Upon the fading of her cry there came to Vanessa's ears two sounds. The first was that of the tawse flopping to the carpet. The other was the equally unmistakable one of the Vicar thrusting down his trousers.
'No, please, don't', came her whimper thereupon, but that was as equally expected by the Vicar as was her surrender. In such circumstances the lecherous gentleman knew that there could be no sensuous preliminaries other than those he had afforded her and that the smooth effecting of his immediate desires was imperative.
'Legs-bottom', he uttered tonelessly just as he had done before and therewith clamped Vanessa's hips firmly on either side with his broad hands and nubbed the glowing crest of his charger up beneath the seared orb of her bottom to brush against the curls and the rolled lips of her quim.
A choking sound escaped Vanessa at that first contact and her hips would have proved evasive had he not held them still. The bulb of his cock feeling so swollen and warm, an eagerness for it seized her as much as did a sense of apprehension.
'Be still, girl! Hold your bottom up!' growled the Vicar who took an insensate pleasure in ploughing a female for the first time when her bottom felt nigh-bursting with heat.
'Whoooo!' came then Vanessa's moan, for with that the ruddy, purple-headed shaft commenced sleeking a path between the clinging walls of her nest, probing within inch by inch and-as it gained entry-causing Vanessa to wriggle madly against the steadying of his strong hands, albeit in vain. Having sheathed four inches of his throbbing prick and finding her love cavern juicy and receptive, the Vicar had no difficulty in stirring his pestle while he now leaned his weight more over her back and transferred his grasp from the superbly-curved hips to the pendant gourds of her tits whose hardened nipples bespoke well for Vanessa's otherwise hidden state of excitement.
Torrid words of desire flooded the mind of the Vicar in those moments of sensual ecstasy. Uttering a few uncontrollable groans, he tensed himself for a moment that was as self-teasing as it was satisfying for both, and then with a grunt sheathed his stiff pego to the full within Vanessa's lusciously-enfolding sheath.
Even so, the Reverend Percival Jubstone knew better than to be too crudely expressive in speech in the first fucking of a young woman, or indeed an even younger girl, after attending to her bottom. Erotic discipline, as he understood it, was best applied in commanding silence which the female would do well to learn when she was being mastered as Vanessa then was.
Nor did Vanessa thereafter struggle. Such squirmings of her seared bottom as made of it a hot ball of flesh into his belly offered signs of oncoming pleasure rather than resistance. Her head still being bowed and her face hidden, the Vicar then continued caressing her brown stiff nipples with one hand while passing the other tightly under her chin and forcing her to look up bleary-eyed at the flowered paper on her bedroom wall while his pulsing cock began easing a passage back and forth in her quim.
The Vicar prided himself on the fact that he never forgot the essentials of a disciplinary posture for a young woman whose bottom has been surrendered to the fire of birch or strap or cane. The posture of the supplicant must be correct and, if necessary, she must be correctly held. Above all, the face must not be buried in seeming dire shame or embarrassment but must be made to face forward, mouth open as it often was in expressive wonder of mingling surprise and desire.
As for Vanessa herself, the fires of lust had already begun to blaze in her despite her previous uncertainties and apprehensions. Hissing through her finely-curved nostrils, she felt herself spraying deliriously as the implacable shunting back and forth of the Vicar's cock took its lubricious toll of her, yet she retained her silence for a different reason from the Vicar, which is to say from a reason of pride.
Feeling the additional lubrication that her emissions produced, the Vicar grimaced pleasurably, causing her hot bottom to smack hard against him again and again as he worked his sturdy shaft whose veins Vanessa could feel pulsing within her clenching maw. Both breathed heavily, and although the small, rebellious movements of her face had at first been fretful against the gliding of his hand beneath her proud chin, Vanessa made no real attempt to dip her head.
She received, she accepted, feeling a sense of awe and excitement in his lewd authority over her, and even occasionally-and as if secretively-pressing her sparkling bum-cheeks into him. Mewing faintly, she entered a second and a third whirlpool of orgasmic pleasure, creaming the bedcover beneath her and even delirously sprinkling the Vicar's balls as they swung beneath her avid cunny.
Feeling this, his own grunts of pleasure increased, though still he contained himself in approving silence. Ceasing to caress her swollen titties, he passed his free hand around the fronts of her full thighs, uttered a low moan of animal-like pleasure, embedded himself to the root and loosed the long thick shots of his curdling sperm into Vanessa's blissfully-squeezing slit.
'Mmmmmmm!' Vanessa whimpered, though allowing no other sound to pass her lips as she felt the powerful shoots bubbling and coursing within her receptive maw. Threshing his powerful penis then, the Vicar pumped her vigourously, releasing all the pent-up energy in his balls until the last thick pearls dripped out within.
