Max was playing with her, teasing her. His hands roamed over her naked outer thighs. He kneaded the white flesh around her asscheeks into tight little ridges, clenching them hard in his rough fists. He pinched her soft inner thighs between his fingers, laughing when Cindy cried out and began twisting frantically under him. Her cries drowned into whimpers of anguish. The sounds made Max yank her a bit harder. He rubbed her asscheeks wildly, squeezing them even harder than he had squeezed her inner thighs. Cindy ground her belly solidly against the dirty floor, her mind exploding again and again.

"Oh, man, man, she's gonna burn my prick up," Max said, closing his eyes and rubbing his cock up against her asscrack. "Yeah, when my jizz comes poundin' out, it's gonna burn me up, I know it."

Cindy wanted them to stop this, stop it before it had gone too far. But there was nothing she could do. Jack was down next to her. She could feel his fingers twisting around her hair, lifting her head from the floor into his lap.

Again, she smelled the sour odor of an unwashed, sweaty groin. Wrinkling her nose, she pulled back. But Jack was determined, shoving her nose against his cock, making her inhale the stench coming from there. Her nose flattened against his hairy groin. She could feel the blood-heavy lobes of his fuckrod rubbing against her lips.

"Uhfhhfhfhffff!" she whined.

Cindy kept her lips shut. But she could feel the wetness of his prick against her face. She tried moving her cheek away from it. But Jack clamped his hand against the back of her head, pushing her face against his crotch.

"It's good, man," he groaned, pushing up harder against Cindy's nose. "Maybe I'll bring 'er around, make her suck me off while she fucks you."

"Don't care," Max panted, repositioning himself on top of the struggling blonde teen. "Just don't get in my way, man."

Max scooped her tits up in both hands, rubbing her nipples with his fingertips, squeezing her tits, making the girl blush with shame.

"Nice, man, you should feel those tits," Max said, digging his stubbly chin against the back of her neck while cupping his hands around her tits and pinching her long, red nipples. Cindy wrestled her tits against his offending hands. And then the girl felt something down around her cunt once more. Fingers were caressing her soft pussylips, un-sticking them, pushing them apart.

"I'm gonna fuck her now."

Cindy screamed through the sock gag again. No, it couldn't be happening, not now! But she could feel Max reaching down between her thighs with his thumb, digging his fingers into her asscheeks for leverage. Slowly, steadily he was forcing his thumb into her tight, dry cunt. Cindy groaned, arching her back, pressing her knees against the hard, dirty elevator floor. Instinctively she tried squirming her body away from the increasing hot pain. But Max's weight and hands kept her firmly pressed against the floor. His thumb kept pushing into her, violating her pussy, stretching her cunthole until the girl thought she would die from pain and shame. Next to her, Jack was easing the sock gag away from her mouth once more, pressing his prickhead against her lips. Cindy spat violently, jerking her head away so hard that she hurt her neck.

The pain was terrible! Her pussy felt tight, hot and dry, pinching around Max's invading thumb. His jagged nail was tearing at the elastic flesh. Again, she tightened her white, naked thighs, her flesh tensing, the tendons bulging out against her sweating skin. And then the girl felt a pain she had never experienced before in her life. His thumb was pressing against her cherry, that tiny, thin membrane which still kept her a little girl.

"No!" she gasped.

Jack grabbed another fistful of her hair, taking advantage of her opened mouth, and he slid his cock in. Cindy screamed, her cries choked off by a mouthful of prickmeat! She was disgusted, horrified beyond thought as Jack began sawing his fuckrod in and out, in and out, the thick, taut pink skin rubbing against her front teeth.

"Christ, Jack. You're knocking her off balance. Can't get my cock in her with you making her give you a blowjob now. Get the fuck oft this cunt. You can have 'er after I'm through."

Reluctantly the big attendant withdrew his prick, wiping his cockhead against her forehead.

Cindy's relief was short-lived. Max's thumb was corkscrewing painfully back into her pussy. There was more pressure against her cherry. Cindy screamed and shouted involuntarily, her cries cut off by a downward backhanded slap from Jack. There was another shock of pain. And then her cherry was torn, ripped from its anchorage by Max's thumb.

"A fuckin' virgin," Max muttered, pulling his thumb out and examining it.

"Yeah, who would've believed it."

Max popped his thumb back in, wriggling it around and around, laughing as Cindy began moving her ass around in a counter rhythm.

"She's startin' to like it. Told you she would," Max commented.

The girl hated it, hated Max, Jack, all of them who were tormenting her for no reason. She had lost her cherry and now felt nothing but disgust for the men raping her. Her flat belly ground against the floor once more as she tried to escape Max's invading thumb.

"Man, a virgin," Jack whispered once more.

