

Lehman, discrepancies exposed

Achleitner, Dr. Paul

AIG. See entries under American International Group (AIG)

Akers, John

Allianz, AIG capitalization talks

Allison, Herb

Altman, Roger C.

American Express

Dimon at

Lehman, purchase of

American International Group (AIG)

capital, efforts to raise. See American International Group (AIG) capitalization efforts

chief executive officers (CEOs). See Greenberg, Maurice Raymond “Hank ”; Sullivan, Martin; Willumstad, Robert

chief operating officer (COO). See Cassano, Joseph

counterparty global exposure

credit default swaps (CDS)

debt insurance, cost increase

failure, potential impact of

Fed bailout. See American International Group (AIG) bailout

federal charges against (2003-2005)

Financial Products (FP) status

Goldman Sachs, collateral demands of

Greenberg, settlement with

history/growth of

JP Morgan, demands for disclosure

liquidity problem

losses (2008)

profits, payment to employees

quantitative analysis, use of

rating downgrade concerns

risk, excessive

shareholder uproar

stock price decline

strength of (2005)


American International Group (AIG) bailout

AIG board vote

bonuses, public outrage

Congress, reaction to

demand note for Fed

Geithner proposal

Goldman, benefits to

Liddy as new CEO

payback conditions

proceeds to investment banks

rationale for

warrants to Fed

American International Group (AIG) capitalization efforts

with Allianz

bankruptcy option

with Buffett (Warren)

Citigroup as adviser

diligence session

final capital search

with Flowers (Chris)

Geithner, bailout requested of

with Goldman Sachs

and Greenberg

JP Morgan as adviser

regulated assets, use as collateral


Awad, Jim

Bailout. See Federal bailout

Bair, Sheila

FDIC position

on guarantee for money market funds

at nationalization meeting

negative view of

Wachovia, saving, efforts in

See also Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Bank of America

ABN AMRO, loss of

chief executive officer (CEO). See Lewis, Ken

deal maker. See Curl, Greg

federal assistance, request for

Lehman capitalization rejected

Lehman capitalization talks

Merrill capitalization finalized

Merrill capitalization talks

O’Neal pitch to

strength of (2008)

Bank of England

Bank holding companies

Fed discount window, access to

Goldman Sachs as

Morgan Stanley as

Bank One

Banks, mortgages, securitized

Barancik, Gary

Barclays Capital

chief executive officer (CEO). See Diamond, Bob

federal assistance, request for

good bank-bad bank proposal

government bailout of

Lehman broker-dealer sale to

Lehman capitalization rejected

Lehman capitalization talks

shareholder vote required

trading guarantee, request from Buffett

Baxter, Tom

Bear Stearns

Banking Committee hearing on rescue

collapse of

federal bailout

JP Morgan purchase of

losses (2007)

rescue, critics of

rescue and Geithner

stock price and Paulson

subprime loans and collapse

Beattie, Richard

Beller, Alan

Beller, Ron

Bensinger, Steven J.

Berkenfeld, Steven

Bernanke, Anna

Bernanke, Benjamin

academic career of

AIG bailout

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

Bank Recapitalization Plan presented to

Bernanke Doctrine

biographical information

collapse, actions during

credit crisis, development of

economic orientation of

as Great Depression scholar

Jackson Hole conference

and Lehman crisis

Morgan Stanley, saving, efforts in

at nationalization meeting

and panics of 2007

on subprime loans

systemic solution, demand for

toxic-asset program, presenting

Bhattal, Jesse

Black, Steve

and JP Morgan/AIG capitalization

Lehman, request for collateral from

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Maughan, animosity toward

See also JP Morgan

Blackout notice, to Lehman employees


Blackstone Group

Blank fein, Lloyd

AIG final capital search

and board meeting, Russia (2008)

compensation (2007)

on end of credit crisis

financial career of

as Goldman CEO

as Goldman co-president

on Lehman bankruptcy and hedge funds

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

at nationalization meeting

personality of

on short-sellers

See also Goldman Sachs

Blinder, Alan

Bloomberg, Michael

Bloomberg LP buy-back from Merrill

financial industry career

on Lehman bankruptcy

BNP Paribas, withdrawals, halting

Boehner, John

Boies, David

Bollenbach, Stephen

Bolten, Joshua

and Paulson appointment

Paulson liaison to White House

Bostock, Roy

Bove, Dick

Braunstein, Doug

AIG final capital search

as Lehman capitalization adviser

“Break the Glass: Bank Recapitalization Plan,”

authors of

details of

pros/cons of

refining concept

Brinkley, Amy

Broad, Eli

Broad index secured trust (BISTRO)

