Pleased, the Warlord Bharata stepped out of saMsarNa vault and began his walk to the council chamber. The blueprint of every living creature and plant on the planet, including the two billion human beings chosen by the council to populate Mengal, the planet chosen by the Ancients as the new home for humankind, had been altered to conform with the warlords plan; it now included himself and all of his followers and omitted anyone not of specific use to his plan and anyone who could weaken his legitimacy to rule humanity on its new homeworld.

No man, especially one hunted by council degree, should be able to walk into the Crystal Palace, stroll its halls, enter into its most sensitive area without contest. I now have unsupervised access to the most complex and highly encrypted data-hive ever created. After all I have become, after all I have done to show them the error of their way, they still maintain a guard of service reliant on technology rather than a guard of security reliant upon people of cunning, determination and force.

“Stand fast, you should not be here,” said a weathered voice from behind the warlord. “Who are you?”

Instantly recognizing the voice, Xi turned to face a friend, “Re’Na Tan. Do you not recognize me, old timer? We who have chatted so many times in these very halls over the years.”

“Councilman Bharata? I did not recognize you. It has been such a long time since…” The old man’s face showed concern as his right hand rose toward his right ear to activate his com-link but stopped when Xi’s gaze steeled, his hand came to rest on the sword hilt hanging from a loop on his right hip. Nervously Re’Na Tan lowered his hand, “ Your hair is much longer than when I saw you last. You also have a beard… you look… blue?”

“Ah yes,” Xi grinned, “Its the disruptor. I didn’t want to be seen by the electronic eyes.”

“Disruptor?” Re’Na Tan stammered, checked himself and then continued, “Councilman Bharata, it is with regret that I… that I must detain you. I must bring you before the council.”

“I understand, my old friend. You are a man of duty and honor. I would expect nothing less from you.”

In an instant the Warlord of Vasundhara, in a single fluid motion, pulled the sword from the loop on his belt and separated Re’Na Tans head from his body.

Xi Bharata crouched, grabbed Re’Na’s head by its hair, and hoisted to look it in the eyes. “My apologies old friend, there is no time to explain. We will see each other again soon. I haven’t forsaken you, your wife or your two sons and their families.”

The warlord stood, the blood from the severed head turned black as it passed through the disruptor field and came to rest on his slacks and sandals.

This should make them shit themselves, he smiled as he began to marching toward the council meeting chamber, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. One last meeting with Ka’Na, to taunt him, and to keep all eyes focused on me until its too late to reverse what I have done.
