserved. To take horrific revenge for their ruined youth and kill him without mercy. She had asked him why on earth he had come to her first, and then it was only a few minutes before he had collapsed in a heap on her sofa. Lay there, sniffling and shaking.

It was when she saw that pitiable performance that she made up her own mind. Decided to carry out the deed herself. He didn’t even try to protest. Simply gaped at her with eyes shining in gratitude. Gratitude and desperate, desperate weakness.

That was also the image she had in her mind’s eye when she did the deed. That damp-eyed, naked helplessness on the face of her brother. That pent-up hatred of their father.

And now he was in prison. For a number of crimes. It was remarkable, no doubt about it. When she spoke to him a few hours ago, he had seemed just as calm and collected as he had been for the past few days.

Reconciled, perhaps. Ready to take his punishment for the crime it had been his duty to commit, but which he hadn’t dared do. And for what he had done on the spur of the moment when in a confused state. Come to think of it, she couldn’t recall ever having heard him sounding as secure and harmonious as he did now. Not as a child, or as a youth, or as an adult. That was the fact of the matter.

Perhaps there was a sort of meaning after all, Ruth thought. A point to it all. If her mother hadn’t managed to protect her daughter as she had intended – simply because Mauritz hadn’t been able to go through with the pretence – then perhaps there was no reason to prevent him from doing it. To take the blame as the vicarious murderer. If that’s what he wanted to do.

Poor little Mauritz. Poor little brother.

She shook her head. That was the fact of the matter. And there was quite a lot in what Elaine had said. All the cards were the wrong way round.

Now she appeared in the doorway. Ruth observed her slim, naked body in the mirror. Her hot, slightly intoxicated gaze. Her black, almost bluish hair.

I love her, she thought. Love, love, love. At least there is one member of the family left who is capable of doing that.

In her own way.

She smiled. Let the bath towel fall to the floor.
