Like most BHVs, Yummi was a communist. Not in the political sense of opposing democracy or capitalism, but in the literal sense that she was part of a commune. The same urge to help others often lent itself to living with a like-minded group of people who shared the workload and ownership of everything within their community. In Yummi’s case, it was a parking farm called Eden.
“Fifteen men and fifteen women live there,” she said. Earlier she’d called ahead, and told them to prep the infirmary for our arrival. “We’re very discriminating on who we allow to join. They have to meet our high ideological and physical standards. The sex is fab. I’m bi, and so are the other girls. We swap partners all the time. I’m highly orgasmic, so it’s a perfect lifestyle for me.”
“I love you,” McGlade said. “I’ve never loved anyone more.”
We’d exited dissytown without anyone else trying to kill us, leaving McGlade’s bike chained to the fence, and eventually arrived at her building. It was multilevel parking garage, retrofitted for foliage farming.
“We sit on an acre of land, but we have nine floors, so we can harvest nine acres, eighteen if we include the vines on the ceilings. It’s mostly fruits and veggies. We only eat a small portion of it. The rest is donated to the dissys, or sold to the local supermarket.”
“Do you make enough to support yourselves?”
She snorted. “Of course not. Everyone in Eden is an SLP.”
“I have money,” McGlade said.
Yummi flipped her green hair back. “The infirmary is on the second floor.”
Instead of taking the stairs, we walked up the gradual incline. Like its biblical namesake, the garden was expansive and impressive. Plants of all types grew in a seemingly haphazard way, different species intermingling on every square inch of space. Even the pathways were clover.
“Looks natural, doesn’t it? Our horticulturalist, Barry, believes plants grow better when they compete with other species. So instead of having all the tomatoes, or watermelons, grouped together, we plant them in different locations.”
“It’s so pretty,” McGlade said. “Pretty pretty pretty.”
“Do you have any narcotic antagonists?” I asked.
“We have everything. It’s right through here.”
We veered off the path, heading for a door. I touched my head where my ear used to be. The bleeding had slowed to a trickle, but it still stung like crazy.
“We’ll fix you up,” Yummi said, giving me a pat on the ass. “Don’t worry.”
McGlade stopped walking. He was staring at a monarch butterfly, which had landed on his chest.
“Hello, little guy. Aren’t you beautiful?” He tried to pet the insect, and smeared it all over his shirt. Then he picked off a crumpled wing and released it into the air. “Go on. Fly free, little butterfly.”
I took McGlade under the arm and led him into the infirmary. The white room was a stark contrast to all the green outside. We sat McGlade up on one of the three examination tables, and a naked woman walked in.
“Awesome,” McGlade said.
Like Yummi, she also had dyed hair. Hers was pink. And like Yummi, her body was pretty close to being flawless. The two women gave each other a quick French kiss.
“Are these the two you mentioned earlier?” the new arrival asked, winking at me.
“Yes.” Yummi rubbed my shoulder. “And this is the one I told you about.”
“I’m Tasty,” the pinkette said, running her hand over her breast.
“I’ll bet you are,” McGlade said. “I have a butterfly. See?” He pointed to the spot on his shirt.
“Tasty, can you give that one some Narcon?” Yummi said.
“Opiate overdose?”
“Yes. Be ready with the sevo, too.”
“Sure. Can I do his arm?”
Yummi looked at me. “Tasty’s in school, studying for her MD. Is it okay if she works on your friend?”
“I’m sure he’d like that.”
“I love you, Tasty,” McGlade said. “I’ve never loved anyone more.”
Tasty handed McGlade a pill. He swallowed it, then asked, “What was that?”
“A narcotic antagonist. It reverses the effect of opiates.”
McGlade smiled; then his face contorted in agony. “FUCK! MY FUCKING ARM!”
Tasty slapped a gas mask to his face and turned on the sevoflurane. McGlade took a breath and then flopped over. Tasty secured his forehead, chest, and legs to the table, using straps.
Yummi put me on a table as well, and had me lie down.
“You don’t mind if I take this off, do you? In Eden, we all prefer going around naked.”
“If you insist.”
