“Try to turn around.” Skyler treaded water beside Candice. When she did, he maneuvered so he could untie the rope binding her wrists, thankful there was not enough time for the guard to apply the leg irons. Once free, she did the same for him. They swam to the wall of the cenote and grabbed onto the ledge where he had slept the night before. “Are you okay?”

“I will be when I get my hands on that bitch that pushed me in.”

“Maybe you’ll get your chance. First, we’ve got to get out of here.”

Skyler started searching for the strongest vines. As he did, the well echoed with the sound of a loud whoosh. A rocket shot across the sky above the canopy followed immediately by a Cobra gunship. “The attack on the island has started.”

“What about Escandoza’s threat?” Candice asked.

“He’s just crazy enough.” Skyler found and tested a thick vine. “This one should do.”

The thumping of another helicopter filled the well — it sounded close by and didn’t seem to be moving. In less than a minute, a rope appeared and dangled down the wall followed by the familiar, booming voice. “You gonna stay down there all morning?”

“Is that Mickey?” Candice asked.

“The one and only.” He took the end of the rope and looped it under Candice’s arms. “Hold on tight,” he said and gave her a kiss. “I’ll be right behind you.” Then he swam to the middle of the cenote and signaled Gates to pull her up.

Soon the rope was thrown back down. This time, Skyler didn’t wait to be pulled up, but instead used it to climb out. At the top, he took Candice into his arms and held her tight. Then he turned to his brother from a different mother. “How did you find us?”

“We knew where you were since last night from your heat signature.” Gates pointed skyward. “Drone.” They had to shout over the sound of the Seahawk hovering nearby. “Figured you were the only one that could wind up getting himself trapped in a sacrificial well.”

“Thank you, my friend. Now let’s get this party started.” Skyler led Candice to where the cables from the Seahawk hung down in the clearing. Soon, the three, along with two Army Rangers, were skimming across the top of the jungle canopy toward columns of black smoke rising from the direction of the korium lab compound. The battle had been quick and destructive. Numerous bodies lay scattered about.

As the helicopter maneuvered in for a landing on the beach, Skyler saw a line of men being marched to waiting motor launches — Escandoza’s men along with sailors from the Tiger Shark guarded by Rangers.

“Where are they taking them?” Skyler asked.

“Out to the Iwo Jima about eight kilometers to the east,” Gates replied.

As they stepped out onto the sand, Candice started running toward the line of prisoners. “There she is!”

“Oh shit.” Skyler took off after her with Gates right behind.

Teresa Castillo walked near the end of the line, her hands secured behind her. When she saw Candice charging toward her she froze with a shocked expression.

“You tried to kill us!” Candice screamed and came to a halt a few inches from her face.

The guards and prisoners stopped and turned to watch.

“How did you—”

“Escape?” Before Castillo could brace herself, Candice slapped her so hard that the woman lost her balance and dropped to the ground. A couple of Escandoza’s men reacted with whoops and whistles as if they wanted to see more. Apparently, Castillo was not so popular with everyone in Escandoza’s organization.

Skyler grabbed Candice and pulled her away, but not before she yelled, “That’s just the beginning of what’s in store for you in prison.”

“Calm down, Candy.” He held her so she couldn’t go at Castillo again. “She’ll get what’s coming to her.”

The guards helped Castillo to her feet, and the line began moving again.

“Damn, Candy,” Gates said. “I always took you for being mild mannered and easy going. You slapped the crap out of her.”

“Give me five more minutes with her and she’ll need a plastic surgeon.”

Gates turned to Skyler. “Remind me to never piss off your lady.”

“Candy,” Skyler said, “I’m going to arrange for you to be choppered out to the Iwo Jima where you’ll be safe.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“You’ve established that. But this is still a hot zone. I’ll feel better when you’re safely on board the amphibious assault ship.”


“No buts.” He took her by the arm and led her back to the Seahawk. “This will all be over soon and then we’ll take a long vacation.”

“As long as you promise that if you spot a Russian sub, you ignore it and come back to bed.”

