Chapter Twenty-Seven

Exams come and go before I know it. Now, I’m on break, and am picking up more hours at the bar. The rest of my time is spent with Grayson. A tea towel slaps my ass, pulling me away from my thoughts.

“Hey, quit daydreaming and go stock the fridge,” Aiden says.

“Ouch,” I say, rubbing my butt. London chooses to walk in just as I say that.

Her mouth drops open. “You freaky girl, I didn’t know you had it in you!” Then she bursts out laughing at her own comment. “Get it?” She laughs some more, doubling over now. Aiden starts chuckling along with her.

I shake my head at the two of them. “You guys are fucking insane.”

“Hey, I’m not judging you,” she says through more laughter. “Grayson is a lucky man, isn’t he?”

I cover my hands over my face and start giggling. These people are nuts! Aiden looks at me with a now straight face. “I don’t care what activities you got up to last night; you need to stock the fridge.”

“Oh, my God!” I squeal, walking to the fridge. I can hear London’s howling laughter echoing behind me, like a freaking hyena. I stock the damn fridge, taking my own cool time. When I walk back out the front, Aiden and London are standing close to each other. They move apart as soon as they notice me.

“No way,” I say, drawing out each word.

“What?” London asks innocently. She even bats her eyelashes at me. Yeah—because that’s going to work.

“Oh, nothing,” I say in a saccharine sweet tone. I look from London to Aiden, and back again, letting them know that I saw it, but not saying anything.

Aiden caves, crossing his arms against his chest. “I’m taking her on a date.”

London looks at him, narrowing her eyes. “You wouldn’t hold up well under torture, would you?”

I laugh at that. “Why the secrecy?”

London looks at me, her eyes apologetic. “If it didn’t work out, I didn’t want to hear any ‘I told you so’. And I didn’t know what your reaction would be. I’ve already screwed you over. With the debt, and then with Grayson, even though I didn’t know at the time. I didn’t want to hurt you again. But at the same time, I kind of really like Aiden.”

I suck in my bottom lip, thinking. “It’s your business. Just please don’t hurt each other. I don’t want to get involved. London, you’re my sister, and Aiden, I care about you a lot.”

“Group hug?” London asks. Why the hell not? We all walk in and hug each other.

“I want the two of you to be happy,” I say, snuggling into Aiden’s chest. “Aiden, I hope you know what you’re getting into with London. She’s high maintenance,” I say with a straight face. London pinches me.

“And London, I hope you know what you’re getting into with Aiden. He used to be in a boy band.”

Aiden gasps and pulls away from the group hug. “I didn’t know you knew that!”

I grin, and wiggle my eyebrows. “I didn’t know. Grayson told me.” I look at London, to see her not looking surprised by this information, so Aiden must have already told her. I think that says a lot about their relationship, and I wish them both nothing but happiness.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asks. He doesn’t look angry at all, just curious.

I lift my shoulders in a casual shrug. “I waited for you to say something, but you didn’t. So I just stayed quiet.”

“Until now,” he says, grabbing me and messing up my hair.

“Hey!” I yell, pushing at his abs.

A throat is cleared. We all freeze. I turn my head and look at a very unamused Grayson. Aiden lets me go straight away, and London as usual, finds the whole thing hilarious.

“Now who’s going after whose man?” London says. “Tsk tsk, Paris, we’re family!” She fist pumps for added effect, the drama queen.

I lean back against the table. “Do you really want Aiden to have a black eye for your first date?”

London takes that as a challenge. “Oh, please. My penis will take on your penis any day.”

“Is that how you think of him? As your walking penis?” I burst out laughing. Grayson, who must have had enough of the show, picks me up and carries me to the car.

I can’t stop laughing the whole way home.

* * *

The next night, Grayson and I are out having dinner when I see a familiar face. I quickly look away, hoping he didn’t see me. From the corner of my eye, I see him walking over.


“Paris?” he asks, staring down at me with a look of wonder on his face.

