Chapter Three

Out of the corner of his eye, Owen watched Caitlyn examine strap-on dildos. He wasn’t going to interfere with her selection, but he was silently praying that she chose something small. Very small. As in so small it was invisible.

Kelly was purchasing rope and sniggering every time his gaze landed on Owen. Bastard. Would a true friend find this situation that fucking hilarious? Owen grinned. Yeah, totally. If Kelly had been the one about to be taken by a complete novice, Owen would laugh at him until he puked.

“Anything here you want me to try out on you?” Owen asked Caitlyn, sidling toward a collection of vibrators and clit stimulators.

“Maybe later,” she said. She took the biggest, blackest dildo down from the shelf and tested its firmness by bending it slightly. “Midnight Power Hammer,” she said. “I like it. It has some meat to it.”

Owen winced.

“Since you’re a virgin,” Caitlyn said, “I think we should go with something huge and hard. What do you think?” She glanced up at him, her soft brown eyes inquisitive.

Owen felt the blood drain out of his face before he noticed the corner of her mouth quirk as she tried to maintain her composure. She had an ornery streak. He enjoyed that about her immensely. There was no arguing that she was a stunning woman. That had been what had attracted him at first. He loved her thick, long dark hair that fell in gentle waves almost to her waist. Her inquisitive brown eyes scrutinized her surroundings, which gave him the impression that she was intelligent. He appreciated a woman with a strong mind. He also appreciated a woman with a strong body, and Caitlyn had a body that wouldn’t quit. The fact that she was a bit older than he was and yet maintained a youthful wit had him over the moon with excitement. This woman was exactly his type. So what if she was a little kinky. He liked kinky. Especially when it took him out of his comfort zone.

Plus, he couldn’t resist a woman who gave as much bullshit as he did. But two could play at her game.

“Yeah,” he said breathlessly. “Why settle for one cock? You should get two of them and shove them both up there at the same time.”

She grabbed a second dildo off the shelf. This one was wide at the tip, flesh-toned and covered with tortuous veins. Owen forced himself not to gag at the sight of it. She held both phalluses to her crotch and simulated thrusting. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’m new to this. Do you think I can control two at once?”

“I can’t control the one I’ve got. I’m not sure how anyone could control two of them.”

She laughed and put both giant dicks back on the shelf. The one she selected to purchase was blissfully small, but not quite invisible.

“For beginners,” she read from the package as they headed for the counter. “Suitable for anal play. Maybe if you like it, we can move up to the Midnight Power Hammer model on our next attempt.”

He smiled. He’d let her have her way the first time but was confident he wouldn’t be the one on the receiving end the rest of the night. Or ever again. He’d try anything once, but that didn’t mean he’d try it twice.

The clerk offered them some complimentary lube at check-out, and then the three of them made their way upstairs to the back of the place, where private rooms were available for rent.

“You could join us, Kelly,” Owen said. “We used to have a great time when we worked together.”

“I’m just here to help her tie you properly. I wouldn’t want her to injure anything permanently.”

“Just temporarily,” Owen said.


Caitlyn clutched her paper bag in both fists, her brown eyes wide as they made their way through the rooms to one near the very end of a labyrinth of hallways. Hopefully it would be a little more private back here; Owen didn’t want anyone to hear him yelling in agony if it came to that. He was pretty sure this was going to hurt like a son of a bitch. Not that he was against a little pain. Not as long as it was followed by plenty of pleasure. He regretted removing the barbells from his nipples earlier; they could give him pain and pleasure simultaneously.

Kelly unlocked the door and it swung open to reveal a small room. It held a full-sized bed with sterile-looking white bedding, a functional sink, and a basket full of condoms on a side table, but little else. Tony was a stickler for cleanliness and safety in all his clubs. Owen would, however, be using his own condoms. Call him paranoid, but he didn’t trust anyone but himself with the health of his dick.

“I’m going to borrow a pommel,” Kelly said. “Caitlyn, make him naked while I’m gone.”

She saluted him. “I’m on it.”

