"Oh, please, Sammy, do as he says! Please! Ohhh, no aaaaggghhhh!"

Amanda screamed as the cane slashed across her jutting tits. She heaved on the ropes as the thin red line of pain ran across her nipples and over the white flesh of her tit-mounds.

"Do as he says, please!" she shrieked as the cane lashed in again and another red line grew on her plump ass.

Helplessly the blonde swung on the ropes, trying desperately to avoid the swinging cane as it cut across her flesh, but there was no escape for her.

"Suck my cock, baby," said Jack with a grin as he lashed Amanda again. "Come on, you dumb slut! Sooner or later you'll be up there getting your tits whipped and she'll have you in her grasp. So do it, cunt, suck me off!"

His arm slashed across Amanda's red and throbbing tits, getting another desperate scream from the bound woman.

Sammy knelt, the collar seeming to get tighter around her neck as she stared at the enormous cock bouncing right in front of her face. It pulsed with lust, and another disgusting drop of fluid ran down his cockhead, to be replaced by yet another one, slightly creamy, opaque. She couldn't do it! She could not take something like that in her mouth. His purplish, bulbous cockhead would hardly fit between her lips, it would fill her mouth, stretch her cheeks, and when it shot all that cum, it would choke her! She couldn't do it! She looked up at Jack.

"You bastard!" she screamed. "I won't do it, I won't!"

She sank back on her heels and stared in utter hatred at the man.

"Well," he said, "let's hear from your sister, shall we?"

He lashed the whip, across Amanda's tits, driving her nipples into her tit-flesh for an instant before the crinkled flesh buds bounced out again. Already Amanda's tits were a mass of crimson, beaten skin. At each stroke of the cane, they bounced up or down, whichever way Jack angled the whip.

"You want her to suck me off?" he asked Amanda.

"Oh God!" Amanda moaned. "Do it, Sammy, do it! For me, ohhh no, no! Fuuuckk, you cunt, suck him!"

She writhed on the ropes, her arms pulling at the rest of her body.

Sammy looked up at her sister.

"You know I can't!" she screamed. "I can't stand a man near me, I'll die!"

"You bitch! You bitch!" Amanda screamed as the whip cut across her tits again. "I'll get you, I'll fuckin' get you when it's my turn! Suck him – aaaagghhhh! Oh God, no more, please!"

She heaved upward on the ropes and sank back down. Her little black dress top had fallen back and was getting in the way of the whip. Jack stopped and hauled Sammy up by the chain.

"Go push that dress back out of the way," he said.

Sammy sobbed and went over to Amanda. Slowly, she reached up and pushed the lacy black silk out of the way of Amanda's heaving, beaten tits.

"You bitch! You can stand there and let me get the shit beaten out of me!" Amanda stared at her sister with half-fury and half-pleading. "I'd do it for you!"

Sammy's fingers trembled as she pushed the dress round to Amanda's shoulder blades and made as sure as she could that it would stay there. She couldn't look her sister in the eye.

"You don't understand," she said defiantly. "You just don't like men, I can't stand them, I can't do it! I can't!"

"Back here!" snapped Jack, and Sammy turned, leaving her sister helpless on the ropes again.

"You bitch! You sit! I hate you! I hate you!" Amanda screamed as she watched Jack push her sister back down to his feet and line the cane up again. She stared at the thin line of wood as it trembled and then slashed across and into her tits. "Ouuurrrgghhh!"

"Just get your sister to suck my cock," said Jack lightly as he whipped her again. He leaned down to Sammy and grasped her by her long blonde hair. "You hurry up, slut. I'm so fuckin' horny I'm gonna bust. You fuckin' get on with it!"

He whipped Amanda's tits with another vicious blow, and the helpless woman's screams echoed from the stone walls.

"Your men scream that good?" he asked Sammy, and slapped her across the face when she didn't answer. "Did your men scream that good?"

"Yes!" Sammy shrieked. "Yes, they did, now leave me alone! I won't suck your cock, I won't!"

She struggled away on the floor, ending up as far away from him as the chain would allow her, crouched on the cold stone, holding herself, trembling with fear and disgust.

"Ohhhh God!" Amanda screamed. "Let me do it, I'll suck you off, honest, I will, I'll do it! Please!"

Jack flopped whipping her and stood for a moment, his cock jumping and heaving with lust. He looked at the two blondes, making up his mind.

"Well, now, this wouldn't be the right way to do it, but I gotta get my cock sucked." He went up to Amanda and leaned close to her. "I bet you could learn to suck cock for a long time and not make it come – like when I had your sister up there and was whipping her. Sound good?"

"Yes, yes," Amanda whispered. "Let me down and I'll do anything you say, anything!"

"Good," said Jack. "You'll have to forgive me, but I have to make sure your sister is properly hung up while we do this."