Bromley, James

Brown, Gordon

financial crisis, approach to

Bryan, John

Brysam Global Partners

Buffett, Warren

AIG bailout proposal to

Barclays trading-guarantee request

on derivatives

Goldman bailout by

on Lehman bankruptcy

and Lehman capital needs

and Paulson

and Salomon Brothers rescue

TARP, recommendations for

on Wachovia-Goldman deal

Bullard, James

Bull market, and Greenspan era

Bunning, Jim

Bush, George W.

and AIG bailout

and Bear Stearns bailout

briefing on imminent collapse

and Fannie/Freddie bailout

on Lehman bankruptcy

Paulson appointment


Bush, Jeb

Butler, Shaun

Calello, Paul

Callan, Erin

and Einhorn, on Lehman accounting practices

financial career of

and Gregory (Joseph)

Korea/Lehman deal leak

on Lehman deleveraging

and Lehman earnings report (March 2008)

negative traits of

resignation of

Capital ratios, regulating, need for

Carroll, Dave

Cassano, Joseph

credit default swaps (CDS), invention of

firing from AIG

Goldman Sachs, collateral demands of

Chammah, Walid

Lehman, assessment of

and Mitsubishi deal

and Morgan/Lehman capitalization talks

and Morgan/Merrill capitalization talks

on Morgan withdrawals

Chanos, Jim

Checki, Terry

Cheney, Dick

China Investment Corporation, Morgan Stanley purchase talks

Cho, Kunho, Korea/Lehman capitalization talks

Citadel Investment Group


as AIG capitalization adviser

architect of. See Weill, Sanford

chief executive officer (CEO). See Pandit, Vikram

collapse, additional bailout

Dimon at

Goldman merger proposal

as Lehman capitalization adviser

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Morgan merger proposal

Salomon Smith Barney merger

stock price decline

Wachovia merger talks

Clayton, Jay

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

Clinton, Hillary

on Bear Stearns bailout

and Wendy Paulson

CNBC, Jim Cramer

Cohen, Kerrie

Cohen, Peter A.

Cohen, Rodgin, and Lehman capital search

Cohen, Steven A.

Cohen Brothers

Cohn, Gary D.

Citigroup merger proposal to

on Goldman-AIG capitalization talks

and Goldman-Merrill credit line

and Goldman-Wachovia merger talks

and withdrawals from Goldman

See also Goldman Sachs

Cole, Christopher A.

Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)

with higher credit rating, danger of

Lehman write-down

Merrill Lynch

operation of

Commercial Credit

Commercial paper


AIG bailout, reaction to

debt-ceiling issue

TARP presented to

TARP vote

toxic-assets purchase presented

Corzine, Jon

at Goldman Sachs

and Paulson

resignation from Goldman Sachs

as senator

Countrywide Financial

Cox, Archibald Jr.

Cox, Christopher

and Barclays rejection of Lehman

Citigroup/Goldman/Merrill/Morgan, Lehman collapse meeting

and Lehman bankruptcy

short-sellers, negative reports to

Craig, Susanne, Lehman, reporting on

Cramer, Jim

on Fed limitations

profile of

short-sellers, Fuld information to

uptick rule crusade

Credit crisis

causes of

as depression versus slump

development of

and global economy

Credit default swaps (CDS)

and AIG

banning, call for


on Fannie/Freddie debt

invention of


Credit Suisse, Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Cumming, Christine

Cuomo, Andrew, short-sellers, investigation of

Curl, Greg

Bank of America/Lehman capitalization talks

Bank of America/Merrill capitalization talks

federal assistance, proposal for

Cutler, Stephen

Dannhauser, Stephen J.