A pommel? Wow, Kelly was serious about doing this properly.

Kelly closed the door, leaving Owen alone with Caitlyn. Every time he started to feel nervous about what was about to happen, he just had to look at her and the lust he felt chased his concerns away. It was as if he’d found a magic take-out menu and checked off everything he found attractive in a woman, which had resulted in Caitlyn being delivered to his door hot and ready in thirty minutes or less. This woman could do anything she wanted to him and he was not going to protest.

She approached him cautiously. He swallowed hard, forcing himself not to grab her and tumble her to the bed. All his instincts told him to make his move, but he forced himself to remain civilized and not attack her like a wild creature. For now.

“Can I make you naked now?” she asked as her hands slid over the fabric of his shirt.

His chest muscles flexed of their own volition. “Yeah.”

“Are you as nice to look at under those clothes as I imagine you are?”

“Only one way to find out.”

He held very still as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Her fingers started at his collar and made their way down, slowly, slowly, toward his waist. He was always self-conscious about his body. It didn’t help that she stared up into his eyes while she worked at the buttons, as if she wasn’t sure if she wanted to see him naked or not. But soon he didn’t care. He was too lost in her gaze to feel anything but desire.

Owen fought his urge to drag her body against his. To kiss her. He fought other urges as well—like talking. He wanted to ask her about herself. To get to know her. He legitimately enjoyed women. He could talk to them for hours. Unfortunately, he’d learned long ago that anonymous sex worked better when he kept a certain distance from his lover. He couldn’t get attached to Caitlyn and so he needed to be careful not to give her the wrong idea. It would be an easy mistake to make. He already liked this woman—those few glimpses he’d seen of her true personality—and he would love to know what made her tick. Maybe he could even convince her that getting to know each other was a good idea.

But it wasn’t a good idea. It was never a good idea. He’d learned from past entanglements that unless he enjoyed getting his heart broken, he shouldn’t throw it into the equation. Ever. And he didn’t enjoy getting his heart broken. He’d allowed it to happen far too many times in his youth. And it always hurt. He was sure a mangled heart hurt far worse than getting it up the ass by a woman with no thrusting experience.

Caitlyn opened his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. It fell to the floor at his feet. She glanced at his body and drew her tongue over her sensual lips. She made a little sound of pleasure in the back of her throat and then held up a hand to shield her eyes.

“My God, Owen, you’re so gorgeous it hurts my eyes to look at you,” she said. “Do you have a pair of sunglasses I can borrow?”

He laughed. This was one of the main reasons why he found himself liking her more than he cared to admit; she made him laugh. “Fresh out. If my friend Jacob was handy, I’m sure he’d have a spare pair or three. He’s never without his shades.”

“Hmm,” she murmured, looking reflective. “First you, then Kellen, now Jacob. Tell me, is Jacob as attractive as you are? Because you hotties seem to travel in packs.”

“Most would argue he’s better looking than I am,” Owen said. “But I don’t think he’s your type.”

“How do you know my type?”

“Well,” he said, “when I touch you, you show signs of attraction. To me.”

“I do?” she said, her mouth dropping open as if she were shocked by his claim.

He nodded and lifted his hands to her shoulders. He slipped the flimsy wrap from her body, and it fluttered to the floor. She shivered and the darkened tips of her breasts grew hard beneath the transparent white lace. God, even her nipples were perfect. He so wanted to nibble them and then suck them raw.

“You do,” he said. “So either you’re attracted to me or it’s been so long since a man has touched you that your body would respond to anyone.”

She frowned. “I don’t think I’m that desperate.”

“So that means you’re attracted to me. And Jacob and I are very different. He’s sort of a caveman type.”

“A caveman in sunglasses?”

Owen chuckled as he imagined Shade Silverton in a loincloth and sunglasses. “Exactly.”

Her gaze dropped to his chest, and she made that little sound of pleasure in the back of her throat again. The tone made shivers race down his spine. He couldn’t wait to hear what she sounded like when she came. His cock twitched in anticipation making her call out in ecstasy.

