Upon termination of this day's session with the assassin Polemides [my grandfather continued], as he and I took leave of one another, the man requested of me a service.
His sea chest, he declared, lay now in storage at the officers' commissary at Munychia naval base, in care of the porter. Would I retrieve it for him? There were documents in it he wished to show me. More, he added, would I keep this chest after his execution?
I urged the man not to get ahead of himself. Acquittal was possible, perhaps even probable, given Socrates' conviction and the powerful association in the public mind between the philosopher and Alcibiades. Alcibiades' repute stood now at its ebb; this did not augur inauspiciously for any in faction of opposition to him.
“Yes, of course.” Polemides smiled. “I forgot.”
Passing out of the prison, a violent thundershower detained me at the portal. As I waited on the storm's passage a boy approached, dashing from the victualer's shop across the way and, confirming my identity, bade me abide a few moments longer. An older man could be seen, a cripple, hobbling into the lane from the same shop.
The fellow shambled across, presenting himself before me in the posture of a panhandler. I retreated, set to step into the downpour rather than endure the assault of this unkempt and aggressive mute. “You don't recognize me, do you, sir?”
The man's voice struck me through.
“It's Eumelus of Oa, Cap'n. 'Bruise.' From the old Europa.”
“Bruise? By the Holy Twain, can it be you?”
This man had served with me at Abydos and Bitch's Tomb under Alcibiades, twenty years into the war and eleven prior to this day. He had been a toxotes, a marine archer, and something of a personal batman to me. A game but inexpert boxer, hence his nickname, he possessed the courage of an eagle and harbored ambitions to rise in service. At Abydos he had borne me from Europa's quarterdeck when my leg had been sheared in the action.
Bruise had remained in service to the bitter end: Aegospotami.
He was captured by Lysander and sentenced to death but was reprieved to the slavers' block by the lie that his mother was Megarian and he thus not an Athenian citizen. “Soon as they burned me, I skipped. I was home in time to watch Lysander sail in and take our surrender.”
He led me across to the victualry. The shop was his; the lad his grandson. Through his daughter-in-law, he testified, he had secured a contract under the Eleven Administrators; his mart provisioned the warders and inmates, since the refectory's shuttering in the latest crackdown. He, Bruise, had noted my passing in and out of the prison, but this day was the first, he said, that he had summoned the temerity to approach.
We spoke of vanished comrades and departed times. He remarked the case of Socrates. Bruise had been among the five hundred and one jurors; he had voted to condemn. “A man come up to me by the Anaceum, told me if I liked my contract I'd toss the black pebble.”
Parting, my old shipmate drew me aside to confide this caution: certain unscrupulous turnkeys may approach me or others of the philosopher's party, proposing for a fee to spirit the prisoner to freedom. This was a drama he, Bruise, had witnessed no few times: the midnight horse, the dash for the frontier, the double cross.
“First peep you hear, Cap'n, come to me. I know these blackguards.
I'll spring your friend myself before I'll let 'em turn the left hand upon him.” I took this intelligence seriously and thanked him from the heart.
The storm had abated; I stood upon the point of taking leave. I must inquire of my old mate if he had acquaintance of Polemides.
Indeed. “A good marine; none better.” What about Polemides' part in Alcibiades' assassination, I probed, for I knew that Bruise, as so many of the Samos fleet, revered their old commander and upheld his memory with passion. To my surprise Bruise harbored no rancor toward the assassin.
“But he betrayed Alcibiades,” I pressed.
Bruise shrugged. “Who didn't?”
At home that night, prompted perhaps by Polemides' request for retrieval of his sea chest, I mounted to the loft in search of my own. To this day sea fighters mark their coffers in the time-honored manner, carving into the pine the stations upon which they have served and tacking beside each a coin of that province. I brought my chest into the library. When the porter delivered Polemides' next day, no other site seemed apt, so I had him set it down, side by side with my own.
How different were we, the assassin and myself, who had served our country, both, down thrice nine years of war? Who could tell, remarking our baggage?
I opened my own. At once arose the smells of campaigns, and campaigners, past. I must sit, overcome, and wept for those companions upon whom eternal night had closed, and these, philosopher and assassin, who must tread that same dark passage soon.
My wife, your grandmother, chanced to pass at that moment and, discovering her husband in this case, crossed to me and in kindness inquired of my state. I had made a decision, I told her-just now, this instant.
By all the gods I would toil for Polemides' exoneration, nor stay at any measure within the law to see him freed.