Special thanks to Cherith Baldry
CLEAR SKY—light gray tom with blue eyes
FALLING FEATHER—young white she-cat
MOON SHADOW—black tom
LEAF—gray-and-white tom
PETAL—small yellow tabby she-cat with green eyes
QUICK WATER—gray-and-white she-cat
FROST—pure white tom with blue eyes
FIRCONE—tortoiseshell tom
NETTLE—gray tom
TALL SHADOW—black, thick-furred she-cat with green eyes
GRAY WING—sleek, dark gray tom with golden eyes
JAGGED PEAK—small gray tabby tom with blue eyes
DAPPLED PELT—delicate tortoiseshell she-cat with golden eyes
RAINSWEPT FLOWER—brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
SHATTERED ICE—gray-and-white tom with green eyes
CLOUD SPOTS—long-furred black tom with white ears, white chest, and two white paws
JACKDAW’S CRY—young black tom with blue eyes
HAWK SWOOP—orange tabby she-cat
ACORN FUR—chestnut brown she-cat
THUNDER—orange tom with amber eyes and big white paws
WIND—wiry brown she-cat with yellow eyes
GORSE—thin, gray tabby tom
THORN—she-cat with a short, thick gray coat and bright blue eyes
DEW—mangy tom with splotchy fur
RIVER RIPPLE—silver, long-furred tom
MISTY—gray-and-white she-cat
BUMBLE—plump tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes
TURTLE TAIL—tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes