Billy Wilson had been having cock trouble all morning. He certainly was in no mood to shine shoes with, his prick rampaging about in his ragged trousers. He would have taken a day off from his shoe shining, except that the corner of Green and Broad was the only place that Marlene knew to look for him and he was going to spend the day there anyhow, hoping that she might show up. And since he was there, he figured he might as well shine up some shoes. He could always use the money. Besides, it kept him busy, helped time to pass, and it gave him an excuse for hanging around there so that the police on the slum harassment squad would not arrest him for loitering or force him to move along.
But shining shoes was not easy with a hard-on, he had discovered. His hard prick confounded him. It stuck up obstinately, hardened to all influences save desire. Billy knew that a quick pull or two would release some of the pressure, but he was reluctant to do that, because if Marlene did show up, he wanted to have a nice load of jism for her. So he stuck it out. He had to turn his head and shoulders from one side to the other in order to shine a shoe, working around his hard-on, as it were, as if he were a prisoner handcuffed around a telephone pole. At one point, his dick escaped. The knob sought out one of the tears in his ragged pants and slipped right out, just as he was preparing to pop the rag across a gleaming toecap. Billy realized that his dick had come out but he had already started the wrist snapping motion and ft was too late to stop. He popped the rag across shoe and knob at the same time, back and forth, and his knob was glowing with every bit as high a polish as the toe of the shoe by the time that he got through, the purple shell glossed, by seminal polish. Luckily, the customer was reading a newspaper and took no notice. That was good, Billy reckoned. Customers hated to have bootblacks come on their shoes.
Aw, she ain't gonna come he told himself. There ain't no sense in getting my hopes up – I'll only be disappointed. She told me she never did anything like that before, and I guess maybe that was true, so it was probably just a thing she wanted to try. Now that she had done it, she wouldn't want to do it again.
But despite his restraining thoughts, his hopes stood right up there, as vibrant and shining as his prick.
Suddenly his heart missed a beat.
A Cadillac cruised slowly down Broad Street and drew over to the curb. Billy held his breath as he watched it come and then his heart made up for that missing beat by starting a series of quick fire thumps.
Marlene smiled from the car.
Billy gathered up his kit and carried it over to the car. She opened the door and he got in.
"Gee," he said.
"Did you expect me to come?"
"No. I hoped you would, though."
She put the car in gear.
"We going back under the elevated highway?" he asked. That grim and desolate area had taken on a romantic aspect in his memory, a gossamer glory, like the vaguely remembered setting of a wet dream.
"Not today, Billy. I'm going to take you home… to take you to my bed."
She drove off. The Cadillac ran soft and smooth and silent; Billy rattled and panted and squirmed.
From the grimy window of the Regency, Clyde Wilson saw the car pull up and his heart reacted the same way that Billy's had, faltering and then doing double-time. He had borrowed a car, although he'd been unable to borrow a camera, and he was parked in the alley beside the bar, conveniently at hand for the pursuit. Clyde gulped down his beer and dashed out to the old Pontiac. He pulled out and followed the Cadillac down Broad Street, keeping a couple cars behind but making damn sure that he kept the other car in sight.
This was the opportunity of a lifetime for Clyde, and he was determined. His face was set and hard as dreams of blackmail money danced through his mind. His pecker was just as hard with the hope of some blackmail pussy.
Marlene drove into the garage so that none of the neighbors would see the boy she had brought home. This was partly due to discretion and partly because she had an idea that her lusty friend, Julia, if she saw the lad, might take it into her head to come over and borrow a cup of sugar in hopes of getting some of that lovely young cock. But Marlene had no intention of sharing Billy. She wanted every inch and every stroke and every last drop of cum with which he was filled.
She led Billy down the walkway into the house.
He looked around from the doorway as if he had passed through the pearly gates.
Billy had never been in such a fine house.
Marlene took him by the hand and led him through the kitchen and up to the bedroom. His breath was rattling in his throat and there was a dull roar in his ears. He gaped at the big soft bed. How was he ever going to go back to a tarpaper tenement roof, after this luxury?
Marlene was smiling at him and he smiled back – with effort, for his jaws were tight and his throat was tense. He was as nervous as he was horny.
"Come here, darling," she said.
She was beside the bed. Billy walked over, almost staggering with the intensity of his lust.
"Shall I undress you, Billy?"
She sat on the edge of the bed, and her hands began to move deftly over his ragged clothing. Her touch, cool and light, seemed to burn into his flesh like dry ice. Her fingers traced a pattern on his smooth skin, across his slender belly, up his lean thighs, as if they were engraving a design into his body, tattooing him with desire.
Then she touched his cock.
She drew it out and held it in her hand, gazing adoringly at it, not moving but simply holding it as if judging the weight in her hand and admiring the dimensions and the configuration of the blazing rod.
Billy's cockhead began to smoke.
Clyde was smoking.
He had turned into the street just in time to see the rear of the Cadillac vanish into the garage. He drew up to the curb and turned off the ignition. He knew that he had to be patient. He wanted to rush right in, but it would be no good to arrive before they had started. He had to catch them in the act. It would have been better if he'd had a camera, but he was pretty sure that he could extort money and pussy from the woman even without evidence on film. She wouldn't be able to take a chance – if the threatened to expose her to her husband, she would simply have to give him what he wanted.
