Pontius Pilate Roman Governor of Judea AD 26-36
Emperors: Augustus 27BC-AD14 Tiberius AD 14-37
c4 Jesus born (Strange to think the entire BC/AD system of dates was based on a miscalculation of the date of Jesus’ birth by a 6th-century monk called Dionysius Exiguus or Dennis the Little, who is credited with inventing the Anno Domini system)
Massacre of Innocents
c28 Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
c30 Crucifixion
c63 Joseph of Arimathea supposedly returned to Glastonbury with the Chalice and the cruets containing Christ’s blood and sweat and set up a church there based on 12 donated hides of land
Chronology of the story
22/21 Flavius and Gaius born
15 Lydia born
2 Gaius and Lydia married
6 Gaius and Lydia to Damascus
8 Flavius arrives in Caesarea
10 Petronilla born
12 Gaius takes his family to Britannia
13 Family moves to Glastonbury
13 Romanus born
25-26 Jesus in Glastonbury