Darling, Alistair

Davis, Michele

Debt ceiling, increase proposal

del Missier, Jerry


collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)


Deutsche Bank, Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Diamond, Bob

Barclays/Lehman capitalization rejected

Barclays/Lehman capitalization talks

financial career of

Lehman broker-dealer offered to

See also Barclays Capital

Dimon, Jamie

on AIG bailout

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

Bear Stearns purchase

biographical information

on Fannie/Freddie bailout

as federal adviser

financial career of

financial collapse, fear of

JP Morgan strength under

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

media stories on

at nationalization meeting

personality of

post-bailout comment

Willumstad relationship with

See also JP Morgan

Dinallo, Eric R.

Discount rate

cutting (2007)


Discount window, of Fed

Dodd, Christopher

Donini, Gerald

role at Lehman

and SpinCo announcement

on uptick rule

Dot-com bust

Drexel Burnham Lambert

Dudley, Bill

Dugan, John

Einhorn, David

Allied Capital, battle with

influence in financial world

on Lehman accounting discrepancies

on Lehman bankruptcy

on short-sellers

SpinCo, reaction to

See also Greenlight Capital

El-Erian, Mohamed

Emanuel, Rahm, on Freddie board

European Central Bank, euro money markets, cash infusion

Evangelisti, Joseph

Executive compensation

examples of (2007)

Fuld’s losses

incentive compensation

missing from TARP

and nationalization

post-bailout outrage

Salomon Brothers bonuses

Faber, David

Fairness opinion

Fakahany, Ahmass

Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

accounting scandals

backstop authority to Treasury

capital needs of

crisis, Paulson approach to

federal takeover decision

Greenspan on

and inflated housing market

Morgan Stanley advisory on

nationalization presented to management

Paulson plan, criticism of

as political issue, history of

ratings cut

stock price decline

and subprime loans


Federal bailout

AIG requests for

Bank Recapitalization Plan

Bear Stearns

bipartisan hatred of

Fed refusals after Bear

government-sponsored enterprises. See Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

investment banks. See specific financial institutions

Lehman neglect, questions on

Paulson’s view of

post-bailout observations

as socialism criticism

TARP legislation. See Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

authority and type of bank

chairwoman. See Bair, Sheila

deposit guarantee program proposal

IndyMac takeover

minimum deposit insured, raising

WaMu takeover

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company. See Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

Federal National Mortgage Association. See Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

Federal Reserve

bank holding companies, benefits to

chief of. See Bernanke, Benjamin

discount rate

discount window

governor. See Warsh, Kevin

See also New York Federal Reserve

Felder, Eric

Feldman, Mark, AIG final capital search

Fielding, Fred F.

Fife, Lori

Financial industry

bailout by government. See Federal bailout

compensation (2007)

debt of capital ratio

meltdown, events of

See also Investment banks

Fink, Larry

Finnegan, John

Fixed-income trading, and risk

Fleming, Gregory J.

on Lehman/Bank of America capitalization

and Merrill/Bank of America talks

Flowers, Chris

AIG capitalization talks

as Bank of America adviser

fairness opinion for Bank of America

fees earned

as Merrill adviser

Paulson dislike of

Fooling Some of the People All of the Time (Einhorn)

Forstmann, Teddy

Fox-Pitt Kelton

Frank, Barney

on AIG bailout

on Bear Stearns bailout

on direct investment plan

on toxic-asset purchase program

Freidheim, Scott

and counterattack on Einhorn

Korea/Lehman deal leak investigation by

and Lehman resignations

Friedman, Richard

Friedman, Stephen

Fromer, Kevin

Fuld, Richard S. Jr.

authority, loss of

bankruptcy, reaction to

board of NY Fed, resignation from

capital, attempts to raise. See Lehman Brothers capitalization efforts

compensation, losses (2008)

at congressional hearing

Cramer ( Jim) meeting

financial career of

fragile emotional state of

and Gregory resignation

Korea deal, blowing

and Lehman earnings report (March 2008)

liquidity, belief in

and LTCM bailout

Macomber support of

Paulson, communication with

Paulson’s view of

personality of

on rumor spreading

short-sellers, battle against

and SpinCo announcement

on uptick rule

See also Lehman Brothers

Gamble, Jamie

Gao Xiqing

Gasparino, Charlie

Geithner, Carole

Geithner, Peter

Geithner, Timothy F.