“I like your tattoos,” she said as her eyes explored his chest. “Do they mean anything special?”

“Some of them, but we’re not discussing personal details, remember?”

Her finger traced the cross tattoo on his left pec. “You must work out constantly.”

“I’m working out right now as a matter of fact.” He flexed his pecs in an alternating pattern.

She giggled and tilted her face up at him, looking a bit more at ease. When they’d been walking to the room, he’d thought she was going to bolt.

“Are you less nervous now that we’ve shared a few laughs?” he asked.

She nodded. “How did you know I was nervous?”

“With those big brown eyes of yours, you look like a calf being dragged to slaughter.”

“You’re the one who should be nervous.” She bent to pull the strap-on out of the bag she’d set on the floor. “I don’t think they should let someone operate one of these things without a license.”

“You’ll do fine,” he said. “Let me help you with that.”

She stiffened when he moved to stand behind her. He lifted the hem of her negligee to expose her succulent ass. He took a moment to enjoy the view. The woman had a great butt. And something about seeing a thong disappear between the two plump globes of flesh did things to his self-control. Unable to just look—he had to feel—Owen tugged Caitlyn’s body back against his. He stiffened when his cock brushed against her cheeks.

When he had her pressed securely against him, he looped both thumbs through the elastic of her panties and eased the tiny garment over her hips, shuddering when her thong’s strap scraped the length of his cock through his pants.

Her entire body jerked when his fingertips brushed the bare skin along either hipbone as he lowered her panties.

“What,” she said in a broken gasp, “what are you doing?”

“You have to take off your panties to put on the harness.”

“How do you know?” she asked. “I thought you’d never done this before.”

“I haven’t. But I’ve played with a couple of girls who used one of these on each other. It never occurred to them to use it on me. I guess they weren’t as kinky as you are.”

“Do you really think I’m kinky?”

“Everything is kinky the first time you try it.”

He slid her panties an inch lower, shifting his hands forward to rub his thumbs over her smooth-shaven mound.


“I’d really like to sink my fingers into your heat,” he said, “and then bring them to my mouth to taste your juices.” She shuddered at his words. He ran one thumb along the apex of her cleft, pausing just before he brushed her buried clit. “But that will have to wait until later.”

She groaned.

Owen slid down her back slowly, rubbing his bare belly and chest over the skin of her buttocks, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her spine through the lace of her teddy as he lowered her panties to the floor. Crouched at her feet, he lifted them one at a time to remove the scrap of fabric from around her ankles. He paused to admire her ass and sank his teeth into one cheek. She jerked, but didn’t pull away, not even when he latched on to her flesh with a tight suction. He continued to suck as he took the harness from her trembling hands and helped her slip into it. He pulled his mouth free, grinning when he saw the reddened spot he’d left behind to mark what was his—all his—at least for tonight. Owen slowly tugged the harness up her thighs, drawing his entire body up her length as he went.

“Owen?” she said brokenly.

He wriggled his hips to nestle his now fully erect cock in the crack of her ass. Damn, he needed to lose these pants.

“Yeah, beautiful?”

“M-maybe we can just skip this fantasy of mine and you can, um, put yours inside me instead.”

He grinned at the sweet way she’d just said, “Fuck me.”

“Did that make you all hot and achy between your legs, Caitlyn?” he asked.


“Is your pussy wet for me now?”

“It’s been wet since I first looked at you.”

“Good. Do you want me to fuck you?”

She groaned. “Oh yes. Very much.”

“I will,” he promised. “But not until you’re finished with me.” He unbuckled his belt and removed his slacks and underwear with one downward jerk. He kicked them aside and then, blissfully naked, he moved up against her back again.

When the head of his cock prodded her in the lower back, she gasped. He took his shaft in his hand and rubbed the sensitive tip against her buttocks, introducing her to his piercing for the first time. She went completely still.

“What is that?” she asked.

