Gold was reading copy on the Norton story. He lifted his head and looked across the desk at Garrison.
"This last paragraph," he said.
"What about the last paragraph?"
"Where he tells about seeing shadows in the kitchen, as if there were people in the kitchen. And he thinks, ‘My God, are they making people, too? "
"There's nothing wrong with it. It's a honey of a line. It makes cold shivers up your spine."
"Did you tell Lathrop about this? Mention it particularly to him?"
"No, I guess I didn't. I forgot. There were a lot of other.
"And Porter?"
"No, I didn't tell Porter. It would have scared the pants off him."
"It could have been Norton's imagination. He didn't see any people. All he saw, or thought he saw, were shadows. Maybe he imagined shadows."
"Let me see it," said Garrison, holding cut his hand. Gold handed him the sheet.
Garrison read the paragraph carefully, read it through again. Then he picked up a heavy, black editorial pencil and methodically crossed out the paragraph.