AIG, saving, efforts in

AIG bailout

bailout after Bear, refusal of

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

and Barclays rejection of Lehman

and Bear Stearns rescue

biographical information

Citigroup CEO job offer to

Citigroup/Goldman/Merrill/Morgan, Lehman collapse meeting

damaged financial system, awareness of

financial career of

and Fuld NY Fed resignation

Goldman, saving, efforts in

on JP Morgan collateral request of Lehman

Lehman, saving, efforts in

money market funds, concern about

Morgan/Goldman final AIG solution directive

Morgan Stanley, saving, efforts in

at nationalization meeting

NY Fed presidency

personality of

Wachovia, saving, efforts in

Wall Street view of

at World Economic Forum

Gelband, Michael

resignation from Lehman

returns to Lehman

General Electric

Gertler, Mark

Glass-Steagal Act (1933)

Global economy

credit crisis, impact on

U.S. securitization market as threat

Glucksman, Lewis L., Lehman, career at

Golden West

Goldfarb, David

Goldman Sachs

advisers to Paulson from

AIG, collateral demanded from

AIG capitalization talks

and AIG final capital search

AIG rescue, benefits to

bank holding company proposal

bank holding company status

Buffett bailout of

chief executive officers (CEOs). See Blank fein, Lloyd; Paulson, Henry M.

Citigroup merger proposal

co-CEO. See Cohn, Gary D.

collapse, fear of

compensation (2007)

Corzine at

hedge fund money outflows/inflows

J. Aron acquired by

Lehman capitalization talks

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Merrill capitalization talks

Paulson, career at

Paulson ethics agreement

Paulson ethics waiver

post-TARP status

risky position of

rumors spread by

Russia, board meeting in (2008)

Russia, relationship with

saving, Geithner efforts

saving, Paulson efforts

stock price decline

stock price rise

strength of (2008)

Thain at

Wachovia merger, killed by Fed

Wachovia merger talks

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gorman, James

Lehman, assessment of

on Merrill decline

and Morgan/Lehman capitalization talks

on Morgan withdrawals

Government-sponsored enterprises (GSE). See Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

Gowers, Andrew

Grasso, Richard

compensation package

Paulson’s view of

Great Depression

Bernanke as scholar of

current crisis question

Schwartz (Anna) theory of

Greenberg, Evan

Greenberg, Jeffrey

Greenberg, Maurice Raymond “Hank ”


as AIG chairman emeritus

on AIG losses

biographical information

business style of

and Lehman capital search

resignation of

settlement with AIG

Willumstad outreach to

See also American International Group (AIG)

Greenlight Capital

“Credit Basket, The” project

manager. See Einhorn, David

shorting, approach to

Greenspan, Alan

on collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)

on Fannie/Freddie crisis

reputation, decline of

Gregg, Judd

Gregory, Joseph

Callan (Erin), hiring of

on Callan’s leak to press

career at Lehman

compensation (2007)

firing, call for

hiring decisions of

and Lehman earnings report (March 2008)

lifestyle of

personality of

resignation of

Gregory, Niki

Griffin, Kenneth C.


Hedge funds

Goldman Sachs, deposits/withdrawals

Lehman bankruptcy, impact on

Morgan Stanley, withdrawals by

Herlihy, Ed

Herzog, David

Hill, J. Tomilson

Hogan, John

House Financial Services Committee, on Fannie/Freddie

Housing crisis. See Subprime loans

Hoyt, Robert

Illiquid assets, valuation of

Immelt, Jeffrey

Insurance business, compared to investment bank

Interest rates

Bernanke Doctrine on

low, problems related to

unchanged (2007)

