Spiritually, and Practically Speaking

Some, perhaps many, will find the thoughts of this essay — from the Chrysopylae of the Pacific — if interesting to historical curiosity, irrelevant or useless in regard to the practical problems of daily life, international relations, and so on. Such “philosophical speculations” may seem unreal, “idealistic” or “ethereal”, in relation to the complex, pragmatic social, political, economic realities and problems — even in regard to new possibilities and relations between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In some ways, this may be true enough. But these words were not written toward the worldly woes, or the mundane, “horizontal” [15] identities of the people of Russia or America. This essay was written, rather, to their inner lives of heart, soul and mind, with which they, as human beings, must existentially and spiritually face the world — with its questions of life, death, evil and suffering; God; the meaning and purpose of human existence, etc, etc,… In short, it is in regard to the internal, the inner, “vertical” life of Man that these words would have their greatest intent.

I do not anticipate that this work will gain a large agreeable acceptance; for, rightly understood, it is deeply challenging to much of that which constitutes the current common intellectual and religious life of both America and Russia. It should be more strongly of interest to earnest, independent spirits, whose sensitivity, understanding, educational and moral stance, has them profoundly disturbed and concerned with the spiritual and intellectual problems of America, Russia and Mankind. If some few hundred souls in Russia find useful meaning, helpful insight and creative stimulation; if some several scores of individuals in America find these pages enlightening and nourishing; I shall feel that this labor has been justified, fruitful and successful. May it indeed, so be.

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Though this work is written to both Americans and Russians; because of the great differences which exist in these two worlds, it was necessary to write introductory chapters which are directed to each people specially. Their inclusion, in the publication of this work intended for both languages, allows the thought and orientation expressed in those chapters directed to each people individually, to be read and considered by the other as well. It is my hope to be able to publish this work, in both countries, and in their respective languages, during the same general time period.

There is much now in development in many new, varied relations, between the USSR and the rest of the world — including especially Western Europe and America. Yet there is very little written material present which addresses the questions, which I here engage, in the direct and clear manner which seems to me so necessary and essential. So it is my hope, with this essay, to call forth important themes and ideas, before a thoughtful and heartful readership of Americans and Russians.

I do not intend, with this essay, to attempt to convert the skeptical. Rather, I hope to make some real, living contribution towards clarification and understanding — in the minds of those who know or sense, but perhaps do not fully recognize — certain of the real characteristic and spiritual differences between “American” and “Russian”. I will examine, in this essay, only certain aspects of all that which might be considered of this contrast Yet in regard to the questions, of the relation and contrast of the spiritual and psychological aspects of the “national characteristics” of both peoples, the material and ideas herein presented are certainly fundamental, and essential, for any educated grasp and understanding of this relationship. By examining portions of the intellectual and spiritual history of both nations, we shall be able to make a well-founded approach towards a more clear and conscious understanding of the history and current relations of American Mind and Russian Soul, American Individuality and Russian Community, and of the potent alchemy extant between these “national characteristics”. The ultimate goal is to promote a more fruitful, creative meeting and mixture, of these “characteristics”.

I do not intend, or wish, the contents of this work, to be in any way misconstrued, or mis-taken, as support for any sort manner or character, of national hubris, “nationalism”, chauvinism, or such. It is intended to be understood and embraced in direct and absolute contrast to any such attitudes and interpretations. The identification of peoples, their unique character, culture, soul, spirit, or etc, in some vain, arrogant manner, with the political nation-state and government has already been more than enough of a baneful influence on — and traumatic period of — human history, as that I would in any way want with this work, to further inspire any such tendencies. [16] The sooner such identification is actually surpassed, by some living and more encompassing reality, amongst men and women of Man, the better it shall be far Mankind as a whole. Then Mankind shall only need to deal with the problem of “man’s inhumanity to man” and human “fallenness” as such.

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This work in no way attempts, or pretends, to be complete or definitive; not even in regard to the topics, personalities and ideas which it directly considers. Rather, it is intended to be a substantial, serious, thoughtful consideration, contribution and provocation, towards further insight, thought, and understanding, by such persons as are seriously interested in these questions and themes.

Rejecting, unhesitatingly, as I do, any such mentally incestuous notion as “scholarship for scholarship’s sake”; I have nevertheless included rather fulsome material in the “Notes” (“footnotes”) section. Therein is to be found, not only standard references to the particular sources of quoted materials, or quotations which help support an idea, interpretation or point; but also, at times, substantial commentaries and thought developments, as I wanted to include in this work, but which, for various reasons, seemed to me more appropriate to include in a segregated section, rather than the main text I have, however, attempted to write this work in such a way, that the essay itself, may be read alone, independently and separately, from the “Notes”. But for those who wish to consider any or all of its ideas and thoughts more fully and deeply, the “Notes” contain not only additional developments of ideas and points, but also, in places, references to other works, quotes by other authors, directions for further consideration, and otherwise, such material as would lead toward deeper understanding, further study and the like.

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I hope, with this essay, to place its ideas before a thoughtful reading public, with the hope that it shall stimulate further developed discussion, consideration and understanding of these important human problems and questions. Deeper, clearer and more penetrating understanding is certainly possible in these and related areas. So I intend this work to be a serious, substantial contribution towards such “dia-logue”; that through engaged thought and understanding, it will be possible to move more closely towards Truth in these and related matters.

The thoughts of this essay, and other related materials, were first delivered in private lectures in Moscow [17] and Leningrad in 1987 and 1988 — especially around the time of the Orthodox Millennial Easter. They were also presented to small public audiences in northern California [18] in conjunction with the journey of the then President of the United States to the Soviet Union in May of 1988. Seeking to reach a broader public, both in America and the Soviet Union, as well as to contact [19] individuals with an especial interest and relation to these themes, I decided to adapt and submit them for publication in both countries; hence this long essay.
