"OH, BEN, I LOVE IT. I SIMPLY LOVE IT." MIMI SEGAL whirled around like a ballerina pirouetting, her arms outstretched, her head lifted, her blond hair flowing in the crisp autumn breeze, she squinted against the reflection of the sun on the dancing wavelets. "There's a sign there on the beach that says Private. Does that mean it's a private beach?"

"I should think so," said her husband. "The lot goes down to the beach so the beach must be part of it. Those houses on either side, they each have paths leading to those little landing docks, so I guess these lots include the adjoining part of the beach."

"How did you find it? And how do you know it's for sale?"

He smiled fondly at her. "While you've been going in to Boston shopping, I've been wandering around the area." He was a good bit older than she, fifty to her thirty-eight, so there was a touch of the avuncular in his affection for her. "I saw this place when I walked out to the lighthouse yesterday."

"But how do you know it's for sale?" she persisted.

"Anything is for sale if the price is right." He turned to where the car was parked and called out to the chauffeur. "Hey, you know who owns this land?"

The chauffeur, who had been provided along with the car by the Rohrbough Corporation, shook his head. "I don't know, sir."

"Well, they'll know in town." Segal said to Mimi. "Let's walk along the beach and see what it's like." He put his arm around her waist, and because she was taller than he and was always worried that he might be self-conscious about it, she bent her head to rest on his shoulder, he was of average height, but she was tall for a woman, like a fashion model. It was her second marriage, and she had met him shortly after she had managed to free herself of an alcoholic husband, she had had doubts when he had indicated that he wanted to marry her, mostly because at forty-seven, he was still a bachelor. What was wrong with him? Why hadn't some woman grabbed him up long ago? He was not bad-looking. In fact, she decided she liked his sharp, intense face, with its sensitive mouth and long thin nose, with his shock of iron-gray hair, she thought he was even distinguished-looking. So she had agreed—and had no regrets.

"Are you sure this is what you want. Ben?" she asked anxiously.

"About building a house here?"

"About that, and well, everything, leaving Chicago, giving up finance to go into production—"

He halted in his stride, the better to explain. "You plan and you maneuver and you finally bring it off and make a lot of money. But even more, there's tremendous satisfaction in it, the second time, there's satisfaction, but it's not such a big deal, and then after a while, it becomes just another business. Because, you see, you know how to do it now. It becomes routine. Sure, there's a lot of money to be made, but that's all."

"Most people would say that's enough."

He nodded. "Sure. But if you use it just to make more money, there's no sense to it. I couldn't spend it; I never learned how, not the kind of money I was making. So I used it for leverage to make more deals—"

"But what do other businessmen do?" she asked.

"Some of them make things, or transport them, or distribute them so people have access to them, that seems more worthwhile."

"You do the same thing Bert Richardson does, and you've always admired him tremendously."

"You bet, and do you know what he told me? That he felt the same way. But what keeps him going, he told me, is that he's got three sons, and he hopes maybe they'll be able to make better use of his money than he has, then I began thinking, there's one thing I could buy with my money. I could buy a new lifestyle, a lot of men have that idea when they get to my age. Doctors want to become businessmen, lawyers want to become college professors, businessmen want to become artists or actors. Not many of them do. Most of them feel they can't afford it, or they're afraid to take the chance. But here I am with plenty of money and sick of just putting deals together. Why shouldn't I try something else? So I started to look around, and when this Rohrbough proposition came up, I thought I'd like to try operating it."

"I'm glad you told me. Ben," she said. "I was afraid you were doing it for me because of what I said once about wanting to live a normal life and be a part of a community."

"Then you don't mind?" he asked.

"Mind? I love it Ben."

"And you don't miss your friends in Chicago?"

"We have no friends in Chicago. Ben. Just business associates. You can't make friends when you live in a hotel, not even in a big suite in a residential hotel. You're always just a transient. Oh, Ben. I'm so happy. Let's celebrate."

"You're on,” he said. "But look. I was planning to drop in at one of the local banks, they do the payroll for Rohrbough, and I wanted to size the place up. I'll have the driver drop me off there, and you'll go on to the hotel, we'll get together around noon."

"How are you going to find out who owns it?"

"No problem there. I'll ask at one of the local realty offices, they'd know. Or I could ask at the bank. Look, baby, I'll pick you up afterward, and we'll drive up the coast and have lunch at some restaurant where they specialize in fish and seafood. I've been hankering for it since we came. How about it, baby?"

"SWell, But the car will be parked at the hotel, so why don't I plan on picking you up?"

"I'll give you a call."
