Writing is a solitary process, but being a writer is not a solitary state. I owe an immeasurable debt of gratitude to the friends, family, and fans who have been and continue to be so supportive and encouraging. I especially want to thank the Starfish Club: Christine Feehan, Kathie Firzlaff, and Sheila English. Our brainstorming retreats are the highlights of my year. Special thanks to my very dear friend and power writing/critique buddy, the supremely talented Karen Rose. Thanks also to my daughters, Ileah and Rhiannon Wilson, for beta reading my work in progress and telling me it was good.

Special thanks to my editor, Tessa Woodward; my agent, Michelle Grajkowski; and the folks at Avon Books, for your understanding, encouragement, and unflagging support. You are great!

Finally, thanks again to Judy York, the cover artist who brought Wynter and Khamsin to life. You promised me no heaving bosoms, gasping mouths, or naked thighs, and you came through splendidly! You even made that sparkly tornado look good!