He bit her earlobe and held it tightly between his teeth so she couldn’t turn her head, but didn’t answer her question. It felt amazing to rub himself against her skin. He let the fantasy of sinking unprotected into her wet, swollen heat tease his thoughts. He had to settle down or he would lose his head. He couldn’t let that happen. He slowly slid his cock up the crack of her ass and tugged her back against him to hold it nestled between them.

“What was that little hard thing I felt?” she asked.

He released her earlobe. “I’ll give you a proper introduction later.”

He tightened the straps of the harness on her hips. Once it was securely in place, he gripped the base of the rubbery phallus. It felt very odd to be standing behind a woman holding a dick in his hand, but he was curious to see what it would feel like inside him. He slid his hand to cup her mound, the dildo nestled between his thumb and forefinger. She sucked a breath through her teeth, which prompted him to rock his hips forward.

“Now I’ll show you proper technique,” he whispered into her ear. “Move with me, baby. Nice and easy. Find a rhythm.”

He imagined sinking into her as they thrust together—a slow sensual dance that soon had him eyeing the bed in longing.


“Mmm-hmm?” he murmured into her ear.

“I can’t wait to try this out on you.” She circled the phallus with one hand, thrusting into her loose fist. “Do you want me to take you slow and easy like this?”

“Whatever feels right. You’ll know.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

He bent his knees a bit so that the base of his cock brushed against her back entrance. Caitlyn moaned and squirmed against him.

“Have you ever been penetrated back here?” he asked.

“A few times,” she said.

“So use that experience as a guide.”

“Okay.” Her hips rotated slightly as she practiced thrusting. Her ass rubbing against him drove him insane with need. The woman plain turned him on.

“I think you have the hang of it,” he said, rocking his hips faster. He released his hold on her mound and slid his hands up the lace along her torso. She arched forward slightly, seeking his touch. The brush of her thick hair against his belly and chest drove him wild. It smelled so sweet and clean that he couldn’t resist pressing his face to the side of her head and inhaling her intoxicating scent. When he cupped her breasts, she released a moan of bliss. Owen’s thumbs rubbed her nipples in small circles.

“Oh God, Owen, just take me from behind. I can’t take much more.”

The door open and Kelly entered carrying a wooden pommel that had a thick, white satin pad on top.

“Damn it, Owen, you couldn’t wait five minutes?”

“He’s just showing me how to move my hips,” Caitlyn said.

“And we’re going to make it so he can’t move at all.” Kelly set the pommel in the center of the mattress and collected several lengths of rope from his sack of purchases.

“Come on, Owen,” Kelly said. “Don’t try to get away now.”

As turned on as Owen was, there was no way in hell he would try to get away from Caitlyn, but he released her reluctantly and took a step back. She peered over her shoulder at him, her gaze going directly to his cock. “I knew it! It’s pierced.”

“Ever been with a man who had his cock pierced?” Owen asked.

She laughed hysterically. “Sorry,” she said, gasping for air. “I can’t imagine my ex getting his cock pierced. Ever. Ever. Ever.” Her gaze slid up his body. “Or a tattoo, for that matter.”

“What about the guys you had before him?” Owen asked. “Or after?”

“There were no others.”

While this tidbit of information ricocheted about in Owen’s brain, Caitlyn went to stand next to Kelly by the bed.

“I think you should have gone for the Midnight Power Hammer model,” Kelly said, nodding toward the small attachment at her crotch. “Give him a night to remember.”

“I guarantee he’ll never forget this,” Caitlyn said.

And why did that statement make Owen’s heart kick in his chest?

“You ready, buddy?” Kelly asked him.

“Don’t call me buddy when you’re about to tie me down so I can be fucked up the ass,” Owen said.

“You just showed her how to do it properly,” Kelly said. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. Knowing you, you’ll probably even like it.”

Owen wasn’t so sure about that, but he climbed up on the bed and leaned his belly against the pommel.

