1520 Hours
Looking Glass

Marshall waited until they had descended to 18,000 feet before he removed the key he wore around his neck and inserted it into one of two locks in the red safe next to his desk console in the battle staff compartment. He then removed the second key he had taken from Quinn and opened the second lock.

As soon as he opened the safe, the alarm went off, a clattering sound like a woodpecker. But there was no intelligence officer to stop him now. Nobody.

The launch procedure was so simple, really.

Let Deborah Sachs keep American bombers and subs at bay, he thought. He was going to launch those missiles at China. At least he could be sure they would launch under attack. Then the war would be underway. A war the United States would win.

Yes, American civilization would be renewed for another century.

Marshall waited a full minute before the clattering stopped. He then removed two more keys from inside the safe and tossed one to Banks.

“The keys to the kingdom, Major Tom.”

Marshall cracked open the code card with the eight-digit enabling code. He repeated it out loud:

“Tango, Seven, Bravo, Four…”

Banks keyed it into the overhead launch console. “Tango, Seven, Bravo, Four,” she repeated.

The corresponding beeps locked in the code.

Marshall read the final four digits. “…Alpha, One, Delta, Nine.”

“Alpha, One, Delta, Nine,” echoed Banks, and locked in the code.

Marshall then inserted his key into the overhead console. “On my count.”

Banks inserted the second key and nodded.





Simultaneously they turned their keys.
