LAST BATTLE MAP 3: Egwene’s combined forces of soldiers and channelers cross the Mora on raft bridges and swing around the bogs to initiate a two-pronged attack. Mat sets fire to the southern slopes of Polov Heights, temporarily halting the descent of the Trollocs to Hawal Ford. By the time the Trollocs are able to recommence their descent, Egwene is in place, sending her cavalry against their rear flanks near the Ford, while the main body of her army attempts to advance up the western slope of the Heights. Mat’s forces hold a defensive line across the River Mora, sustaining attacks by Demandred. Tam’s armies upriver are successful repelling the Trollocs at the river, aided by Lan’s attack on their rear flanks. Mat and Tuon have a fake argument at Dashar Knob, and the Seanchan leave the battlefield, camping in the south at the River Erinin.
