AS SOON AS she woke up, Josie called Jill. They agreed to meet at the office half an hour before the workday was scheduled to begin. Josie could hear Jill’s nervousness over the phone. She fed the cat, wrote a quick note to Tyler thanking him for showing her the video the night before and reminding him to return it to the store, and started down the steps.

Risa was waiting at the bottom.

“Cara, I not sleep last night.”

“What’s wrong?” Josie asked, instantly concerned.

“I think about you and your work and that television show.”

Josie smiled. “I appreciate your concern, Risa, but I really have to go now. I have a meeting before work.”


“We’ll talk tonight.”

“Cara, that producer, that Roberto Valentine-”

Josie stopped. “What about him?”

“He was here last night. He was looking for you. He said it was important.”

“Did he say what was important?”

“No, just that he must see you and talk with you. That it was important,” she repeated.

Josie thought for a moment. Did Bobby Valentine know Courtney was dead? Did that mean he knew where the body was located? “Did he say anything, anything at all, that would give you a clue as to what he wanted?”

Risa repeated her statement. “It was important.”

“Well, I’ll be sure I see him as soon as possible. What’s this?” she added as Risa handed her a large paper bag.

“With that man running around talking about important things to say to you, and little Tyler looking so serious and worried, I start to get upset myself. So I bake. I calm down.”

Josie opened the bag and peeked in. “Biscotti! Risa, thank you!”

“I have a bag for Tyler, too. I think you not do much home cooking this season.”

Josie hugged her. “You’re the best, and you know Tyler prefers cooking from your home to anything I might produce. I’ve got to run. Thank you! Thank you!”

Josie got in her truck, started it, and plunged her hand into the bag of biscotti. Her overalls were getting a bit tight, but no sane person would turn down Risa’s cooking. She munched all the way to the office.

Jill was perched on the front porch rail of the office for Island Contracting. Swinging her legs, her long hair moving in the early morning breeze, she didn’t look much older than Tyler. Then Josie remembered the video.

But the face that looked up at her wasn’t that of a naive young woman with nothing on her mind. Josie got the impression that Jill had passed a difficult night.


Jill’s response was a surprise. “You know, don’t you?”

Josie decided to be honest. “About the films-the tapes- yes, I do. My son and his friend…”

“I can guess.” Jill jumped down and slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans. Josie realized for the first time that Jill’s clothing was always a size or two too large. It was, she now realized, an attempt to camouflage a remarkable body. “Do I get two weeks’ severance or doesn’t that apply?”

Josie was taken aback. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re firing me, aren’t you?”

“No, why would I fire you?”

“Because of the video.”

“No way. What you did before you came to Island Contracting is your own business.”

“I lied on my application.”

“Well, yes, but…” Josie stopped herself before she admitted that particular activity could be considered an Island Contracting tradition. “You probably thought you had a good reason to,” she finished her sentence.

“But it says on the bottom of the third page of the application that inclusion of inaccurate information is grounds for dismissal.”

“Does that sound like me?” Josie asked, smiling. “It’s just a standardized form.” She thought for a moment. “Maybe I could cover that bit up with Wite-Out.”

Jill’s face brightened and she laughed. “You probably shouldn’t. That would be almost like asking people to lie to you. Don’t you want to know about the people you hire?”

“Sure, but our hiring practices are a bit different from most contractors’. One of the founding principles of Island Contracting is to help people. A lot of people make mistakes, but not a lot are helped to correct them. We do that.”

“Like Dottie.”


“But things are different right now.”

“You’re talking about Courtney.”

Jill nodded. “Yes. Let’s face it, as soon as the police find out she was murdered, Dottie will be a prime suspect.”

“You’re right, of course. But no one knows she’s dead.” And Josie hoped she would be able to figure out who the murderer was before anyone did.

“But once the word about my past is out, Dottie won’t be the only suspect. I can just see the headline ‘Porn Queen Suspect in Murder of Courtney Castle.’ ”

“Porn queen?” Josie repeated the phrase.

“Yeah, like Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile, or Elizabeth, Queen of England. I’ve always wondered what royalty had to do with skin flicks.”

Josie was silent.

“You want to know why I did it, right?”

“Look, it’s your business and I don’t want to be nosy, but…”

“I did it for the same reason most everyone does. So I could eat and keep a roof over my head and pay my car insurance- and save enough money to learn a trade.