Yummi peeled off her latex outfit, looking as amazing as I’d expected her to look without clothes. She removed something from a drawer. I winced when I saw what it was. Living skin. I steeled myself, not willing to scream in front of two beautiful, naked women. But Yummi spared me any such indignity, giving my knuckles a spray of topical anesthetic before applying the skin.
“Take this,” she said, handing me a pill I didn’t recognize.
“What is it?”
“Anticoagulant. It will help with the reattachment. May I have your ear?”
I swallowed the pill and handed her my ear. She had me put my head down, applying more anesthetic. Then she picked up an eyedropper and a different type of living skin-one that was gel-based.
“You can’t move,” she said. “If I don’t get this right, your haircut will look crooked.”
“Well, we don’t want that.”
She put a strap over my forehead, and two more across my chest and legs, securing me to the examination table. I stayed perfectly still while she adjusted my ear. As the bacteria did their work, I felt my ear get hot. The warmth spread to my head, and down my neck, my chest, my stomach, eventually reaching my…
“That wasn’t an anticoagulant, was it?” I asked.
“Hypererection pill.” Yummi glanced at my groin. “Seems to be working, I see.”
She lazily trailed her fingers over my belly and then seized me through my pants.
“I’m married,” I told her as she worked her hand up and down.
“Does your prenup have a fidelity clause?”
“No. But I still prefer to remain faithful.”
Yummi licked her lower lip. “Sex is a normal, healthy biological need.”
“You sound like my wife.”
She freed me through my fly and began to stroke me harder. “It’s selfish not to share something this beautiful with others.”
I cleared my throat, then said, “I’m a selfish guy.”
Yummi took a two-handed grip, provoking a sublime sensation that gave me chills. “Your wife is lucky to have such a devoted husband. What does she do?”
“She’s… an SLP.”
“Then as long as I don’t kiss you, she won’t mind.”
“That’s… that’s not the point.” I swallowed and closed my eyes. “I mind.”
“So you’d like me to stop?”
Just say it. “Yes.”
“What about if I did this?” Yummi hopped onto the table and straddled me. Staring deep into my eyes, she slowly impaled herself on my cock. Then she worked her pelvic muscles in a way that could only be described as astonishing.
My breath caught in my throat.
“Still want me to stop?” Yummi said.
“Uhhnnnn… yes.”
“I’ve never had a man reject me before,” Yummi said. “That makes me horny.”
I doubted there were many things that didn’t make Yummi horny, but I didn’t say anything. No point in being mean to the woman who saved my ear.
She increased her tempo and began to moan. I concentrated on not moving my hips, not matching her thrusts. I reached up to try to unstrap my head, but it was no good-the straps were locked down. Yummi grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts, grunting as she did. Then she did more than grunt. She began to moan and, ultimately, scream.
I glanced sideways at McGlade. Tasty had straightened out his arm and was injecting nanotubes into his bones. She saw me watching and winked at me.
“I’m almost done here. I’ll be right over, handsome.”
Just what I needed.
I thought about Vicki, wondering if she’d made it to Sata’s. I wanted to call both of them, but I didn’t think anyone would be able to hear me over Yummi’s cries.
After her eighth or ninth orgasm, she eased herself off me. I thought she’d finally had enough. Or perhaps decided to respect my wishes.
I was wrong on both counts. She simply wanted to change positions, and began to ride me backward.
For my own part, I was holding out pretty well. While I didn’t have the size or the endurance to make the Olympic hyperfucking team, I had pretty good staying power. So I was able to control myself, even when confronted with Yummi’s overdeveloped Kegels.
Then Tasty walked over. She ran a finger across my lips and asked, “Is this seat taken?”
Without waiting for an answer, she climbed onto the table, spreading herself open over my mouth. She was already soaking wet.
“Please use your tongue on me,” she breathed. “Please.”
Not wanting to be rude, I used my tongue on her. When someone sits on your face, it’s impolite not to.
“Aw… come on.” McGlade was awake again, looking visibly annoyed. “In what universe is this fair?”
I tried to answer, but couldn’t talk with my mouth full. It didn’t take long before Tasty climaxed, coming very close to breaking my jaw. Whereas some women were very sensitive after an orgasm, Tasty became more aggressive. There was actually a very real possibility of suffocation. And oddly, the lack of air was making Yummi’s movements feel even more incredible.