“Mark, hi,” I say, not sure if I should stand up and shake his hand or what? What are the appropriate mannerisms for meeting an ex of yours who you don’t really like? Or that you’d hoped to never see again? I look at Grayson who is staring at Mark with a look of distaste, eyes slightly narrowed.

“Hi, I’m Grayson. Her boyfriend,” Grayson says, standing up to shake Mark’s hand. Apparently, he has more manners than I do. Mark greets him, but then goes back to staring at me.

“You look amazing, Paris,” Mark says. I hear Grayson make a sound from deep in his throat. I hope Mark heeds the warning.

“What are you doing in Perth?” I ask, trying to act casual.

“Here on business. You live here now?” he asks.

“I do. Was nice seeing you again,” I lie, hoping he takes it for what it is—a dismissal. Instead, he puts his hands on my shoulders.

“Do you remember when--”

Grayson cuts him off. “If you want to live, take your fucking hands off her.”

Mark removes his grubby hands instantly. “Calm down, man. I was her first boyfriend. I think I deserve to be able to speak to her.” He looks at me. “You let him control you like this?”

Grayson stands up as soon as the words ‘first boyfriend’ leaves Mark’s lips. “Gray,” I say, getting up and walking to his side. “Ignore him, let’s go home.”

“Did he hurt you?” he asks, glaring at Mark. His fists are clenched, and I know he’s dying to hit him.

“No, he was just an asshole. He didn’t hurt me. Now let’s go,” I say, pulling him toward the exit. We walk outside, having already paid, and head toward the car. Mark, like the brainless idiot he is, follows us.

“I still remember the freckle she has on her right breast,” he says, grinning. He clearly has a death wish. Grayson’s body goes still at his comment.

“Babe, get in the car,” he grits out, making sure I’m safely in there before he walks up to Mark. They exchange words, then Grayson punches him in the stomach, and then in the face. Then he walks away like he does this every day. He gets into the car and drives off, his fists clenching and unclenching on the steering wheel. The air in the car is so tense I can barely breathe.

“You let him see you,” he grates out, eyes straight ahead on the road. “Touch you.”

“That’s as far as it got,” I say, wondering what the hell the big deal was. So he saw me topless, big deal. Second base is as far as he got, and I gave everything else to Grayson.

“The thought of him touching you… I want to go back and kick his ass some more,” he says, a muscle ticking furiously in his jaw.

“It’s in the past, Gray, or does that past shit only work when it’s your past we’re fighting over,” I reply, feeling annoyed.

“Babe,” he says, warning clear. He doesn’t want me to push him. Well, too fucking bad.

“Don’t you babe me. I was a stripper, or have you forgotten? Many men have seen my body, but you’re the only one who has touched it, and been inside it. You need to stop overreacting.”

He sighs drearily, relaxing his shoulders. “I need to be inside you. Right now.”

I roll my eyes at his macho bullshit. Leaning over, I run my hand across his jeans, where I can feel him already hard and straining against the material. “Wow, not kidding, huh?”

“Paris,” he says in a low hoarse voice.

“How far away from home are we?” I ask, licking my lips.

“Ten minutes,” he replies through clenched teeth. I sit back in my chair and slide my panties down as gracefully as I can muster. “Fuck.”

I undo his jeans, pulling his cock out as soon as we pull into the driveway. Just as the garage door closes behind us, I straddle him. He pushes the seat back, and then guides himself into me, lifting his hips and thrusting hard. I moan. His hands squeeze my ass, controlling my movements. Suddenly, my dress is pulled over my head, and my bra is undone. Fully bare, I ride him hard and fast.

“These are mine,” he growls as he rubs his thumbs over my nipples. He sucks one into his mouth and I grind down on him even harder. “This is mine,” he says as his hands move to my ass. “And this,” he says, lifting his hips up with one long thrust, “is mine.”

“All yours,” I tell him just before I come.

“That’s it,” he says, “come all over me.”

He joins me shortly after.

Still connected, we stare at each other. “I love you,” he says, giving me a long open-mouthed kiss.

“I love you more,” I pant out as he pulls his mouth away.

“Not possible, babe. Not possible.”

I smile against his lips.