Investment banks

credit pool, creation of

failing, Nason’s solutions for

FDIC, lack of protection from

Fed encourages Lehman rescue

compared to insurance business

new capital, raising

See also specific institutions

Ira W. Sohn Investment Research Conference

Einhorn speech on Lehman

Isaacs, Jeremy

Jackson Hole conference


markets, decline of

See also Mitsubishi

J. Aron & Company

Jester, Dan

and AIG final capital search

Dimon briefing of

and Fannie/Freddie bailout

at Goldman Sachs

and Lehman capital search

TARP, alternative plan

JP Morgan

AIG, demands for disclosure from

as AIG capitalization adviser

and AIG final capital search

Bear Stearns purchase


chief executive officer (CEO). See Dimon, Jamie

co-CEO. See Black, Steve

federal assistance, request for

financial failures, exposure to


Lehman, request for collateral from

Lehman account, freezing

as Lehman capitalization adviser

Morgan Stanley, credit line deal

Morgan Stanley deal, Paulson pressure for

as Paulson adviser

predatory actions accusation

strength of (2008)

Kaplan, Joel

Kashkari, Neel

Bank Recapitalization Plan of

financial career of

as Paulson deputy

and TARP

Kaufman, Henry

Kelleher, Colm

and bank holding company proposal

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

on Morgan withdrawals

on short-sellers

and Wachovia-Morgan deal

See also Morgan Stanley

Kelly, Ned

Kelly, Peter

and Lehman capital search

and Merrill capital search

O’Neal, questioning tactics of

Kernen, Joe

Kidder, C. Robert

Kim, Dow

Kindler, Rob

financial career of

Mitsubishi deal, closing

and Morgan Stanley-Wachovia talks

personality of

Kirk, Alex

Fortress leak about Lehman

Gregory’s attack on

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Klein, Michael

Kohn, Donald

Komansky, David

Korea Development Bank, Lehman capitalization talks

Kovacevich, Richard

at nationalization meeting

and Wells Fargo-Wachovia deal

Kraus, Peter

financial career of

Goldman/Merrill capitalization talks

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Morgan/Merrill capitalization talks

outreach to Goldman

Krugman, Paul

Kuroyanagi, Nobuo

Lacker, Jeff

Langone, Ken

LaSalle Bank

Lauer, Matt

Lawless, Christian

Lee, James B., Jr.

on AIG bailout

AIG final capital search

as dealmaker

Lee, Hyung

Lee, Ji-Yeun

Lee, Matthew

Lehman, Emanuel

Lehman, Henry

Lehman, Mayer

Lehman, Robert

Lehman Brothers

accounting discrepancies Einhorn exposes

accounting trick

AmEx purchase of

Bush family ties

capital, raising. See Lehman Brothers capitalization efforts

chief executive officer (CEO). See Fuld, Richard S. Jr.

chief financial officers (CFOs). See Callan, Erin; Lowitt, Ian

chief operating officers (COOs). See Gregory, Joseph; McDade, Bart

earnings report (March 2008)

employees, blackout notice to

failure, potential impact of

failure of. See Lehman Brothers bankruptcy

Fed/investment banks meeting about

Glucksman at


hedge funds retreat from

Japan fraud case

JP Morgan seeks collateral from

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

leverage, extent of

media reports on collapse

and Neuberger Berman

and 9/11

Paulson doubts solvency

Paulson family ties

rating downgrade concerns

real estate holdings

risk, excessive

stock price decline

top personnel resignations

Lehman Brothers bankruptcy

board reaction to

broker-dealer sale to Barclays

broker-dealer survival

congressional hearing on

employee reaction to

Fed allowing, questions about

Fed rationale for

impact on hedge funds

largest in U.S. history

legal bills, payment issue

market reaction to

media, informing

Paulson directive

preparation for

trading session to unwind

Lehman Brothers capitalization efforts

bank holding company proposal

with Bank of America

Bank of America rejection

with Barclays Capital

Barclays Capital rejection

and Bernanke

Blue Writedowns

with Buffett (Warren)

Citigroup as adviser

Geithner efforts

with Goldman Sachs

“good bank” proposal

JP Morgan as adviser

with Korea Development Bank

leaks to media

liquidity issue and sale

with Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley rejection

Paulson efforts

sale, price conditions

SpinCo (good bank-bad bank strategy)

Wall Street CEOs funding proposal

Wall Street negative view of


buyouts, and private-equity

dangers of


standards, need for

Lewis, Ken

Bank of America/Lehman capitalization talks

Bank of America/Merrill capitalization talks

federal assistance, request from Paulson

Lehman capitalization rejected

at nationalization meeting

O’Neal pitch to

See also Bank of America

Lewkow, Victor I.

