Carol picked herself up from the ground. She was in a crouching position, her knees sliding across the soft mud. The storm had ended. Occasionally, she could see glimpses of the stars and moon through the tumbling clouds.

The light from the opened barn door illuminated the area where she was sprawled. A cold wind from the north chilled her flesh. Shivering, the blonde teen rubbed her fingers over her arms, clenching her thighs together to protect her warm little pussy.

She was dirty, smelly, fouled. Carol couldn't stand herself. Her flesh reeked of piss. She'd been nothing more than a human urinal. And now she was crouched down in the dirt, shivering in front of three men while they made all sorts of lewd remarks. The weight of her tits pulled at her upper chest while her fingers clawed into the wet dirt. They were going to clean her up? How, by rolling her around in the mud? Another blast of wind blew her hair out behind her, raising goosepimples all over her body.

"Hey, baby, what's the matter, a little chilly for you?" Billy called out. He buttoned his shirt, running his fingers through his hair while rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Whew, glad she's downwind. With all that fucking' piss on 'er she'd make me throw up if I smelled it," Jack said, rubbing his chin with one hand while scratching his balls with the other.

"Yeah, she needs a good bath," Ron grinned, looking at Billy. Reaching out, he ripped her stained panties off.

The older farm boy walked around to one side of the barn building and uncoiled a long green hose. Carol watched as he flipped the hose over and over, untangling it, muttering curses while Jack helped him and Ron tighten the end fixture to the wall spigot.

In a second they were through.

"Get up and get cleaned," Billy ordered.

Carol sobbed, pushing her hair from her eyes and staggering to her feet. Another chilly blast made her fold one leg over the other, trying to protect her cunt. The wind made her pussy-hairs flutter as Ron turned on the spigot at Billy's command.

A blast of ice-cold water smashed into the girl's rib cage. Carol opened her mouth in surprise, making odd gagging sounds. Billy and Jack worked the heavy hose, playing the stream of cold water over her body. The blonde teenager backed away, her feet slipping on the icy mud as she struggled to keep her balance. But it was so difficult. The streaming jet of water splashed around her, sending up small sprays of mud that pelted her thighs and face.

"Clean 'er up good. I don't wanna fuck a toilet seat," Billy said.

Carol glared at him. For the first time rage overcame her terror. She summoned enough energy and will to spit in his direction. But her action only made her cousin laugh and move the hard stream of water down to her ankles. Unprepared for that, Carol spun around, her arms flailing out helplessly as she fell heavily to the ground.

"Oh, God!" she cried between her clenched teeth, trying to struggle to her feet. But Billy enjoyed watching her struggle in the mud. He directed the stream of water at her crotch. The spray hit the sensitive flesh, opening her wide as the blast of water nearly paralyzed all movement.

Carol screamed, dropping her hands to her crotch. She was going to freeze to death, die of exposure. The wind was picking up, moving her wet hair against her face. The young blonde could feel the droplets of cold water hitting the sensitive folds of her cuntal mouth. Some tickled her clit, creating a strange erotic sensation. Carol scooted back, leaving a trail in the cold mud.

She rolled onto her belly, clawing at the wet dirty, trying to get her pussy away from the moving stream. Her long hair tangled around her neck, catching under her shoulders as the young men followed her carefully. She was covered with slime, shivering like a cornered animal. This was being cleaned up? She fought to get free of the spray. But the boys followed her with it, hitting her ankles with the water whenever Carol seemed to be getting her balance.


The water shot straight up between her thighs. The blast against her asshole felt like a long, cold tongue. The streaks on her buttocks and sides from the belt throbbed under the constant cold pressure of the shooting water.


Carol gasped, her slick body sliding on the wet smooth ground. She didn't want to turn to face the stream. She could imagine Billy drowning her with the water if he felt like it. The girl tried to turn sideways, keeping her back to her cousin. Her flesh turned blue as the roaring water drove the life from her body. Her tits jiggled, bouncing violently as the girl struggled against the powerful spray.

Billy stepped around, directing the water against all parts of Carol's body. The young blonde tried to keep her face and tits away. But there was no chance of doing that in the face of her cousin. All the muscles in her body were stiffening and contracting. She turned and twisted every way to keep the water from her face and cunt.

Carol twisted her head around finally. In front of the brightly lit barn doorway were the three men. Billy held the hose level with his cock. For a second, the girl thought of him pissing on her, his bright yellow urine splashing against her face and tits and cunt. Then the hose blasted against her tits. Her nipples twitched, becoming stiff under the constant cold stimulation. She felt the whole mass of each round heavy tit aching with strange arousal. The cold water contrasted oddly with the inner heat throbbing in her books. Carol panted, crying out, putting her hands up to break the constant steady spray of water.

"She clean yet?"

"Gotta take care of her ass, Jack," Billy said, lowering the hose and shooting the water against the soles of her feet.

Carol cried out, feeling her body slowly becoming numb to the steady cold. In a way, the water was heating up her flesh, almost giving her a pleasurable sensation. She sprawled on her back, weeping as her cousin played the hose from her tits to her cunt.


