“Vera,” Marta called as she came into the kitchen, where Vera was chopping cabbage.

“What is it?” Vera asked, suddenly anxious. Was there news about Gabriel or Sosi?

“Do you know someone named Apollo Grigorian? An Armenian Russian who claims to be from Geneva. He’s been walking around the Armenian quarter, asking after Gabriel, so they sent him here to Father Zadian. He claims to know you. Can you vouch for him?”

“Apollo! He’s my very good friend. He was supposed to join us for the trip to Istanbul, but he didn’t show up at the train station, and we didn’t know what happened to him. I’m so glad he’s all right.” Vera brushed past Marta, heading for the door, then stopped to take off her apron and smooth her dress and hair. “Where is he?” she asked, feeling suddenly shy. What would Apollo think of her, chopping cabbage while Gabriel was building his commune?

“He’s in Father Zadian’s study.”

Vera hurried out, leaving Marta smiling after her.