Liddy, Edward

as AIG CEO after bailout

financial career of

resignation of

Liesman, Steve “The Professor,”


necessity of

standards, need for

Lockhart, James B. III

London Clearing House

Long-Term Capital Management

bailout of

book about

Buffett’s rescue efforts

and Goldman Sachs

Lehman survival

Lowenstein, Roger

Lowitt, Ian

on JP Morgan collateral request

and SpinCo announcement

Ludwig, Eugene A.

Lynch, Gary

McCain, John

McCarthy, Sir Callum

Macchiaroli, Michael A.

McDade, Bart

authority over Fuld

and bankruptcy announcement

and Barclays rejection of Lehman

broker-dealer sale announcement

career at Lehman

Fuld suspicions about

“Gameplan, The,”

Goldman/Lehman capitalization talks

and Gregory resignation

Korea/Lehman capitalization talks

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

as Lehman’s president

Morgan/Lehman capitalization talks

rehires Kirk and Gelband

Repo 105 trick and

SpinCo announcement, plan for

McGarvey, Michael

McGee, Hugh “Skip”

broker-dealer sale announcement

on Gregory as threat to Lehman

and Korea/Lehman capitalization talks

role at Lehman

Mack, John

communication to employees

financial career of

Fuld pitches Lehman to

on future of Morgan

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Morgan/Merrill capitalization talks

at nationalization meeting

as Paulson special adviser

relationship with Fuld

saving Morgan as goal

short-sellers, battle against

See also Morgan Stanley

Macomber, John D.

Main, Tim


and AIG

and valuation of illiquid assets

Mason, Jeb

Maughan, Sir Deryck

Mayo, Michael

Medvedev, Dmitry

Merrill, Charles

Merrill, Dina

Merrill Lynch

AIG, collateral demanded from

and BlackRock

Bloomberg LP, sale to Bloomberg

capital, raisingSee also Merrill Lynch capitalization efforts

CDOs issued by

chief executive officer (CEO). See Thain, John

chief operating officer (COO). See Fleming, Gregory J.

collapse, fear of

compensation (2006)

founding of

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

leverage, extent of

O’Neal tenure at

president. See Fleming, Gregory J.

risk, excessive

stock price decline

Merrill Lynch capitalization efforts

with Bank of America

with Bank of America finalized

and Bloomberg

with Goldman Sachs

with Morgan Stanley

Milken, Michael

Miller, Bill

Miller, Harvey

and broker-dealer sale to Barclays

Lehman bankruptcy, preparing

Lehman bankruptcy protest

Mindich, Eric

Mitchell, Calvin


interest in Morgan

Morgan deal closed

Money market crisis

cause of

Fed intervention

Montag, Thomas K.

Moody’s, AIG rating downgrade

Moral hazard

and Bank Recapitalization Plan

and Bear Stearns bailout


mitigating, Bernanke on

Morgan, John Pierpont

Morgan, Shelby

Morgan Stanley

bank holding company proposal

bank holding company status

chief executive officer (CEO). See Mack, John

chief financial officer (CFO). See Kelleher, Colm

China Investment Corp. talks

Citigroup merger proposal

collapse, fear of

as Fannie/Freddie crisis adviser

hedge fund redemption crisis

JP Morgan, credit line deal

JP Morgan deal, Paulson pressure for

Lehman capitalization rejected

Lehman capitalization talks

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

media, negative reports on

Merrill capitalization talks

Mitsubishi closes deal

Mitsubishi interest in

saving, Geithner efforts

saving, Paulson efforts

short-sellers, impact on

stock price decline

stock price rise

strength of (2008)

vice chairman. See Kindler, Rob

Wachovia merger talks

Mortgage-backed securities, on Fannie/Freddie loans


collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)

no documentation, effects of


Moynihan, Brian

Mudd, Daniel

Murder Board, Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

Naked shorting, defined

Nason, David

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

failing banks, solutions for

and Freddie/Fannie crisis

and Lehman crisis

and TARP

Nationalization, presenting to Big

Neuberger Berman

New York Federal Reserve

Citigroup/Goldman/Merrill/Morgan meetings

Geithner as president


position in financial world

president of. See Geithner, Timothy F.