"And let me tell you, she's got one tight cunt," Max said, fighting to keep his thumb in the tight ring of her pussy. He tried worming another finger into her cunt but kept meeting resistance as her pussy walls tried to close tightly against him.

"Now you're gonna shut up… you're not gonna scream or say one word, or I'll let Jack shove his prick right back into your mouth," Max whispered in her ear as he remounted her in a fucking position. "And you don't want that dirty ol' thing in your mouth, do you?"

"Oh, no, please… please," Cindy said, shaking the tears from her flushed cheeks.


Max took the sock gag completely from her head, then reached down to tug her asseheeks apart. The movement of his thumbs began doing something to her, something Cindy would never have believed possible. As he rubbed her cuntlips together, a strange kind of heat began to manifest itself. She rolled up her eyes, wrinkling her forehead as that heat turned into a kind of tightness until, gradually, her cunt began to get very warm and very moist.

"Man, she's goin' for it," Max said with satisfaction, moving his hand up and brushing the knuckles against her stiffening clit.

What was her body doing? Her mother had told her only bad girls got excited this way. Cindy knew she wasn't a bad girl. And yet the more Max was touching her back there the more he moved his fingers back and forth in her pussy now while touching her cunt, the more she wanted him to touch her.

"Nd more!" Cindy gasped. "Oh, please, please, no more, no more!"

But her pleas weren't so frantic, so desperate any longer.

"Yeah, right, right," Max said, sensing the change in the girl's attitude.

Max moved one finger back into her cunthole, stabbing it in. Slowly, very slowly, her sodden pussylips were spread apart once more. Her fleshy, fleecy cuntlips were tugged wide open.

"Man, she's got juice comin' outta her like crazy," Max said.

"Yeah, she's wantin' a fuckin' real bad now. She was screamin' down the walls, but now she's hot for us."

"No, that's not true!"

But her words didn't match her actions. Cindy twitched, jerking forward as his middle finger shot out. The fucking tip was teasing her once more, circling along the tense, rubbery edges of her soaking cunt. His long middle finger kept on its maddening tickling against her clit, making Cindy groan now, long and loud. She could feel the working of his finger as it found its way along the slick length of her cuntslit. More and more juice frothed out, wetting down her tensing inner thighs while her asscheeks flexed against Max's overhanging belly.

He moved his finger down to her thighs, up to her asshole, then back to her cunt. She could feel Max holding her a bit more tightly, stabbing his finger into her up to his second knuckle. Her tight hot flesh gripped and slid around the thrusting finger. Cindy felt her cunt sucking so solidly, cinching down on his finger.

"She's goin' for it, man. I'm gonna stick my prick into her now."

Cindy wept with complete shame and humiliation. She was being raped by these men. And now her body was turning against her, warming up to Max's foul fingering. The finger that had been stabbing in and out of her hot little cuntslit suddenly slipped out, making the girl gasp. He was sliding up now, pushing the hot load of his prick against her cunt. It was immense! There was nothing small or yielding about his cock. It seemed like a length of hot lead pipe. His fat prickhead was trying to force its way in.

Cindy thought she would go mad. His awful cock was rubbing up and dawn her creaming cuntslit, touching her clit again and again, threatening to split her in two, only to back off at the last minute. The girl cringed, rubbing her bare belly against the floor of that elevator car. Her eyes were wide with fear and excitement, staring at the other bloated mass of cockmeat, inches from her mouth. More terror and excitement gripped the teen as she felt Max's prickhead make solid contact with her pussylips.

"Goin' in," Max grunted.

Jack gripped her head, turning her face around so she would stare at his prick.

"One just like this is goin' in you now, baby. Your first fuck, and it's gonna be a big one," Jack taunted, enjoying her horror and pain.


"Shaddup or I'll shut you up with my cock."

Cindy felt her teeth rattle as her inner pussylips were forced apart. The rubber-like rim of her cunt clenched together in an attempt to keep out his hard, hot invading prick.

"Nooooo," Cindy murmured, her forehead wrinkling once more, beads of cold sweat appearing on her flesh. She could feel Max shoving, down and forward again. Her tight little cuntlips resisted for one more second, then finally gave way. Cindy shuddered, her cries turning into a long moan as his cockmeat squeezed down into her pussy, pooling its way through her body. Her legs stiffened, then jerked out on either side of her body like those of a frog. Jack laughed mirthlessly at her. Her legs kicked out violently once more, sometimes hitting Jack's shin, but usually striking nothing.

And still Max fucked her, sticking his prick deeper and deeper. Shock waves of agony slammed into her as she felt her cunt walls being stretched. The throbbing inside her body kept her conscious as she squirmed and writhed like a pinned insect. Jack's fingers, tugging and tearing at her hair, kept her in place.

"Oowowoowowoowowwww!" she wailed.

Max pulled back, the pressure of her tight cunt walls around his prick keeping him from fucking down all the way. "Ohhh, you're… you're… uhhhhh hurting me!"

