Bases loaded

"Give it to me."

We're having lunch in the Bistro at the Ritz-Carlton.

Opened in the year 2000 in a turn of the century bank, the hotel features grand marble columns both on the exterior and in its spectacular lobby.

"I spent the morning buying the most expensive baseball cards at three local shops."

"What was the spend?"

"Sixty grand, give or take."

"Connor, are you crazy?"

Connor ignores my crack. "I assumed that when anybody farts in this business everyone knows about it. By the time I arrived at Burger's the grapevine had informed him that I was a mooch." A 'mooch' in our business is anyone that buys blindly and spends money like a drunk.

"I drop an additional twenty thousand with Leon on the cards from Mr. Bigfoot."

"And your strategy, exactly…"

"I hint that I'm in the market for high end stuff. That money is no object."

"Did he bite?"

"Are you kidding? He suggests that he may be able to lay his hands on something special. How high am I willing to go? I reiterate no limit. A large number will take less than a day to put together. Honestly Picker, you can practically see the dumb bastard drool. Leon tells me to meet him back at the store at eight this evening."

"When the store’s closed."

"You got it."


The hotel manager walked over and politely inquired about 'the dog' lying at my feet. Next, he politely informed me that any animal that is not a 'helper animal' is not permitted. Connor stood and guided the man into a quiet corner. He returned a few minutes later.

"No problem."

"Connor, what did you say to him?"

"You don't want to know." Maybe he was right.

We finish lunch; indulge in dessert and coffee. Connor headed to a local branch of an American bank that he deals with to put the money together. I head home to put the final touches on our plan for this evening.

I heading west on Route 76, the Schuylkill Expressway when my phone rings. TJ. I asked him to make a second stop at Hocus Pocus and pick up some additional equipment for tonight. We agree to rendezvous at my place to eat and outline the plan.

I stop at the Trader Joe's in the quaint town of Wayne. Pick up some pasta, sauce, a baguette and the makings of a salad. Standard bachelor fare. Head east on Lancaster Avenue back to my house.

Kato and I have the place to ourselves for the time being. I get to work preparing dinner. By the time everything is on the table Connor and TJ have showed up. Even Uncle Moe managed to make an appearance.

"Very simple gentlemen," I said as I twirled spaghetti onto the fork. "Connor, you're up first. Enter the Sport's Emporium through the front door alone."

“I’ll need a gun.” This is where Connor and I are different.

“No guns.”

“Whatever you say little brother. You’re the boss.”

After dinner we grab some coffee and light up our cigars. We spent the next hour going over the details and any contingencies we may encounter.

"You sure that you lads know what you're doing?" Uncle Moe making his contribution.

Connor attempts a steely glare at our Uncle, but you can still see the smile sneak onto his face. "Uncle Moe, we're not virgins."

"Aye, laddie. You must be remembering, though, that the best plans fall apart with the first encounter of the enemy."

We all laugh. The old man's right. "In that case Uncle Moe, perhaps you'd come along to give us a hand."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world boys."

I looked at Connor and TJ. Brave boys with big hearts. Putting themselves in danger to right a wrong not leveled at them. I took a deep breath, turned up the wattage on my smile and said,

"Let's saddle up."