Thereat he steadied both Vanessa and himself, retaining the weighty plumpness of her bottom into him until he was satisfied that all was done, and his long thick cock then slowly withdrew, hesitating at the ridged lips for a moment until the glistening knob slipped therefrom and he uttered simply, 'Into bed, Miss Markham, please!'
Wriggling sinuously in an effort both to obey him and to cover herself-swimmy as she felt-Vanessa showed her creamed cunt fully to him in scrabbling beneath the clothes in the manner of a child who hides beneath the sheet arid blankets in the dark. Indeed, only the top of her huddled head remained visible as the Vicar slowly adjusted his dress and buttoned his trousers up anew.
'You will stay so. I shall attend upon you again', he murmured. He paused as if to say something else, but then changed his mind. No sound coming from the huddled hidden figure, he nodded to himself in satisfaction and made his way downstairs where the wondering figure of Mary quickly appeared.
'You are on no account to disturb your Mistress, my girl, for she does not wish it'.
'No, sir, I understand, sir, but when the master comes home, what do I say then to him, sir?' asked the maid who thus folded one unspoken question within another, as the wily Vicar well perceived.
'Why, Mary, you may say simply that she is abed, my dear. I do not recall, by the way, having seen you in my congregation. I trust that I shall have the pleasure of that very soon'.
'Well, sir-yes, sir, but I can't read so well and I don't know the words of the hymns and…'
'Tut-tut, girl, can you imagine that I would fail to teach you such myself?' the Vicar asked, tipping up her chin with his finger as he was often wont to do and thus holding the girl's attention in every way.
'Well, if you says, sir', replied Mary whose desire to go to church was scarcely pressing.
'Come to the Vicarage one evening next week. I will so arrange matters with your Mistress, that you might be free. There will I teach you that which you surely wish to know', came the grave answer, though Mary herself saw more in it than he thought and gave a little silent sniff behind his retreating back as if to say, 'I'm not sure if I will'. For she was in no doubt that he was a clever old devil in many respects, and not least perhaps concerning Vanessa. But as to that, Mary decided to keep a cautious silence towards
her Mistress, for the time being at least. It was not her business what the gentry did, she thought-unless she could do it with them.
The complete silence from upstairs spoke volumes to Mary, even though it comforted Vanessa who was experiencing still so many sensations and chasing so many thoughts that she was like one who with a single net would simultaneously catch a dozen butterflies.
The burning of her bottom, the shamefulness of her undressing, the emergence of his cock in her furry dell- all showered upon her at once as did the memories of the preceding night and of her tentative and renewed embrace with Mary downstairs. Oh, how sweet it was to kiss and caress a girl, Vanessa told herself, though frequently in her huddled darkness found herself peeking out from behind the thought to imagine the Vicar's cock and how it must have looked. Wicked, awful, horrid, wonderful-and the feeling of it ploughing her quim was like no experience she had ever known before. Yet she had felt the same upon lying with Mary, and that was equally nice. Oh, how bewildering, and what sort of woman had she suddenly become? I want to give in-I do not want to give in, Vanessa's thoughts went torturously, yet now and again she would move her hips petulantly underneath the bedclothes as if she wanted more-as if she wanted more, while downstairs Mary sneaked back to the sherry flask and, after a couple more generous glasses, began to feel nice and blurry.
Which indeed was how Reggie found the girl on his return. He had forgotten his key and rang twice in vain before stomping around to the back of the house and letting himself in by a rear door, where in the kitchen he found the maid lolling on a chair, her legs apart, skirt raised, and her fingers cosily between her thighs where she had been dreamily toying with her slit.
'Oh-wer, sir!' she blurted at her Master's entrance, made to spring up and then collapsed down again onto her seat, causing Reggie to regard her with surprise.
'Mary, have you been drinking?' he asked rather unnecessarily, for the evidence of the almost empty flask, and the glass on the table before her was clear enough, as were the cloudy fumes that came from her lips.
'Haven't, no', Mary mumbled, then giggled and hiccuped and thrust her dress between her black-stockinged legs.
'I will see to you later, Mary', Reggie announced briskly, and this to cover his own confusion for the girl was damned attractive and he had been up her already, but there was the presence of his sister to consider.
Striding past the maid, he started to enter the hall when Mary seemingly awoke again out of her semi-daze and said with another hiccup and a giggle, 'The Vicar come, sir, and Mistress is in bed'.
'Ah', said Reggie and-very much as the Vicar himself had made his exit from upstairs-it seemed that he might say more than that, but held his tongue and closed the door firmly upon the girl.
Given that the Vicar had been, Reggie pondered momentarily as he ascended-and given that he might well have carried out his word… The idea hastened his footsteps and brought him rapidly to Vanessa's door which he opened without knocking, perceiving immediately the crouched form of his sister and even more of her attire upon the floor than there had been the day before.