Cindy squealed more loudly, her fingernails cracking against the hard, dirty elevator floor. She dragged in ragged lungs full of air to feed her wriggling, cock-knifed body while Max kept struggling to get more of his prick in her pussy.

"My… uhhhh, tight, really tight, but I think I got a way to 'er up."

Cindy waited, panting like a cornered, doomed little animal. The foul smell of the elevator seemed to be getting worse while his fat cockhead was struggling to slide deeper in her cunt. Above her, she could hear Max taking a tremendously deep breath. At the same time, he began beating her asscheeks hard, slapping them violently with his fingers until they burned. The girl screamed, beating her fists against the floor. Max cursed violently, hitting her on the back of the head while sliding one hand under her hipbones to jerk up her thighs. The ploy worked. The sudden violent attack relaxed the teen's muscles. Max shuddered, tensing his thick-muscled thighs and driving his cock in to the hilt.

"Eaaghghghhgyaghghhhhhh!" Cindy shrieked, her body trembling as if it would tear to pieces. She couldn't believe something that big, something that hard could be slipping into her! Eight inches, eight thick long hard hot inches of cock were spearing into her virginal pussy. Cindy would have screamed again. But the terrible pain seemed to take the wind from her. All she could think of now was his long thick fuckpole rodding her, skewering her all the way to her throbbing heart. His giant cockpole of flesh, blood and muscle, lodged inside her, felt immense. Sobbing, begging Max to take his prick out of her, Cindy waited for the inevitable.

"Uhhhh… oooohhhhh!"

"Better man," Max crooned, dropping his head and slobbering all over the back of her neck.

"Yeah, she looks like she's really gettin' into the swing of it."

"It just takes a little bit of 'ol Max's cock to get 'em going."

"Ohhhh, God, help me, somebody help me!" Cindy cried.

"Shut the fuck up?" Jack knelt down once more by the side other face, twisting her head around nod slipping his cock against her mouth. Cindy didn't want that thing down her throat again. Groaning, she clamped her lips shut, grinding her teeth together so hard that she thought she could hear them cracking from the force. She could taste that awful bleachy, sour taste of his cum oozing from his piss-slit, coating her lips as if it were cosmetic gloss!

Max began fucking slowly at first, his hips rising and falling against her asscheeks, the pressure of his thighs flattening her full ass. It was getting harder and harder for her to breathe. The helpless girl wondered for one crazy minute if it were physically possible to be fucked to death. The huge, blood-bloated knob of his prick made her think so. "Ughhfhhffhfff!" she moaned.

Jack was, still trying to work his prickhead into her mouth, slapping her across the face, but making sure non of his moves spoiled Max's enjoyment.

"Uhhhh, man, baby, this is something else ridin' this bitch is a real trip," Max groaned, stopping his fucking for a second and shaking the sweat from his face. His hands were braced on either side of her jutting shoulder blades as he kept on fucking her from the rear. "She's gettin' hot, really hot and wet. Gettin' easier to fuck the little bitch."

Cindy groaned, writhing helplessly under him, agonizing to the constant beating pressure of his prick. She flexed her cunt muscles together, still trying to slide out that unwelcome intruder. But the pressure of his muscles and tendons seemed to arouse Max all the more. He shuddered on top of her, hitting the back of her head at times, pinching her asscheeks at others, but always fucking her, driving in his prick again and again.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" he grunted.

Max flexed in again. Cindy held her breath now as she felt his fat fuck-pole jerking around inside her. Max was lowering himself completely onto her body, his hands smoothing down her naked thighs, pinching the flesh while he moved his hips subtly from side to side. She felt completely possessed, taken over by his prick. And now he was pulling up, withdrawing slowly. Cindy could feel her elastic pussy walls shrinking back together like the top of a drawstring purse. How odd! It seemed to be increasing that hot, itchy feeling that had begun to take her over.

"Ohhhh…" she sighed.

She could feel his cockhead easing farther back until only his prickhead remained in the grip of her violated cuntlips. And then with a quick shove, Max drove his prick back in. Back and forth, back and forth, he sawed his cock, his hands pinching her ass once more, then sliding up to her tits.

"Ohhhhh, God!" she gasped.

Jack rubbed his cockhead up against her nostrils, filling her nose with the smell of his crotch. She felt his leathery balls pillowing against her chin while his cockhairs tickled her nose. She sneezed. Max fucked, moving his hands under her belly to raise her. Cindy whimpered. His fingers fanned over the flatness of her stomach, making the girl cry out in anguish and humiliation. He had overpowered her, raped her, forced her into this brutality. And now she was enjoying it. As much as she hated Max and Jack, Cindy couldn't deny the simple, true fact that she was enjoying the hell out of this brutal rape.
