
Enormous thanks to the following whose support I value and honour:

Marianne Gunn O’Connor, Vicki Satlow and Pat Lynch. The clever HarperCollins team especially Lynne Drew, Louise Swannell, Liz Dawson, Martha Ashby and Kate Elton. Thank you to the very short Charlie Redmayne, without you I would be nothing. Good enough? I wish a fond farewell to Moira Reilly who has been with me since the beginning of this crazy journey, but it’s not goodbye forever – see you at the bar… Booksellers all around the world and the readers, I cannot thank you enough for the life you have given me, allowing me to immerse myself in my passion every single day of my life. My gorgeous family who I adore, my friends who answer ‘The Beacon’ at the shortest notice, and most important of all, David, Robin and Sonny, you mad, crazy, beautiful things – I love you all.

Right, now I’m off to write the next one. X