Kelly tied two long ropes together. The knot landed in the center of Owen’s back and his friend got to work. It didn’t matter that Kelly had taken a several-month-long hiatus from his Shibari hobby. He still tied knots with the precision of a sailor and the care and attention of someone building a ship in a bottle. Just as he did with women, Kelly followed the contours of Owen’s body with each length of rope and adjusted each knot so that it hit upon some pleasure point that Owen didn’t even know he had. Owen wasn’t sure if Kelly was aware of each caress against Owen’s skin as he carefully arranged his masterpiece, but Owen felt every touch of Kelly’s hand. It didn’t help that Caitlyn had already tied him in knots before Kelly had even started. Owen tried to think about something else—anything else—other than what was happening to his body. He had never expected this to turn him on so much.

Caitlyn assisted Kelly occasionally, but mostly she just watched the master at work. Owen wondered what she must think of him. It was impossible to hide his arousal, seeing as he was buck naked. Did she realize how excited he was?

“This really is an art form,” Caitlyn said. “He has a gorgeous body as it is, but the way you tie the ropes… It’s as if you’re tracing his lines to draw attention to his beauty.”

“Hear that, Owen? She thinks you’re a beauty,” Kelly said.

Owen couldn’t move if he’d wanted to. His arms were tied to his sides. Ropes crisscrossed from his thighs, up his back and over his shoulders to another rope that formed a diamond pattern across his chest. He might have been able to curl into a tighter fetal position, but the pommel at his belly was in the way.

“Should we tie his—?” Caitlyn asked.

“Do you want him to be in pain?” Kelly asked.


“Tie my what?” Owen said. The pair of them were standing behind him, and he couldn’t see what they were plotting.

“Your cock and balls,” Kelly said.

“No,” Owen said, though it might prevent him from making a fool of himself from blowing his load too soon. God, he was turned on. He’d never in his life been more aware of his body.

“Okay, then,” Kelly said, moving back to admire his handiwork. “That should keep him where you want him.”

Every inch of Owen’s heated flesh was trembling. He’d said he was game for anything, but restrained the way he was, with his ass so exposed and vulnerable, he wasn’t sure if he was up for this. Well, yes, actually he was up for this. He was painfully up.

“Have you restrained many men?” Caitlyn asked Kelly.

Owen’s trembling stopped as he strained his ears for Kelly’s answer. “Just as favors,” he said.

Who? Owen wondered. Kelly had never mentioned tying up men to him. Maybe he’d done it during his training. He’d shown Owen the ropes only after he’d mastered the art himself, but surely he would have told Owen if he’d done things with a man. He told Owen everything. Didn’t he?

“When you have your partner at your mercy like this, take it slow,” Kelly instructed.

“Right,” Caitlyn said, as if Kelly were telling her how to sweep a floor or program her DVR.

“Tease him.”

Owen squirmed. Just them talking about it as if he wasn’t present was enough of a tease for him.

“Right. I like the look of his balls and cock swinging freely. I’m glad we decided not to restrain them too. Do you have your cock pierced?”

Kelly chuckled. “No.”

“God, I just want to rub those two little balls. Kiss them. Suck them in my mouth. What else would feel nice?”

“Licking,” Kelly said.

Oh God, stop talking and touch me or something. I can’t stand this for much longer.

“He doesn’t seem hard enough to me,” Kelly said. “Owen?”


“Are you hard enough?”

He was about to split, he was so hard, but he shook his head slightly. “I could be harder.”

“I thought so. When you take his cock in your hand,” Kelly said to Caitlyn, “don’t stroke him vigorously enough to make him come. Delay his orgasm until you’ve had enough. He doesn’t get to come until you say so.”

Owen groaned. He was going to have to have a serious talk with Kelly about having his back in these situations. The jerk was making this unbearable. Owen got the sinking sensation that Kelly was getting back at him for making his stint of abstinence as unbearable as possible.

A warm hand circled Owen’s cock, completely robbing him of rational thought. Instinctually, he rocked his hips forward, unable to curtail the urge to thrust. He couldn’t move more than a couple inches, but God, the woman had great hands. Owen shuddered in bliss. Her grip was firm, yet gentle. Just enough friction to drive him wild.