He looked around the dungeon. There were a great many pieces of equipment, and he wasn't sure which one he wanted to use. In the end he picked a massive rectangular metal frame. Not only could Sammy be strung out nicely from its corners, the whole thing could also be turned over and back again. So he could have Sammy horizontal, or upside down, or anyway he wanted her.

"Too bad, little sister," he chuckled. "I gave you your chance and now you'll have to learn the hard way."

He got the frame positioned as he wanted and went back to the cowering, helpless blonde.

"Up," he said, dragging her to her feet by the chain.

"Stop it, please!" Sammy wept, all her fury gone in the surge of tenor running aver her. "Oh don't do it! Please don't do it! I can't help it, I just can't have sex with men, I can't!"

She struggled as he hauled her over to the frame. Many of her victims had hung on that frame, pleading with her as she whipped their asses, and when she was in a particularly vicious mood, their cocks and balls. Sammy loved to see a man's helpless cock bounce as the whip landed across it.

She screamed as Jack fled her wrist to the leather loop hanging from the top corner of the frame. Sammy was pulled up almost off the floor by her one arm. Then he took her other arm, lashed that to the other side and pulled Sammy right off the floor until she hung almost as Amanda was, but with her arms outstretched like a figure Y. She moaned and wept, but Jack just laughed at her and walked behind her tossing, heaving body.

Sammy groaned in terror as he grabbed her ankle and pulled it out until he could tie it to the bottom corner of the frame. Then came her other foot, lashed to the far corner until Sammy hung in the frame like a big letter X, utterly helpless. Then he ran his hand down the front of her white tap pants.

"Oh boy, that's nice!" he said. His fingers reached the top of her blonde pussy-mound, hardly protected by the thin silk of her pants.

"Leave me, oh please, leave me!" Sammy sobbed.

Jack ran his fingers slowly lower, while Sammy's body tossed and writhed in almost mortal fear. Inch by inch, he ran down the inside of her panties, over her pussy hair and to the very top of her cuntal crack. He looked up into her staring eyes.

"Get used to it, whore," he said. "There's a lot coming and we'll see if you die or not, won't we?"

"Oh let me go, stop it!" Sammy shrieked as his fingers slowly ran lower, between the lips of her pussy, pushing her panties into the swelling red opening. "Stop it!"

Jack grinned and very slowly ran his fingers even deeper. Then he grunted in surprise and grinned at Sammy.

"Fuck me! You're fucking wet, you little whore, you'll fuckin' wet!" He grinned at her and his cock bounced. "I've a good mind to rip these panties off you and fuck you right here."

"Stop it!" screamed Sammy, her whole body bathed in cold sweat. "Stop, I can't stand it! I can't!"

She dropped her head, tears running down her cheeks as his fingers played with her pussy opening.

"Oh well, it can wait," said Jack. "But I can't." Abruptly he stopped fingering Sammy and turned to where Amanda hung. "Let's get you down. I can deal with this cunt later."

He lowered the rope, and Amanda moaned in relief as the strain came off her arms and she dropped to the stone floor, cradling her sore tits. Slowly she caressed them, feeling the beaten flesh respond to the soothing touch of her fingers. Then she felt Jack put a collar around her neck, also with a long chain attached.

"Can't be too careful," he said and went to her ankles.

She moaned and pulled her knees under her, still cradling her crimson tits.

"Get up," said Jack.

Amanda struggled to her feet, almost losing one of her high-heels as she did so.

"Take off the dress," said Jack. "It's got in the way enough, tonight. Slowly."

Amanda couldn't pull the dress over her head because of the chain, so she allowed it to drop past her legs and onto the floor. She stepped out of it and let Jack take in her wonderful body. In many ways it was difficult to tell the sisters apart. Amanda's tits were a little smaller then Sammy's, and her ass was perhaps a little smaller and tighter too, but that was about all the difference anybody could see.

Amanda stood before him in nothing but her thin, pussy-hugging black panda and her black stockings. The only time she had let a man see her this way before wag when he was tied up and unable to get at her. Now the man staring at her could do as he liked.

"On your knees!" snapped Jack, his cock throbbing out from his loins like a gun about to explode. "I gotta get rid of this load before I can even think!"

Amanda sank to her knees. She almost vomited at the thought of what she was going to be forced to do, but anything would be better than getting whipped again. Anything at all – even taking a mouthful of cum.

Jack took one look at the blonde kneeling at his feet, and put his throbbing cock to her lips. He moved around slightly so that Sammy could see it all from her painfully stretched position on the frame.

"Watch it, cunt," he said. "You're gonna do it before long, you see."

Sammy gasped and sobbed as she saw her sister reach out and take the full thickness of Jack's cock in her hands.

Then Amanda put her soft red lips to the throbbing head of Jack's cock. He grunted with lust and his cock jumped in her hands.

"Lick it!" he ordered.