“You see, I wasn’t a good student and even though I graduated from high school, I didn’t have any marketable skills. Hell, I was so stupid, I didn’t even know what a marketable skill was. But I had taken a shop class my last semester of my senior year-I think my adviser stuck me in that because I needed the credit to graduate and he figured I wouldn’t have to know anything to pass that class. But after the first week I was hooked.

“I love everything about being a carpenter, from the way the wood smells and feels to the kick I get out of slamming nails into wood and building something from nothing. Unfortunately, I discovered this love a little late in my education. If I’d been smart, I would have flunked yet another class that semester. Then I could have returned in the fall, taken some classes in carpentry, and gotten some qualifications under my belt. As it was, I discovered that the only qualifications I had were under my shirt. Sorry, bad joke.”

“So you got a job acting in skin flicks,” Josie said, repeating the term Jill had used.

“Well, not at first. But it took me less than a month to learn two things: If I was going to be a carpenter, I needed some formal training and getting trained would take more money than I was making working at the mall. Actually, I was working in a T-shirt shop and it was my boss who suggested I apply for a job at a modeling agency on the other side of town. I knew it wasn’t legit-that they were looking for women to do nude stuff-but I didn’t think much about it. The money was good and I figured I’d do a few films, get the cash to go back to school, and that would be that. The pay was great. I did three of those lousy films and made enough money to live and go to tech school for a year.”

“Was it awful?” Josie asked.

“Making the films?”


“A little embarrassing at first. But you get used to anything and the films I was in were pretty tame compared to many these days. The problem is that while thinking about my future, I didn’t think about the future.”

“What do you mean?”

“I forgot that those films would be around for a long time, that I would always have to wonder if someone recognized me.”

“Like Tyler. Has it happened before?”

“No. At least, not that I know of. I suppose someone might recognize me and not say anything. You know, not want to admit to watching things like that and all.”

“What you did… It wasn’t illegal or anything, was it?”

“No. I wasn’t a minor and what I did was just run-of-the-mill porn, not snuff films or anything horrible like that.”

“So it’s just that they were embarrassing. That’s the only reason you hide the fact that you did them.”

“Look. Be honest. If I had listed star of porn videos: Ample Assets, Born to Bop, and Vegetarian Meat-”


“Vegetarian Meat. Apparently the producers were aiming for distribution in the California New Age market.”

“You’re kidding.”

“That’s what I was told.”

“Was it… um… different from the other two?”

“There were some windchimes hanging in the background and we did it on a zafu.”

“A what?”

“It’s this round pillow that people sit on when they meditate-it may be comfortable for that, but for what I was doing, give me the average bed pillow any day of the week. Other than those things, it was same old, same old. You know.” Jill paused. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

“Would I have hired you if I had known about the movies?” Josie thought about the question. “I can’t think of any reason not to. I mean, you had the qualifications to do the job and the experience.” She paused.

“But things are different now that Courtney’s dead.” Jill spoke what she thought Josie was thinking.

“Does that have anything to do with your films?” She asked a second question when Jill didn’t answer the first. “Did Courtney know about them?”

“She may have.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, you know those interviews that Bobby Valentine did yesterday?”


“Twice he referred to me as the photogenic Ms. Pike.”

“But he was filming you.”

“Yes, and he said something about that, too: how much I seemed like someone who was accustomed to being before the camera.”

“Could he have been referring to anything else? Have you done any more legitimate film work?”

“Nope. Not a bit. Those videos and whatever is shown on Courtney Castle’s Castles. That’s it. I wondered, you know, if I should tell someone about the films once I heard about the television show.”


“Because once you’re on TV, you’re not exactly the same anonymous person you were before. It did occur to me that I might be recognized.”

“Good point. So you thought about telling me about your past when you heard about Courtney’s show.”

“To be honest, no. I did think about telling either Courtney or Bobby Valentine though. I actually tried to bring up the subject with Courtney. But she said she was too busy to talk. That she had to meet someone.”

“When?” Josie asked, surprised when Jill didn’t continue.

“That morning. The morning she interviewed you.”


“Yes. In fact, I think I may have been the last person to see her alive.”

“Well, not the last person,” Josie said. “The last person to see her alive was her killer.”

“The person she said she had to meet,” Jill said.

“Sounds like it to me,” Josie agreed, wondering just who that person could have been.