“See how loose my fist is?” Kelly said. “I’m barely skimming the surface.”

Owen’s breath stalled in his throat. That was Kelly’s hand stroking him with perfection? Oh God. Don’t let me come in his hand. Then he’ll know how turned on I am by him. Owen closed his eyes and focused all his attention on the palm lightly stroking his flesh. Every time Kelly’s hand skimmed over the jewelry in his piercing, his cock jerked with excitement, his balls tightened, and his body strained toward him.

“I’m not sure I get your technique,” Caitlyn said. “I think I need further demonstration. Please, continue.” Owen could hear the amusement in her tone. And somewhere outside the room he could hear a stranger’s laughter and a woman’s startled cry. He was so glad they’d found a private room. Owen let his head drop forward. Most of his view was hindered by the pommel he was draped over, but he could see Kelly’s hand come into view each time he slowly stroked Owen’s length.

“Harder,” Owen whispered and then sucked his lips into his mouth so Kelly wouldn’t realize how incredibly turned on he was to have his hand on him. He knew Kelly wasn’t attracted to him. They had helped each other attain orgasm multiple times but unlike Owen, Kelly didn’t get overly excited and explode like a rocket when he came at Owen’s strokes. And they hadn’t touched each other in over six months. He was glad Caitlyn had asked for Kelly’s assistance in tying him down, but he was in no way prepared to explain why with every kinky act he participated in, the most exciting thing he ever experienced was an unenthusiastic hand job from his best friend.

“I think you can take it from here.” Kelly moved his hand away. Owen whimpered. “Have fun.”

And then he was gone. The door slammed behind him, which was a blessing and like a knife to Owen’s heart in the same beat.

“You okay?” Caitlyn asked.

“Never better,” he said breathlessly. Just let me get these emotions under control and everything will be fan-freaking-tastic.

“If you’ve changed your mind…”

“Nope,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to be fucked up the ass by a sarcastic brunette.”

She laughed. “You’re adorable.”

“I get that a lot,” he said. “But only because people can’t read my thoughts.”

Her warm, soft lips brushed his buttocks, and he jerked. Kelly had heightened his sensitivity such that he was ready to toss Caitlyn on her back and sink into the soft, wet heat between her thighs. Unfortunately, he was completely immobilized, so he had no choice but to keep his senses.

Her hand found his cock, and she stroked him so gently he began to twitch, needing rougher stimulation, needing… Hell, he didn’t know. He needed something. He was missing something. He just didn’t know what it was.

She continued to stroke him while she trailed kisses over his ass. When her fingers brushed his hole, he swore under his breath. He wasn’t sure if he’d like being fucked there, but he knew from past experience that he enjoyed the occasional finger inside. Her lips moved to his sac. She licked and suckled and kissed the loose flesh until he began to rock his hips to thrust into her hand as best he could. God, he was excited.

Caitlyn’s sexy little finger dipped into his ass, and he shuddered, almost blowing his load right then.

“Does that feel good?” she asked, her warm breath teasing the moistened skin of his balls.

“Yes,” he gasped.

“Do you want me to go deeper?”


Her finger slipped into him as far as it could go. He squeezed his eyes shut. She moved her finger in slow circles while she sucked his balls and stroked his shaft gently with her other hand. He was so consumed with pleasure, he couldn’t keep his eyes open. Her tongue traced the seam between his balls. Up, up toward the place where her finger penetrated him. Sensations streaked up his spine, drawing a moan from between his lips. Lord, the woman was going to kill him with pleasure.

“Do you want more?” she asked.

“Yes,” he gasped. “More.” More what, he had no idea. He just hoped she never stopped what she was doing.

Her finger slipped free of his body and something cool and wet dripped onto his hole. Two fingers slipped inside him. His eyes flew open and he tensed. A sound, half-gasp, half-moan, escaped him.

