Hammerson paced, but still never took his eyes off the wall screen. Sophia had damn well self-delivered and if the android had survived the drop intact, then it should have been able to get a lock on Alex — if he was still alive.

He turned to a separate screen that showed a small blip that indicated the approaching bomber. It would be there in twenty-seven minutes. It was going to be razor close.

His intercom buzzed. “Yes, Margie?”

“Aimee Weir on the line. Something about Joshua — says it’s urgent,” Margie said.

Hammerson groaned. For Christsakes, not now. He looked back at the wall screen, then opened the comm again. “Is anyone hurt?”

“Uh, not that I know of, sir,” Margie responded cautiously.

“Good. Tell her I’m in a meeting,” he replied.

“Yes, sir.” He detected a note of displeasure in the older woman’s voice. She hated it when he lied, especially to Aimee.

Can’t be helped; priorities. He turned back to the wall screen, refocusing.

He knew that as soon as Alex or any HAWC poked their head up above that mist line, they should have been able to get a message out. It still hadn’t happened.

Their evacuation chopper was on the valley floor, waiting for the word to rendezvous with the survivors. This time, it was a dark-ops bird piloted by a HAWC. He knew the risks and would fly into the teeth of hell itself to rescue his comrades.

But for now it was all up to fate, and Alex Hunter.
