"You have a slight fever," Mom said. "But you'll be okay."

"Swamp fever," I murmured weakly. I gazed up at her, trying to focus. Her face was blurred, hovering over me in the soft light.

It took me a long while to realize I was in my own bedroom. "How — how did I get here?" I stammered.

"The swamp hermit — he found you in the swamp and carried you home," Mom said.

"He did?" I tried to sit up, but my shoulder ached. To my surprise, it was tightly bandaged. "The — the werewolf — Will — he bit me," I said, swallowing hard.

Dad's face hovered beside Mom's. "What are you saying, Grady? Why do you keep muttering about a werewolf?"

I pulled myself up a little and told them the whole story. They listened in silence, glancing at each other from time to time as I talked.

"Will is a werewolf," I concluded. "He changed. Under the full moon. He changed into a wolf, and — "

"I'm going to check this out right now," Dad said, staring intently down at me. "Your story is crazy, Grady. Just crazy. Maybe it's the fever. I don't know. But I'm going right over to your friend's house and see what's what."

"Dad — be careful," I called after him. "Be careful."

Dad returned a short while later, a bewildered look on his face. I was sitting in the living room, feeling a lot better, a big bowl of popcorn in my lap.

"There's no one there," Dad said, scratching his head.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"The house is empty," Dad told us. "Deserted. It doesn't look like anyone has lived there in months!"

"Wow, Grady. You certainly have strange friends!" Emily exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

"I don't get it," Dad said, shaking his head.

I didn't, either. But I didn't care. Will was gone. The werewolf was gone for good.

"So can I keep Wolf?" I asked Dad, climbing up from the chair and crossing the room to him. "Wolf saved my life. Can I keep him?"

Dad stared back at me thoughtfully, but didn't reply.

"The swamp hermit told us he saw the dog chase some kind of animal away from Grady," Mom said.

"Probably a squirrel," Emily joked.

"Emily, give me a break," I groaned. "Wolf really saved my life," I told them.

"I guess you can keep him," Dad said reluctantly.

"YAY!" I thanked him and eagerly made my way to the back yard to give Wolf a happy hug.

That all happened nearly a month ago.

Since then, Wolf and I have had a wonderful time exploring the swamp. I've gotten to know just about every inch of Fever Swamp. It's like my second home.

Sometimes Wolf and I let Cassie come along exploring with us. She's kind of fun, even though she's always on the lookout for werewolves. I really wish she'd just drop the subject.

I'm standing at my bedroom window now, watching the full moon rising over the distant trees. This first full moon in a month makes me think of Will.

Will may be gone, but he changed my life. I know I'll never forget him.

I can feel the fur sprouting on my face. My snout is expanding, and my fangs are sliding out between my dark lips.

Yes, when he bit me, Will passed the curse on to me.

But I don't mind. I'm not upset.

I mean, with Will out of the way, the swamp is now mine! All mine!

I'm climbing out of my window now. There's Wolf waiting for me, eager to do some night exploring.

I drop easily to the ground on all fours. I raise my fur-covered face to the moon and utter a long, joyful howl.

Let's go, Wolf. Let's hurry to Fever Swamp.

I'm ready to hunt.