'Mary?' came a faint voice from beneath the sheet
'No, my dear, it is I'.
'Oh, Reggie, pray go away!' came Vanessa's timid bleat
'No, my dear', Reggie responded firmly. The shadow, if not the very figure, of the Vicar seemed to loom at his back, waiting upon his next action, though Reggie had no doubt as to what it must be. Drawers there, a dress here, a petticoat cast down upon it… Goodness, Vanessa must be near naked if not completely so!
'WAH!' was the next sound that came from the bed, emanating from Vanessa's lips as in one bound Reggie was upon the bed and sweeping the coverings down to her ankles.-'Reggie! Don't look! Oh no! AH!'
'You beauty, you devil, you have been naughty, have you not?' her brother demanded, viewing at last the rounded perfection of her still faintly-reddened bottom, the noble bulbing of her brown-nippled tits, and the well-tufted glory of her Venus mount.
'You mustn't look at mee-heee!', Vanessa cried, but then uttered a 'GLUP!' as his mouth crushed down upon her velvet lips while her naked torso twisted this way and that in vain attempts to defy the seeking of his fingers everywhere.-'NOO-NOO-NOOO!' blubbered Vanessa several muffled times under the passion of his kisses, but the sensation of a palm brushing her rubbery nipples and then forcing itself under her plump, sticky quim were finally too much for the young woman who to her bewilderment found herself letting her tongue lap her brother's while her would-be mutinous thighs were eased slowly apart.
'My love-how long have I wanted this!' Reggie choked emotionally as he sought at the same time to release his rampant pego.
'Don't say-mustn't say-oh, Reggie, your hands…'
Yet her voice was weakening-slurring even-and she was murmuring even as the tip of her tongue brushed his; even indeed as his thrumming prick came against her thigh, causing her to utter a breathless, pleading and yet helpless 'No!'.
'Yes, my pet, it is I who am going to plough your cunt now-now that you have been tawsed', growled Reggie lustfully, manoeuvering himself upon her until his weight pinned her feebly-protesting form beneath his own.
'Re-geeeee!' squealed Vanessa, for with far less restraint than the Vicar had shown, the ruddy helmet of his stiff penis had already oozed between the pouting, wet lips and drove upwards within the silky-warm haven-and that cry, that one piercing cry, did reach the ears of Mary who started up in such immediate awareness of what must be passing as comes to all in some moments.
'Coming, ma'am!' Mary called back hazily, though not so loudly that either of the occupants of the bed could hear her. Nor in the wild and violent threshing of their locked bodies were they aware of Mary's ascent, the maid haphazardly casting off her cap and apron en route.
Snuffling, choking, kissing sounds came to Mary even before she reached the door which Reggie in his haste had left ajar. Being the first to glimpse her entering figure, Va-nessa flung up one arm which she did not ever remember casting around her brother's neck and held it out, saying with seeming desperation, 'Oh, Mary, oh!' while the maid's vision drank in the sight of Reggie's all-too-fiercely-working buttocks and those of Vanessa wriggling in turn to his thrusts.
'Oh, ma'am!' choked Mary, albeit that it was not a cry of accusation but rather one of admiration. Uncaring as to what might ensue from her actions, she cast herself down beside the heaving pair and circled her own arms about Vanessa's neck, kissing her upon the cheek and saying excitedly, 'It's nice, it's nice!'
'Mur-mur-mur!' blurted Reggie, trying to utter the maid's name, but being already so close to the point of ejaculating his sperm that all his other senses appeared to be leaving him. Moreover, after one glance at the shunting of his piston just beneath the furred hump of her Mistress's mount, Mary gave all the attention of her eyes and mouth to those of Vanessa.
'Stop him! Oh, Mary, he's… he's… he's going to come in me!' sobbed Vanessa in a desperation of desire and bewilderment that such things could not only be done but seen.
'Oh no, ma'am, it's nice, it's nice. Go on, let him do it', Mary chanted, kissing the very lips that had spoken the words and having such a boldness upon her that she eased her hand between them and fondled Vanessa's love-stung nipples.
'Doo-Doooh! Do-ing it!' Reggie managed to gasp then and leaned up, supported on his forearms while Vanessa, despite all her protests, squeezed his yearning prick in her nest and felt the first vibrant shoots from her second cock of the afternoon, albeit moaning 'No, no, no!' 'into Mary's mouth while the maid's hand stroked her cheek.
'Lovely, it's lovely, ma'am', cooed Mary.
'Haaaar!' Vanessa gasped.
She was emitting her own pearly spurts then and sucking in her brother's globbing sperm at the same time-and it was too late, too late, too late to ever stop.