Thanks to the women of Write Club who let me join their writing girl gang. I was a true newbie, and you welcomed me anyway. To Hillary Fields, who asked me to consider a third way; Pam Watts, who said it was okay to be subtle; and Randi Ya’el Chaikind, who always showed up.
Thanks to everyone who GoFunded me to VONA/Voices in 2015, especially Tami Riddle, who bought the damn plane ticket.
To my fierce beta readers: Kaia Alderson, Tiera Greene, Mari Kurisato, and Leslye Penelope. Because of you, readers won’t have to visit the Sad Island, and they get that kiss, after all.
Thanks to my husband, Michael Roanhorse, who sacrificed time, art, and sometimes his man-card to support me. To my daughter, who complained every time Mommy had to go write, but also drew pictures of Maggie slaying the monsters for my office wall.
Thanks to Pernell Begay for correcting my Navajo spelling and making sure I stayed in my lane. Any and all mistakes/offenses are purely mine.
Thanks to Daniel José Older, who sent me my first rejection, but then made up for it x100. You didn’t have to answer all my annoying new writer emails, but you graciously did. After you told me, very nicely, to “chill.”
Thank you to my editor, Joe Monti, my coconspirator and friend. You believed in me and in Maggie and I will always be more grateful than words can express. And know that you will never get lost on the rez again because you and your family will always be welcome in our home.
Thank you to my superagent, Sara Megibow, for having my back and helping me plan world domination. We’ve got a way to go, but we’re well-stocked with the fancy wine and I believe in us!
Thank you, Tommy Arnold, for that seriously badass cover art.
Thank you to the great people at Saga Press who worked to get this book out in the world. It takes a village, or an incredible publishing team.
And thank you, everyone that is part of the weird and wonderful world of Book Twitter, for your enthusiasm, support, and community. I am honored.
Ku’daa, ahxéhee’, thank you.