Chapter 32

Questions rode a merry-go-round in my mind. “All the time-related abilities, travel, speed… they exist because of a gene, one that’s backed up by research. The Infinityglass sounds like science fiction or fantasy.”

“But it’s backed up by research, too. I wouldn’t believe the Infinityglass was real, either, if I hadn’t seen evidence, years’ worth. If I hadn’t searched for the truth myself.” Dad faced me. “It’s real.”

“Real enough to kill for.”

“You’ve always thought we left Memphis so I could take the department head position at Cameron. But there were other reasons, too. I’d begun to question the motives of Chronos.” Dad was quiet for a moment, lingering in the shadows of a secret. “Even then, Teague was obsessed with the Infinityglass. She was so consumed by her need for power. She knew about the time gene, but she believed all my research was internal. She didn’t know I’d been gathering information on people who may or may not have the gene. I never told her about your mother’s ability, or yours. She definitely doesn’t know Cat and I were trying to develop a formula for exotic matter.”

“What would she do with the knowledge if she had it?” I asked.

“Use it. In the worst possible ways.”

“What about people with abilities? Everyone else at the Hourglass?” My chest grew tight with unease. “Does she know about them?”

“If she does, it will only give her a bigger incentive to find the Infinityglass.”

I stared at him for a long time, sorting through his emotions, putting pieces together. “What Teague and Chronos don’t know is what’s keeping you-all of us here-safe. If we find Jack and turn him in, Jack could use his knowledge of us, of the exotic matter formula, as a bargaining chip.”

“Didn’t take very long for you to put that together.” He grimaced and then reached up to stroke his beard. “Keep going.”

“But if we don’t find Jack and turn him in, time will be rewound, and you’ll most likely be dead.”

“The Infinityglass will only make it easier for Poe to follow through with his threat.” Dad focused on a spot just behind my head. “That’s why we absolutely must find Jack first, so we can let him lead us to the Infinityglass before Chronos or anyone else. Our lives depend on it.”