She trailed playful nips over his ass cheeks until he was distracted enough to relax. That’s when she began to thrust her fingers in and out. She pressed down against his prostate, and his mouth dropped open. Dear lord. Was he actually drooling? He pressed his lips together and swallowed.

“Right there,” he murmured. “Right there.”

Her lips moved to his balls again, her one hand still stroked him, her other teased his ass. He was delirious with pleasure—experiencing gratification more intense than an orgasm. He didn’t realize he was fighting his restraints until his shoulder pulled painfully.

“Too much?” she asked. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

“Oh God,” he groaned. “More.”

Her fingers stretched him to his limits as she added another digit.

“How’s that?”



“Yes, deeper!”

He groaned when she pulled her fingers free. Her thighs brushed the backs of his, and he tensed. Was she really going to use that thing on him? He bit his lip when he felt the hard rounded tip of it against his ass. She rubbed it in circles over his hole until his belly began to quiver. He was about to plead with her to stop when she slipped inside and pressed forward.

Owen’s eyes rolled into the back of his head.

“You okay?” she asked.

He shook his head. He wasn’t going to be okay until he came. And damn, he was close.

“Do you want me to pull out?”

He chuckled. “No, Caitlyn. Can’t you tell I’m about to explode? I want you to fuck me.”

“Oh!” She took a deep breath. “Okay. Don’t let me hurt you.”

“Maybe I want you to hurt me. Maybe I want you to fuck me as hard as you can until my ass is so raw I beg you to stop.”

She leaned over him and kissed the center of his back. The phallus slipped several inches deeper, and Owen bit his lip so he didn’t yell and startle her.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered. “I can’t believe you’re doing this for me.”

Doing this for her? Hell, he was doing this for himself. She rose again and leaned back, pressing deeper inside him still. Oh fuck, he wasn’t going to last much longer. She held onto his hips with both hands as she slowly withdrew and then slowly pushed deep inside him again. She found a slow rhythm of insertion and withdrawal, obviously not wanting to hurt him as she slowly claimed his ass.

“Do you like it?” she asked with a tremulous voice.

“Yes. You can do it harder.” Please, do it harder.

She worked up her courage and her speed. Filling him. Filling him. Oh God, filling him. What was wrong with him that he liked this so much? What would a real cock feel like inside him? What would a huge, hard cock like Kelly’s feel like? Kelly’s hand stroking him. Cock filling him. Hand stroking him. Owen’s dick and balls hung freely beneath him, so his orgasm caught him completely by surprise. He cried out as he began to spurt. His load caught him in the chin.

Caitlyn abruptly stopped moving. “Kelly?” she said.

Still trembling, Owen lifted his head. Had Kelly returned? Had he seen how hard Owen had come while being fucked? He listened—no one had entered the room. “What?” Owen said.

“Why did you call Kelly’s name when you came?”

Heat flooded Owen’s face. “I didn’t.”

“Were you thinking of him while I was fucking you?”

“No!” Yes, he thought, God, yes. He squeezed his eyes shut against the emotions welling up inside him.

She pulled out and pressed her face against his back, dropping gentle kisses along his spine. “Does he know how you feel about him?” she asked.

No, he thought, God, no.

“I don’t have feelings for him,” Owen said with a snorted laugh. “I thought your name was Kelly. Sorry about that. I just have sex with so many women, I lose track of names. It was Caitlyn, right?”

“Yeah, it’s Caitlyn. Don’t worry, sweetie. I won’t tell him,” she said. “But you should.”

No way ever in fucking hell would he tell Kelly that he’d started having fantasies about him when they’d stopped touching each other. No way. And he would definitely not tell him that he’d been fantasizing about him while being fucked. Or that the thought of Kelly fucking him had turned him on so much that he’d come without any stimulation to his cock at all.

“Well, that was fun,” she said after a moment of his silence. “Do you want to continue?”

“I want you to untie me now,” he said. Because he was going to fuck her brains out to show her that he was not infatuated with his friend. He was one hundred percent hot-blooded heterosexual male and when he was finished with her, she wouldn’t ever be able to forget it.