New York Stock Exchange, Thain overhaul of

Nides, Tom

Norton, Jeremiah

TARP, alternative plan

Obama, Barack

and Fannie/Freddie bailout

and TARP

Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight

Offit, Morris

O’Neal, Stan

Bank of America, pitch to

financial career of

firing of

at Merrill Lynch

O’Neill, Tim

Pandit, Vikram

as Citigroup CEO

and Goldman merger proposal

as Lehman capitalization adviser

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

and Morgan merger proposal

at nationalization meeting

and Wachovia talks

See also Citigroup

Parr, Gary

Paulson, Henry M.

AIG bailout

background information

bailout, view of

bailout after Bear, refusal of

Bank of America, request for assistance

Barclays Capital, request for assistance

and Barclays rejection of Lehman

on Bear Stearns bailout

Bear Stearns collapse, warning about

Bear Stearns stock price, influence on

Bush, briefing on Lehman decision

Bush briefing on imminent collapse

business style of

China, encouraging investment from

Citigroup/Goldman/Merrill/Morgan, Lehman collapse meeting

ethics agreement regarding Goldman

ethics waiver

European trip

and Fannie/Freddie crisis

Fannie/Freddie takeover decision

financial collapse, summary of events

Fuld, communication with

Fuld, view of

Goldman, advisers from

Goldman, saving, efforts in

at Goldman Sachs

Goldman-Wachovia deal, killing

JP Morgan, request for advice

Lehman, saving, efforts in

Lehman bankruptcy, White House briefing

Lehman bankruptcy decision

Lehman solvency, doubts about

media reports on

Merrill collapse, warning of

Morgan Stanley, saving, efforts in

nationalization plan, presenting to Big 9

private-sector rescue concept

short-sellers, crackdown on

Steel as deputy

on systemic solution to collapse

and TARP. See Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Today show interview

toxic assets, Fed purchase proposal

at Treasury, first tasks

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

warnings about economic crisis

Paulson, Richard, at Lehman

Peck, James

Pelosi, Nancy

Perella, Joseph

Peterson, Peter G.

Geithner, impression of

Lehman, animosity toward

on Lehman bankruptcy

Polley, Malcolm

Poole, William

Porat, Ruth


Prince, Charles O. III

Private-sector. See Investment banks

“Project Foundation,”

Pruzan, John

Public-Private Partnership Fund (PPPF)

Putin, Vladimir


Reid, Harry

REI Global


Reserve Primary Fund, stock price decline

Resolution Trust Corporation

Ricciardi, Christopher

Roach, Stephen

Roberts, Thomas

Rogers, John F. W.

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roubini, Nouriel

Royal Bank of Scotland

Rubin, Robert

and Geithner

at Goldman Sachs


economic growth of

Goldman Sachs board meeting (2008)

Paulson visit to

Russo, Tom

good bank proposal

on Gregory firing

and Korea/Lehman capitalization talks

on Lehman bankruptcy

and Lehman earnings report (March 2008)

Ryan, Anthony

SAC Capital Advisers

Sallie Mae

Salomon Brothers, Buffett’s rescue of

Sants, Hector

Schreiber, Brian T.

AIG capitalization talks

on AIG problems

Schumer, Charles

Schutz, Anton

Schwartz, Alan

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

and Bear Stearns collapse

Schwartz, Harvey

Schwarzman, Stephen A.

