I sat on the hotel room bed and read over some notes I’d made on the witnesses the prosecution would call tomorrow, the first day of the trial. I liked to outline my cross-examinations by topic matter only. If I write down specific questions, I become wedded to them. Regardless, the endeavor wasn’t a difficult one. I didn’t have much I could do with the prosecution’s case. The responding police officer, the forensic pathologist, the ballistics expert, the detective in charge? Those were probably the only four witnesses Wendy Kotowski would call. They would be all she needed before she punted the case to me.

It was a circumstantial case. But it was a pretty decent one. Tom was found with the murder weapon and the victim’s possessions. He ran when the police confronted him, though it wasn’t particularly hard to explain away. He admitted the gun belonged to him and, according to the state, at least, he confessed to the murder. And the place he carved out as his home in Franzen Park was nearby, so it’s not like he had to travel long and far to commit this crime.

What made their case better was the lack of a defense. My client wouldn’t deny killing Kathy Rubinkowski, and I couldn’t explain away his lack of memory on post-traumatic stress disorder because the judge wouldn’t let me.

Jeez, the judge had really screwed me on that ruling. He had a little law on his side, but I really thought he made a mistake. The appellate court would take a hard look at that one, I felt sure. But no defense lawyer made his money counting on a reversal of a murder conviction.

I jumped at the sound of a knock at my door. It was ten o’clock, and I hadn’t ordered room service. I reached into the nightstand and removed my gun. Then I walked over to the door.

I stood away from the frame of the door and called out, “Hello?”

“Room service,” said a woman’s sweet voice.

I was pretty sure I recognized the voice, even in disguise, but I checked the peephole.

I opened up the door. Tori was wearing that wonderful long white coat and, yes, another pair of knee-high boots.

“Hello, Ms. Martin.”

She raised her hands in mock surrender. “Please don’t shoot me. I come in peace.”

“We’ll see about that.” I let her in and returned my firearm to the nightstand.

“Nice digs,” she lied. One room, plus a bath, crappy view, and peeling wallpaper.

Bradley was staying in a hotel a block away. He had a suite, and his security guard slept on the couch. Shauna also had a suite but with a locked door between her and her detail. Me, I had this crappy room, but I’d slept in worse places, like my house growing up.

I had offered Tori the same deal as Bradley and Shauna-a hotel and bodyguard-but she had declined, because her condo was very secure and, she noted, I couldn’t threaten to take her off the case if she refused, since she wasn’t really on it to begin with.

Since the night Tori broke down and gave in to my irresistible charms, things had been weird between us. She was still helping out on the case but the wall had gone back up. There was some remorse there, I sensed, or fear, or both.

She stood near the bed-it was hard to stand anywhere in the room and not be near the bed-and looked a little awkward as she gathered her thoughts. “I wanted to… say something,” she said.


She walked over to me, took my face in her hands, and planted a warm kiss on me. It started as something quick, but then it lingered, and our mouths parted, and then our fingers were running through each other’s hair and we were tugging at clothes. Actually, I was only wearing a T-shirt and boxers, but she required more work. As I’ve mentioned, I normally enjoy that part, the undressing, but this time the clothes seemed to be an annoyance. I lifted her onto the bed and pulled down her panties and wasted little time exploring every wonderful angle and curve of her body.

I’ll bet it was the best seven minutes of her life.

Afterward, we caught our breath and stared up at the ceiling, her head tucked against my chest. There was a berry scent to her hair that stirred a memory I couldn’t place, but it was a happy one. Her body was like an electric blanket against mine.

“Please don’t cry again,” I requested.

She laughed. “I’ve been acting weird. I do realize that, if you’re wondering. I’m not sure how to handle this. I just want to be careful. That’s really all I came here to say. I know everything starts tomorrow and you need to focus.”

“Focus is not my problem,” I said. “Lack of evidence is. Lack of time is.”

She adjusted herself, turned so she was facing me, supporting her chin with her hands. “Would you like me to stay?”

I looked at her. “I would like that very much, Tori. You may not have noticed, but I’m not as conflicted as you are about our relationship.”

She took that in without comment.

“Okay, okay,” I assured her. “Not meant to pressure you.”

A smile crept across her face. She didn’t seem too comfortable with happiness, but I got the sense she was warming to the concept. “You want to order some room service? You can bounce ideas off me or whatever. That’s fun when we do that.”

It was fun. It had been the best part of this case, and not just because I was insatiably attracted to her. The truth was, Tori had helped this case immensely with her comments and ideas.

The truth was, I had to admit, I was letting this woman get inside me.