“All right! This is more like it!” I followed McGlade’s line of sight and saw another naked woman walk into the infirmary. Purple hair, in long pigtails. She too was devastatingly beautiful, but her perfect breasts were a bit larger than I preferred.
“Is this the killer?” she asked.
Tasty writhed on top of my face, then groaned, “Yes. The one on the news.”
“I never fuct a killer before. Is it hot?”
“Real hot!” Yummi screamed.
“You know what else is hot?” McGlade said. “Fucking a killer’s best friend.”
I made noise until Tasty gave me some breathing room. “So you ladies know who I am?”
The purplette gave Tasty a deep kiss, then stroked my hair. “We know. We saw you murder that poor old lady.” Her eyes got wide and she shuddered. “It was horrible.”
“Are you going to turn me in?”
“Of course we’re going to turn you in. You’re a danger to society.” She stuck her finger into her mouth, then began to touch herself. “But first, we’re going to hump you until you’re dry.”
“Come on!” McGlade yelled. “Why can’t you hump me dry and turn me in?”
Purplette sneered at McGlade. “He’s a killer. A real bad boy. You’re flabby and gross.”
“I’m a killer!” McGlade said. “I killed a roider in dissytown!”
“Sure you did.”
McGlade strained against his bonds. “I’ll prove it! Let me go and I’ll kill somebody else for you!”
I also strained against the straps, which seemed to excite Yummi and Tasty even further. BHVs were law-abiding do-gooders, so it was ironic that violence and death turned them on. But everyone had their kinks, I guess.
“Okay, switch,” Tasty said. Yummi climbed off, Tasty sat on my dick, and the new girl took Tasty’s place on my mouth.
“Either fuck me or knock me out,” McGlade pleaded.
Yummi frowned at him, then pulled the curtain between the tables, cutting McGlade off from us.
“Hey! Don’t do that! Aw, come on!”
After a dozen more orgasms, and two dozen more complaints from McGlade, everyone changed positions again. I still hadn’t come, but it didn’t matter even if I did-erection pills would keep me hard as long as there was stimulation. How many women were in this commune? Fifteen? I could be there for hours.
“I call next.”
I followed the new voice, staring at the naked man who had entered the room.
I needed to put a stop to this and get out of there. Right now.
I considered reaching for the Nife on my belt, but it would be too easy to accidentally cut these women to pieces. Or cut off a part of my anatomy that I’d grown quite fond of over my lifetime. But maybe, if I timed it right…
“At least let me watch,” McGlade wailed.
I closed my eyes, picturing the Nife sheath. My right arm was still injured from Sata’s blow. I’d have to grab it lefty, bring the blade up to my head without being able to see it, and cut the strap, all before someone tried to stop me. If I did wing one of the women, at least we were already in an infirmary. Maybe they could reattach whatever I cut off.
“Okay, switch.”
The woman got up, and I made my move, pulling out the Nife and holding the flat of the blade against my head-this was the scary part-slicing the strap before a new set of thighs closed around me, lifting my head after the restraint broke and freed me, not waiting to see if I’d slit my own throat or cut off my ear again, quickly making work of the chest strap, cutting away from my body, shoving some naked girl to the side but spending a fraction of a second admiring her finely sculpted butt, then hacking the strap around my legs and getting to my feet, holding the Nife sideways so everyone could see it.
“The orgy is over. Anyone comes near me, they’ll get hurt.”
“You are so hot,” the naked guy said.
“Thanks.” I tucked myself back inside my pants, then drew the curtain back. McGlade also had his hands in his pants, but I was pretty sure he wasn’t tucking himself in.
“A little privacy here,” he said.
“We’re leaving.” I sliced through his straps and carefully sheathed the Nife. “We need to-”
One of the women screamed. But it wasn’t the kind of scream I’d gotten used to hearing. This one was a scream of fear.
I spun around, just as four shots rang out and four naked people flopped to the floor, trailing Tesla lightning.
“Found ya, you fucker,” Teague said, pointing his Glock at my chest from only a few feet away.