RAFIQUE AZIZ GRINNED as he watched the money flow into the Swiss bank account. His people in Iran would start transferring the money into different accounts within the hour. He was winning, but his elation was tempered by the news about his mentor Fara Harut. Aziz wondered what his captors could get out of him-if he was still alive. Harut was a tough old man, but no one was tough enough to withstand torture.

As Aziz tried to assess the potential damage, he wondered if it was wise to deviate from his plan slightly-to demand the return of Harut. As he drummed his fingers on the table, he decided no. The Americans might not have him; it could have been the Israelis or the British. If he went back on his word, it might provoke them into a premature attack, and Aziz was not ready for that. He needed his hands around the president’s neck, or his chance for survival would be close to zero.

For now he would stick to his plan. It was time to talk to the FBI. Aziz had been ready to kill another hostage at ten A.M.” but the money had started to flow and kept flowing. It was nearing noon and almost all of the money had been transferred.

Aziz picked up the phone and dialed the number that the FBI had given him. After two rings the now familiar deep voice of mcmahon answered.

“You have kept your word,” said Aziz, “and I will keep mine. At half past noon, I will release one-third of the hostages.

Keep your people back. I don’t want to see any of them on the street, or I’ll open fire. Do I make myself clear?”

Yes. Which door will you bring them out of?”

“That is not your concern,” snapped Aziz.

“I will release my next set of demands at seven A.M. tomorrow. Until then I do not want to hear from you.” The terrorist hung up the phone and looked at his watch. It was exactly 11:53. Aziz decided he would release the hostages immediately instead of waiting until twelve-thirty.

This would keep the FBI off balance. Aziz doubted they would try anything this early, but after his execution of their national security adviser, it was best to be safe.
