Writing is a solitary business, yet it takes a team to put a novel into the hands of readers. With thanks to my incredible team:
My husband, Barry Talley, who understands what it’s like to live with a woman who ‘always seems to have a term paper due.’
My editor, Sara Porter, my can-do publicist, Michelle Duff, chairman Edwin Buckhalter, publisher Kate Lyall-Grant and everyone else at Severn House who makes it such an incredibly supportive place for a mystery writer to be.
Tyson Bennett and Elaine Broering, whose generous bids at charity auctions benefitting the Annapolis Opera Company and the United Church of Christ in Lovell, Maine, respectively, earned them the rights to play roles in this novel.
Barbara Jean, for performing her original song, ‘Tell Me Your Name,’ within the pages of this book. Listen for yourself at www.barbarajeanjazz.com.
Sisters in Crime, for the week-long retreat at the Lodge at Ballantyne in Charlotte, NC, where the final draft of this novel was written.
And once again, thanks to my fellow travelers at various stations on the road to publication – the Annapolis Writers Group: Ray Flynt, Mary Ellen Hughes, Debbi Mack, Sherriel Mattingly, and Bonnie Settle for tough love.
To Kate Charles and Deborah Crombie. When the time comes for me to join a retirement community, I hope you’ll be sitting on the porch with me, rocking and knitting and still telling tales.
And, of course, to Vicky Bijur.