Chapter 43

“Welcome back, Sir,” Elle Too said as I climbed into the driver’s seat. I’d named her after my own car’s attendant. “You seem unusually tense. Can I do anything to help you?”

I almost laughed. Tense? Try shell-shocked, or borderline suicidal. “The mood helmet, please,” I said. “I’m fine, Elle, just fine. Thanks for asking.”

I reclined the seat fully while her fingers slipped the padded helmet onto my head. I didn’t have anything particular in mind, so I just surfed with the remote, trying out different ambiences.

I automatically skipped past high-adrenaline venues like sports, racing, and big-game hunting; I definitely needed something more soothing. After a couple of minutes, I came to a very popular selection titled “Behind Closed Doors-Shhhh!”

I didn’t think this was what I needed-but maybe it was worth a look-see anyway. Couldn’t hurt, right? The backdrop was a comfortable-looking room with old-fashioned furniture and a cheery fire crackling in the grate. A thick, soft rug was spread in front of it. A table was set with four glasses and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket.

“Would you like company?” a voice said, but it was inside my head.

I hesitated. I needed some kind of escape-and maybe it was sensual pleasure that could help.

“Company could be nice,” I said. “I’m definitely feeling a touch vulnerable.”

“Select your guests: Female? Male? Animal? How many?”

“One female will do, thanks,” I said.

Two of the champagne glasses disappeared.

“Select START indicator to begin ideation.”

I moved my focus over the icon and willed the program to commence.

Bingo! I was inside the room, stretched out on the rug, feeling the fire’s glow.

And that wasn’t all I was feeling. A warm shape snuggled up against me. I could barely see the outlines, like disturbed air-but my senses told me it was definitely female.

I knew what I was supposed to do next. It was up to my imagination to fill her in. Whatever I wished for would come true.

I decided to let my subconscious take over and see what would happen. I closed my eyes and emptied my mind of everything but the touch of silken skin and a lemony fragrance that was intoxicating.

Lips brushed mine-soft, full, extremely kissable.

I enjoyed that for a lingering minute, letting the suspense build. I was relaxing; the images from the “home movies” were receding.

Then I took a peek to see who was in the room with me.

“What the?”

My eyes shot all the way open. The female figure lying beside me had shaggy blond hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, and a face that was a dead ringer for that of my sister, Lucy.

That was what was lurking deep in my imagination? Lucy? That criminal. A human? It had to be a fluke, I told myself. The idea was only there because of what my mother’s clone had suggested in the kitchen.

But Lucy’s mouth couldn’t have tasted sweeter, and she definitely had a great body. And-she wanted me. God, I was vulnerable, wasn’t I?

Then I thought-how could it hurt? She was literally a figment of my imagination. Just a fantasy, a dream girl, harmless adult entertainment.

“Tell me your name,” I said, curious about what she would say.

She gave me a sly look-like she knew what I was thinking.

Suddenly, a loud bang bang bang sounded. It took me a few seconds to realize someone was knocking on the window of the car.
