The following books and magazines are represented in the Honorable Mentions list for 1958; abbreviations used in the list are indicated to the left of titles.

Science-Fantasy Magazines:

Amz Amazing Science Fiction Stories

Ast Astounding Science Fiction

F&SF Fantasy and Science Fiction

Fant Fantastic

FU Fantastic Universe

Fut Future Science Fiction

Gal Galaxy Science Fiction

If If Magazine

Inf Infinity Science Fiction

Neb Nebula Science Fiction (British)

NW New Worlds (British)

OSFS Original Science Fiction Stories

Satl Satellite Science Fiction

SciF Science Fantasy (British)

Star Star Science Fiction

Sup Super-Science Fiction

Vent Venture Science Fiction

General Magazines:

Adam Adam

Arg Argosy

Atl Atlantic Monthly (Anniversary Issue)

Cos Cosmopolitan

Dec December

Esq Esquire

Harp Harper’s

Plby Playboy

Rogue Rogue

SEP Saturday Evening Post

Swank Swank


“MBM” A Mile Beyond the Moon; C. M. Kornbluth (Doubleday, 1958)

“SIS” Station in Space; James Gunn (Bantam, 1958)

“Star#4” Star Science Fiction Stories, #4; ed.: Frederik Pohl (Ballantine, 1958)

“TGR” The Graveyard Reader; ed.: Groff Conklin (Ballantine, 1958)

“TofS” A Touch of Strange; Theodore Sturgeon (Doubleday, 1958)

“TSS” The Other Side of the Sky; Arthur C. Clarke (Doubleday, 1958)

“F&SF:8” The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction: Series 8, Doubleday, 1959

* * * *

Poul Anderson “Backwardness,” “F&SF:8”

---------, “The Apprentice Wobbler,” Star, Jan.

---------, “The Last of the Deliverers,” F&SF, Feb.

ALAN ARKIN “People Soup,” Gal, Nov.

ROBERT ARTHUR “Notes on the Great Change,” Dec, May.

PAUL ASH “Big Sword,” Ast, Oct.

PAULINE ASHWELL “Unwillingly to School,” Ast, Jan.

ISAAC ASIMOV “S as in Zebatinsky,” Star, Jan.

---------, “Lastborn,” Gal, Sept.

DON BERRY “Man Alone,” If, Oct.

ROBERT BLOCH “That Hell-Bound Train,” F&SF, Sept.

JOHN BRUNNER “Substitute God,” FU, Aug.

ALGIS BUDRYS “A World Named Mary” (pseud.: Robert Marner), Vent, May.

---------, “The End of Winter” (pseud.: William Scarff), Vent, Jan.

ARTHUR C. CLARKE “The Songs of Distant Earth,” TSS.

HELEN CLARKSON “The Last Day,” Satl, Apr.

MARK CLIFTON “Remembrance and Reflection,” F&SF, Jan.

MILDRED CLINGERMAN “The Day of the Green Velvet Cloak,” F&SF, July.


JOHN BERNARD DALEY “Wings of the Phoenix,” Inf, Apr.

AVRAM DAVIDSON “Up the Close and Doun the Stair,” F&SF, May.

---------, “The Grantha Sighting,” “F&SF:8”

CHAN DAVIS “It Walks in Beauty,” Star, Jan.

GORDON R. DICKSON “The Christmas Present,” F&SF, Jan.

---------, “The Question,” Ast. May.

---------, “Gifts,” Ast, Nov.

CHARLES EINSTEIN “Short Snorter,” If, Aug.

GEORGE P. ELLIOTT “Among the Dangs,” Esq, June.

HARLAN ELLISON “The Last Day,” Rogue, Nov.

---------, “My Brother Paulie,” Satl. Dec.

KOLLER ERNST “The Red Singing Sands,” Sup, Feb.

CHARLES G. FINNEY “The Iowan’s Curse,” Harp, July.

CHARLES L. FONTENAY “A Summer Afternoon,” F&SF, Feb.

DONALD FRANSON “The New Science of Astronomy,” Fut, Dec.

CHARLES E. FRITCH “Big Wide Wonderful World,” F&SF, Mar.

RANDALL GARRETT “Respectfully Mine,” Inf, Aug.

RON GOULART “Dream Girl,” F&SF, Dec.

---------, “The Katy Dialogues,” F&SF, July.