He smoked a cigarette with short impatient drags, his hand going up and down with the smoke, and tried to figure how long he ought to wait.
But Marlene hadn't waited at all.
Billy was naked and Marlene was kissing the head of his throbbing dick with soft fluttering movements of her lips, not taking it into her mouth or even tonguing, but simply kissing the tip of that wonderful wand that was going to work such magic on her pussy.
She dipped down and kissed his balls, worshipping those sacs that held his cum potion.
Then she stood up, motioned Billy to the bed and, as he stared at her, undressed slowly, dropping her hot pants and removing her blouse and letting the eager boy admire her supple body as it came into view.
Naked, she posed before him, cupping her thrusting tits and sliding a hand across her belly. She dipped her fingers into her seething cunt and rubbed her stiff nipples.
Billy stared in dumb wonder at the glory of her body.
She lay down beside him, and they kissed. Billy was afraid to touch her, or to initiate anything. He was overwhelmed by the whole situation – far more than he had been in the car, parked in the slums, for this luxurious bedroom was, to Billy, a totally alien world. He might have been on Mars or Neptune, so vastly different was the setting from anything he'd ever known before.
Marlene realized that the boy was waiting for her to direct him. She thought it was sweet.
She took his hands and drew them to her tits.
Billy kneaded and stroked and pulled at her taut nipples. They were belly to belly and thigh to thigh, and his cock was hammering against her belly like a mallet.
She drew one of his hands down and pressed it to her cunt. Billy gasped and began to fondle that smoldering pussy, dragging his hand along the slot and then pushing his fingers up the juicy hole. She moved her belly up and down against his pecker.
Marlene needed very little foreplay at the moment, and it was obvious that Billy needed none at all. She rolled over onto her back, raised her knees and parted her thighs. She arched her back, thrusting her crotch up.
Billy stared at her, waiting for instructions or permission, afraid to do anything on his own.
"Why don't you fuck me now, Billy?" she said.
He rolled over and mounted her.
"Fuck me fast and hard," she whispered. "Later we can fuck slow and easy."
The boy was in position. His cock needed no guidance. The bloated head had nestled into her creamy slot like the needle of a carnal compass drawn by sexual magnetism.
He braced his knees on the bed, tensed his taut ass, paused for a moment while the glorious, expectation swirled madly through his mind – and then slammed his cock home.
Marlene gasped as the boy's big dick plowed in to the hilt, stuffing her cunt chock-a-block full of hot hard meat. Her cunt muscles ripped and pulled on his shaft and closed like a hand around his swollen peckerhead.
She began to move first. Her belly undulated and her haunches began to piston. She lifted her ass up from the bed so that her belly was sliding against his and their pubic hair tangled together. Her thighs were hooked over his hips, her loins cupped.
Billy began to fuck her frantically.
His cock, hard all day, seemed to be numb for a moment, now that it was buried up a hot cunthole. Then it began to throb and thunder and swell up like a balloon, filling her to the brim. Her cunt pressed around him, delineating the contours of his pecker so that they slid together with slippery friction through every precious inch. He was banging in hard, his balls slamming against her upthrust ass and his belly slapping hers as he drove his prick in all the way.
Marlene met him with equal intensity, pushing her crotch at him as he thrust in, then corkscrewing her hips as he drew back, fucking with steady urgency. Her hands moved over his smooth hairless body, stroking his chest, his belly, his hips. She lifted her face for a kiss, then threw her head back, her head tossing from side to side, lust masking her countenance. Her eyes narrowed; her lips parted; her tongue flashed across her lower lip.
She was ready to come.
The psychological thrill of having a teenage cock plunging into her womb inspired the lust crazed woman even more than the physical sensation. She wanted him to come in her cunt, to shoot that heavy load into her loins as he had, the day before, into her eager mouth. Her pussy seemed like a desert, parched and desperate for the irrigating jism.
"Come, Billy," she panted. "Come for me… come in me… fill my pussy with that thick cream!"
Her caressing hand moved down and cupped his balls, squeezing gently. Her thighs tightened as he drove in, relaxed as he pulled out, thighs clamping like velvet brackets around his surging hips and pounding ass.
Billy wailed and plunged, and his balls exploded. The thick cum poured up his stalk and burst into her cunt in a flood of lava. He was fucking her frantically, desperately, the thrill too great to be contained and spreading throughout his being as he poured load after load of boiling jism into her melting pussy.
Cuntjuice flooded from her, soaking his balls, and his cum filled her and overflowed in creamy rivers that ran down her crotch and the crack of her driving ass.
He was coming with such force that his pelvis jolted back on the recoil and she was shuddering under the liquid blows of his lashing eruptions.
He came for a long time, spurt after spurt of juice blasting out at first, and then, trickling out in milder spasms as he emptied his cock and balls to the very dregs.
At long last, he stilled.
Still coupled, they gazed at each other. His cock, despite his massive unloading, remained hard as iron and inflated so that it stuffed her creamy cunt to the brim.
Marlene smiled happily.
Time had no meaning. It might have been seconds or minutes that they were frozen in that linked position, awed by the extent of their simultaneous orgasms.
Then Billy began to fuck her again.