Thirty minutes later, Casey appeared on the inside of the wrought-iron fence and Alexa handed her two half-dollar-sized disks. “They’re magnetized,” she said. “One for the Bentley and the other for Decell’s car, so we can cover either or both. You think you can attach them without being seen and get back inside without being detected?”
“God, I’ve sneaked out of that house a million times without getting caught,” Casey assured her. “They aren’t interested in what I’m doing. They’re making plans, or going over their plans. The note said the exchange would begin at nine, so I’m sure Unko will be leaving before then.” Casey reached out and took Alexa’s hand. Casey’s hand was warm and her touch warmed and assured Alexa.
“How will they contact him?” Alexa asked.
“Calling his cell phone. Unko’s supposed to come alone.”
“Will Decell be following along?”
“I don’t know how they’re doing it. I’m sorry. But Decell must be planning to go. Unko wouldn’t do it alone if it’s dangerous.”
Unless not doing it is more dangerous. “It doesn’t matter,” Alexa assured her. “Whichever car they use, we’ll be ready.”
“Okay. Will you call me as soon as it’s over?”
“Word of honor,” Alexa said.
Casey squeezed Alexa’s hand, released it, then turned and was gone.