author’s note

For one reason or another, some of my closest, most beloved friends are not mentioned by name in this book. To them I say, “Count your blessings.”

Mentioned, although not adequately thanked (it’s not that kind of book), are: Louis R. Guzzo, Dr. James Dilley, Luther Nichols, and Ted Solotaroff; men who innocently aided and abetted my literary advancement. To them I say, “It’s okay: You could not have foreseen the result.”

In addition to the women named herein, there are many others (ranging, alphabetically, from Libby Burke and E. Jean Carroll to Carolyn Watson and Theresa Zoro) who in one way or another have had a significant impact on my life. To them I say, “The gravy would have been damned lumpy, the champagne only dishwater without you.”

My little dog, Blini, likewise fails to appear in this tome, although I did dedicate my last novel to her, and anyway she can’t read. (I’ve no idea how she learned to recite those dramatic verses from Beowulf.)

I do wish to bow in gratitude before my insightful and certainly courageous editor, Daniel Halpern, for professing to find something flavorful, even nourishing, in these accounts of mine, and for encouraging me to keep spilling the beans.

Tom Robbins

La Conner, Washington

September 2013