In mortal fear, Amanda flicked out her tongue and ran it over the head of a man's cock for the first time. It wasn't as terrible as she had expected. Warm and hard, it heaved at her mouth.

"Lick off the slit!" snapped Jack. Amanda moaned as she let her tongue clean off the drop of pre-come fluid oozing from his cock. It didn't taste so bad either, slightly salty and gooey.

"Now take it in your mouth." Closing her eyes, Amanda steeled herself. The lingering pain in her tits was more than enough to remind her of what would happen if she even hesitated. Slowly, she opened her jaws and ran the hard bulbous head of Jack's cock into her mouth. It was so hot, so enormous, it filled her mouth, thrusting into her cheeks as he moaned in lust.

"Suck it, bitch, suck it!" he groaned. Amanda did as she was told, sucking gently on the heaving, twitching monster. She licked along the underside, feeling his prick respond, jump at the touch of her lips and tongue. Jack gasped and shoved his fucker deeper into her virgin mouth, listening to his victim moan as his huge cockhead came up against the muscles of her throat and slammed into them.

"Suck it, cunt!" Jack roared. "Suck it!" He heaved his cock as deep as it would go.

Of the almost twelve inches, over six of them were still outside Amanda's lips, and she was already gagging as his cockhead fucked at her throat. Desperately she reached up and held his throbbing cockshaft, trying to stop the terrible invasion of her mouth.

"Shit!" Jack bellowed. "I gotta train you, cunt. You're gonna suck all of that down, you hear me? All of it when I've got you trained."

He leaned beck, groaning in lust as Amanda sucked frantically at his huge fucker, trying to do her best and escape any more whipping.

"Take it!" Jack roared. "Do a good job and I won't put you up on the ropes again, bitch. Suck it, and take it all. You lick up any that gets out."

Amanda felt his cock go out of control. Jack hadn't been fooling when he said he was bursting to come. He grabbed handfuls of her blonde hair, heaving her face closer to his fuckrod as it jumped and heaved in her mouth. His hips beat in and out with a rising fury of lust as the cum surged round in his balls, waiting to shoot out.

"Rub my balls!" he roared. "Rub them! Make it good, cunt, or else!"

With the fear rising steadily inside her, Amanda slid her hands up and caressed Jack's heavy ball sac. She felt his body heave as she worked his balls, and heard him moan with lust as his cock grew another inch inside her mouth and rasped harder against her throat muscles. As she squeezed his throbbing nuts, she felt the cum splash out of them, then squirt down the tube in his cock. In a sudden wave of terror, she tried to pull her head away, despite the warnings she had been given. But it was too late.

The first jet of hot, white fluid hit the back of her mouth.

"Ooooohh! Yeahhhh!" Jack bellowed, his hips heaving at her face as his cock emptied huge gobs of jism into Amanda's mouth. "Suck it all down, bitch! Suck it all down!"

His fingers buried deep into her hair, and he rammed his cock in, roaring as more and more of his thick white goo pumped out into Amanda's helpless mouth.

Amanda moaned in disgust as the big spurts of fuckjuice exploded into her throat. The thick salty taste almost made her throw up. It filled her cheeks and squeezed out of her lips before she remembered the terrible threat from Jack. If any of it fell, she would have to lick it up.

Suddenly she was swallowing it as fast as she could. Frantically she licked his spurting fuckrod, taking the white goo down her throat, running a desperate finger up over her chin and forcing the gobs that had escaped back into her mouth. Anything rather than the whip. On and on, his spurting cock went, pouring endless streams of cum between her lips, over her teeth and tongue.

"Ohhhh yeahhhhh!" Jack shouted. "That's not bad, cunt, that's not bad at all. You'll be an expert by the end of this, a real expert. Suck it all up, whore, all of it!"

Amanda did as she was told. When the first shock was over, sucking cum down wasn't so bad either. The juicy white fluid stuck to her teeth and cheeks, but her saliva soon washed it off. She clung to his thick fuckrod as the streams of cum slowly subsided down to a trickle. Jack leaned back and gave a low murmur of satisfaction.

"Good," he said. "Now lick it real clean and don't stop until I tell you to."

Amanda held his cock and licked at it, taking the last of the oozing drops on her tongue and sucking them down. Her eyes were almost closed, but a horrible fascination filled her as she watched his cock twitch and jerk at her lips. To her surprise, Jack's cock didn't go down as the last of his fuck-juice squeezed out of it. The men they had imprisoned had all gone the same way – chained to the floor and made to beat off, their cocks had collapsed like pricked balloons the moment the cum shot out. But not Jack's. She licked and sucked it, slowly, feeling the hardness as it held up, even grew a little under the slow caress of her tongue.

"Not bad," said Jack approvingly as he watched the young blonde take his cock back into her mouth. "Now I can think. We'll have to teach your sister a few manners, shan't we?"