The heavy rush of water on her clit and her pussy made Carol's hips rise and fall. She cried out with a mixture of pain and shame, letting her raised knees fail apart. How could she be doing this, in public, and with a stream of cold water? And yet the odd contrast of cold and hot, of rushing water and throbbing cunt, was turning the young teenager on. It was insane, awful! And yet, in spite of this train of thought, her hips still rolled in a fucking motion.

Every time Carol moved her hands over her pussy to try to stop that odd pleasure from the stream, Billy moved the water to blast at her asshole or her nipples. The splashing water bounced off her tits, splashed into her nostrils and mouth, threatening to drown her. Carol then turned her head and gasped, coughing, struggling for air, trying to spit out the water.

Carol had tried but couldn't hide the wild heat from the young men laughing at her. She knew she was rutting there in front of them. Oh, God, could she be so shameless as to do this terrible thing publicly? The girl put her fist to her mouth and gnawed at her knuckles. No matter how much the hosing aroused her, she didn't want them to see her starting to come.

"Man, she's fuckin' the water," Ron said, a smile crossing his lips.

"Yeah, fuck, she's a regular sex machine," Billy said, impressed by his cousin's sexuality. He played the stream more carefully now, concentrating on her nipples, cunt and bunghole.

Carol cried out again, feeling the unmistakable pressure and tension in her crotch. She felt the slow opening and closing of her cuntal muscles. Water, cold water, was actually doing this to her. She'd heard stories about how some women achieved orgasm by sitting in a tub and directing a stream of warm water on their cunts. But this was cold water, drawn from the ground. And yet she was turning on to it, actually fucking it!

"Uhhhhh! Uhhhhh!"

It wouldn't be long before the climax built in her crotch. She closed her eyes and remained totally exposed to the water. She hoped the men would stop when she started to come. If they kept on, she knew she wouldn't be able to resist.

Carol twisted her hips around, actually looking for the stream. It was starting to feel more and more erotic. The wild, hot, tight feelings in her crotch grew more intense. The water beat at her clit, making Carol clench her teeth tightly together and gasp for air. She was going to come, going to shoot off. The young girl tried to fight off her feelings, but they were so strong she could only float along with them.

Her asscheeks slid on the cold ground. Carol knew all the sweat and piss and cum were washed off her now. But still she wanted to come, to feel that water tickling her pussy while she came and came and came. Gritting her teeth, she tried to force her orgasm.

Then Billy moved the stream from her crotch, blasting it across her tits. Carol thought the freezing water would strangle her. She fought with all her strength for short breaths as water splashed into her mouth and nose. Her chest spasmed, while her pussy ached and throbbed crazily. She heard the young men laughing.

Totally out of control, Carol wanted to scream. The water and the gut-wrenching force of her cum wouldn't let her. She thrashed on the ground, agonized by the growing tension in her snatch. She knew her mind was fading even as she tried to regain control of her body. The sound of the rushing water drowned everything out.

"Ohhh, yeah, baby, come on, come on the water, go on bitch, work it on out," Billy said. He moved the water up and down, fucking her with the stream, closing his eyes and pressing the hose against his crotch. He was fucking her, using the water was an extension of his dick. Opening her pussy with the stream, tickling her clit with it, spreading her asscheeks while making her jerk and twitch on the wet ground, make him gasp for breath. He thought he was going to shoot off right there in his pants. The young farm boy struggled for control, inhaling deep breaths while leaving off touching his stiff dick. No, he had other plans for his cock. He knew he was ready to fuck with his cousin again. Now she was cleaned off, hot, ready to trot, ready to submit to more of his perversions without a whimper. "Nooooo!"

Carol rolled over, feeling the water blasting against the spasming ring of her asshole. The girl strangled on her sobs and gasps, her breath driven out of her lungs by her powerful orgasm. The bright light streaming from the barn doorway darkened as her nerves exploded. With a howl, the girl rolled away from the cold mud, landing in a clump of high grass.

Billy followed her, blasting the dirt and hay from her flesh while Carol thrashed, crying out wild, broken phrases as she dropped over the edge and into the throes of orgasm.

Carol dragged her clawed fingers over the dry, cold ground now as if she were trying to get away from the wild power of her own reaction. Her flesh was painfully tight, stretched over her bones and muscles by the chill. The tightness of her hard nipples hurt. Everything seemed to throb in her body as the last droplets of the cleansing stream of water fell away. Now the young blonde could feel the cold wind even more. She was going to die from exposure, she knew it! Carol crawled slowly over the clean dry grass, still clawing to get away.

The naked, tortured, still-climaxing young woman managed to stagger up to her feet, her head snapping as she still felt her pussy climaxing. Billy turned the hose on the blonde's asscheeks, making those fleshy globes jiggle and spread apart. Carol felt her pussy-walls crash down and grind against nothing. She thought of cocks, of tongues, of anything that would fit inside her pussy. Rolling on her back, the teenager rubbed her right hand over her spasming cuntal mound, feeling the furry labes moving under her pressure. Oh, how good it was to climax!