JAMES E. GUNN “The Immortals,” “Star#4”

---------, “Powder Keg.” “SIS”

---------, “Deady Silence,” FU, Apr.

HARRY HARRISON “Trainee for Mars,” FU, June.

FRANK HARVEY “100 Miles Up,” Arg, Feb.

ZENNA HENDERSON “Captivity,” “F&SF:8.”

FRANK HERBERT “Cease Fire,” Ast, Jan.

PHILIP E. HIGH “Risk Economy,” Neb, Feb.


DANIEL KEYES “The Trouble With Elmo,” Gal, Aug.

JOHN KIPPAX “Me Myself and I,” SciF, #27.

DAMON KNIGHT “The Enemy,” Vent, Jan.

---------, “Idiot Stick,” “Star#4.”

C. M. KORNBLUTH “Theory of Rocketry,” “F&SF:8.”

---------, “Reap the Dark Tide,” “MBM.”

FRITZ LEIBER “A Deskful of Girls,” “F&SF:8.”

---------, “Rump-Titty-Titty-Tum-TAH-Tee,” F&SF, May.

JACK LEWIS “Glossary of Terms,” FU, Sept.

VICTORIA LINCOLN “No Evidence,” F&SF, Apr.

KATHERINE MACLEAN “Unhuman Sacrifice,” Ast, Nov.


T. H. MATHIEU “Cargo: Death,” Fut, June.

DEAN MCLAUGHLIN “The Man on the Bottom,” Ast, Mar.

SAM MERWIN, JR. “Lady in the Lab,” Adam, II, 3.

ALAN E. NOURSE “Hard Bargain,” Plby, May.

---------, “The Gift of Numbers,” Sup, Aug.

FINN O’DONNEVAN “The Gun Without a Bang,” Gal, June.

CHAD OLIVER “The Space Horde,” Amz, Feb.

AVIS PABEL “Basic Agreement,” Ast, Sept.

FREDERIK POHL “The Wizards of Pung’s Corners,” Gal, Oct.

ROBERT PRESSLIE “Another Word for Man,” NW, Dec.

---------, “Dial ‘O’ For Operator,” SciF, #27

JOHN RACKHAM “One-Eye,” Ast, May.

KIT REED “Devotion,” F&SF, June.

MACK REYNOLDS “Pieces of the Game,” Ast, Dec.

JOEL TOWNSLEY ROGERS “Night of Horror,” SEP, June 7.

CHARLES W. RUNYON “First Man in a Satellite,” Sup, Dec.

MARGARET ST. CLAIR “Squee,” Fut, Feb.

THOMAS N. SCORTIA “The Avengers,” OSFS, Sept.

JOHN SHEPLEY “Gorilla Suit,” “F&SF:8”

ROBERT SILVERBERG “The Man Who Never Forgot,” F&SF, Feb.

---------, “Slice of Life” (pseud.: Calvin M. Knox), Inf, Apr.

CLIFFORD SIMAK “Leg. Forst.,” Inf, Apr.

---------, “The Big Front Yard,” Ast, Oct.

CORDWAINER SMITH “The Burning of the Brain,” If, Oct.

---------, “Western Science Is so Wonderful,” If, Dec.

WILL STANTON “Over the River to What’s-Her-Name’s-House,” F&SF, May.

JON STOPA “A Pair of Glasses,” Ast, Apr.

THEODORE STURGEON “The Graveyard Reader,” “TGR.”

---------, “A Touch of Strange,” “TofS.”

WILLIAM TENN “Eastward Ho!” F&SF, Oct.

WALTER TEVIS “Far From Home,” F&SF, Dec.

PETER USTINOV “The Man in the Moon,” Atl ‘58

JACK VANCE “Worlds of Origin,” Sup, Feb.

JOAN VATSEK ”The Duel,” F&SF, May.

KURT VONNEGUT, JR. “The Manned Missiles,” Cos, July.

PAUL WALLACH “Piggy,” Swank, Dec.

JAMES WHITE “Tableau,” NW, May.

JEANNE WILLIAMS “The Hunter and The Cross,” Fant., Aug.

RICHARD WILSON “Man Working,” “Star#4.”

JOHN WYNDHAM “Idiot’s Delight,” NW, June.

ROBERT F. YOUNG “Magic Window,” FU, Aug.
