The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning
(Ivy Baker Priest, Parade)
It sounded an anti-climactic question: 'What do we do now, sir?'
Morse didn't know, and his mind was far away: 'It was done a long time ago, Lewis, and done ill,' he said slowly.
Which was doubtless a true sentiment, but it hardly answered the question. And Lewis pressed his point – with the result that together they sought out the site-foreman, to whom, producing his warranty-card, Morse dictated his wishes, making the whole thing sound as if the awesome authority of MI5 and MI6 alike lay behind his instructions regarding the property situated at Number 12 Spring Street, especially for a series of photographs to be taken as soon as possible of the pencil-marks on the wall in the entrance hall. And yes, the site-foreman thought he could see to it all without too much trouble; in fact, he was a bit of a dab hand with a camera himself, as he not so modestly admitted. Then, after Lewis had returned torch and tape-measure to a slightly puzzled-looking householder, the afternoon events were over.
It was five’ minutes to six when Lewis finally tried once again to drive away from the environs of Derby (North) and to make for the A52 junction with the Ml (South). At 6 p.m., Morse leaned forward and turned on the car-radio for the news. One way or another it had been a bad year, beset with disease, hunger, air crashes, railway accidents, an oil-rig explosion, and sundry earthquakes. But no cosmic disaster had been reported since the earlier one o'clock bulletin, and Morse switched off – suddenly aware of the time.
'Do you realize it's gone opening time, Lewis?'
'No such thing these days, sir.'
'You know what I mean!'
'Bit early-'
'We've got something to celebrate, Lewis! Pull in at the next pub, and I'll buy you a pint.'
'You will?’
Morse was not renowned for his generosity in treating his subordinates – or his superiors – and Lewis smiled to himself as he surveyed the streets, looking for a pub-sign; it was an activity with which he was not unfamiliar. I’m driving, sir.'
'Quite right, Lewis. We don't want any trouble with the police.'
As he sat sipping his St Clements and listening to Morse conducting a lengthy conversation with the landlord about the wickedness of the lager-brewers, Lewis felt inexplicably content. It had been a good day; and Morse, after draining his third pint with his wonted rapidity, was apparently ready to depart.
'Gents?' asked Morse.
The landlord pointed the way.
'Is there a public telephone I could use?'
'Just outside the Gents.'
Lewis thought he could hear Morse talking over the phone – something to do with a hospital; but he was never a man to eavesdrop on the private business of others, and he walked outside and stood waiting by the car until Morse re-appeared.
'Lewis – I, er – I'd like you just to call round quickly to the hospital, if you will. The Derby Royal. Not too far out of our way, they tell me.'
'Bit of stomach trouble again, sir?'
'I don't think you should have had all that beer, though-'
'Are you going to drive me there or not, Lewis?'
Morse, as Lewis knew, was becoming increasingly reluctant to walk even a hundred yards or so if he could ride the distance, and he now insisted that Lewis park the Lancia in the AMBULANCES ONLY area just outside the Hospital's main entrance.
'How long will you be, sir?'
'How long? Not sure, Lewis. It's my lucky day, though, isn't it? So I may be a little while.'
It was half an hour later that Morse emerged to find Lewis chatting happily to one of the ambulance-men about the road-holding qualities of the Lancia family.
'All right, then, sir?'
'Er – well. Er… Look, Lewis! I've decided to stay in Derby overnight.'
Lewis's eyebrows rose.
'Yes! I think – I think I'd like to be there when they take those photographs – you know, in, er… '
‘I can't stay, sir! I'm on duty tomorrow morning.'
'I know. I'm not asking you to, am I? I'll get the train back – no problem – Derby, Birmingham, Banbury – easy!'
'You sure, sir?'
'Quite sure. You don't mind do you, Lewis?'
Lewis shook his head. 'Well, I suppose, I'd better-'
'Yes, you get off. And don't drive too fast!'
'Can I take you – to a hotel or something?'
'No need to bother, I'll – I'll find something.'
'You look as though you've already found something, sir.'
'Do I?'
As the Lancia accelerated along the approach road to the Ml (South) Lewis was still smiling quietly to himself, recalling the happy look on Morse's face as he had turned and walked once more towards the automatic doors.