Scully, Robert

Securitization, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)

Semerci, Osman

Senate Banking Committee

Bear Stearns rescue hearing

Fannie/Freddie hearing

hearing on Bear Stearns rescue

September 11 attacks

Lehman, impact on

Shafir, Mark

broker-dealer sale announcement

and Gregory resignation

and Korea/Lehman capitalization talks

and Morgan/Lehman capitalization talks

Shafir, Robert, Gregory firing of

Shafran, Steve

and Lehman crisis

as Paulson adviser

Shearson Lehman

Shedlin, Gary

Shelby, Richard


ban, reaction to

and Bear collapse

collapse, profit from

crackdown and Paulson

government ban on

Greenlight Capital, approach to

and Morgan stock decline

naked shorting

protest against Morgan

regulating, Fuld’ s call for

regulating, Mack ’s call for

reports to Cox on

U.K. ban on

and uptick rule

Simkowitz, Daniel A.

Snow, John

Solomon, David

Sosin, Howard

South Korea, bailout by U.S.

Sovereign wealth funds

SpinCo (good bank-bad bank strategy), Lehman

Spitzer, Eliot

Starr, Cornelius Vander

Steel, Robert

Banking Committee testimony, on Bear Stearns rescue

and Lehman capitalization talks

and Morgan merger talks

as Paulson deputy

as Wachovia CEO

See also Wachovia

Stephenson, Ros

Studzinski, John

Stumpf, John

Subprime loans

and Bear Stearns collapse

collapse of market

by Fannie/Freddie

global economy, effects on

link to broader economy

Paulson view of

Sullivan, Martin

and Cassano firing

firing from AIG

shareholder demands, approach to

See also American International Group (AIG)

Summers, Lawrence

and Geithner

SunCal Companies

Sung, Min Euoo, and Lehman capital search


Swagel, Phillip

Bank Recapitalization Plan of

on debt-ceiling

Take-under, defined

Tanona, William

TARP. See Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Taubman, Paul

Thain, John

biographical information

capital, raising. See Merrill Lynch capitalization efforts

compensation awards by

extravagance of

firing of

as Goldman co-president

Lehman collapse, at Fed meeting on

Merrill Lynch CEO, appointment as

Merrill overhaul by

at nationalization meeting

on safety of Merrill

See also Merrill Lynch

Thornton, John

Toxic assets

Fed purchase proposal

See also Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Trichet, Jean-Claude

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Buffett’s recommendations for

Congress, presentation by Paulson

Congressional vote

cost of

deposit guarantee program proposal

direct investment alternative

limitations of

market reaction to

nationalization plan

Paulson announcement

provisions added to

United Kingdom, financial crisis, approach to

United States Treasury Secretary. See Paulson, Henry M.

Uptick rule

operation of

Vallecillo, Jormen

Varley, John

Viniar, David

Volcker, Paul

Volk, Stephen R.


chief executive officer (CEO). See Steel, Robert

Citigroup merger talks

collapse, fear of

downgrade concerns

Golden West acquisition

Goldman merger, killed by Fed

Goldman merger talks

losses (2008)

Morgan Stanley merger talks

stock price decline

TARP, benefits to

Wells Fargo merger

Walker, George H.

Walsh, Mark, Lehman real estate deals

Wang Qishan

Warsh, Kevin

on AIG crisis

and Citigroup-Wachovia deal

and Goldman-Wachovia talks

Washington Mutual

JP Morgan purchase

Wasserstein, Bruce

Weil Gotshal. See Miller, Harvey

Weill, Sanford

and Citigroup

and Dimon

Geithner, job offer to

Weinberg, John

Weinberg, Peter

Weinberg, Sidney

Weiss, Jeff, and Gregory resignation

Wells Fargo

chief executive officer (CEO). See Kovacevich, Dick

Wachovia merger

White, Lisa A.

Whitehead, John

Whitman, Brad

Whitney, Meredith

Wieseneck, Larry

Wilk inson, Jim

Treasury, role in

Willumstad, Robert

AIG CEO position, accepting

and AIG final capital search

AIG losses, discovery of

capital, efforts to raise. See American International Group (AIG) capitalization efforts

and Cassano firing

Fed bailout presented to

financial career of

outreach to Greenberg

replacement for

See also American International Group (AIG)

Wilson, Ken, as Paulson adviser

Winkelman, Mark

Winkelried, Jon “Winks”

and AIG final capital search

Goldman capital search

position at Goldman

Wiseman, Michael

Yuki, Kohei