Carol lay there for several minutes while the boys shut off the hose and rolled it up by the side of the barn. She was floating half in a dream. Her head lolled. Two of the boys were carrying her back into the barn. What else could they possible do to her?

Everything was light again. She squinted, turning her face away from the brightness. Carol felt someone covering her with a coarse woolen horse blanket. One of the boys shifted his grip on her torso and shoved her forward.

"Let's get 'er on the table. We'll show 'er how to behave, not to trot that little ass of hers around and tease guys," Billy growled.

"I swear, I haven't done that. Oh, Billy, haven't you done enough to me? I'm your cousin, your own cousin," she sobbed, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Man, it's worse when you don't know what the fuck you've been doin'. All you cunts are the same… tease a dude, then not put out. Well, you're gonna put-out… lots tonight," Billy said as Ron and Jack pulled the blanket off her shoulders and forced her down on a saddle table.

She was in another stall.

In the center of the table was a drawer. Billy now opened it, dipping his hand in and drawing out a weird assortment of metal objects. They all looked like things that would be used on the farm. But on closer inspection, Carol saw these weren't work instruments. Her uncle had nothing like this in his basement.

Billy tugged her thighs widely apart as Jack and Ron held her arms back, pressing her wrists against the back of the table. Billy took the first stirrup-like clamp and opened the screw, slipping the cold metal over her cuntlips and tightening it down. Carol stiffened her back, throwing her head to one side and letting out a low moan. Her tits rolled gently forward, slapping back, on her chest as she felt the cold metal pressing at first gently, then far more intensely against her labes. Billy had her cunt-lip trapped in the screw and was tugging it against her thigh.

"Yeah," Billy said, smiling as the young teenager gritted her teeth in pain. The pulling sensation was grueling. All the beating she'd, received earlier paled under the possible agony waiting her. Carol watched as her cousin took out another screw and clamped it to her left labe, screwing it against her other thigh. Her cunt-lips were pulled far apart now. Oh, God, how grotesque!

"How about the rings?" Ron said, licking his lips in excitement. He and Jack pulled her arms back tightly, feeling a thrill of power when Carol moaned. Her shoulders and arms were aching.

"Sure… but not for the ears, Carol," Billy said, taking out a pair of heavy rings from the drawer, opening them, then attaching them to her nipples. Carol shivered under the heavy pull of the metal on her cunt-lips and her tit-tips. They were pushing her to the limit, watching to see what would drive her mad. No, no, she wouldn't give Billy and his friends the pleasure of watching her break down in front of them. They could throw anything they wanted at her, even laugh as they forced her to come. There seemed to be nothing she could do to control her pussy. But Carol could control her stamina, finding new strength in her sexuality to oppose these boys, to fight off their struggle to bring her to heel. They could make her cum shamelessly, but they couldn't crush her in the dirt permanently. She clenched her teeth, refusing to scream. She had to survive.

Billy took out some cord and threw it to Jack. The two young farm boys bound her wrists to the legs of the table, stretching her arms over her head. The cord was thin, cutting into the already chafed flesh. Carol knew the more she struggled the more damage she'd do to her wrists.

"Tight up there?" Billy asked, pulling more rope from the drawer.

"Hog-tied!" Ron yelled.

Carol's cousin bound her ankles to her thighs with the thicker twine, making sure, her knees would point up straight in the air. Then he attached a broad loop to one knee, ran the twine under the table, then slid it around her other knee. Carol saw that this method of knotting prevented her from snapping her knees and thighs together. She was completely opened now, vulnerable to anything.

"Okay," he told her as she lay there, "I'm really gonna start on you."

Carol groaned. Her body was distorted, pain cramping her muscles. As she watched, Billy opened his shirt, tugging open his Levi's, pushing them down to his knees. Ron and Jack did the same. She stretched her neck, watching as the three men worked their fingers over their limp cocks until their rods grew thick and long.

"I've beaten the fuck outta you with this thing," Billy said, holding his belt in his hand and trailing the tip over her thighs, "But I ain't never hit down there."

Billy snapped his hand back, and jerked it forward, letting the looped belt strike down hard at her clit.

"Eeeeeyyyahhhhh!" Carol shrieked. She couldn't believe anything could hurt like that. Agonizing pain ripped through her crotch, radiating to all parts of her body. The girl's back arched, her head snapping from side to side while her fingers and toes fanned out. The muscles bulged out against her welted flesh as scream after scream ripped from her throat.

Billy waited until his cousin calmed down, then struck at her pussy again. Carol bounced her asscheeks wildly on the table, desperately puffing at the twine cutting into her skin at every move, trying to get away. The girl tried to clamp her thighs together, but of course the ropes held her cunt wide open. Was this the ultimate torture? Was he going to ruin her for life? Looking up at Billy's savage, twisted face, Carol was sure he was!
